St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church Serving the Community for 130 Years February 15, 2015—6th Sunday 251 Franklin St., Hightstown, NJ 08520 February 18 2 MONDAY 9:00 am 7:30 pm TUESDAY 6:45 am 9:00 am WEDNESDAY 6:45 am 9:00 am THURSDAY 6:45 am 9:00 am FRIDAY 9:00 am SATURDAY 4:30 pm SUNDAY 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:00 noon 4:00 pm February 16 Exequiel Mateos (Anniversary) Mass in Spanish February 17 Communion Service Josephine & Ketlie Theagene February 18 - Ash Wednesday Phyllis Perdoni Tony DiPrima (Healing) February 19 Communion Service Kenneth Pinney February 20 Eileen Cooney February 21 James Mahoney February 22 Roberto Aponte Ruth Scheidermann Jack Devine For all living & deceased parish members Cynthia Murray February Pilgrim Cross Schedule: Sunday 10:30am Mass Rev. Patrick J. McDonnell, Pastor, ext. 18 Office Phone: 609-448-0141 ■ Fax: 609-448-8878 Assisting Priests and Deacons who are not assigned to our Parish, but who come here to help us: Msgr. Hugh Ronan, Father Lee Inverso, Father Tony Ramos, Latino Ministry: Father Miguel Valle Deacon: Tom Garvey, Asst. Deacon: Michael Scannella Asst. Deacon Andy Fatovic For emergencies only x30 Assistant to the Pastor: Sheila Conway x25 Nutritional Counseling Bulletin Editor/Admin. Assistant: Deb Napolitano x11 Trustee: Tony Humphreys Helping Hands Coordinator: Judy Abramovitz 609 443-3573 Music Ministries Director: Quentin Marty Ph.D. 609 448-3944 Contemporary Choir: Catherine Doyle 609 448-6120 Director of Operations: Guy Conway x23 Parish Accountant : Henry Kazin x10 Religious Education: Aileen O’Brien x21 Religious Ed. Admin. Assistant/Liaison Latino Community: Ximena Bustamante x29 Sacrament Secretary: Deacon Michael Scannella x28 Building & Grounds: Eddie Dunn and Assistant Nick Sebasto x31 Youth Ministry: Liz Guzhnay x12 Parish Office Hours: Mon- Thursd day — 9AM—4PM Friday 8AM - 3PM Visit our website www.stanthony– Wheelchair Accessible SCRIPTURE READINGS—Week of February 15 Monday: Gn 4:1-15, 25; Ps 50:1, 8, 16bc-17, 20-21; Mk 8:11-13 Tuesday: Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Ps 29:1a, 2, 3ac-4, 3b, 9c-10; Mk 8:14-21 Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab, 12-14, 17; 2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 9:22-25 Friday: Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15 Saturday: Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32 Sunday: Gn 9:8-15; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:1215 Ash Wednesday—The Ashes The ashes are made from the blessed palms used in the Palm Sunday celebration of the previous year. The ashes are christened with Holy Water and are scented by exposure to incense. While the ashes symbolize penance and contrition, they are also a reminder that God is gracious and merciful to those who call on Him with repentant hearts. His Divine mercy is of utmost importance during the season of Lent, and the Church calls on us to seek that mercy during the entire Lenten season with reflection, prayer and penance. GROW IN FAITH THIS LENT! Begin your journey through Lent on Ash Wednesday with EWTN's coverage of Holy Mass and the Blessing and Imposition of the Ashes from Rome with Pope Francis. Then, look to EWTN for devotional programming throughout the Lenten season and a host of new shows for the Spring! Visit for more information or to watch programming online! John Carney, Rebecca Peterson, Josua Estenes, Valerie Peterson, Pat Bernard, Ted Misiura, Joan Misiura, Joyce Crosby, Nerina Lamartina, Marie Cacuzzo, Ronald Shekiro, Christine Divine, Lauren Conway, Christopher Prefer, Richard Mastriano, Henry Lloyd, Carl Rubino, Domonique DeStefano, Mary Wall, Steven Madonna, Agnes Medican, and Nancy Aiello. Names appear for four weeks. 