Carillon newsletter - First United Methodist Church

A Free Publication of
First United Methodist Church
305 East Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
805-963-3579 ~ ~
Facebook: First United Methodist Church Santa Barbara
February 24, 2015
Then he began to teach them that the Son of Man must undergo great suffering and be rejected…And
Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. But turning and looking at his disciples, he rebuked Peter,
"Get behind me, Satan! For you are setting your mind not on divine things but on human things." (Mark8:31-38)
Over the past month I have had numerous conversations in which people said, "It just seems so
sad that this happened to her. This just isn't supposed to happen." I have often wished I had a quick
answer to the underlying implication: "Alan, you preach a good and loving God. How do you
explain this?!?" In many ways, it relates to the question raised to the early church by those who
heard the story of the one crucified: "If Jesus was the "Messiah," then why did God allow this to
happen!? Criminals get crucified, not Messiahs! You've got a lot of explaining to do!!!"
The book Why?, by Adam Hamilton, addresses the question of human suffering. While not
specifically referencing Jesus' exchange with Peter in today's scripture, his presentation speaks to
the question that confronted the early church, and that confronts us each year during Lent: "Why
did Jesus have to suffer?"
Hamilton answers the questions raised by human suffering with a look at the assumptions that underlie the
questions. Viewing his discussion through the lens of Peter's rebuke, Hamilton could be understood to be saying
that Peter misunderstood Jesus at several levels: Peter assumed the Bible teaches that God has a plan; God is
behind all that happens--rewarding the good and punishing the evil; we may not understand it all but God has a
reason for it, and we just need to trust God and trust the plan. A further misconception was that if they had
sufficient faith in God, and followed God's plan, then everything would turn out alright. Suffering could/would be
avoided and they would be victorious for doing God's will! To go one step further, if Jesus was the one, if indeed
he was God's prophet, or even more, God's "Messiah," then how could, and why would God allow the
devastating scenario that Jesus was predicting??? Hamilton’s discussion also considers human responsibility for
what happens, human freedom, and our human tendency to negate God's purposes. He goes still further to
explore suffering brought about by natural disasters, human decisions, and sickness.
I relate to Peter's rebuke at a purely relational level. Someone he loves has just revealed that the future will
lead to suffering for himself and for his followers. It reminds me of when I hear, "The doctor says I only have 3 to 5
months." The response seems natural, "No! Oh please God, no! Surely, you've got it wrong!!!" Jesus' response,
however, suggests that there was more to Peter's response - it included the expectation that the road to Messiah's victory was through power, superstardom, dominion, and not through the weakness of love and self-giving.
Sometimes I wish I had a quick answer to the question of why the innocent suffer, especially when someone
suggests it was part of God's "plan." It all gets muddled so quickly in my mind and heart. What seems closer to the
mark for me is the kind of sharing done by the late musician and teacher Joe Carter in an interview exploring the
African-American spiritual: “The spiritual emerged from bitter experience, yet it conveyed a generous understanding of the nature of God and of human life…. [The slaves had a problem with the master's religion.]
because they saw all of the brutality, they saw all the hypocrisy and were the brunt of it. But they heard about
this Jesus, this man of sorrow who suffered, and they identified...Then they were told that Jesus is the Son of the
High God. 'No. Wait, the Son of the High God? We can get to the High God through this guy? …And His story
sounds like our story. He's born in terrible circumstances. He's mistreated. He's finally abused and killed. My
goodness. Maybe He will carry us to the High God!"
God bless you. God bless the questions and the wrestling that life's suffering raises in you. I believe they are
important, especially those for which there are no quick easy answers. God bless your season of Lent's journey to
Holy Week, and the promise of being carried to God by this man of sorrow who suffered.
On Sunday, March 15th, we, along with
thousands of other United Methodist
churches, will participate in the One
Great Hour of Sharing. This year our gifts
will go to UMCOR, the United Methodist
Committee on Relief. UMCOR is currently
active in over a hundred humanitarian
causes in many places in the U.S. and internationally.
These causes are often the result of natural disasters or
political turmoil. Typically, UMCOR will partner with local
organizations or with other humanitarian groups to
maximize its effectiveness in the particular situation.
