facebook.com/IHMatlanta @IHMatl Fifth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2015 Announcements Welcome, New Parishioners! Welcome to all our newly registered parishioners! We are happy to have you here with us! Archbishop Gregory urges Atlanta Catholics to participate in the relief effort for the Nepal earthquake. Visit http://www.crs.org to see how you can help. El Arzobispo Gregory le pide a los católicos de Atlanta que se unan y ayuden a las víctimas del terremoto en Nepal. Para ayudar, visite http://www.crs.org. Cards for the Mother’s Day Novena are in the Narthex. Please take one and return it to the Parish Office if you would like to have someone remembered during the Novena. ¡Bienvenidos a todos los nuevos feligreses! ¡Estamos contentos de que estén aquí con nosotros! Chris & Sarah Anderson Leslie Arana Raquel Aranda Rodrigo Araujo & Lluvia Mercado Alex Aschenbroich Santiago & Nelida Baltazar Stephanie Bell James & Tonja Bridges Eugenio Chio Joseph Coleman & Elizabeth Wheeler James & Jessica Cork Jesus Ignacio Cruz & Maria Iris Lorenzo Galvez Cristina Diaz Axel Arnoldo Duenez Perez & Jessica Sanchez Carla Ferreira Juan & Olivia Garcia Oscar & Maritza Garcia Pascual & Maria Antonia Gomez Sam & Mary Brooke Grier Efrain Hernandez & Ortelia Nava Michael & Christine Kosmos 2855 Briarcliff Road, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30329 Arana Leslie Lisa Liang Marlon Lopez & Tania Santos Clemente Yadacee Lopez Boysin & Cynthia Lorick Liliana Macias Shane & Mara Maddox Jeff & Jennifer McLaurin Etienne Mendy Jason & Jenna Muesse Matthew Myatt & Ben Clark Elemilet Neri Teresa Carmaneta Nowden Kirk Orla Jesus & Aylem Perez Rodriguez Daniel & Wendy Sanchez Jorge & Lorena Sanchez Luis Alberto Sanchez Ndella Sylva Joseph & Sarah Trevino Mary Enilda Velasquez Olmary Verde Seth & Helen Walker Katie Wellborn Las tarjetas para la novena del Día de las Madres están en la entrada. Si desean que alguien sea recordado durante la novena, tomen una tarjeta y regrésenla con su ofrenda a la oficina parroquial. Through worship, education, and service, we continue the work of Jesus. phone: 404-636-1418 fax: 404-636-4394 MASS INTENTIONS/INTENCIONES DE LA MISA LITURGY SCHEDULE May 3 - May 10 Mass Monday–Friday: 8:30 a.m. Thursdays: 7:00 p.m. in Spanish Saturdays: 8:30 a.m.; 4:00 p.m. Vigil Mass Sunday: 9:00 a.m.; 11:30 a.m.; 5:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m. Carlene Bollinger † 11:30 a.m. Donald Geschke † 1:30 p.m. Missa Pro Populo 5:00 p.m. Jeanne Rouamba † Misas en Español Jueves a las 7:00 p.m. Domingos a la 1:30 p.m. y 7:00 p.m. Reconciliation Saturdays: 9:15 a.m. Anytime by appointment 7:00 p.m. Miguel Angel Fernandez Monday 8:30 a.m. Lori Ann Haydu † Readings of the Day: Acts 14:5-18; John 14:21-26 Tuesday 8:30 a.m. Morgan & Vultaggio Family † Readings of the Day: Acts 14:19-28; John 14:27-31a Confesiones Jueves: 6:00 p.m. en español Cualquier día por cita. Wednesday 8:30 a.m. Jose Muñoz Readings of the Day: Acts 15:1-6; John 15:1-8 Thursday Eucharistic Adoration Thursdays: 9:00 a.m. - 6:45 p.m. 8:30 a.m. Mr. & Mrs. Renato Fernandes † 7:30 p.m. Gabriel Ramirez Soria † Readings of the Day: Acts 15:7-21; John 15:9-11 Adoración al Santísimo Jueves de 9:00 a.m. - 6:45 p.m. Hora Santa en español: 6:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. Friday Readings of the Day: Acts 15:22-31; John 15:12-17 Saturday 8:30 a.m. Joan Cioffi Readings of the Day: Acts 16:1-10; John 15:18-21 PARISH INFORMATION Office Hours /Horas de Oficina Monday–Friday/ lunes a viernes 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. Mr. & Mrs. Inho Daniel & Soyound Dorathea Kim 4:00 p.m. Catherine Rigatti † Sunday 9:00 a.m. Mother’s Day Novena 11:30 a.m. Maye Sita Agnes † Fax Number/No. de Fax 404-636-4394 