448-0141 x11 or Jennie Rubino 609 490 –0473 for additional prayers. Liturgy of the Eucharist Saturday: 4:30 PM; Sunday: 7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 AM; 4:00 PM, 12:00 noon (Español) Daily Masses: Monday, 7:30 PM Spanish Monday-Friday 9:00 AM Consult Bulletin for any special 6:45 AM services Novena to St. Anthony of Padua Tuesdays following the 9 AM Mass Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help Wednesdays following the 9 AM Mass Adoration of Blessed Sacrament st 1 Fridays – after 9:00 AM mass to 7:00 PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 3:30-4:00 PM, Reconciliation Room 3 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time Reflection by Rev. Leonard N. Peterson Certain spiritual writers have waxed eloquent about the “leprosy” of sin on the soul, a worthwhile teaching metaphor. But I prefer to focus on the compassion of Jesus in such scenes. He well knew the prescriptions of Leviticus we hear today. And He would respect the intentions of the lawmakers based on their primitive medical knowledge. Yet He could look beyond the codified exile such laws imposed on the victims to consider the deeper implications of the penalties on them, namely shame and isolation. Lent 2015 begins this coming Wednesday with its ancient physical symbol of ashes on the forehead. A chief component of a well-lived Lent is repentance for past sins and a resolve to change. As we face the uncomfortable facts in our past, we can be tempted to judge ourselves “wretched,” as the hymn “Amazing Grace” puts it. It is more than comforting to me to realize in Lent that my just Judge was once “moved with pity” for the plight of this unnamed begging leper. That kind of good news can brighten all of our days and nights as believing Christians. And, as one writer put it: “The task ahead of us is never as great as the Power behind us.” Source: Altar Rosary Society—Stations of the Cross The Altar Rosary Society will be leading the first Stations of the Cross on Friday, February 20, 2015 at 7pm in the church. Come walk with Mary, the Mother of Jesus, as we try to imagine what her thoughts were as she journeyed the “Way of the Cross” with her son. Let us come together to remember what Jesus did for all of us and thank Him for suffering & dying for our sins and giving us the gift of eternal life. Call Jan Guthrie 448-7567 or Rae Rasi 443-6339 for more information. Palms From Last Year You can bring your blessed palms from last year to church before Ash Wednesday and we will use them in the holy fire that will be lit at the Holy Saturday Vigil Mass. You can give your blessed palms to an usher at any mass. Call Janice 448-9120 with any questions. First Reading: Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46 Although hygiene was a concern, the reason a leper, or other skin-diseased person was religiously or socially ostracized was their consequent lack of bodily integrity thought to be necessary for worship. Second Reading: I Corinthians 10:31-11:1 The community needs to have a missionary mindset. Paul’s lifestyle he admits must mirror Christ’s own, inasmuch as his Corinthian community members never saw Christ. Gospel: Mark 1:40-45 Biblical “leprosy” was not the disease as we know it today. Rather, it referred to any “repulsive skin disorder.” The victim in this scene benefits that Jesus was “moved with pity.” Yet, the cured man’s misplaced story-telling took away Jesus’ anonymity. Religious Education Director: Aileen Mary O’Brien 609-448-0141 x21 Religious Ed. Admin. Assistant/ Liaison Latino Community: Ximena Bustamante 609-448-0141x29 Office hours: 9-3 PM Monday – Friday We are closed Sat. and Sun. Director’s Corner “The Great Danger for family life, in the midst of any society who’s Idols are pleasure, comfort and independence lies in the fact that people close their hearts and become selfish.” St. John Paul II In today’s Gospel, (Mark 1:40-45), Jesus heals a leper. This is a surprise to the Jews that felt lepers were unclean and therefore unable to participate in the Liturgical life of the Jews. There is a “messianic secret” theme throughout Mark’s Gospel-Jesus tells the demons he expels to be silent. Our Lord wanted to avoid the wrath of his enemies until the appointed time of his passion. There will be a special Ash Wednesday service for CCD students in the gymnasium at 5:00pm. Ash Wednesday Services - February 18 6:45 am & 9:00 am Mass 12:00 pm 3:00 pm 4:30 pm 7:00 pm 8:30 pm Mass in Spanish The Catholic Church asks of baptized Catholics: 1. The days of fast (only 1 full meal) and abstinence (no meat) are Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. 