ST. ANNE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY BASILIAN FATHERS ARCHDIOCESE OF GALVESTON-HOUSTON LA COMUNIDAD CATÓLICA DE SANTA ANA PADRES BASILIANOS ARQUIDIÓCESIS DE GALVESTON-HOUSTON SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER SEGUNDO DOMINGO DE LA PASCUA In today’s Gospel, the risen Jesus appears to his disciples. Thomas was absent and couldn’t believe when the others told him that they had seen Jesus. He had to touch the wounds in Jesus’ hands and side, then he believed. Thomas’ experience must become ours. We must strive to make tangible the power of the resurrection in our lives. We must allow the power of the Lord to heal the wounds begotten by oppression. May we so live that Jesus becomes for us, “My Lord and my God!” En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús resucitado aparece a sus discípulos. Tomás fue ausente y no podía creer cuando los otros le dijeron que habían visto a Jesús. Tenía que tocar a las heridas en las manos y a su lado, entonces creyó. La experiencia de Tomás debe de llegar a ser la nuestra. Debemos esforzarnos por hacer palpable el poder de la resurrección en nuestras vidas. Debemos dejar que el poder del Señor sane las heridas engendradas por la opresión. Que vivamos para que Jesús llegue a ser por nosotros, “¡Mi Señor y mi Dios!” We reached 75% of our goal by Easter, so we are extending our goal of 800 to Pentecost Sunday, May 24. If you have not yet signed up for Faith Direct online giving, please consider doing so today at Our parish code is TX629. ST. ANNE CHURCH / LA IGLESIA DE SANTA ANA 2140 Westheimer Rd. Houston, Texas 77098-1419 (713) 526-3276 Church office hours: 9 AM-noon, 1-5 PM Ministerio Hispano: Lun., Miér., Vier, 1-5 PM; Mar., Juev., 9-12, 1-5 ST. ANNE SCHOOL / LA ESCUELA DE SANTA ANA 2120 Westheimer Rd. Houston, Texas 77098-1419 (713) 526-3279 For more information / para mayor información: St. Anne Catholic Community PASTORAL MESSAGE La Comunidad Católica de Sta. Ana MENSAJE PASTORAL The secret of happiness is not in getting what we want, but in loving what we have; not in what we ask of life, but in what it gives us. It is the hidden joy of thanking the world for all of the simple and wonderful things it has given us. Recognize the great and the small, the fleeting and the enduring not the quantity, but the essential; not the abundant but the wonderful. You will feel poor, not by how little you have, but by how much you expect and demand of life. The more we desire, the poorer we will be, since not all things were made for us. True wealth is in recognizing and appreciating the little and sweet things that life gives us. Be thankful, therefore, every moment of your life. You can have everything with the wisdom of your heart. Human wealth is in what one loves. The greatest treasure is the one in our hearts. No one can steal or buy the fortune deep inside you. Appreciate the joy of seeing a dawn, for one day you may not be able to see it. Give thanks to the Father for the love you have found, because tomorrow you may not have it. Give thanks for the singing birds, the greenery of the mountains, the laughter of a child, the light in your beloved’s eyes, for your parents, your children, for the life you have today, for the little or much health you have, for your wife; your husband. Because this will be the only thing you have left at the end of your days. Discover the joy of being thankful for all the beauty that has been given to you. El secreto de la felicidad no está en obtener lo que anhelamos, sino en amar lo que tenemos; no en lo que pedimos a la vida, sino en lo que ésta nos otorga. Es la dicha escondida de agradecer al mundo todo lo simple y lo maravilloso que éste nos ha dado. Reconocer lo grande y lo pequeño, lo fugaz y lo perdurable. No lo mucho, sino lo esencial. No lo tanto, sino lo maravilloso. Te sentirás pobre no por lo poco que tengas, sino por lo mucho que esperes y exijas a la vida. Entre más ambicionamos más pobres seremos, pues no todas las cosas fueron hechas para uno. La riqueza verdadera está en reconocer y valorar lo poco y lo dulce que la existencia nos otorgue. Agradece, por tanto, todos los instantes de tu vida. Puedes poseerlo todo con la sabiduría