Emergency No./No. de Emergencia 770-890-5299 IHM School/Escuela de IHM 404-636-4488 Website/Sitio Web http://www.ihmatlanta.org Social Media/Red Social www.facebook.com/IHMAtlanta www.twitter.com/IHMatl Bulletin Notices Please submit your request 10 days in advance to/Envíe su anuncio por correo electrónico 10 días antes a: bulletin@ihmatlanta.org. SUNDAY READINGS Reading 1: Acts 9:26-31 Reading 2: 1 John 3:18-24 Gospel: John 15:1-8 FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 1:30 p.m. Victor Manuel Gomez Jimenez † 5:00 p.m. Missa Pro Populo 7:00 p.m. Fernando & Yolanda Muñoz PRAYERS/ORACIONES To submit a prayer request, please email: bulletin@ihmatlanta.org or call the parish office at 404-636-1418. Para solicitar una oración, por favor llame a la oficina. † We ask that you offer a prayer for those who have died, especially for/oremos por quienes murieron, especialmente por: Rosalina Baltazar, Elizabeth Giordano, Ghebrezghi Woldekidane, David Sprouse, Warren Sandidge, Victor Manuel Gomez Jimenez, Bill Novak, Charlie Carscallen, Vera Mary DeWitt, Mario Moran, Moises Molina, Gregorio Pacheco, Annette Marler, Dolores Glenkey, Christine McLellan, Lee Ghiradini, David Callahan, Lois Poe, José Tavel, Berniece Meller, and Pedro Amador. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Also, please pray for those who are sick, especially for/oremos por quienes están enfermos, especialmente por: Ed Hambalek, Robert Dohnal, Mark Sebacher, Shanna Cosper, John Cosper, Hortensia Lopez Coutiño, Rodolfo Moreno, Cristina Montoto, Dolly Azar, Sharisse Azar Johnson, James E. Bentley III, Father Joseph Peek, Jeannette Lopez, Sean Elliott, Jane Kell, Selma Nort, Oscar Matos, Ligia Florim, Betty Allen, Ana M. Casty, Lindsay Edwards, John Krol, Andrew Ethridge, Colin Crowe, Alicia Niño, Marsha Aughtry, Isabella Pinto, Carlos Halley, Rebecca DuVall, and Desiree Hudson. 2 STAFF DIRECTORY Forms for donating flowers for the Easter season can be found online on our website at www.ihmatlanta.org or in the Narthex. Si desean donar flores en la temporada de Pascua, visiten nuestro sitio web: www.ihmatlanta.org o el Nártex del templo para llenar un formulario. In Memory of: Given By: George & Josephine Abraham H.K. Allen Edward Barnsley J. Edward Brown Mary LeHu Nguyen O.C. and Rose Braun Kay Wehr Joseph John Esposito Mr. & Mrs. V.E. Rains William Leide William Elliot Virginia Maynard Helen LeVorse Dawn Ambrose Le Thi Nguyen Kathleen & Charles Parker Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gillespie Padre Pedro Jose Amador Frank Lentini Eduardo G. Perez Vincent Mancinelly Paul Hammond Lois Poe Georgia Carlton Dr. Theodore M. Pryor Ruth Koughan Dorman Elizabeth Rouse Dr. H.M. Nogueiras Ward & Frances Berry Joseph A. Cipic, MD Jim Bentley Barbara Bentley Christine McLellan Mr. Arthur Johnson Mary Burns Rogers Mark Aloysius Charles Freitas Jr. Catherine Penrose Jack Rowley Jeanne Rouamba B.J. Abraham & Geoff Abraham Betty Allen Diana Barnsley Marie Z. Brown Tam Van Bui Mary Ann Braun Patterson Family Gayle Esposito Millie Elliot Millie Elliot Millie Elliot Dona & Robert Maynard Dona & Robert Maynard Dona & Robert Maynard Luc & Grace Tran Kathy Parker Kathy Tomajko Patricia Amador Patricia Amador Maria G. Perez Mark & Tracy Mancinelly Mark & Tracy Mancinelly Pierson Family Jane C. Nied Sophornia Pryor Nancy Koughan Sandidge Stan Rouse Denise Nogueiras Linda B. Cipic Linda B. Cipic Betty Bentley Betty Bentley Harrison Family Gary Uhl Margaret Rogers Phil & Angela Jardina Joan Penrose Cioffi Joan Penrose Cioffi Barbara Ann Rowley Beatrice Rouamba In Thanksgiving For: Given By: Bui Tu Many Reasons for Thanks Eduardo G. Perez & Family Tam Van Bui Dolores M. Pitney Maria G. Perez In Honor of: Given By: Irene Freitas Joan Penrose Cioffi IHMATLANTA.ORG