2. All other Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence (no meat). Those between the ages of 18 and 59 are obliged to fast (only one full meal) as above. From the age of 14, people are also obliged to abstain (no meat: this obligation prohibits the eating of meat, but not eggs, milk products or condiments of any kind, even though made from animal fat). Collection Schedule Collections: First Second 2/15 Weekly Project Love to Africa 2/22 Weekly Catholic Schools 3/1 Weekly Capital Campaign 3/8 Weekly Monthly 4 Social Justice Corner - February 15, 2015 He shall dwell apart making his abode outside the camp. Leviticus 13:46 This passage refers to the treatment of lepers. As long as the leper had a sore, he/she was considered unclean and could not live with healthy people. This was considered protection for the many. Who are today's lepers? Who are the people who are not permitted to re-enter society as long as there is a “sore.” The millions of people who are caught up in the US criminal justice system, whether still behind bars, on parole or considered ex-convicts are often treated as today's lepers. In many states, ex-convicts lose their right to vote. They cannot get subsidized housing. They cannot get government loans for education. They cannot serve on a jury. They cannot find work. The “sore” they still bear is the “sore” of having been in jail. Even though statistics show that blacks use drugs no more than whites use drugs, blacks are arrested and convicted at an alarming rate; whereas, whites go free. The failed “War on Drugs” has become the new Jim Crow. By stigmatizing young black men with the “sore” of incarceration, we've created a racial caste that makes it close to impossible for black ex-convicts to re-enter society. “Drug arrests have tripled since 1980. As a result, more than 31 million people have been arrested for drug offences since the drug war began. There are more people in prisons and jails today just for drug offences than were incarcerated for all reasons in 1980. Nothing has contributed more to the systematic mass incarceration of people of color in the United States than the War on Drugs. “Arrests for marijuana possession accounted for nearly 80 percent of the growth in drug arrests in the 1990's. Despite the fact that most drug arrests are for nonviolent minor offenses, the War on Drugs has ushered in an era of unprecedented punitiveness. “This book argues that mass incarceration is, metaphoricaly, the New Jim Crow and that all those who care about social justice should fully commit themselves to dismantling this new racial caste system.” The New Jim Crow, Mass Incarceration in an Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander, associate professor of law at Ohio State University Lenore Isleib Social Justice Committee Here’s to Your Health with Sheila Conway (Consult your Physician before making any changes to your exercise or diet regimen.) Get Motivated for a Morning Workout Ever notice that when you exercise in the morning, you feel more alert and productive all day? It’s no coincidence — a morning workout has several advantages for your body and your mind. First, exercise jump-starts your metabolism, and keeps you burning calories at a higher rate all day. Also, you get your exercise out of the way and don’t have to worry about not having time for your workout routine, should something unexpected come up during the day. One recent study found that exercise before breakfast can counter the ill effects of overeating. Science aside, if you find getting up and exercising in the a.m. is easier said than done, try these tricks. Move Your Alarm Clock to the other side of the room so you have to get up and out of bed to shut it off. Make a Date - Having a workout routine buddy is a great motivator. Load Workout Music Onto Your iPod - Research has shown that listening to music when you exercise can produce positive thoughts and help offset fatigue. Prep the Night Before - It helps to lay out your exercise clothes and equipment the night before. That way you don’t waste any time getting dressed and ready for your workout. Tell the World About Your Plans - Thanks to Facebook and Twitter, you