CARILLON A Free Publication of First United Methodist Church 305 East Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 805-963-3579 ~ ~ Facebook: First United Methodist Church Santa Barbara February 10, 2015 LENT: AN INVITATION TO COME CLOSER TO GOD In the season of Lent, we take a long journey toward the cross, a journey containing both heartache and joy. Lent is forty days, not including Sundays, during which we enter one of the most sacred times of the Christian year – a time of reflection on our sins, the ways that we separate ourselves from God and from one another. The Lenten season invites us to enter a period of self-examination and repentance, in which God is able to change hearts, mend lives, heal relationships, and restore creation. Sarah Parsons, in her book A Clearing Season, suggests that the ultimate purpose of Lent lies beyond penitence. She writes, “In essence Lent serves as our annual invitation to come closer to God. It provides a time to look at our lives and ourselves, not so we may criticize ourselves more harshly but so we can identify the obstructions that keep us from God. What keeps us from feeling the presence of the divine in our every day? How do we hide from God, and why? Lent gives us a chance to look at such obstructions and to move them gently away so that we can come closer to the Love that gives us life, the Love whose triumph we will celebrate on Easter morning.” I have always considered Lent to be a gift because it reminds me how safe it is to engage in honest self-reflection in the presence of God. I may not always want to admit my mistakes or misdeeds to myself or to others, but there is no hiding from God, and that is a source of spiritual freedom in my life. “Where can I go from your spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence?” the psalmist asks. It is liberating to believe that the Creator God knows me completely and chooses to remain in relationship with me through all the days of my life. Someone else has suggested that Lent can be a dangerous time. “It is dangerous to meet Jesus in the dark places, to ask the same questions of ourselves that Jesus asks of his disciples, to accept Jesus’ radical touch. In these moments of utter truth and honesty, we find ourselves vulnerable enough to connect with the risen Christ as never before” (Feasting on the Word, David L. Bartlett, et. al). So Lent is more than just six weeks of introspection. Lent involves building a life of deeper trust in our crucified and risen Lord. The gospel message is that in Christ we are becoming a new creation. The old is passing away and everything is becoming new in Christ! Paul writes, “All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting the message of reconciliation to us” (2 Cor. 5:18-19). This act of reconciliation, initiated by God through Christ, provides us with the opening we need to draw closer to God and to the community of the faithful. Reconciliation is the meeting place in which we can be ourselves without veneer and offer ourselves lovingly in service to the world. Thus Sarah Parsons is able to say, “Following close upon Lent’s penitence is hope – hope that the barriers between us and God will not remain, that with God’s help we will clear them away and begin to experience greater joy and newness of life.” May you journey toward hope, Mark SOUPER/SUPER BOWL THANK YOU! Super Bowl weekend included two FUMC events that were fun and successful. A Community of Prayer Please keep the following people in your prayers Sunday School collected over $700 by holding soup pots after both services as part of the national movement to fight hunger and poverty. This year the funds collected went to the Unity Shoppe, which operates a year-round “free” grocery and clothing store for registered patrons who can shop with dignity for their basic needs. Thanks to all who put coins, bills, and checks into the soup pots for those in need. Diane & Dan Adamson, Terry Becker, Anne Clark, Gracie Fisher and family, Mark Franklin, Randy Harper, Myra Hogan, David Holmes, Harry Kreitzer, Ilana Massy, Brigitte McKee, Joslin Merwin, Marilyn Metzner, Socorro Orozco, Joyce Richardson, Carol Holle Umber, Ruth Warkentin, Bonnie Warren, Nancy Weirbach, Rev. Elwood Wissmann. Gary, Izzy, and Elizabeth gathered the Youth Group at Siena Hogan’s for their annual Super Bowl watching party. While Izzy’s team did not prevail, the group did have a lot of fun AND collected two big boxes of canned goods for Unity Shoppe! In Remembrance Jim Kenward, January 30th Jared Joseph, February 3rd Belated Congratulations Omri Robert Finc, born September 10, 2014. Proud parents Jeff and Raia, and sister Veronica. Service Personnel Damon Belanger, Ryan Hirschler, Sean Jones, Catherine Lily Karl, Scott McKee, Kevin Meinert, Alycia Porter, Timothy Radcliffe, Matthew Wissmann. IN GRATITUDE On behalf of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Steering Committee, I would like to thank Pastor Mark Richardson and the