Parish Priest: Fr M ick M acAndrew 6W3DWULFN¶V&RRPD0DVV7LPHV 1st 2nd 4th & 5th weekends Phone: 02 6452 2062 Mobile: 0419 010 870 Saturday Vigil 6pm - Sunday 10am Tues 5.30pm (Exposition 5pm) Wed 7.30am Thursday 10am Friday 7.30am Reconciliation: Saturday 5-5.30pm Parish Secretary: Mrs Sharon Nesbitt Office Hours: Mon Wed & Fri: 9am- 12.30 pm Phone: 02 6452 2062 Fax: 02 6452 4446 Email: 3rd Weekend of month Liturgy of the Word with Communion Saturday Vigil 6pm - Sunday 10am Sacramental Program Phone: 02-6452 2062 Email: St Patrick's Parish School Principal: Mrs Frances Robertson Cnr Murray & Vale Street, Cooma Phone: 02 6452 1721 Fax: 02 64523974 Weekday M ass Tuesday 5.30pm 6W0DU\¶V$GDPLQDE\ 8am, 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month 6W$QGUHZ¶V Nimmitabel: 10am 3rd Sunday & 8am 5th Sunday of the month Liturgy of the Word with Communion 6pm, 1st, 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month All Saints Numeralla: 5.30pm 4th Sunday of the month 6W3DWULFN¶V-HUDQJOH: 8am 1st Sunday of month Parish Pastoral Council: Contact Parish Office Rosters Acolyte Usher Sat 14th ± 6pm Kathleen Bashford Sun 15th -10am Barry Tobin Sat 21st ± 6pm Carol Byrne Sun 22nd -10am Pauline Radosavljevic Reader/ Commentator Sat 14th ± 6pm Kathleen Bashford/Mark vanOmmen Sun 15th -10am Marg Hassall/ Charlotte Neilsen Sat 21st ± 6pm Elaine Mooney/ Mary Bennett Sun 22nd -10am Agna Muddle/ Simon Buckley Sat 14th - 6pm Paul Everett Sun 15th - 10am Eva Tangye Sat 21st - 6pm Lou Mackay Sun 22nd - 10am Mark Rixon Eucharist Ministers Sat 14th -6pm Robin Fletcher Denise McKenzie Sun 15th -10am Carol Rixon Joan Simpson Sat 21st -6pm Margaret Quodling Mary Bennett Sun 22nd -10am Leah Baker Sue McPhie Cleaners Mass Servers Sat 21st Feb L Redden L Bracher Sat 21st -6pm Lachlan Hemphill Ethan Stacey Sun 22nd-10am Grace Nesbitt Sat 28th Feb C Byrne D Heffernan J Upton Morning Tea Sun 15th Carol & Mark Rixon Sun 22nd Kathleen Bashford Children¶V Mass 2 Sunday of Lent nd 1st Mar 10am Carol Byrne NEXT WEEKENDS READINGS First Sunday of Lent /B 1st Reading- Genesis 9:8-15 2nd Reading- 1 St Peter 3:18-22 Holy Gospel- Mark 1:12-15 Hospital Sun 15th Sun 22nd Kathleen Bashford Bev Fitzgerald Shirley Redden &DWULWDV$XVWUDOLD ³)RRGIor LifH´project compassion, Contribution resources are available in the Church entrances. We also have a large contribution box available for any loose donations throughout Lent in the entrance. Important Dates: Feb 2015Sat th 14 /Sun 15 th Sun 15th 10am Liturgy of the word with Holy &RPPXQLRQDW6W3DWULFN¶V Mass at Nimmitabel Ash Wednesday 18th Feb 2015 7.30am Cooma 9.30am Bombala 12pm Nimmitabel 4pm Adaminaby 5.30pm Cooma Fri 20th 9.30am Mass at Yallambee Lodge 11am Anointing and Communion at Sir William Hudson Nursing Home Sat 21st 5pm Reconciliation 6pm Vigil at Cooma nd Sat 22 8am Mass at Adaminaby 10am Mass at Cooma 5.30pm Mass at Numeralla Mon 23rd 10am Catechist Training Day Nimmitabel Christian Meditation every Saturday at 4pm For information please contact Terri Rick on ph: 0466 993 240, or Marie Hamono on ph: 0415 718 969. CATECHIST TRAINING DAY Monday 23rd February 2015 AT Nimmitabel Old School Morning Session 10 am to 12 Noon Shane Dwyer will be giving the input and all are welcome even if you are not a catechist. There will be further input for Catechists after lunch. Cost: Donation ALL WELCOME embrace - Archdiocesan Assembly ± 20th (Mass) & 21st March 20156W&KULVWRSKHU¶V &DWKHGUDODQG6W&ODUH¶V&ROOHJH*ULIILWK The Conference will include keynote addresses from Archbishop Christopher Prowse, Professor Greg Craven (ACU) and Tim & Lara Kirk, separate catechetical activities for primary and secondary students, an expo of the many offerings from various groups, movements and agencies across the Archdiocese. We will gather under the theme: ³HPEUDFH± The Joy of the Gospel in 0DUULDJHDQG)DPLO\/LIH´. Please visit our website Pope Francis Evangelii Gaudium µ7KH-R\RIWKH*RVSHO¶ The Homily «WKH&KXUFKLVDPRWKHU«VKHSUHDFKHVLQ the same way that a mother speaks to her child, knowing that the child trusts that what VKHLVWHDFKLQJLVIRUKLVRUKHURZQEHQHILW« A good mother can recognise everything that God is bringing about in her children, she listens to their concerns and learns from them. ³7KHVSLULWRIORYHZKLFKUHLJQVLQDIDPLO\ guides both mother and child in their conversations; therein they teach and learn, experience correction and grow in appreciation of what is good. Something similar happens in a homily. The same Spirit who inspired the Gospels and who DFWVLQWKH&KXUFKDOVRLQVSLUHVWKHSUHDFKHU´ A message from Archbishop Prowse regarding Lenten Season Dear Friends, The Lenten season is soon to begin- Ash Wednesday is 18th February 2015. As we return to our normal routines, let us prepare in our various communities for this season that recalls our Baptism and stresses its penitential dimension. It is a time of conversion as we prepare for the saving events of our salvation at Easter. LENTEN DISCUSSION GROUPS commence this Monday evening or Tuesday afternoon sessions, all are most welcome to join in: Ph Terri 0466 993 240 &DWULWDV$XVWUDOLD³)RRG)RU/LIH´project compassion, please take an envelope or box for contributions throughout Lent Cooma Baptist Church Hosts ¶6WURQJ:RPHQ6RIW+HDUWV &RQIHUHQFH· Saturday 21st February Everyone welcome. Please Pray For: Recently Deceased: Gwen Ryan, Bonny Yarrington, Monica Gerrard, Jim Robinson, June Bowerman, Gwen Witton, Godfrey Cole. Anniversaries Terry Redden, Kevin Green, Pattie Stewart, Geoff Fitzgerald, Fraser Watson. Anniversary- occur around this time Bob and Gladys Flynn Sick: George Timmins, Fr. Peter Murphy, Jenny Shatrov, Pat Oliver
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