can tell everyone you know about your morning workout routine. Once you do so, it’s harder not to follow through with it. Too Sleepy? Give It Time - After about a week or two, your body will adjust to your early workout schedule and it will be easier to get up and out of the house and head for the gym. Here’s why: When you exercise regularly, you sleep better at night. When you sleep better at night, waking up to exercise is easier to do. Source: Lose your car key? We have a Subaru car key in the church office. Call 448-0141 x11 Sanctuary Lamp… in Memory of James Mahoney, requested by Clare O’Such CHILDREN’S EASTER CHOIR HEY KIDS! JOIN ST. ANTHONY’S EASTER CHOIR! The Easter Choir is now practicing for the 10:30 AM Mass on Easter Sunday, April 5th. Kids in GRADES 4 AND ABOVE are invited to sing. Choir practice is on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 PM in the church. There is NO practice on Ash Wed. 2/18/15. It’s not too late to join. Come sign up at the rehearsal. Parents are invited to attend. For more information contact Quentin Marty at 609-448-3944. Congratulations! Please join us in wishing a Happy 59th Anniversary to Barbara and Adam Povlick CCD Closings In the event of unscheduled weather-related CCD closings, please call the church main office 609 448-0141 and listen for Father Pat’s message. Or call Aileen O’Brien x21. 5 Building Fund/Capital Campaign Fund MINISTRIES A big THANK YOU to all those who continue to support our monthly Building/Capital Campaign Fund by making their generous donations. We continue to pay our monthly mortgage payments of $8,446.86 and now have only 9 more payments to make totaling $76,021.74 and will be paid off in August of 2015. Along with these important loan payments we continue to provide the proper maintenance and repairs required to keep our buildings and grounds in pristine condition, all the while paying very close attention to costs. We are proud to say that our maintenance costs have been reduced substantially this year over the previous several. Over and above the day to day maintenance and repairs there still are plans for several projects that will require substantial investments. As noted previously, the parking lot and concrete walks are a concern and will need to be addressed, along with our sound and computer system and backup power. Once the mortgage is paid off it will free up funds that will enable us to make these necessary improvements, which is why your continued support of the Building/ Capital Campaign Fund is so important. In the meantime we will continue our current maintenance program to keep the building and grounds safe and in the best condition. Anthonian Seniors: St. Anthony of Padua Parishioners 50 years and older are welcome to join our Senior Club. Please call Angie Cruz 609–448–2511, or come to a meeting. The Mass Offering Total for February 8: $13,644. Your donations are important; they help Saint Anthony of Padua continue the good work in the parish and the community. Please remember the Parish in your Wills and in your Estate Planning. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bereavement Ministry: We meet and talk to people in our parish who have experienced losses; we help you find peace of mind and soul. Please contact the parish office 609-448-0141 x25 or Deacon Mike Scannella x28. Let God begin his work with and in you. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Helping Hands: Diligent volunteers provide a variety of help for people in the community. Contact: Judy Abramovitz 609 4433573 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ King’s Kids is a Children's Liturgy of the Word program held monthly at the 9 and 10:30 Masses. For information, contact Joanne and John Tyne. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Knights of Columbus Hightstown We welcome any interested men of the parish. To learn more please call Rob Walsh 609 509-1718. We are looking to provide more support to the parish . _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Music Ministries - Get involved and share your love of music! See Quentin Marty after Mass or 609-448-3944; Contemporary Choir Cathy Doyle 609-448-6120,and Spanish Choir: Nelson Rivera at 609-443-9683 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Prayer Shawl Ministry - Prayer shawls are available at no charge to ill parishioners, their families or friends. To request a prayer shawl call Rosemarie Farkas 448-6971 or Rosalie Danek 448-8431. We accept monetary donations. Volunteers are very much needed! Lessons are available. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Respect Life Ministry. - The group meets on the 4th Thursday of each month. For more information, please call Tony Humphreys 609-448-8229. Pregnant? - Need Help? Birthright is here to help - 49 East Main Street, Freehold NJ 07728; 732462-2888. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Catholic Annual Appeal From the Pastor’s Desk Next weekend is Pledge Sunday for the Annual Catholic Appeal (APA) throughout the Diocese of Trenton. Each year the Bishop seeks the support of all of the members of the diocese to further the work of our ministries. Each of us has a vital part in all we do in Christ’s name, and each of us can share in all we do with a gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal. Our single Act of Faith propels the works of love that build up our church. You make that happen with a generous gift to the ACA. This year St. Anthony’s share of the goal is $63,000. As the people of the Diocese of Trenton, you have an opportunity to help others see Christ working in our midst. I ask you to take a moment and truly reflect on any help you can give. We truly need everyone to participate. This year we again are striving to reach our goal of $7 million. I am always grateful and moved by the level of support you give to our parish. I thank you for your support, and may God continue to bless you and your family. RCIA Ministry - If you are 16 years and over and would like to become a Catholic, or if you have been baptized but have not received the sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation, please call: Rosemarie Constable 609-448-0974, Steve Pavone 732-446-7661, or Deacon Tom Garvey 609-443-5699. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Social Concerns Social Concerns (totally funded by your donations) helps those in OUR parish in distress and in need of temporary aid. (Prov 14:31) “To help the poor is to honor God.” Clothing at Green House The Green House will receive and distribute gently used, washed and folded clothing SATURDAYS ONLY from 9:00am to 11:00am. As always, thank you for your donations and cooperation. Barbara McGeachen 609-4488399 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Social Justice Committee - Our committee's mission is to work to support the rights of the most vulnerable in our society. All are welcome. For information call Leigh or Lenore Isleib 609448-6470. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Spiritual Direction- If you are looking for a deeper relationship with God, or perhaps ‘just want to pray better’ perhaps spiritual direction would help. For more info or to give it a try, contact Mary Naylor 609-426-6144 or Sandra Lopez 609 506 1010 by appointment. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Father Michael Brizio IMC will be helping us on the last Thursday of each month for confession or counsel in the Church from 7pm to 8:30pm. Call the church office for holiday schedule. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ GED / ESL – Victor Fernandez 609-468-0304 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Anthonian Seniors are celebrating St. Patrick's Day on Tuesday, March 3 at noon. Lunch costs $5 per person. Karl Dentino is coming to play Irish music. Please wear something green. For details call 609 933-4321. For a complete listing of ministries and groups, please visit our website or call the church office. If small children need to visit the restroom or water fountain during mass, they must be accompanied by an adult. Thank you for your cooperation! 