Their normal method of operation is to become deeply
involved with the affected people and communities
and to continue working with them until they are able
to carry on without our help. Perhaps the best way to
understand UMCOR is to look at a few of their current
and recent projects. The following are all causes we
care about and to which FUMCSB has contributed our
money and time:
Community of Prayer
Please keep the following people in your prayers
Diane & Dan Adamson, Collin Barham,
Terry Becker, Anne Clark, Randy Harper,
Cathy Haas, Myra Hogan, David Holmes,
Elizabeth Hvolboll, Brigitte McKee, Hazel Melvin,
Barbara Parker, Betty Rezin, Joyce Richardson,
Carol Holle Umber, Pacsal Schaefer,
Jack Smith, Ruth Warkentin, Nancy Weirbach,
Michael & Maureen Wilshere, Rev. Elwood Wissmann.
In Remembrance
Don Rezin, February13th.
Family service at sea to scatter his ashes.
Our recent gifts to assist the United
Methodist health facilities dealing with
Ebola in West Africa were given through
UMCOR, which had made earlier gifts out
of their reserves.
Service Personnel
Damon Belanger, Ryan Hirschler, Sean Jones,
Catherine Lily Karl, Scott McKee, Kevin Meinert,
Alycia Porter, Timothy Radcliffe,
Matthew Wissmann.
UMCOR is a major supporter of Grace Children’s
Hospital in Haiti.
Prayers and Support for Grace Fisher
Sustainable Agriculture (Mozart Adevu) is an
UMCOR program to teach rural African farmers to
produce more food for their families.
A Movie Fundraiser to Help Grace Fisher
Goonies For Gracie
Prayers and support continue
for Grace Fisher and her family
as she undergoes treatment
for her paralyzing illness. The
next fundraiser to assist with her
medical expenses will be one
the whole family can enjoy ~ A
special showing of one of
Gracie's favorite movies, The Goonies. The film will
be shown on Friday March 27th at 7:00 pm at the
Marjorie Luke Theater, Santa Barbara Jr. High.
Donations are always welcome! Please make your
checks out to the Grace Fisher Fund. For updates
from the family, please see the website
Several years ago we gave generously for relief of
displaced people in Darfur, Sudan. This is an UMCOR
project and continues today.
After Hurricane Katrina, we sent teams to Louisiana
and Mississippi to assist in rebuilding. These projects were
organized by UMCOR, and they supplied the materials.
After the Indian Ocean tsunami we gave
generously to aid a devastated community in Western
Indonesia. This was an UMCOR project which continued
until last year when the community no longer needed
our help.
Our One Great Hour of Sharing gifts will help to
underwrite UMCOR’s administrative costs, so that we
and others, who wish to support a particular project in
the future, can be assured that 100% of our gifts will go
to that specific project. With our financial support,
UMCOR can continue to represent us in providing relief
in many of the tragic situations that occur frequently in
our country and all over the world.
Please use the enclosed envelope and bring your
gift on March 15th. Envelopes will also be available in
the Church. Alternatively, you can send or bring your
gift to the office at your convenience.
The Missions Committee
Hospital Address:
Craig Hospital
c/o Grace Fisher
3425 South Clarkson Street
Englewood, CO 80113
Gracie Fisher Fund
308 Paseo Del Descanso
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
February 22nd First Sunday in Lent Service: Pastor Joseph Yoo, St. Mark UMC preaching.
February 22nd Free Lenten Organ Recital: Barbara Baird.
March 1st Second Sunday in Lent Service: “The Feast of Healing Strength.”
March 1st Free Lenten Organ Recital at 3:00 pm: Christoph Bull.
March 4th “ Listening With the Heart” Lenten spiritual practice led by Pastor Mark at 6:30 pm in Wesley
March 8th Third Sunday in Lent Service: “The Feast of Abundant Forgiveness.”
March 8th Free Lenten Organ Recital at 3:00 pm: Thomas Joyce.
March 11th “Listening With the Heart” Lenten spiritual practice led by Pastor Mark at 6:30 pm in Wesley
March 15th Fourth Sunday in Lent Service: “The Feast of Extravagant Grace.”
March 15th Free Lenten Organ Recital at 3:00 pm: Ty Woodward.
March 18th “Listening With the Heart” Lenten spiritual practice led by Pastor Mark at 6:30 pm in Wesley
March 22nd Fifth Sunday in Lent Service: Pastor Alan Strout preaching.