Pastor Msgr. Albert Jowdy ajowdy@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 235 Parochial Vicar Fr. Javier Muñoz jmunoz@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 228 Parochial Vicar Fr. William Hao bhao@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 242 Permanent Deacon Deacon Bob Hauert bhauert@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 251 ***** Receptionist/Administrative Assistant Ana McQuilkin amcquilkin@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 221 Secretary Silvia Maldonado smaldonado@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 240 Business Manager & Finance Director Paul Tooher ptooher@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 245 Bookkeeper Dona Maynard dmaynard@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 243 Coordinator of Parish Life Elizabeth Figueroa efigueroa@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 246 Coordinator of Faith Formation Alicia Guerrero aguerrero@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 227 Coordinator of RCIA Drew Denton ddenton@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 224 Youth Minister Kathy Guerrero kguerrero@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 222 Admin. Assistant of Faith Formation Olga Torres otorres@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 236 Director of Liturgy and Music Jeff Bush jbush@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 247 Liturgy and Music Associate Yolanda Muñoz ymunoz@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 241 Coordinator of Communications Jayna Hoffacker jhoffacker@ihmatlanta.org Ext. 226 Director of Operations David Claussen dclaussen@ihmatlanta.org 404-636-4488 Ext. 235 3 PARISH NEWS & EVENTS 125 HOURS OF PRAYER ECUMENICAL SERVICE BLOOD DRIVE Wednesday, May 6 From May 4 - 9, 2015, people all across Atlanta will join together over the course of 125 hours to seek God and hear His voice. We believe God will be glorified in us and in our community as we are led and transformed by His Spirit. Wednesday, May 13 We are hosting a Blood Drive on Wednesday, May 13. The Red Cross will be in the Historic Church, 3:00-8:00 p.m. Visit http://www.redcross.org and use the sponsor code IHOMC to schedule an appointment to donate. On Wednesday, May 6, we at IHM will host an Ecumenical Prayer Service, from 5:00-9:00 p.m. in the church. CONSECRATION TO JESUS THROUGH MARY MEN’S CLUB MEETING Thursday, May 7 The upcoming IHM Men's Club meeting will be Thursday, May 7, at 6:30 p.m. Dinner is included for $10 (newcomers are free). Bill Garrett, the Founding President of Cristo Rey Atlanta, a Jesuit high school for the under-served of Atlanta, will be our featured speaker. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL July 13-17 The theme for 2015 will be "Cathletics! Training to be Champions for Christ" and will be held July 13-17, from 9:00 a.m. - Noon, with a closing Mass on Sunday, July 19 at 9:00. Please sign up to volunteer (Adults or Teens) or register your children (rising grades Pre-K through 5th) at the following link: http://ihmatlanta.org/vacation-bible-school. For those who have already registered for VBS, we will be in the Narthex after the 9:00 and 11:30 Masses on Sunday, May 17, handing out welcome packets, including CD's with the VBS songs and music. If you are not able to get your packet at Mass, you can pick it up at the front desk in the office in the following week. May 11-June 13 Do you have a special devotion to Mary? In this Year of Faith, as we are called to turn towards Jesus Christ and enter into a deeper relationship with Him, consider consecrating yourself to Jesus Christ through Mary. The Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary by St. Louis-Marie de Monfort involves a 