01 May 2015 Friday Facts 9659 E. Mississippi Ave. Denver, CO 80247 In This Edition: Front Page News National Junior Honor Society For Your Information… PTCO Corner Open PTCO Leadership Positions Proposed PTCO Fundraising Student Placement Requests Yearbooks Have Arrived Pack Awards Gifts from the Heart Sprint Wingding! Calling Immersion Drivers SCRATCH Day Challenge Nights Out Challenge EduKit Anschutz Medical Research Day Donations for Adoption Exchange 720.747.2100 Main 720.747.2183 Fax Friday Facts Front Page News Letter from the Principal Dear Challenge Families: It’s hard to believe we are at the end of April and, in a blink, the end of the school year will be here. These months are always so busy with end-of-year performances, celebrations, and awards ceremonies. In April, Challenge has traditionally filled the calendar one evening with its annual auction; however, as it did not come together this year, our PTCO Executive Board created the Challenge Challenge. With Rhonda and Jim Clark leading the way, the Board pulled off an amazing feat, raising more money than anybody thought possible without an auction. Thank you to all of the volunteers who worked so hard and spent countless hours over the past few months to make this happen. Thank you to our tremendous community for your generous support of the staff and programs that make Challenge such a special place. Because of your generosity, we will maintain our lower class sizes since we are able to once again fund teaching assistants, we will pay for our IB Primary Years Program fees, we will add support in the classrooms through our Differentiation Coach/GT Coordinator, and we are now hard at work researching new resources to purchase for our fifth through eighth grade math classrooms. None of this would be possible without your support and we really cannot thank you enough. We value the trust you place in us with your most precious assets: your children. Respectfully, Flyers Flyers Flyers 5th Grade TDAP Vaccine Testing Update We Did It! Challenge Challenge Donor List Thank you, Challenge! Lost & Found Mock Prom 2015 Driving Paperwork Anschutz Medical Research Day CCSD Permission Spring Wingding The Learning Garden Plant Sale! Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast Wolf Wear Wolf Watch Summer Camp Donate a Backpack! Mindful Parenting Summer Camps: Elementary P.I.N. Update Inside Out Summer Program Page 1 of 38 Linda Maccagnan, Interim Principal National Junior Honor Society Invitations National Junior Honor Society invitations will be mailed to qualifying students on Monday, May 4th, 2015. Qualifying students are those who are currently in seventh grade and have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.75 (including first trimester of 5th grade and continuing through second trimester of seventh grade). Students who receive an invitation and are interested in applying for NJHS must return all application materials to the Challenge School front office no later than 3:00 pm on Tuesday, May 12. Questions? Contact Mrs. Higuchi - shiguchi@cherrycreekschools.org Challenge School Website: challenge.cherrycreekschools.org PTO Manager: www.challengeschool.ptomanager.com Submit content for newsletter by Wed, NOON to: FridayFacts@yahoo.com 01 May 2015 Friday Facts For Your Information… PTCO Corner Check out the Flyers Section of the Friday Facts for updates about the Challenge Challenge! Please be sure to join us for our final PTCO Meeting of the 2014/15 School Year. On Monday, May 11th at 8:00am in the cafeteria we will celebrating the completion of the Challenge Challenge. We will also be voting on our nominees to the 2015/16 PTCO Board, Becca Morgenegg, (Vice President) and Lora Vigil, (Treasurer). If you are interested in serving on the PTCO Board, please be sure to contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Candace Ellman, at c.ellman@earthlink.net. There are still positions available. Finally, we will be honored with a Volunteer Celebration hosted by Principal Maccagnan and our lovely Challenge School Staff. Please be sure to join us! There are still updates being made to the PTO Manager website. Thank you for being patient while the bugs are being worked out. We hope it will be up and running soon! With hearts full of joy, Rhonda Clark & Nancy Wilson, (Co-Presidents) Tim Weber & Sunshine Morgan, (Co-Vice Presidents) Michelle Austin, (Secretary) Candace Ellman, (Volunteer Coordinator) Kimberly Chapman (Treasurer) Open PTCO Leadership Positions Looking for ways to fill your 25 hours next year? Wishing you could take on more of a leadership role? The following leadership positions are available for the 2015-2016 year. For many of these positions, youcan do the majority of the work from home or on your own time. If you are interested in any of these positions or have any questions please contact Candace Ellman, Volunteer Coordinator at c.ellman@earthlink.net. Community Event Coordinator PIN Representative Cool Force Community Service Chair Lunchbox Clean-up – coordinate volunteers to clean out lunchboxes left in the lost & found Entertainment Books Co-Chair - work with our current chair beginning this May as he teaches you what’s involved with preparing for this fall fundraiser, then take over as chair for the 2016-17 school year. Page 2 of 38 8th Grade Continuation shadow – for parents of students who will be in 7th grade this