6 Youth Ministry News Life Teen and Edge will not be Meeting Sunday February 15th 2015 ʹΙΖΔΜ͑ΠΦΥ͑ΥΙΖ͑ΊΠΦΥΙ͑;ΚΟΚΤΥΣΪ͑ͳΝΠΘ͑ΗΠΣ͑ ΦΡΕΒΥΖΤͫ͑ ΤΥΒΟΥΙΠΟΪ͞ΙΚΘΙΥΤΥΠΨΟ͟ΟΖΥ͠ΪΠΦΥΙ͞ ΞΚΟΚΤΥΣΪ͞ΓΝΠΘ͑ ͑ DYC 2015 – March 22 DON’T FORGET ASH WEDNESDAY (FEB. 18) LIFETEEN AND EDGE Diocesan Youth Celebration @ Notre Dame High School Info: or 609-406-7440 CORE THEOLOGY LECTURES Introduction to Canon Law Sr. Rose McDermott Saturday, March 7 10:00 am to 3:00 pm Place: Chancery/Pastoral Center, 701 Lawrenceville Road Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Cost: $10 (bring a lunch) Information: 609-403-7205 or March 28 - A Lenten Young Adult Retreat from 10-3pm Life Lessons of Mary – experience “Calvary” through the life of Mary Speaker Sr. Mary Agnes Ryan, IHM Director Department of Evangelization & Catechesis of Diocese of Trenton Diocese of Trenton Chancery/ Pastoral Center library 701 Lawrenceville Rd Trenton, NJ 08638 Price $10.00 Origin of “God Bless You” for Sneezing One explanation holds that the custom originally began as an actual blessing. Gregory I became Pope in 590 as an outbreak of the bubonic plague was reaching Rome. In hopes of fighting off the disease, he ordered unending prayer and parades of chanters through the streets. At the time, sneezing was thought to be an early symptom of the plague. The blessing ("God bless you!") became a common effort to halt the disease. A variant of the Pope Gregory I story places it with Pope Gregory VII, then tells the common story of "Ring Around the Rosey" being connected to the same plague. A legend holds that it was believed that the heart stops when you sneeze, and the phrase "bless you" is meant to ensure the return of life or to encourage your heart to continue beating. Another version says that people used to believe that your soul can be thrown from your body when you sneeze, that sneezing otherwise opened your body to invasion by the Devil or evil spirits, or that sneezing was your body's effort to force out an invading evil spirit. Thus, "bless you" or "God bless you" is used as a sort of shield against evil. Another belief is that people used to see sneezing as a sign that God would answer your prayers or an omen of good fortune or good luck. In this case, "Bless you" would be in recognition of that luck. Source: Professional, Quality Home Repair Susan A. Leiva DMD Specialty Permit #3852 Orthodontics For All Ages 2 Centre Dr., Suite 300 Monroe Township, NJ 08831 609-409-1700 • Waterproofing Mold Remediation Help is On the Way Experienced L.P.N. For Your Home Care Needs Hourly/Visits Day Care Alternative 15% OFF Joe Frey, Parishioner (609) 426-0818 • (609) 468-3926 DOM'S SERVICE CENTER Complete Auto Repairs • ASE Certified Structural Repairs 1.888.799.3056 Angie’s A.L. Duryee & Son • Monuments & Markers • Bronze Plates • Stone Lettering "Serving Your Community for Over 50 years" Phone: 609/448-4146 308 Mercer Street Hightstown, New Jersey 08520 Larry Quattrone ~ Owner, Parishioner Serving PA, NJ & DE 877-401-4777 385 MERCER ST., HIGHTSTOWN 609-448-0050 Fax: 609-448-3369 PERSONAL CARE FOR YOUR HAIR 15% OFF Angie Rey, Stylist/Owner 572 Rt. 130, Ste. 3, E. Windsor 609-301-8334 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Follow us on: DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: 568 St. Anthony of Padua, Hightstown, NJ (i) S $75 OFF 20% OFF 25% OFF Tile & Grout Cleaning (200 sq ft min) Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning Carpet Stretching & Repair CLEANING SOLUTION INC. Se Habla Español 10% OFF ANY SERVICE (NEW CUSTOMERS ONLY) GUTTER CLEANING 609-586-2300 GUTTER DOCTORX Lic. & Ins. NJ #13VH07195600 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning ✔ Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) ✔ Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair ✔ Tile & Grout Cleaning - Kitchen, Bath & Shower Re-caulking, Re-grouting, Sealing, Tile Replace & Repair ✔ Dryer Vent Cleaning (major fire hazard!) ✔ Power Washing for Decks, Walkways, Patio & Siding SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT 1.866.264.8444 Licensed & Insured CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT John Patrick Publishing Co., Inc. 1-800-333-3166 • 7 VI DOMINGO ORDINARIO (Marcos 1:40-45) La gente que sufría de enfermedades de la piel, manchas, llagas, o supuraciones, era tenida por impura, expulsada de la comunidad, y sobrevivía mendigando de lejos. Eran vidas marcadas por la desgracia. El leproso de hoy vence el