entire FUMC family and volunteers for the assistance given in providing lunch for the more than 200 persons that attended. Because of your efforts, the Community Lunch was a success. Missionaries There are over 300 UMC Global Ministries missionaries serving in over 60 countries. FUMC partners with the following missionaries to provide financial, spiritual and emotional support. Please keep in prayer: Blessings, Annell Stewart MISSIONARY SUPPORT Mozart Adevu: Regional Coordinator for the Sustainable Agriculture and Development Program for UMCOR, based in Accra, Ghana and West Africa. As shown in the prayer concerns to the right, FUMC partners with a number of missionaries to provide financial, spiritual and emotional support. Below is the email contact information. If you would care to assist in their financial support, please make your check out to FUMC and include the UMCOR Advance Directive number in the memo line. Rev. Claudia Genung Yamamoto: Kobe, Japan includes relief work in Tohoku, affected by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Mozart Adevu: Email: Missionary Advance #13996Z Sustainable Agriculture Advance #982188 Rev. George Martzen: Assigned to the Methodist Church of Singapore as the minister attached to the Bishop’s office. Rev. Claudia Genung Yamamoto: Email: Advance #11868Z Rev. Dr. Chin Cheak Yu: Dean of Students, Trinity Theological College, Singapore Methodist E-Academy: Provides internet-based learning courses for those preparing for the ordained ministry in European countries where the UMC has no seminary. Rev. George Martzen: Email: Advance #14173Z Rev. Dr. Chin Cheak Yu: Email: Advance #14172Z Methodist E-Academy Advance #3021181 2 LENTEN CALENDAR/EVENTS Why Lent? The season of Lent is a season of preparation for Easter. In Lent, we are attentive to the parts of Jesus’ life - his self-control, his patience, his faithfulness even in suffering - that we hope to gain as his disciples. A yearly observance of Lent is helpful in this respect. Many people give up something during Lent. But in our culture, fixated on self-improvement as we are, this can result in a big misunderstanding: we start (even if only in the back of our minds) to think of a Lenten fast in terms of a diet! But Lent is not New Year's Resolutions Round Two! Lent is not about us! Lent is about Jesus Christ. In Lent we might give up something, do a specific prayer discipline, or change something to push ourselves spiritually. But the point is not self-improvement. The point is not even just self-denial. The point is to feel a discomfort, a measure of pain, and by that to be constantly reminded of the love of our Savior Jesus Christ, who denied himself for our salvation. Observing Lent with prayer and fasting, helps us use that prayer and fasting first of all to remember Jesus. Adapted from Ministry Matters: Clifton Stringer ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE FEB. 18TH AT 7:00 P.M. IN WESLEY CHAPEL You are invited to begin the season of Lent on Wednesday, February 18th, at 7:00 p.m. in Wesley Chapel. The small, fireside service includes communion and offers the imposition of ashes for those who wish. FUMC youth will assist with the service. All are invited. 2015 LENTEN ORGAN SERIES FREE RECITALS BEGIN FEBRUARY 22ND SUNDAYS AT 3:00 PM SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER RETURNS! FEBRUARY 17TH IN FELLOWSHIP HALL 5:00 - 7:00 PM Did you miss our fun Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper last year? We didn’t have one! This year we will resume that lively, tasty evening with proceeds benefiting our FUMC Garden Preschool. Save the date: Tuesday, February 17th, 5:00-7:00 p.m. with live music and our Cakewalk, of course. Tickets are $10.00 for adults, $5.00 for children 10 and under. Willing to help? Please Email Karen Roberts: or 682-5709. Thank you! Our Lenten Organ recital series has moved to a new day and new time! There will be four Sunday recitals beginning February 22nd, the first Sunday in Lent. The free concerts begin at 3:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Established in the 1990s by Lucile Beasley, FUMC Organist Emerita (1984-2005),the series features local and nationally recognized organists. This year’s Lenten Organ Recitals are co-sponsored by the local chapter of the American Guild of Organists. This year’s schedule and featured organists: • Feb. 22: Barbara Baird, Organist, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR. • March 1: Christoph Bull, UCLA and First Congregational Church, Los Angeles. • March 8: Thomas Joyce, newly appointed Organist, Trinity Episcopal Church, Santa Barbara. • March 15: Ty Woodward, First UMC, Santa Monica, and Schantz Organ Company, Orrville, Ohio. LISTENING WITH THE HEART Silence and sharing around the Word of God Lent is a unique season for the soul’s exploration of life lived in God. As people on a journey of faith with Christ our Lord, we listen for the Word within the words of Scripture as we seek