fall. You would work with the current chairs as they plan Continuation 2016 to learn what’s involved, and then plan out Continuation 2017. Two parents needed. Trivia Night Chair – one or two parents needed to run this fun event. Field Day K-4 Chair - one or two parents needed to chair this fun event. Primarily involves organizing volunteers. Proposed PTCO Fundraising 2015-2016 The PTCO board is busy planning for next year and that includes our fundraising strategies. Our basic philosophy behind fundraising at Challenge School can be summarized in three words: simplicity, inclusion, and community. Next year we have proposed giving our community three major methods of contributing to our fundraising efforts: Student Focus FALL 2015: A fun-run fundraiser is something many schools in Cherry Creek have been successful with and we think it would be a hit here too. It incorporates a physical fitness aspect to the fundraiser as well as a number of fun activities and prizes. Grown-Up Focus SPRING 2016: A Vegas-themed auction night including food, drinks, casino games, silent auction, and music. We want this to be an opportunity to build and strengthen community bonds, raise money for the school, and have some fun along the way. Anyone Anywhere Focus 2015-2016: To make giving easier, we’re proposing an online donation option where anyone anywhere can make a donation to our school with the click of a button. There could also be an option to do a monthly donation if desired. Please let us know if you’re interested in helping or if you have feedback regarding our proposed fundraising activities for the 2015-2016 school year by sending an email to: ptcochallenge@gmail.com. Mock Prom 2015! This May 5th from 5-7 is the 2015 Mock Prom for Team E only. This year’s theme is Starry Night and we will have Noodle’s and Company cater! Please wear formal attire. If your child would like to attend, please have him/ her fill out the attached permission slip and turn in the $10 fee to the office or Mr. Smith no later than May 1st. 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Student Placement Requests Pack Awards As we look to student placement for next school year, careful consideration is given for each child. We value the close relationships teachers and students develop and know that those relationships are the springboard for learning. In grades one through four, students stay with the same teacher for the two years they are assigned to that team. In grades five through eight, most students will have the same humanities teacher, and many times, the same math and science teacher. Achieving: Nick Manning–Team E Abby Kessler–Team E Antonio Campos–Team E Hawkins Wendt–Team C If you feel the need to make a specific teacher request, please follow these procedures: Prepared: Ben Memmott–Team B Parents should explain their child’s needs in writing by sending an email to the principal by June 2, 2015. Please describe the needs of your child and we will do our best to match those needs with teachers. Please do not request a teacher by name. Siblings do not automatically follow the same teachers as older siblings; however, if you want younger siblings to have the same teacher(s) as older siblings, you are allowed to make that request. You may make a request to not have a specific teacher if a student or sibling has had a teacher for one or more years. Please know some classes are only taught by one teacher, so we are not always able to honor this request. You may request that your child is not placed with another child, but know it will be yourchild who is moved to a different class. We cannot honor friendship requests. We will do our best to honor your requests, but please keep in mind we are a small school and that is not always possible. Yearbooks Have Arrived! The yearbooks have arrived at school and all who have paid for yearbooks to date will receive their books in their connections class on the following days: K – 4 yearbooks will be distributed on Wednesday afternoon May 27th and 5 – 8 Friday afternoon May 29th. We have received 440 yearbooks from the publisher and currently have 388 paid for. The remaining 52 are available for sale on a first come first serve basis. If you cannot remember if you purchased a yearbook, contact Lisa Goodwin at lisadgoodwin@gmail.com. The cost is $28 for the yearbook ($26 purchased before January 1st). Make checks out to Challenge School and note your students’ names in the memo. You may leave your check in an envelope at the front desk with my name on it. Page 3 of 38 Kind: Marston Garber–Team D Prepared and Kind: Lauren Kempf–Team C Michelle Majundar–Team C Cooperating: Yusuf Hanif–Team C Cooperating and Kind: Justin Moon–Team B Nisha Kathiresan–Team B Prepared and Achieving: Aanu Gowda–Team B Alyssa Kong–Team E Achieving and Kind: Donovan Ruiz–Team E Total “PACK”age! Katya Roudakov–Team E Cooper Rockwell–Team E Tais Ioris–Kindie Elodie Jones–Kindie Jake Gebicki–Kindie Micaela Brown–Team C Alyssa Ducharme–Team C Kate Hall–Team C Kirinya Frankel Samira Michelson–Team D Simone Beauchamp–Team D Gifts From The Heart! Are you a terrific baker? Is your son and/or daughter a fantastic babysitter? Do you want to give some extra thanks for our wonderful staff, but aren't sure how? Consider contributing to "Gifts from the Heart". This event is sponsored by the Staff Appreciation Committee, Each year, families "donate" everything from their time (for babysitting, cleaning, etc) to gift cards to specially cooked dinners to, well, just about anything! These are then posted in the front office, and the staff pick and choose among the items. Our goal is to have two items per staff member. If you are interested in donating, please contact Kelly MacKean at kelly.diehl@gmail.com. We'll take it from there! All donations must be received by Tuesday, May 5th. Please limit gift card amounts to $5-$20. We would rather give out five $10 gift cards than one $50. All donors will be identified unless otherwise requested. 