del corazón. La riqueza del humano está en lo que ama. El mayor tesoro es el que está en nuestro corazón. La fortuna de tus profundidades nadie puede robarla ni comprarla. Agradece la dicha de ver un amanecer, pues un día ya no lo verás. Da gracias al Padre por el amor que encontraste, pues mañana ya no lo tendrás. El canto de las aves, el verdor de los montes, la risa de un niño, la luz de los ojos amados, por tus padres, por tus hijos, por la vida que hoy tienes, por la poca o mucha salud que tienes, por tu esposa; tu esposo. Porque será lo único que te quede al final de los días. Conoce la dicha de agradecer lo bello que se te ha dado. STEWARDSHIP LA ADMINISTRACIÓN CRISTIANA To sign up for online giving, please go to the Faith Direct website: Our parish number is TX629. Para inscribirse a donar en línea, favor de ver al sitio de Faith Direct: Nuestro código es TX629. Jesus meets the need of each disciple. To the fearful in the upper room, He speaks words of peace. To doubting Thomas, He provides the tangible proof of His resurrection. What do I have to share that might meet someone else’s need? (Our Sunday Visitor, ibid., page 9) Jesús responde a la necesidad de cada discípulo. A los miedosos en la sala superior, Él habla palabras de paz. Al incrédulo Tomás, Él provee la prueba tangible de Su resurrección. ¿Qué tengo yo para compartir que pueda responder a la necesidad de otra persona? (Our Sunday Visitor, ibid., page 9) April 11-1, ,11 1, de arril de ,11 IN THE PARISH EN LA PARROQUIA MARRIED & ENGAGED COUPLES APOYO A VÍCTIMAS “I take you to be my [spouse]…till death do us part.” This holy pledge promises a love that is like the love of God – free, faithful, fruitful, and total, forever. The intimate love that we promise at the wedding remains holy if practiced under the guidance of God’s plan. NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING offers a means of keeping love holy. A three-class series begins Sunday, April 26 at 2:00 PM at St. Anne. Each class lasts about two hours. For information, contact Lou and Jeanne Curcio by email at or by phone at (713) 263-7914. Si alguien ha sido victimo de abuso sexual del clero o del personal de la Iglesia, se les anima llamar a la Hna. Maureen O’Connell al (713) 654-5799. Por favor oren por la sanación de las víctimas del abuso y por todos los que sufren de alguna manera. CAN YOU HELP? St. Dominic Village has asked us to make “Fiddle blankets” or “Activity blankets” for dementia residents. If interested, google “dementia blankets” or “activity blankets for dementia patients” then call Calista Schneidau, (713) 528-5143. VOCATIONS STATISTICS This week, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops released the 2015 Ordination Class Report which shows an increase in the number of ordained. It also reflects a positive impact on the seminarians from the support and encouragement they received from their families, Catholic Schools, fellow parishioners and parish priests. For more information about the Georgetown University based study, follow this link: -055.cfm Date: Saturday, April 18 Time: 7:00 PM Where: The Corinthian, 202 Fannin St Join San José Clinic for Art with Heart, their annual fundraising gala. It is going to be an exciting night featuring a silent auction of art, jewelry, and Big Board packages. This event supports the Clinic’s 93 year legacy of providing healthcare for the underserved. For more information, call (713) 490-2620 or visit San José Clinic’s mission is to provide quality healthcare and education to those with limited access to such services in an environment that respects the dignity of each person. The Clinic is a ministry of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston and a United Way Agency and was founded in 1922 by Msgr. George T. Walsh to combat the rising rate of infant mortality in the Mexican community in his parish. With $50 from the Charity Guild of Catholic Women and volunteer providers and nurses from the community, San José Clinic began the mission that is still in place 93 years later. VICTIM ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Anyone who has been the victim of sexual abuse by clergy or Church personnel should call Sr. Maureen