ST MILBURGA’S, CHURCH STRETTON, SY6 7AR with ST WALBURGA’S, PLOWDEN, SY7 8AG Parish Priest ~ Fr Ambrose Nicholson Watling Street North, Church Stretton, SY6 7AR ~ Tel: 01694 722897 Email: Website: (Charity No: 234025) Sunday, 8th March 2015 ~ 3rd Sunday in Lent (B) Church Date Time St Milburga's Saturday, 7th March 2015 Sunday, 8th March 2015 Tuesday, 10th March 2015 Wednesday, 11th March 2015 Thursday, 12th March 2015 Friday, 13th March 2015 18.30 09.15 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Private Intention Parishioners Private Intention Private Intention Private Intention Private Intention Sunday, 8th March 2015 11.00 Private Intention St Walburga's The Sick Anniversaries Collection CAFOD Mass Intention We ask your prayers for all those who are ill or in hospital especially Pat Doyle, Adi Ketzmerick, Dorothy Newman, Monica Croxton, Anne Bragg, Pat Sheridan, Joan Hughes, Ayse Hughes, Michael Flower and Anne Gill. Elizabe Cynthia Plowden, John Smith, Marianne Palmer, Sara Morris, Mary Clark, Stan Edwards, Anne Evans, Ada Smith, Thomas Morrison, Samuel Marston, Kathleen McEnerney, Lourda Moffatt and Jimmy Murray ~ May they Rest in Peace. Env: £107, LP: £146.34, Standing Orders ~ £275, ~ Total: £528.34~ Thanks! CAFOD ~ £1280.70 Prayer for the Sick & Housebound: ‘May the communion we share today, with the members of our Parish Family who are at home, or in hospital, remind us to live for one another, and give them a sense of belonging to our Family, and to this celebration’ NB: Would Eucharistic Ministers come and collect your pyx during the recitation of this prayer and before the final hymn Confession: Every Saturday ~ 6.00 pm to 6.20 pm prior to the 6.30 Vigil Mass. Choir Practice: Every Thursday ~ 4.00 pm Readers & Eucharistic Ministers: Would readers and Eucharistic ministers come to the sacristy 5 minutes before Mass begins for a short prayer and readers please use the lectern for the Bidding Prayers. Wednesday Word ~ Please take a copy of the Wednesday Word for next Sunday's Readings ~ in the porch. Catholic Women's League ~ The next meeting of CWL will be on Thursday 12th March 2015 after the 10.00 am Mass at St Milburga's, followed by the AGM at 2.00 pm with Benediction. Afternoon Tea will then be served. For any further information, please contact Pat Millard on 01588 672066. Food Bank ~ fruit juice and squash, sponge puddings, cereals (not large packs), cereal bars, jam, biscuits and sweets. Please no tea or toiletries at present. ,.† Stations of the Cross† ~ every Friday during Lent ~ 7.30 pm ~ St Milburga’s. Please make a special effort to attend. Churches Together ~ The annual Coffee Morning in aid of Strettons Food Bank is on Saturday, 21st March 2015, from 10.30 am. Venue ~ United Reformed Church Hall. Admission ~ £1. Poster in Porch for further details. We are responsible for the prizes for the Tombola, please place your donations in the box in porch. 24 Hours for the Lord ~ Pope Francis has called for this to be held annually on the 4th Sunday of Lent. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament & Confessions in our Cathedral 8.30am Sat 14th of March until 8.30am Sun 15th March. Lenten Reconciliation Services ~ St Milburga's on Thursday, 26th March 2015, 7.30 pm. There will be an opportunity for individual confession. Canon Walsh from St Peter's, Ludlow, will be also be present. General Election ~ Letter to Catholics from the Bishops of England & Wales available in the porch……………………. Hustings Questions ~ with the local candidates ~ Thursday, 16th April 2015, in the Methodist Church at 7pm. Questions need to be submitted this week (before Friday 13th) to or by post to Romaine Thompson, The Old Manse, Snatchfields Lane, SY6 7BT or Lesley Richards, 722068, email: 'Churches Together in the Strettons' group believe that Christians have a responsibility and desire to see Christ's kingdom of justice and peace being established on the earth. This means that we should be actively involved in the process by which we elect members to parliament ~ and here is a brilliant opportunity.....' If you would like something included in the Newsletter, anniversaries, etc., please telephone Kathy Thirkettle on 01694 724025 (evenings are best), or email
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