to hear the still, small voice of God. You are invited to a spiritual practice involving the reading of Scripture, contemplative silence, and prayers for our community and world. Four Wednesday evenings March 4, 11, 18, and 25 6:30 p.m. in Wesley Chapel Led by Pastor Mark “Holding Space,” a time of prayer for Grace Fisher, will become part of Pastor Mark’s “Listening With the Heart” Wednesday night program 3 NEW STEPHEN MINISTRY TRAINING BEGINS SOON. Pierre de Chardin once wrote, “Someday after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity we shall harvest for God the energies of love, and then for the second time in the history of the world we shall have discovered fire.” Stephen Ministry is about mobilizing and organizing the energies of God’s love to provide support and care for those who are going through times of trial and transition. Stephen Ministers are trained to come alongside another, to walk through a difficult time in ways that are neither evasive or invasive, but instead encourage and nurture the rekindling of another’s spirit. Stephen Ministry is for those who find themselves called to the caregiving role. The next training begins soon. Please contact Coventry Harris, Martha Saatjian, or Pastor Alan Strout for more information. SPRING WORK TEAM SIGNUPS UMCOR, Salt Lake City West Depot April 27 - May 1, 2015 FUMC is joining Central Coast Methodist Churches in recruiting and preparing a team to go to the UMCOR West Depot in Salt Lake City from April 27 - May 1. UMCOR West is a 22,000 square-foot depot that stores much needed disaster relief supplies that are sent stateside and abroad in times of disaster and war. Team members gather, assemble, package and shelve relief supply kits for future shipments. Expenses will include air fare, lodging and meals. Lodging costs will be $50/night and will be at the Episcopal Church Center of Utah. If you are planning on joining the work team from FUMC, please call the office or Scott Burns, Chair of the FUMC Missions committee. CONTINUED PRAYERS AND SUPPORT FOR GRACE FISHER A HEARTFELT THANK YOU FOR THE FEAST FOR GRACIE! Words do not seem adequate as we try to express our thankfulness to our church, our friends and the entire Santa Barbara community. The time, energy, hard work & donations, involved in bringing together so many to the beautifully prepared and orchestrated luncheon was incredible! A wonderful example of "the whole Village" working together to help Grace and the family get through this difficult time. The prayers, cards, thoughts and caring you have so generously bestowed on Grace and our family has given strength, support and comfort. We believe this spirit of love & prayers sent up on Grace's behalf is what has brought her to this "stable" condition so we can now concentrate on her rehabilitation & healing. In thanksgiving and love for each and every one of you! Bill, Debbie, Grace & Emily Fisher CONCERT FOR GRACIE A Rocking Fundraiser to Help Grace Fisher When: Sunday, February 15th: 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Where: The Blind Tiger, 409 State Street Who: SB High School Madrigals, State of Grace (Gracie’s band), and others who have played with her on stage. Tickets: $15 Suggested Donation. Youth free! All ages. On December 21st, Grace went to the hospital with symptoms of sudden paralysis which was eventually diagnosed as Acute Flaccid Myelitis. On January 28th, Grace was admitted to Craig Hospital and the family Bill, Deb and sister, Emily, relocated to Denver to be near her. For updates from the family see the website SANTA BARBARA VILLAGE VOLUNTEER RECRUITMENT EVENT SB Village provides a range of resources to help local seniors continue to live successfully and independently in their own homes as they “age in place.” Its success is due to the generosity of time and talent provided by volunteers. Potential volunteers are invited to learn more about SB Village on Friday, February 27th from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. at the Bronfman Family Jewish Community Center, 524 Chapala Street. A light lunch will be provided. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Susan Brindle at or 729-5038 or go to their website: Hospital Address: Craig Hospital c/o Grace Fisher 3425 South Clarkson Street Englewood, CO 80113 Donations: Gracie Fisher Fund 308 Paseo Del Descanso Santa Barbara, CA 93105 4 VALENTINES FOR SSP UMW GENERAL MEETING FEBRUARY 12TH @ 11 AM IN ASBURY United Methodist Women will hold their February General Meeting on Thursday, February 12th at 11:00 a.m. in Asbury. The guest speaker is Carolyn Berry, Santa Barbara District UMW Program Resource Coordinator. The Topic is “Ready! Set! Read!” SB MISSION AREA CHURCH PULPIT EXCHANGE: FEBRUARY 22ND In the spirit of preaching the Word of God by persons divinely called, the Santa Barbara Mission Area will have another pulpit exchange on February 22nd. Pastor Joseph Yoo will preach at FUMCSB with Pastor Mark, Pastor Alan Strout will preach