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Sprint Wingding! Calling Immersion Drivers! It Just Wouldn't Be a Wingding Without YOU -- Come Join the Fun on May 8! If you are reading this, YOU are invited to attend the Spring Wingding picnic on Friday, May 8 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. We'll supply pizza, beverages, desserts, a huge bouncer, and games of chance with gift cards from local businesses as prizes. Did we mention it's FREE?!?! This is the PTCO's way of thanking everyone for their volunteer work and to just plain have fun. We'll be outside on the back lawn, so bring your lawn chairs, blankets, canopies/umbrellas, Frisbees, and Nerf footballs. There is no charge to attend, but RSVPs are required so that we can be sure to have enough food and drinks on hand. RSVP to springwingding@gmail.com no later than Friday, May 1. Be sure to tell us how many adults (ages 12+) and how many children (under 12). Also let us know if you would prefer vegetarian pizza. Can YOU help? You CAN -- even if you won't be able to attend. We still need Challenge families to sign up to supply: Coolers -- We need 5 more (can be dropped off at main office prior to event; can be picked up at end of event or following week at school) Ice -- We need 11 more 20-lb. bags (goes nicely with lending a cooler -- hint, hint!) Gift cards -- We'll gratefully accept any and all gift card donations; we have approximately 40 already but would love to have more; we'll use them in a magnetic balloon pop game where you'll have a chance to win a card All of these items and more are listed on the Spring Wingding SignUpGenius page at http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0b48abaa29a13volunteer/. Thank you! IMPORTANT -- We will have a bounce house at the Wingding. You *must* complete a waiver/release if your child(ren) wants to use it. The form is attached. Blank forms will also be available at the event. Your child(ren) will have their hand stamped at the event. The bounce house attendant will strictly enforce the waiver policy; if your child does not have the hand stamp, he/she will not be permitted to enter the bounce house. This is a Cherry Creek School District policy with which we must comply. We appreciate your understanding. Questions? Contact Marjorie Wallwey or Valli Kumar, event co-chairs, at mamawallwey@gmail.com (Marjorie) or vallikkumar@hotmail.com (Valli). Page 4 of 38 We are looking for a few people who would be willing to be on call drivers during the week of Immersion – May 18th – 21st. You will meet in the main office from 8:00-9:30 am and be on hand in case we have any emergency driving needs. You must be able to drive if the need arises. You must have your driving eligibility approval status from the Cherry Creek School District Risk Management Office. Please contact Allyson Gutierrez if you are interested – Allyson.Guteirrez@mortenson.com Wolf Wear at the School Store Come one, Come all! Come to the School Store (every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month) to pick up some of the awesome new Wolf Wear Schwag! We have bright, hip new colors and truly amazing new graphics courtesy of our very own Mr. Brian Clark (Woop, Woop!). Come check it out this Friday, or, just send in some cash with your kid…. All funds go to the PTCO general Fund to keep the magic happening right here at Challenge. SCRATCH Day Hello everyone! Scratch Day 2015 is coming up soon, May 9th. This year's registration will open up this Friday April 10th at 7AM. If you love coding or creating with technology try to attend Scratch Day 2015. This event fills up quickly! Register here: Cherry Creek Scratch Day 2015 Challenge Nights Out A big THANK YOU for supporting all of our Challenge Night Out fundraisers. We had our biggest night ever at Chipotle this year raising over $1800. Also a great night at Baskin Robbins with over 140 students along with their families who withstood the cold and rain and snow! Congratulations, once again Mr. Beck’s class won the Ice cream Party. We look forward to seeing everybody next year. I am looking into scheduling Challenge Nights Out closer to your neighborhoods. If you have any suggestions for different eating establishments or locations please feel free to email me. Again, Thank You, Cher Carlson, Challenge Night Out Coordinator ccarlson44@comcast.net 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Challenge EduKit The Challenge School PTCO is pleased to offer EduKit school supply kits again for the upcoming school year, as a convenient service for our busy families! EduKit provides competitive pricing, quality name brand products, and the ability for parents to PAY ONLINE with a credit card. The kits are custom-made to match the specific supply lists requested by our teachers. Please