March 25th “Listening With the Heart” Lenten spiritual practice led by Pastor Mark at 6:30 pm in Wesley
March 29th Palm Sunday Service (One service @ 10 a.m.): “The Feast of Humble Love.” Process and
give glory to Jesus.
April 2nd Maundy Thursday Service at 7:00 pm: Commemorates Jesus’ Last Supper.
April 4th Holy Saturday Activities: Easter egg hunt and crafts for children, cleaning and preparing the
Sanctuary for Easter.
April 5th Easter Service: “The Laughter of the Redeemed.” A celebration of the
glorious resurrection.
(Unless otherwise noted, all worship services at 9:00 and 10:30 am)
Silence and sharing around the Word of God
Lent is a unique season for the soul’s exploration of life lived in God. As people on a journey of faith with
Christ our Lord, we listen for the Word within the words of Scripture as we seek to hear the still, small voice of God.
You are invited to a spiritual practice involving the reading of Scripture, contemplative silence, and prayers
for our community and world.
Four Wednesday evenings: March 4, 11, 18, and 25
6:30 p.m. in Wesley Chapel. Led by Pastor Mark
“Holding Space,” a time of prayer for Grace Fisher, will become part of Pastor Mark’s “Listening With the
Heart” Wednesday night program
Preparations are now being made for a
new training of Stephen Ministers. Training
includes developing skills of listening and
working with persons experiencing such
life challenges as divorce, crisis, loss,
depression, and other major life transitions.
Stephen Ministers are not trained to be
social workers, nurses, housekeepers, or therapists.
They are trained Christian caregivers. Their role is to
listen and to care, not to counsel and advise. Their
work with care receivers is strictly confidential.
Stephen Ministers do not make uninvited calls. They
are assigned only when requested on referral through
and under the supervision of the pastoral ministry of
the church. If you would like to know more about
Stephen Ministry for yourself or for another, Contact
the church office, Coventry Harris, Martha Saatjian, or
Pastor Alan Strout for information
Mama Pat’s Inner Light Gospel Choir invites all
who love to sing to attend the workshops and/or
come to a wonderful rousing concert. Featuring
Gammy nominee Steven Roberts and Dauri Kennedy.
Workshops: Registration: $40 inc.
music and group voice lessons
Feb. 26 - 28, Thurs, 5 - -10 pm,
Friday, 6- 10 pm, Saturday, 9 - 1 pm
Concert: Feb. 28, Saturday at 7:30
pm. Suggested donation: $15
The close of 2014 welcomed Mary
Coslett as a Parish Care Visitor for the
congregation. She has already made
numerous visits to home members and
to those temporarily limited by medical
needs. Her caring, graciousness, and
commitment has won her a place in the
hearts of this church family.
This month another volunteer has
stepped forward to serve in Parish Care.
Frances Paresa has a long resume in the
fields of social work, mental health, and
the business world. She is also a person of
strong faith and grounding in her UMC
heritage. Frances will work to coordinate
and support the various parish care ministries of this
church. Her first task, as in all parish care, is that of
listening, and therefore looks forward to getting
acquainted and building her relationships needed for
this ministry.
Holy Week, March 29 - April 4
Frances Paresa’s first task is to revive the Home
Member Communion of the church during Holy Week.
Volunteers will take the sacrament to
facilities, homes and bedsides where
our home members can receive the
bread and the cup. The elements will
be consecrated in advance by a
pastor and an informal ritual to follow
will be provided. Frances will have the
serving kits ready for pick up by servers after the Palm
Sunday services. Servers will take the sacraments
during Holy Week at a time convenient for home
members. If you would like to serve in this very meaningful ministry to church family members unable to
attend Sunday worship, please contact the office.
James Somy was recently recognized at a festive
luncheon by Jeanine’s restaurant for his 12 years as a
faithful and dedicated employee. We all celebrate
James, a lifelong, active member of FUMC, for his
faithful ministry of singing in the Chancel Choir for over
30 years. Blessings to you James!
The Relay For Life is not until June
6th this year. We hope to see some
new people come out on the team.
Let us know if you can give an hour
(or more) during the 24 hour event.
Cancer survivors are especially encouraged to participate in the opening lap. The money raised goes to
research, patient support, education, etc. For more
information, or to sign up, see Carol De Waay at
fellowship time on Sundays or call her at 964-6383.