33-day preparation period, which consists of daily readings and prayers, and culminates with a prayer of consecration on a Marian feast day. Both the preparation and the prayer of consecration can be done individually. Here at IHM, a group of parishioners will begin the 33-day devotion individually on May 11 and will get together as a group to do the prayer of consecration on the feast day of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on June 13 after the 8:30 a.m. Mass. Come and join us! If you have any questions regarding this devotion or if you would like to receive a copy of the complete packet of readings and prayers, please contact Fr. Bill at bhao@ihmatlanta.org or call 404-636-1418, ext. 242. To Jesus through Mary! Ad Jesum per Mariam! AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE PATH CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT Thursday, May 21 EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS June 5-6 10:00 a.m. shotgun start; Stone Mountain Park Golf Links, 1145 Stonewall Jackson Drive, Stone Mountain. Tournament is sponsored by Knights of Columbus Council 14122, of St. Stephen the Martyr Church. Registration is $85. Golfers receive goodie bag of gifts, golf cart and lunch and can win prizes through a raffle, closest to the pin, longest drive, and other awards. Participation helps funding for a place for individuals suffering from post-abortion trauma to grieve and reconcile with themselves, others, and God. Sponsorships start at $100. Special rates available for foursomes. Contact: Jim McVey at 770-676-9169 or Jim McVey45@gmail.com to register. The Eucharistic Congress will be held June 5-6, at the Georgia International Convention Center. If you are interested in joining a group from IHM, contact our Parish Life Coordinator, Elizabeth Figueroa, at efigueroa@ihmatlanta.org. FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER If your child received First Communion this year, visit http://congress.archatl.com to find out more information about the First Communicant processions on Saturday morning and afternoon. 4 Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic School National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence May 3, 2015 In early April IHM School inducted four new members into the National Junior Honor Society. Pictured above left to right are 8th graders Sydney Arcemont and Stephanie Henderson, and 7th graders Penelope Melissas and Ansley Petersen. These young women exhibited a desire to learn, to serve, to promote leadership and to develop character and citizenship all while maintaining a grade average of 93 or better in all their core subjects. IHM conducts initiation ceremonies twice during each school year. Students in grades 7 and 8 who meet all the requirements during the two most recent quarters are eligible. We are very proud of all our NJHS members, shown at right with their faculty sponsor, Mrs. Haydee Vader. Congratulations to all our NJHS members. IHMATLANTA.ORG IHM recently held our annual Oratorical Contest for all Middle School students. The theme this year was Landmarks. Sixth grade student, Carter Scott, was the winner with his speech about the Golden Gate Bridge. Carter then represented IHM School at the Archdiocesan competition later in the month. Congratulations, Carter, on a job well done. 5 FAITH FORMATION FAITH FORMATION TEAM Coordinator of Faith Formation Alicia Guerrero 404-636-1418, ext. 227 aguerrero@ihmatlanta.org Administrative Assistant Olga Torres 404-636-1418, ext. 236 otorres@ihmatlanta.org RCIA Coordinator Drew Denton 404-636-1418, ext. 224 ddenton@ihmatlanta.org Youth Minister Kathy Guerrero 404-636-1418, ext. 222 kguerrero@ihmatlanta.org POSITION VACANCY Director of Faith Formation Masters in Theology or related