O’Connell at (713) 654-5799. Please keep in your daily prayers the healing of victims of abuse and all who suffer in any way. Check This Out… Easter is the principal feast of the ecclesiastical year. Leo I (Sermo xlvii in Exodum) calls it the greatest feast (festum festorum), and says that Christmas is celebrated only in preparation for Easter. It is the center of the greater part of the ecclesiastical year. The order of Sundays from Septuagesima to the last Sunday after Pentecost, the feast of the Ascension, Pentecost, Corpus Christi, and all other movable feasts, from that of the Prayer of Jesus in the Garden (Tuesday after Septuagesima ) to the feast of the Sacred Heart (Friday after the octave of Corpus Christi ), depend upon the Easter date. CHRIST IN THE CITY Young adults, join us for the series, “Now What? - A Young Adult Guild to Living Well”. The presentation on May 7 will be, “Dating Seriously?” by Ernie & Cana Hickman. Mass at 6:30 pm, talk at 7:00 pm at St. Michael’s Church, 1801 Sage Rd. Feel free to join us at Berryhill on Post Oak afterward. Information: THE HANDBELL CHOIR IS LOOKING FOR YOU! Come and join the handbell choir at rehearsals on Monday nights from 7-8:30 and Sundays at the 9 AM Mass. No ringing experience required but you must be able to read music. For more information please contact Matthew McCue at or (713) 525-4211. ¿SE CAMBIARÁ DE CASA? ¿Tiene un nuevo número de teléfono, nueva dirección, un cambio en su familia? Favor de avisar a la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano al (713) 525-4390 o a la oficina parroquial: PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: POR FAVOR ALIENTE NUESTRO PATROCINADOR DE LA SEMANA: Mary Frances Dumay Greenwood King Properties (713) 724-0577 For more parish news, go to St. Anne Catholic Community La Comunidad Católica de Sta. Ana IN FOCUS ENFOQUE You are invited . . . To join St. Anne Catholic Community parishioners and supporters for a great day of golf and fellowship! WHAT: For the past seven year s, the Fr iends of St. Anne Catholic School have been sponsoring a great golf tournament that benefits advanced technology at St. Anne Catholic School. Through the golf tournament, the school has been able to upgrade to a completely wireless campus, purchase class sets of iPads and Kindles and much, much more. Come out and enjoy a great day of golf and help support technology at St. Anne! GOLF DETAILS: We play a team scr amble for mat (best shot played until ball is holed) with adjustments for handicap index. We have prizes for the best team and if you get a hole in one on a certain hole, you may be driving off in a brand new Cadillac, courtesy of Stewart Cadillac or a golf vacation to Pebble Beach! Plus, we have great door prizes, including dinner at Churrasco’s or Chuy’s and tickets to the Astros! WHEN: Tuesday, Apr il 28, 2015. We have a shotgun star t at 1:00 PM. Come as early as 11:30, pick up your registration bags and details, get a few practice swings in, and grab a lunch. At the conclusion of your 18 holes, we will have dinner and awards. WHERE: Black Hor se Golf Club, 12205 Fr y Road, Cypr ess, Texas. Black Hor se is a gr eat cour se. We will be playing the South course this year. HOW: Time is r unning out to r egister ! Simply go to http://www.stannecs.or g/suppor t-st-anne/golf to register or call Dawn Martinez at 713-526-3279. The course is $175/player and you can register a foursome or just yourself. READINGS FOR THIS WEEK LECTURAS PARA LA SEMANA NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS Monday Lunes Acts 4:23-31; Jn 3:1-8 Hch 4:23-31; Jn 3:1-8 Tuesday Martes Acts 4:32-37; Jn 3:7b-15 Hch 4:32-37; Jn 3:7b-15 Acts 3: 13-15, 17-19 1 John 2: 1-5a Luke 24: 35-48 Wednesday Miércoles Acts 5:17-26; Jn 3:16-21 Hch 5:17-26; Jn 3:16-21 Thursday Jueves Acts 5:27-33; Jn 3:31-36 Hch 5:27-33; Jn 3:31-36 LECTURAS DEL PROXIMO Friday Viernes Acts 5:34-42; Jn 6:1-15 Hch 5:34-42; Jn 6:1-15 DOMINGO Saturday Sábado Acts 6:1-7; Jn 6:16-21 Hch 6:1-7; Jn 6:16-21 Hechos 3: 13-15, 17-19 1 Juan 2: 1-5a Lucas 24: 35-48 April 11-1, ,11 1, de arril de ,11 CALENDAR OF EVENTS A.M. Masses Babysitting Nursery, Parish Center After Masses St. Basil Coffee Sales Church Plaza 9:00 am BOW for