Set your clocks ahead the night before so
you aren’t late for church!
Thanks to all of you who got involved with the Shrove Tuesday
Pancake Supper to benefit the FUMC Garden Preschool! Kudos if you
helped, donated cakes for the cake walk, or ate pancakes! Special
thanks to Karen Roberts, Chair, Preschool Advisory Committee, Heidi
Casper, GPS Director, Pastor Alan Strout, Carol and Vince Sclerf, Sue
Ziliotto and the kitchen crew, Mary Ellen Logan, Chet Caldeira, and
Boy Scout Troop 1. The Garden Preschool will be enriched by over
$1,300 because of every one of you!
UMCOR, Salt Lake City West Depot
April 27 - May 1, 2015
Our Lenten Organ recital series continue on Sundays throughout Lent at 3:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary.
 March 1: Christoph Bull, UCLA and First
Congregational Church, Los Angeles.
 March 8: Thomas Joyce, newly appointed
Organist, Trinity Episcopal Church, Santa
March 15: Ty Woodward, First UMC, Santa Monica,
and Schantz Organ Company, Orrville, Ohio.
Are you planning or in the midst of
a healthy spring cleaning or downsizing? Missions Committee asks you to
consider saving your treasures and
loving discards for the next Treasure
Sale to be held May 8th. Items can be
brought to the church beginning after
Easter (April 5th). Thank you!!
Our Easter Eggs need your candy!
We will be hosting our Annual Easter
Egg Hunt on Holy Saturday and would
appreciate donations of wrapped
candy to fill the eggs. Please drop off
candy in the church office before
March 9th!
Thank you from your
Children, Youth & Family Ministries Committee
FUMC is joining Central Coast Methodist
Churches in recruiting and preparing a team to go to
the UMCOR West Depot in Salt
Lake City from April 27 - May 1.
UMCOR West is a 22,000
square-foot depot that stores
much needed disaster relief
supplies that are sent stateside and abroad in times of
and war. Team
members gather,
assemble, package and shelve relief supply kits for
future shipments.
Expenses will include air fare, lodging and meals.
Lodging costs will be $50/night and will be at the
Episcopal Church Center of Utah. If you are planning
on joining the work team from FUMC, please call the
office or Scott Burns, Chair of the FUMC Missions
Palm Sunday is nearing and Wilson,
the delightful donkey, adds so much
to portraying Jesus’ journey into Jerusalem prior to the worship service.
However, having Wilson with us is going to cost around $200. Last year
“Angels” stepped up and donated
to his cost. And so Worship & Music is
again looking for a Angel (or several
Angels) to make sure Wilson helps tell
the story of Jesus as he enters the Holy City. Please contact the church office (963-3579) if
this is something to which you’d like to contribute.
Heart-felt thanks!
The Worship Committee
First United Methodist Church
305 East Anapamu Street
Santa Barbara, California 93101
Non profit organization
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Dated Material
February 24, 2015
First United Methodist Church of Santa Barbara: How to Contact Us
Church Office: Open Monday through Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (805) 963-3579
Caroline Kavanagh and Suzanne McAdams, Admin. Assistants
Rev. Dr. Mark Richardson, Senior Pastor
Rev. Dr. Alan Strout, Associate Pastor
Children & Family Ministries: Aimee Dutch, Children & Family Ministries Coordinator
Izzy Jarvis, Elizabeth Spencer, Youth Leaders
Garden Preschool: Heidi Casper, Director (805) 451-5487
Membership: Sylvia Morikawa, Membership Coordinator
The following may be also reached through the church office:(805-963-3579)
Music Director: Nathan Kreitzer Organist: Dr. Steve Hodson Weddings/Events: Marte Franklin, Toni Straka
Daily Devotional - A different inspiring recorded message each day by Pastor Alan: 805-962-5697
The Carillon is published on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, except when otherwise noted. The
submissions are due to the office by the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month.
The vision of the First United Methodist Church of Santa Barbara
is to provide a welcoming place where the congregation encompasses multiple generations,
diversity is respected and celebrated, and commitments of faith
lead to acts of mercy, social justice,and compassion.
We encourage and support each person on their Christian journey of faith
and offer a variety of ways of connecting with God through:
Fellowship and Caring Ministries,
Understanding through teaching and learning,
Mission and Outreach,
6 Christian Faith.
Creative expression of