field plus 5 or more years of prior experience in the role of parish faith formation required. The Director of Faith Formation will be responsible for facilitation and/or coordination of elementary and middle school faith formation, youth group, baptism preparation, confirmation program, RCIA, and adult education. Applicants should be equally proficient in English and Spanish. Salary commensurate with experience plus an excellent benefits package. Please send resume and letters of reference to Reverend Mr. Robert Hauert, Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, 2855 Briarcliff Road, NE, Atlanta, GA, 30329. FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER CONGRATULATIONS! ¡FELICITACIONES! Congratulations to all the children who received their First Holy Communion this weekend! Felicidades a todos quienes recibieron su Primera Comunión este fin de semana. Saturday, May 2, 10:00 a.m. Mass Danna Almario Anna Brennan Erin Burke Isabel Caballero Lynch David Camick Asher Chenault Madeline Cooper Willow Deery William Driscoll Brianne Dunphy Zachary Eichenberg Moira Fink William Freeman Armand George Abigail Heizer Aiden Heizer Reese Hillman Dylan Kirk Jackson Kirk Elise Leary Alexander Mann Miguel Mejia-Jaramillo Mary Rose Moran Marli Nicholson Myles Nicholson Sophia Ocfemia Lola O'Harris Virginia Pierson Zoe Pon Lucas Procida Maggie Seaver Ella Robl Noah Rodriguez Michelle Sande Thea Sargent William Sheehy Caroline Spies Brittney Stern Hannah Sutter Sophie Tadros Addison Timmermann Robert Turbe Claire Ullengren Sebatian Villegas Vincent Walsh Alexis Welch Ella Whiteman Julia Wolgast Roxanne Wroe Amelia Ziliak Saturday, May 2, 1:00 p.m. Mass Kimberly Acevedo Jennifer Acosta Elissa Alvarez-Mendoza David Amador Dias Neily Andrade Zarate Kevin Araujo Colin Cedric Becerra Joseph Becerra Brandon Bustos-Jimenez Guadalupe Bustos-Jimenez Haily Cambron Angel Carmona Bibiano Luis Carmona Bibiano Griselda Castro-Lugo Brayan Castro-Lugo Evelyn Chavez-Cordova Dayra Cortez-Hernandez Esteffani De Jesus Juanpedro Patrick Delgado Henry Espino Sandoval Kevin Espino Sandoval Patricia Garcia Aldo Garduno-Garcia Joshua Garrido Abril Gutierrez Luis Gutierrez Alcantar Alexander Hernandez Victor Hernandez-Mercado Christian JimenezVillanueva Brian Jimenez-Villanueva Noelia Lemus Henry Lopez Wesley Lorenzo-Morales Alan Lorenzo-Morales Yovanhna MagandaHernandez Yovan Maganda-Hernandez Mariela Martinez-Garduno Edwin Mata-Ortiz Dayana Mata-Ortiz Idi Mayo-Reyes Diego Mendoza J. Angel Mercado Medrano Lidia Molina-Torres Karla Munoz Medrano Oscar Naranjo-Uriostegui Jessiva Olague Kevin Ortiz Lopez Christopher Palma-Bailon Andres Parra Trejo Jennifer Perez-Martinez Michelle Pineda Fidel Leslie Ramirez Ruby Ramirez Noelia Ramirez Sanchez Jonathan Ramirez Soria Nicole Resendiz-Cisneros Valeria Rodriguez-Serrano Kimberly Romero-Valencia Denisse Rumualdo Daniel Rumualdo-Tornez Iris Salinas-Medrano Kenneth Sanchez Aguilar Naomi Santiago-Mendoza Bryan Santos-Rosales Danile Soriano-Vargas Giselle Suastegui-Pano Yoselin Suastegui-Pano Miguel Trejo-Rodriguez Edwin Ventura-Rios Dayanara Villal-Bibiano Mayrin Villegas-Flores Alexis Villegas-Flores Haydee Yanez Salgado Fabio Yanez Salgado Lisette Zarate-Cambron 6 FORMACION EN LA FE CONGRATULATIONS! ¡FELICITACIONES! Sunday, May 3, 9:00 a.m. Mass Sophia Cherribi Isabelle Darline Eryn Duarte Olivia Losken Alaina Williamson Luke Chapman Justin Lerch Graham Losken Daniel Taboada D'Andrea Maria Taboada D'Andrea Liam Tianci Tang Andrew Teklinski William Teklinski Sunday, May 3, 1:30 p.m. Mass Hodays Carrillo Salome Mauricio Amaya Andrea Fonseca-Zermeno Alexis Gopar Vasquez Jan Gutierrez David Hernandez Ariana Horta Paredez Elizabeth Juarez Dayamara MartinezChavez Mariana MartinezNevarez Christian Ortiz Meb Ortiz Alva