RCIA /CCE Dismissal during Mass 10:00 am New Members’ Meeting St. Joseph Room Society of St. Vincent de Paul St. Paul Resource Room 11:30 am Ensayo del Coro Salón de Música St. David 12:30 pm SAYA Sports Playing Fields 2:00 pm Serafines Salón St. John Bosco 2:30 pm Cursillistas—Ultreya Salón St. Anthony 3:00 pm Primeras Comuniones Templo 5:30 pm Ensayo del Coro Salón de Música St. David 6:00 pm New Members’ Meeting St. Joseph Room 6:30 am Men’s Sunrise Bible Study St. Christopher Room 10:00 am Prayer Shawl Ministry St. Teresa Room 5:30 pm Ensayo de Serafines / Padres Salón St. David / St. Paul 5:35 pm Tai Chi St. Anthony Room 6:30 pm Care Team Meeting St. Elizabeth Room 7-9 pm FTCM Class Semester 2 St. Christopher Room 7:00 pm Handbell Rehearsal St. David Music Room Middle School CCE/EDGE St. John Bosco Room 5:45 pm Overeaters Anonymous St. Anthony Room 6:30 pm Taller de Oración y Vida Salón St. John Bosco Taller para Jóvenes Salón St. Joseph 7:00 pm Meditation St. Elizabeth Room CALENDARIO DE EVENTOS 9:30 am Moms & Tots St. Elizabeth Room 10-11:30 am ENDOW St. Joseph Room 6:30 pm St.Monica Moms’ Meeting St. Joseph Room 6:45 pm Lectio Divina Brides’ Room 7:00 pm Adult Choir Practice St. David Music Room HS Confirmation Class Various Locations Confirmation Prayer Sponsors St. Teresa Room 7:30 pm Misa Templo 9:30 am Altar Society Sewing St. Elizabeth Room 10:15 am Moms’ Spiritual Discussion St. Anthony Room 6:30 pm RCIA St. Christopher Room 6:30-8:30 pm Curso de Biblia Salón St. John Bosco 7:00 pm SAYA Basketball Gym 6:00 pm Couples’ Retreat (must be pre-registered) Parish Center 2:00 pm Overeaters Anonymous Event St. Christopher Room SAYA Basketball Gym 8:00 pm Alcoholics Anonymous St. Christopher Room A.M. Masses Babysitting Nursery, Parish Center 9:00 am BOW for RCIA Dismissal during Mass 10:00 am Coffee & Donuts St. Basil Hall 11:30 am Ensayo del Coro Salón de Música St. David 12:30 pm SAYA Sports Playing Fields 2:00 pm RICA La Casita 5:30 pm Ensayo del Coro Salón de Música St. David 6:30 am Men’s Sunrise Bible Study St. Christopher Room 5:30 pm Ensayo de Serafines / Padres Salón St. David / St. Paul 5:35 pm Tai Chi St. Anthony Room 7-9 pm FTCM Class Semester 2 St. Christopher Room 7:00 pm Handbell Rehearsal St. David Music Room Middle School CCE/EDGE St. John Bosco Room 5:45 pm Overeaters Anonymous St. Anthony Room 6:30 pm Taller de Oración y Vida Salón St. John Bosco Taller para Jóvenes Salón St. Joseph 7:00 pm Meditation St. Elizabeth Room 9:30 am Moms & Tots St. Elizabeth Room 6:45 pm Lectio Divina St. Teresa Room 7:00 pm Adult Choir Practice St. David Music Room HS Confirmation Class Various Locations Confirmation Prayer Sponsors St. Teresa Room 7:30 pm Misa Templo SAYA Catholicism Series St. Joseph Room To view the entire monthly calendar, go to, then click on “St. Anne Calendar.” St. Anne Catholic Community La Comunidad Católica de Sta. Ana SACRAMENTS SACRAMENTOS SACRAMENTS SACRAMENTOS BAPTISM BAUTISMOS Parents are required to take a class. To register for this mandatory class please contact the Religious Education Office. If you are a registered member of St. Anne and have taken a baptism class in the past three years, contact Gwen to schedule a baptism date. The next baptism classes are March 28 and May 30. Para miembros inscritos. Se requiere tomar un curso de preparación. Deben registrarse mínimo un mes antes de la clase y después ya puede elegir la fecha del Bautismo. Para más información y fechas, favor de llamar a la oficina de Ministerio Hispano. ANOINTING OF THE SICK UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS First Saturday of the month after 8:15 AM Mass, or call the office. Primer viernes del mes en la misa de 7:30 PM o cuando se solicite llamando a la Oficina de Ministerio Hispano, ext. 4277. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK FAVOR DE REZAR POR LOS ENFERMOS Our ill family and friends written in our Book of Prayers: Nuestros queridos enfermos inscritos en el Libro de Oraciones: LEASE PRAY FOR THE SOULS OF: FAVOR DE REZAR POR LAS ALMAS DE: Our deceased family and friends written in the Book of Prayers. Nuestros familiares y amistades difuntos que están inscritos en nuestro Libro de Oraciones. RECONCILIATION CONFESIONES THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE EL SACRAMENTO DE MATRIMONIO The sacrament of marriage at St. Anne Church is reserved for Catholics who are registered, attending, supporting members of St. Anne Parish and live in the parish boundaries. Those not living in the boundaries must be registered, attending, and supporting the parish for at least six months before securing a wedding date. Call the church office. El sacramento del matrimonio en la Iglesia Santa Ana está reservado para Católicos que están inscritos como miembros, asistiendo, apoyando/contribuyendo a la parroquia y que viven dentro del área de la parroquia. Personas que no viven dentro del área deben de estar inscritos, asistiendo y apoyando/contribuyendo a la parroquia por un mínimo de seis meses antes de iniciar el proceso. Llame a la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano. DO YOU KNOW A COUPLE THAT IS HAVING A CHALLENGING SITUATION IN THEIR RELATIONSHIP AND NEED HELP? We may be able to coach you as a couple. We offer enrichment sessions, consulting and mentoring for married couples experiencing some crisis or challenges in their relationship. For more detailed information please contact the office of Family Life Ministry at (713) 741-8711. ¿ESTÁ INTERESADO (A) EN HABLAR CON ALGUIÉN SOBRE SU RELACIÓN MATRIMONIAL? Podemos ayudarle si está atravesando por algún reto en su relación de pareja. Ofrecemos sesiones de enriquecimiento matrimonial, consultoría y mentoría. Para mayor información por favor comuníquese al (713) 741-8711. Monday and Friday: 11:30-11:50 AM; Saturday: 4:15-5:15 PM. Los sábados a las 4:15 PM REGISTRATIONS INSCRIPCIONES If you are new to the parish, we would like for you to be a registered member of St. Anne Church. The next membership meeting is this Sunday, April 12, after 9 AM or 5 PM Mass, in the St. Joseph Room in the Parish Center. People 18+ should register on their own. Students away at college or university should register there. You must be a registered member in order to be married in this church, to obtain a letter to be a sponsor for a sacrament or to have your child baptized or enrolled in CCE. Si usted es nuevo en la parroquia o no se ha inscrito como miembro, le recomendamos se inscriba a la parroquia. La siguiente reunión para inscribirse será el domingo 3 de mayo después de la misa de 12:45 en el Salón St. Joseph y después de la misa de 7:00 en el templo. Ser miembro inscrito en Sta. Ana es un requisito cuando solicitan algún sacramento como bautismo o matrimonio, para clases de educación religiosa, o una quinceañera. Todo joven mayor de 18 años debe inscribirse individualmente. April 11-1, ,11 1, de arril de ,11 STAFF DIRECTORY MASSES MISAS Sunday / Domingo 7:30 AM • 9 AM • 11 AM • 5 PM Español: 12:45 PM y 7 PM Weekdays / Entre semana Monday—Friday 7:00 AM • 12 noon Español: Miércoles: 7:30 PM y Viernes Primero: 7:30 PM Saturday / Sábado 8:15 AM • 5:30 PM (Sunday Vigil) Holy Days / Días de Obligación See bulletin; Vea el boletín INTENTIONS INTENCIONES April 11-18, 2015 Sat/Sáb 5:30 Frank Trzcinski Sun/Dom 7:30 Int. All Parishioners 9:00 Gloria Zuniga 11:00 Faithful Departed 12:45 Leonardo Ascue 5:00 Brint Davis , Marie Schoettle 7:00 Hermenegilda López , Arnulfo Martínez Mon/Lun 7:00 Virginia Kellems 12:00 J.C. & Robert Ermis Tue/Mar 7:00 Int. Fabian Garcia 12:00 Betty Even Wed/Miér 7:00 Int. Robert LaJoie 12:00 David Beck 7:30 Justino Reyes Thurs/Jue 7:00 Anna DeTrolio 12:00 Int. José Moya Fri/Vier 7:00 Charlie Schoppa 12:00 Angie Jansen Sat/Sáb 8:15 Int. Yvonne McGrath 5:30 Patricia Foley = deceased/ difunto Int. = Intentions of / Intenciones de DIRECTORIO DEL PERSONAL Church Office (713) 526-3276 Fax (713) 525-4365 Email: Website: PARISH STAFF Fr. Alvin A. Sinasac, C.S.B., Pastor Fr. Jay F. Walsh, C.S.B. Fr. René Espejel, C.S.B. Deacon Jean-Paul Budinger LAY PASTORAL STAFF DIRECTOR OF MUSIC AND LITURGY Jim Ross x4232 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Matthew McCue x4211 DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Cary Ann Nunn x4234 CHILDREN’S RELIGIOUS ED COORDINATOR OF YOUTH MINISTRY MINISTRY TO SENIORS PASTORAL ASSISTANT / MARRIAGE PREP SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Isabel