miedo a ser rechazado y se acerca para suplicar su curación. Jesús lo cura y lo toca con su mano, una clara transgresión a la regulación de santidad social. Luego la declara limpio. Pero le da dos fuertes indicaciones, una que silencie lo ocurrido y que cumpla con la prescripción de la ley. Había sacerdotes por todos los pueblos de Israel, pero es probable que la ofrenda prescrita se debiera hacer en el templo. Marcos nos dice que si el curado cumplió la ordenanza, pero lo que si desobedeció rotundamente fue la orden de silencio absoluto. El curado se convierte en predicador –testigo- de su propia curación, y de tal manera que los papeles quedan invertidos en la narración de Marcos. Si al leproso le estaba vedado entrar en contacto con la sociedad, es Jesús el que se mira pedido por el entusiasta anuncio del curado. Pero este apartarse de Jesús no impide que las demás gentes acudan a él. Así que Jesús parece asumir las condiciones de vida del leproso, y este el papel de Jesús. Las buenas noticias son irrefrenables, pero es el beneficiario el mejor cualificado para publicarlas. Podemos preguntar ¿Qué es lo que nosotros anunciamos? Source/LTP Manual para proclamadores de la palabra Servicios el miércoles de Ceniza Febrero 18 6:45am Misa; 9:00am Misa; 12:00pm; 3:00pm; 4:30pm; 7:00pm; 8:30pm Misa en Español. RECUERDE QUE DURANTE LA CUARESMA NO TENDREMOS BAUTIZOS. EXAMEN DENTAL GRATIS: Para ninos sin seguro medico esto en Hamilton para hacer una cita llamar al 609.587.0600. TIEMPO INCLEMENTE: En este tiempo del ano, donde el clima es impredecible lo mejor sería llamar con anticipación, para verificar si el horario de misa u oficina ha cambiado. Por favor llame a la línea principal 609.448.0141 ext. 34 TALLER DE ORACION Y VIDA: El próximo sábado 21 de Febrero se dará inicio al Taller de Oración y Vida, esto será en el salón comunitario de 7am -9am. La duración del taller será de 15 semanas. Más información comunicarse a la oficina. OFICINA DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA: La oficina está buscando voluntarios bilingües para el día lunes, Y miércoles, Catequistas, ayudantes de catequistas, monitores en el pasillo. Si está interesado por favor comunicarse con la Sra. Aileen O’Brien ext. 21. o Ximena ext. 29 Aileen O’Brien, Directora de Educación Religiosa. La Diócesis está ofreciendo el curso del VIRTUS a las personas que son parte de algún ministerio y que trabajan con niños en la parroquia. Día: 02/21/2015 Hora: 6:00pm-9pm Iglesia de San Pablo, Princeton Costo: $3.00 para materiales Favor de registrase con: Jossie Ruiz – 609-403-7151 CONGRESO CUARESMAL: Se invita a la comunidad a este congreso empezando. El viernes 20 de Febrero, 2015 de 6:00pm a 10 pm. (Comenzando con el Viacrucis, Misa y Predicación) Seguido del sábado 21 de Febrero de 8:00 am a 4:00 pm (Comenzando con la Santa Misa) Habrán sacerdotes disponibles para la confesión durante el congreso. Donación $15.00, se venderá almuerzo por $ 5.000 Para boletos y más información llamar a la Catedral 609.396.8447; Aida Beauchamps 609.637.0184; Milady Gonzalez 609.433.6070. El CUPO ES LIMITADO NO MENORES DE 13 ANOS LA DIOCESIS DE TRENTON: Está ofreciendo un taller el sábado 7 y 14 de Marzo para todos los ministerios del la parroquia. “D Desarrollando la Capacidad Intercultural de los Ministros”. El contenido de estas presentaciones está diseñado para ofrecer a los líderes de ministerios un nivel básico de conocimientos y habilidades en el área del ministerio intercultural. La cuota de inscripción es de $15., incluye almuerzo y libro. El cupo es limitado. Se proveerá ayuda financiera si la necesita. Para más información comunicarse con Sandra Lopez al 609.403.7138 Adopte Espiritualmente a un bebe 5ta Semana – Adopción Espiritual ¡Cosas muy emocionantes empieza a pasar! Mira, mis brazos y piernas ya se notan y parecen brotecitos de rosas. Tengo un cordón umbilical por donde mi mami me suple sustancias nutritivas y sangre rica en oxígeno. Casi todos mis órganos empiezan a desarrollarse. Mis pulmones se empiezan a desarrollar. Los cuatro ventrículos de mi corazón trabajan al 100% y bombean sangre por mi cuerpecito, si te acercas y escuchas con cuidado puedes oír sus latidos. Con cada