Tonantzin Padron Edwyn Padron Anthony Rodriguez Ashlyn Rodriguez-Mora Julio Rodriguez-Mora Martina Rodriguez-Zuniga Brian Rosas-Lopez Gilberto Sandoval Vega Allison Santana Mitzy Santana Ruiz Saul Silva-Cornejo Donovan Silva-Cornejo Carlos Urbano-Herrera Meylin Vaca Dulca Vega-Garcia RCIA INQUIRY SESSIONS Are you thinking about becoming Catholic or returning to the Church? Or perhaps you're just curious about why we do some of the things we do, or what the Church really teaches on certain subjects. We have a small faith community that will meet monthly this summer to help you explore these questions. Join us in the lower level of the church from 7:30-9:00 p.m. You do not have to register, simply come and explore the basics of Catholic faith in a friendly, informal setting. Contact Drew Denton (ddenton@ihmatlanta.org) for more information. PROCESO DEL RICA PARA ADULTOS Y ADOLESCENTES El Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para adultos (RICA) es el proceso a través del cual la persona se convierte en miembro de la Iglesia Católica Romana Apostólica. Está destinado a servir a los no bautizados, a los que han sido bautizados católicos pero que no han completado los sacramentos de Iniciación y a los bautizados en otra religión que desean hacerse católicos. Si usted o alguien que conoce desea recibir los Sacramentos de Iniciación o simplemente quiere aprender más sobre la Iglesia Católica, lo invitamos para que asistan a la sesión de pre-evangelización del RICA. Los esperamos el 13 de mayo en la cafetería de la escuela de 6:30 p.m. a 8:30 p.m. Si tiene preguntas, contacte a Alicia Guerrero al 404-636-1418 x 227 o a aguerrero@ihmatlanta.org. IHMATLANTA.ORG ACTIVITY OF THE WEEK Choose one of the following activities as a way to further reflect on the Sunday readings: Go on a nature walk with your family and collect tree branches. When you get home, attach string to the branches and create a mobile. Remind each family member how Jesus is the vine, the support in each person’s life, and how we serve as branches to spread his word to all. Talk about ways we stay in contact with the vine that is Jesus. Do we take time every day to pray? How often do we read the Bible? Is there a quiet place where we can go sometimes to be alone with God? Are we fruitful vines? Discuss at the dinner table a good deed that you will do for someone this week. Ask each family member to talk about how he or she will help spread the kingdom of God. ACTIVIDAD DE LA SEMANA Elija una de las siguientes actividades para seguir reflexionando sobre las lecturas del domingo: Hagan un paseo familiar en la naturaleza y junten ramas de árboles. Cuando lleguen a casa, aten un cordel a las ramas y creen un juguete móvil. Recuerde a cada miembro de la familia de qué manera Jesús es la vid, el apoyo de la vida de cada persona, y de qué manera funcionamos como las ramas para difundir su palabra a todos. Conversen sobre las maneras en que permanecemos en contacto con la vid que es Jesús. ¿Dedicamos tiempo todos los días a orar? ¿Con qué frecuencia leemos la Biblia? ¿Tenemos un lugar tranquilo donde podemos ir a veces para estar solos con Dios? ¿Somos ramas que dan fruto? Comente en la cena acerca de alguna buena obra que hará por alguien esta semana. Pida a cada miembro de la familia que diga cómo ayudará a extender el Reino de Dios. 77 YOUTH MINISTRY Sonfest June 1-5 Fort Walton Beach, Florida (registration closed) Mission Possible June 21-25 St. Oliver Plunkett, Snellville Open to all rising 8th-12th graders Vacation Bible School July 13-17 Immaculate Heart of Mary Open to all rising 6th-12th graders The Revive! Youth Track Friday, June 5 @ 8:00 PM Eucharistic Congress Open to all young adults Eucharistic Congress 2015 A spiritual, multicultural conference celebration