at Isla Vista UMC Student Ministry with Pastor Frank Schaefer, and Pastor Rahel Yoo will preach at St. Mark UMC. What a blessed idea!! INVITATION FROM PASTOR MARK TO ATTEND C.LAB WORKSHOP AT FUMC You are invited and encouraged to attend an event coming to FUMC on Saturday, February 21, from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon, followed by lunch. It is called a c.lab, and is described as “a hands-on training event for leaders of church ministries and events to gain skills and learn the principles behind creative program development, event promotion, and contemporary communications strategy.” James Kang, the Communications Director for the California-Pacific Annual Conference, is the speaker and facilitator of this training event for the three churches in our Santa Barbara Mission Area. We will have a chance to discuss FUMC’s outreach and ministry, as well as how the churches in our mission area can collaborate to become a stronger United Methodist presence in the Santa Barbara area. I believe this will be an inspirational learning experience as we rethink ways to communicate who we are as the Church in our time and place. I hope you can attend. Please RSVP to the office ( if you are able to join us! OFFICE CLOSED FEBRUARY 16TH IN OBSERVANCE OF PRESIDENTS’ DAY Please call and leave a message at the office (963-3579) should you need pastoral assistance on that day Thanks to all those who purchased Valentines for their sweethearts this February!!! Your purchases will help send our youth to Nevada for their summer Sierra Service Project. The Walker River Paiute Tribe's Housing Authority has invited the Sierra Service Project (SSP) to repair homes in the small town of Schurz, Nevada. Based on the 2010 census, 658 people live in Schurz with over 26% of the population living below the poverty line. Volunteers will be housed at the large Tribal Gym (with showers!). Work will consist of typical SSP repairs for homeowners including carpentry projects, repairing roofs, painting and some work on the Schurz United Methodist Church. Your Valentine packets have kept the love lights burning, AND have kept our youth doing work teams!!!! BOY SCOUT SUNDAY CELEBRATED On February 8th, Boy Scout Sunday was celebrated in both worship services. Participating were Troop 1 and Scout Master Bobby Blessing and Pack 21, Webelo unit, led by Thierry Broucqsault. FUMC is proud of the many scouts and their leaders who meet regularly at the church. Blessings to all who are part of our scouting family. MAKING CHECKS PAYABLE TO THE CHURCH There has been a lot of confusion over how checks for the church should be made out. The bank has been really scrutinizing the checks that we take in for deposit. They do not like it when a part of the name is omitted, such as First or United, but they do still accept the initials "FUMC". It would really help us if everyone would use them. That red number on the lower right of each envelope is very important to us. Thank you for your help in this matter. Carol DeWaay, Financial Secretary 5 First United Methodist Church 305 East Anapamu Street Santa Barbara, California 93101 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Non profit organization U. S. POSTAGE PAID Santa Barbara, CA 93101 PERMIT NO. 43 Dated Material February 10, 2015 First United Methodist Church of Santa Barbara: How to Contact Us Church Office: Open Monday through Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (805) 963-3579 Caroline Kavanagh and Suzanne McAdams, Admin. Assistants Pastors: Rev. Dr. Mark Richardson, Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Alan Strout, Associate Pastor Children & Family Ministries: Aimee Dutch, Children & Family Ministries Coordinator Izzy Jarvis, Elizabeth Spencer, Youth Leaders Garden Preschool: Heidi Casper, Director (805) 451-5487 Membership: Sylvia Morikawa, Membership Coordinator The following may be also reached through the church office:(805-963-3579) Music Director: Nathan Kreitzer Organist: Dr. Steve Hodson Weddings/Events: Marte Franklin, Toni Straka Daily Devotional - A different inspiring recorded message each day by Pastor Alan: 805-962-5697 The Carillon is published on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, except when otherwise noted. The submissions are due to the office by the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month. FUMCSB VISION STATEMENT The vision of the First United Methodist Church of Santa Barbara is to provide a welcoming place where the congregation encompasses multiple generations, diversity is respected and celebrated, and commitments of faith lead to acts of mercy, social justice,and compassion. We encourage and support each person on their Christian journey of faith and offer a variety of ways of connecting with God through: Fellowship and Caring Ministries, Understanding through teaching and learning, Mission and Outreach, 6 Christian Faith. Creative expression of
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