Van Strien x4273 Monica Aquila x4223 Betty Boatman, Joan O’Leary x4254 Mary Singleton x4291 MINISTERIO HISPANO (713) 525-4390 Fax (713) 525-4359 VICARIO PARROQUIAL Padre René Espejel, C.S.B. COORD. DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO Sylvia Salinas x4247 FORMACIÓN Y EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Sylvia Salinas x4247 COORDINADORA DE MÚSICA SECRETARIA Beatrice García x4248 Patricia Herrera x4277 OFFICE STAFF ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR ACCOUNTANT PART-TIME OFFERTORY ASSISTANT ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT PARISH SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST WEBMASTER MANAGER OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS RELIGIOUS ED ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Paulette Golden x4239 Jerry Aucoin x4297 María Lourdes Lopez x4253 Rosemary Morgan x4272 Gwen Rossel x4256 Brenda Esparza Isabel Saucedo Jerome Baumeister x4269 Madison Woods-Bernardine x4235 ST. ANNE SCHOOL 2120 Westheimer Rd., Houston, TX 77098 (713) 526-3279 Fax (713) 526-8025 Email: PRINCIPAL Kathleen A. Barnosky ST. ANNE SCHOOL FOUNDATION (713) 525-4301 Fax (832) 553-1008 Email: DIRECTOR Sharon Current x4301 BULLETIN DEADLINE IS 12 NOON ON MONDAY IN GWEN ROSSEL’S OFFICE OR BY EMAIL TO: Favor de entregar anuncios para este boletín a la Oficina de Ministerio Hispano antes de mediodía el lunes. St. Anne Catholic Community La Comunidad Católica de Sta. Ana ST. ANNE SCHOOL NEWS Dear St. Anne Parishioners, Thank you for your generosity to the St. Anne Catholic School Annual Fund. Over these past few weeks of our inaugural campaign, your support has been invaluable. Your help, both financially and with your prayers, has brought us closer to reaching our goal. The school has been a part of our parish for almost 85 years and it would not have weathered the storms without the support of the parish. Your financial support helps us to ensure that we can continue to teach children. As a community of 500+ students, we will be able to incorporate more technology into the classrooms, offer more professional development opportunities to the faculty and staff and offer more avenues for students to shine in the arts. The early childhood students are using some incredible apps that allow them to read aloud a book with their parents and record the reading for the teachers to evaluate fluency the next day. In the elementary school, the first and second grade students had a live presentation from Flat Stanley after reading about his NOTICIAS DE LA ESCUELA SANTA ANA adventures. In the junior high, our students are preparing for the production of Annie in early May. All of these great activities and events happen with the generosity of parishioners who support St. Anne Catholic School. Thank you again, St. Anne Catholic Community. We could not have done this without you. Estimados Feligreses de Sta. Ana, Gracias por su generosidad al Fondo Anual de la Escuela Católica de Sta. Ana. Por las pasadas semanas de nuestra primera campaña, su apoyo ha sido muy valioso. Con su ayuda, tanto financiera como con sus oraciones, nos hemos acercado a nuestra meta. La escuela ha sido parte de nuestra parroquia por casi 85 años y no hubiera resistido la tormenta sin el apoyo de la parroquia. Su apoyo financiero nos ayuda a asegurar que podemos continuar enseñando a los niños. Como una comunidad de más de 500 estudiantes, vamos a ser capases de incorporar más tecnología en las aulas, ofrecer más oportunidades de desarrollo profesional a la facultad y el personal y ofrecer más vías para que los estudiantes brillen en las artes. Los estudiantes de la primera están utilizando algunas aplicaciones increíbles que les permiten leer un libro WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR VOCATIONS en voz alta con sus padres y grabar la lectura para que los maestros puedan evaluar la fluidez al siguiente día. En la primaria, los estudiantes de primero y segundo grados tuvieron una presentación en vivo de Flat Stanley después de leer sobre sus aventuras. En junior high, nuestros estudiantes se están preparando para la producción de “Annie” a principios de mayo. Todas estas grandiosas actividades