of Jesus truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. I Will Be With You Always Archbishop Wilton Gregory has chosen “I Will Be With You Always" as the theme to celebrate this year's 20th Anniversary of the Eucharistic Congress. A promise kept most completely in the Holy Eucharist. Come Make Lifetime Connections At the Eucharistic Congress, various connections are made that last a lifetime – friendships, spiritual moments, and family togetherness. This is a real opportunity to reconnect with friends, spend quiet time in prayer. The REVIVE! Track for Young Adults LOCATION: Marriott Gateway Ball Room DATE: Friday, June 5, 2015 TIME: 8:00 PM - 10:30 PM This powerful Track connects with today's young adults by combining Eucharistic adoration, spiritual reflection and musical entertainment. Come and be inspired by Lino Rulli, this year's speaker and host of "The Catholic Guy" program on SiriusXM, who will engage you with his dynamic, humorous, and humble style. For more details on the Eucharistic Congress, please visit: http://congress.archatl.com/ Kathy Guerrero • 404-636-1418 Ext. 222 • kguerrero@ihmatlanta.org • www.ihmatlanta.org/youth-ministry FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 8 STEWARDSHIP LOVE ACTIVELY It isn’t enough to say we love God and others, we must show our love by acting on it; serve regularly in a parish ministry, soup kitchen, food pantry, homeless shelter, hospital, assisted living facility, with a family member or neighbor who is ill or elderly, or with children. As Blessed Mother Teresa reminded us, we can do small things with great love! - The Stewardship Project, Catholic Life & Faith GIVING UPDATE SECOND COLLECTIONS Week of April 26 Offertory Basket: $13,067.00 Electronic Giving: $4,496.54 Total Offertory: $17,563.54 Catholic Home Missions: $2,566.00 2015 ANNUAL APPEAL Have you made your pledge yet for the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal? Visit http://appeal.archatl.com to make your pledge today! Next week’s Second Collection will benefit the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. Thr ough the gener ous suppor t of IHM parishioners, the IHM SVdP conference is able to assist families with rent, utilities and food. Please be generous in assisting the needy in our community. May 3: Are You Ready for Summer Travel? We don’t always like to think of the “what if” but today I want you to think of the “what if” as part of your travel plans. This includes having a will that will provide for your family, provide for care of children and create a legacy that you want to leave to the parish endowment fund. This is just good planning that all families need to do. If you want to plan your will online you can go to the Catholic Foundation website and in the privacy of your home plan your will. Then print out a PDF to take to an attorney to finalize it for you. If you are in need of an attorney, the Catholic Foundation has a list of attorneys that specialize in wills and estate planning they will be glad to share with you. The website to plan your will is www.cfngalegacy.com. For additional questions, you can contact Diane Duquette, the Director of Gift Planning at the Catholic Foundation: dduquette@cfnga.org or 404-497-9440. Remember you don’t have to be rich to make a difference when you are gone. SPACE FOR ADS IHMATLANTA.ORG 9 ANUNCIOS EN ESPAÑOL QUINTO DOMINGO DE PASCUA 3 DE MAYO DE 2015 Padre Javier Muñoz BAUTISMOS: Niños menores de 7 años, Los padres DEBEN registrarse antes en la oficina parroquial; en ese momento recibirán la fecha de la plática correspondiente y del bautismo. Al registrarse deben entregar copia del Acta de Nacimiento de la persona que va a ser bautizada. MATRIMONIOS: Llamar al Padre Javier Muñoz y hacer cita para hablar de los