latido de mi corazón digo ¡te amo mi Dios! Gracias por tus oraciones. Hamilton para hacer una cita llamar al 609.587.0600. ADORACION AL SANTISIMO SACRAMENTO: El primer viernes del mes después de la misa de 9:30 am 7:00pm. Pastor: Rev. Patrick J. McDonnell: 609 448 0141 ext 18 Sacerdote de la misa los lunes: Fr. Toni Ramos Enlace entre la comunidad Latina y el Pastor: Ximena Bustamante 609 448 0141 ext. 29 Confesiones al mediodía los domingos: Fr. Pat Bautizos e Intensiones: Judith Cortez 609 336 7249. Matrimonios: Padre Miguel Valle 609 924 1743 ext. 119 Ensayos para Matrimonios Carlos Gavilanes 609 558 1079 Grupo Juvenil: Liz Guzhnay 609 448 0141 ext. 12 Quinceanos: Dinora García 609 802 9783 Grupo de Oración: Patricia Sanabria 609 529 6638 Grupo Mariano: Milton Pinos 908 770 0893 RICA (Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos) Carmen Franco 609 655 2878 José Luis Varela 609 977 6558 Servidores del Altar: Jesús Abalos 609 448 7651 Ministerio de Música: Nelson Rivera 609 443 9683 Departamento de Matrimonio y Vida Familiar: Freddy y Gloria Enríquez 609 937 8026 Servicios sociales para la comunidad Latina: David Abalos 609 371 2435 GED / ESL – Victor Fernandez 609 468 0304 Dirección Espiritual para mujeres una vez al mes: Sandra López 609 506 1010 Rev. Michael Brizio, IMC 732-303-7800 Richard Zimmer, Manager, N.J. Lic. No. 4589 J. Brent Barlow, N.J. Lic. No. 2826 Barlow and Zimmer FUNERAL HOME Neighbor Helping Neighbor Parish Member Christine A. Thompson, N.J. Lic. No. 3625 BOHDAN “BO” BOBJAK 609-585-8104 COLONIAL VALLEY COINS Buying & Selling Coins & Paper Money • Gold & Silver Bullion Tuesday-Friday 10am to 5pm • Saturday 10am-2pm • Sunday & Monday Appts. Only BRENNAN LAW FIRM 73 N. MAIN STREET, CRANBURY, NJ 609-395-5533 • WWW.BRENNANLAW.ORG FRANK J. BRENNAN, III • CRAIG A. COX • T.C. KINNEY Joseph Caruso, DDS 208 South Main Street Hightstown, NJ 08520 REAL ESTATE SERVICES WITH YOU EVERY STEP (609) 448-0243 NJ Lic. #13VH03327200 RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured Office Hours by Appointment GARVEY PEST CONTROL, INC. Princeton An Intelligent Approach to Pest Control General Household Pest Control - Bees, Carpenter Ants Small Animal & Bird Control • Termite Baiting Moles, Voles, Mice & Rat Removal Commercial/Residential Tom Garvey, Member of Parish 448-0900 Licensed & Insured 609-448-3456 ESTATE PLANNING • WILLS & TRUSTS • LAND USE COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE • 4343 South Broad Street • Hamilton, NJ 08620 202 Stockton Street Hightstown KELLERWILLIAMS R E A LT Y 100 Canal Pointe Blvd., Ste. 120 Princeton, NJ 08540 JOHN J. BUBLEWICZ ATTORNEY AT LAW Compassionate Representation of the Injured Personal Injury • Worker Compensation Jody Siano Realtor/Sales-Associate Cell: 609-529-8107 Office: 609-987-8889 Primary Care Medicine BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 609-386-6969 Adult & Geriatric Daniel L. Cimafranca, M.D. Wills / Power of Attorney / Estates Parishioner 609-426-8755 441 US Hwy. 130 North Promotional Products • Screen Printing East Windsor, NJ 08520 Mention ad for Embroidery • Awards • Signs 609-336-7518 10% OFF ...All Under One Roof!!! 609.395.8424 Most Major Insurances 1274 So. River Rd. NJ 08512 177 Mercer St., Hightstown, NJ Accepting New Patients. Cranbury, Tailoring Unlimited The Custom Tailor For Men & Women Formalwear Sales & Rental Leather Restyling & Alterations Communion Suits & Dress Alterations 208 N. Main St., Hightstown • 609-443-6886 David J. Kosek, CPA HUMPHREYS AND KOSEK ACCOUNTING & TAX SERVICES, INC. PERSONAL & SMALL BUSINESS SPECIALISTS Immigration • Wills & Estates Bankruptcy Located at: 134 Franklin Corner Rd. Suite 107 Lawrenceville NJ 08648 Accessible via NJTransit Bus No. 603 131 South Main Street, Hightstown • 609-448-8220 24 Hour Emergency Service E-mail: Se Habla Español 609.924.8500 609-371-HVAC (4822) Free Estimates on Heating & Air Conditioning Installations New....Air Duct Cleaning Service $89 (reg. $109) 568 St. Anthony of Padua, Hightstown, NJ (b) S FURNACE TUNE-UP with coupon VIDEO FREE INSPECTION on Air Ducts with coupon John Patrick Publishing Co., Inc. 1-800-333-3166 •
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