y eventos se hacen posibles con la generosidad de feligreses que apoyan a la Escuela Católica de Sta. Ana. Una vez más, gracias a la Comunidad Católica de Sta. Ana. No habríamos podido lograr esto sin ustedes. DÍA MUNDIAL DE ORACIÓN PARA VOCACIONES is Sunday, April 26. Please join Catholics around the world in praying that young men and women hear and respond generously to the Lord’s call to the priesthood, diaconate, consecrated life, societies of apostolic life, and secular institutes. es el domingo 26 de abril. Favor de unirse con católicos alrededor del mundo orando para que hombres y mujeres jóvenes escuchen y respondan generosamente a la llamada del Señor al sacerdocio, el diaconado, la vida consagrada, las sociedades de vida apostólica, y institutos seculares. VOCATION PRAYER FOR THE FAMILY ORACIÓN DE VOCACIÓN POR LA FAMILIA Heavenly Father, help us to model our families after the simple, prayerful life of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Help us to make our homes true domestic churches that are fertile soil for the vocations You have ordained from all eternity, to flourish. Give us hearts grateful for vocations to the priesthood and religious life from among our children. May we encourage them to pray for God’s will, knowing that in responding to Your will is where they will be happiest and most fulfilled. Padre Divino, ayúdanos a modelar nuestras familias según la vida simple, piadosa de Jesús, María y José Ayúdanos que de nuestros hogares hagamos iglesias domésticas verdaderas que son terreno fértil para las vocaciones que Tú has ordenado desde toda la eternidad, para florecer. Danos corazones agradecidos por las vocaciones al sacerdocio y la vida religiosa entre nuestros hijos. Que podamos animarlos a orar por la voluntad de Dios, sabiendo que en la respuesta a Tu voluntad es donde estarán más felices y más plenos. April 11-1, ,11 1, de arril de ,11 FAITH FORMATION CHILDREN April & May CCE Class Dates: Apr il 12, Apr il 26, May 3 (Last Class) VBS—Vacation Bible School—WE NEED YOU! June 15th-19th We need a Coordinator for VBS this year! Please consider volunteering! Registrations are available online for Prek3-5th grade participants. Contact Isabel van Strien for more info / (713) 525-4273 / YOUTH Middle School Girls Retreat Two’Day Retreat—May 8: 5 PM-9 PM & May 9: 9 AM-9 PM We would love you to join us. pen to any 6th-8th grade girls. Registration paperwork is available online or in the parish religious education office. Archdiocesan Youth Conference July 31-Aug 2 All incoming 9th-outgoing 12th grade students are invited to join us for AYC with 2500 teens from the archdiocese. It is a weekend at the George R Brown and Hilton Hotel downtown, filled with international speakers, breakouts, games, music, food, laughs, and fun. Registration is online or at the parish religious education office. Fee is $225. Deadline for Rregistration is April 15. Jr. High Day Camp 2015 July 6-10, 2015, 9 AM-4 PM daily A week of faith and fun including trips to Lazer Tag, Splashtown Water Park, retreat time, games, prayer, and much more! Fee is $225 for the week. Registration is available online or at the religious education office. High School Staff application is also available Contact: Monica Aquila / /713-525-4223 or Natalie Mendieta / ADULT Congratulations to the following people who were initiated into the Church this Easter Vigil: James Peter Hooper, Jennifer Therese of Lisieux Lin, Alexis Mary Copeland, Raelyna Teresa of Calcutta Nunley, Armin Michael the Archangel Hadi Let us give thanks and continue to pray for our new members. Couples Retreat Friday April 17, 2015 at 6:30 Enjoy a wonderful meal, interact with other Catholic couples and learn more about how you and your spouse communicate. Meet and Greet begins at 6:30 in St. Basil Hall, followed by dinner. Cost is $50, payable in advance; unfortunately we cannot accept walk-ins. Make checks payable to Saint Anne Catholic Chur ch, mail to: Religious Education Department, Saint Anne Catholic Church, 2140 Westheimer Road, Houston, TX, 77098. Limited to the first 50 couples. Questions, call Religious Education Office at 713-526-2936 or email:
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