requisitos, por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha deseada. | 404-636-1418 extensión 228 | jmunoz@ihmatlanta.org ESCUELA BIBLICA 2015 El tema de este año será ‘Catlétas’- entrenando para ser campeones para Cristo y será el 13-17 de julio en IHM de 9:00 a.m. al mediodía, y cerramos con la misa en ingles, domingo, 19 de julio a las 9:00 a.m. Por favor apúntense para ser voluntario (adultos y adolecentes) o registre a sus niños (grados pre-K al quinto) en el siguiente sitio: http://ihmatlanta.org/vacation-bibleschool. Solo se acepta pagos con tarjeta en cuanto se registre por internet. Para los que ya se registraron, estar emos r epar tiendo los paquetes de bienvenida y el CD de música en la entrada del templo después de las misas de 9:00 a.m. y 11:30 a.m. el domingo, 17 de mayo. Si no puede recoger el paquete en estas misas, puede recogerlo en la oficina parroquial en la siguiente semana. CONFESIONES: Jueves de 6:00 p.m. - 6:45 p.m. en español, y en inglés los sábados a las 9:15 a.m. o durante la semana haciendo cita con el sacerdote. CONGRESO EUCARISTICO: 5-6 DE JUNIO QUINCEAÑERAS: Llamar a la oficina y comunicarse con Yolanda Muñoz por lo menos 6 meses antes de la fecha deseada. INICIACION CRISTIANA DE ADULTOS (RICA): Si no eres católico (a) o si eres mayor de 18 años y no has recibido los sacramentos de Bautismo, Primera Comunión y Confirmación, te invitamos a aprender más acerca de nuestra fe. Comuníquese con Alicia Guerrero en la oficina parroquial. ¡BIENVENIDOS A CASA! Anuncios importantes sobre el Congreso Eucarístico: Si has estado alejado (a) de la parroquia, bienvenido (a). Comunícate con nosotros para conocerte y preséntate al sacerdote después de la Misa. Habrá una sesión aparte sólo para niños de 5 a 11 años de edad el sábado, 6 de junio. El cupo es limitado—regístrense hoy. Par a registr ar los, vaya al sitio http://congress.archatl.com/coordinators/kid-track-registration/ NUEVOS FELIGRESES: Bienvenidos a nuestra comunidad; visítanos en la oficina para llenar la hoja de registro. Es muy importante que estés registrado en la parroquia. QUINTO DOMINGO DE PASCUA La Arquidiócesis está buscando voluntarios que puedan ayudar en el evento. Si le gustaría ser un voluntario, por favor visite el sitio http://congress.archatl.com. Si su hijo (a) recibió su Primera Comunión este año, visite http://congress.archatl.com para más información sobre la procesión del sábado por la mañana y sábado por la tarde. Invitamos a todos los niños (as) que hicieron su Primera Comunión para que participen en esta procesión. 10 ANUNCIOS EN ESPAÑOL OFERTORIO SEMANAL 25 y 26 de abril Ofertorio en Misa: $13,067.00 Contribución Electrónica: $4,496.54 Ofertorio Total: $17,563.54 SEGUNDA COLECTA La segunda colecta de la próxima semana beneficiará a la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paúl. A tr avés del apoyo de los feligr eses del Inmaculado Corazón de María, la conferencia de San Vicente de Paúl de IHM puede asistir a las familias con renta, útiles y comida. Por favor sean generosos en ayudando a los mas necesitados en nuestra comunidad. DONACION DE SANGRE Miércoles, 13 de mayo Tendremos una donación de sangre el miércoles, 13 de mayo. La Cruz Roja estará en la iglesia histórica de 3:00 p.m. a 8:00 p.m. Visite http://www.redcross.org y use el código IHOMC para hacer su cita. IHMATLANTA.ORG/ESPANOL ¡Gracias por su contribución; que el Señor premie su generosidad! Su colaboración ayuda a que nuestros ministerios sigan funcionando en nuestra parroquia de IHM. LECTURAS DE ESTE DOMINGO: I Lectura: Hechos 9:26-31 II Lectura: 1 Juan 3:18-24 Evangelio: Juan 15:1-8 LECTURAS DEL PRÓXIMO DOMINGO: I Lectura: Hechos 10:25-26 II Lectura: 1 Juan 4:7-10 Evangelio: Juan 15:9-17 11
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