note that every grade made changes to the supply lists this year. Spare yourself the hassles of the back-to-school shopping rush and the gas money it costs running from store to store - ORDER NOW FOR NEXT YEAR! Look for the 2015-2016 school supply order form that will be given to your student(s) next week. Although each student will receive an order form, parents will only need to submit one order form per family. For your convenience, you can place your order ONLINE with a credit card through the EduKits secure site by Saturday, May 31st. It only takes a few minutes – faster than writing a check! Go to www.edukitinc.com to order. Or, if you prefer, the order form and check payment will be due back to school by Friday, May 15th. Extra forms will be available through the front office, or you may print an order form from the link above. Your child's EduKit will be available for pick up at the Open House on August 11th. Please do not hesitate to contact of us with any questions or concerns. Denise Pruisner: challengeedukits@gmail.com Page 5 of 38 Anschutz Medical Campus Research Day Team E Students! Do you have aspirations of becoming a doctor or scientist? The University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Research Day is Sat, May 16th. Challenge School 7th & 8th graders are invited to attend for FREE! Please pick up a flyer from Mr. Wiley or Mr. King if you’re interested. Or you may email Nicole Manning at nicole.manning@ucdenver.edu for more information. All Team E parents will receive an email invitation to register at bit.ly/Anschutz2015 (all are welcome to register). Donations for Adoption Exchange Girl Scout Troop 77 is collecting new school supplies for foster children through the Adoption Exchange. Foster kids often have to start a new school in the middle of the year and having their own supplies helps easy these difficult transitions. Please bring in your donations to school now through May 11th. Collection bins are located in the main entrance hallway. See our flyer for a list of needed items. Thank you for helping Troop 77 support foster kids with their ongoing needs. Kind regards, Emily Travanty (Troop leader): emmytravanty@gmail.com 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Flyers Flyers Flyers 5th Grade TDAP Vaccine 5TH GRADE PARENTS COLORADO IMMUNIZATION LAW* All entering sixth graders in Colorado require a Tdap vaccine. This immunizes for Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus Please make sure this is completed before school starts in August.* *some providers prefer to give this booster after 11 years of age. If you have any questions, please call your school nurse at 720-747-2115 *Colorado Law allows for Religious, Medical or Personal exemption for immunizations. Page 6 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Testing Update We are approaching our final round of testing at Challenge! Please notice the schedule for the week of May 4th-8th. Thank you for your flexibility and cooperation as we finish up our testing. 5/5/15 5/6/15 5/7/15 5/8/15 Grade 3 ELA Math Math Grade 4 ELA Math Math Grade 5 ELA Math Math Grade 6 ELA ELA Math Math Grade 7 ELA ELA Math Math Grade 8 ELA ELA Math Math Here are some reminders: Connections and Mini-courses do not meet on testing days for grades 5-8 Team D students need to pack a snack as their lunch time is much later in the day Testing times: o Team C: 8:00-10:00 o Team D: 9:43-11:53 o Team E: 12:09-2:09 Page 7 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts We Did It! Page 8 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Challenge Challenge Donor List Page 9 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Challenge Challenge Donor List Page 10 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Thank you, Challenge! Page 11 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Lost & Found Please claim your items from the Lost and Found! These items above will be donated by 2:30pm on Thursday, May 7th. Please come to the bin in the front hallway and collect your items before then! Also, if you are still missing an item, there are other small bins in each team’s hallway. Remember to clearly label important belongings so they can be returned! There will be one last donation on the last day of school. Thanks! Your Lost and Found Crew Page 12 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Mock Prom 2015 Come have fun at this years' Starry Night mock prom on May 5th from 5:00-7:00p.m.. There will be great music, cool decorations, and Noodles and Company catering! Dress up and dance the night away! If you would like to attend please fill out this form, attach $10, and turn into the Main Office or Mr. Smith by May 4th. Student Name:_______________________ Parent Signature:_______________________ Date: ____________________________________ Page 13 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Driving Paperwork Page 14 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Anschutz Medical Campus Research Day The Colorado Black Health Collaborative Welcomes All Team E Challenge School Students AGENDA: May 16, 2015 9:00-10:00 a.m. REGISTRATION 10:00-10:10 a.m. WELCOME Dr. Curtis J. Henry Research Instructor; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Chair; Young Black Professionals in Health Committee (CBHC) ________________________________________________________________ 10:10-11:20 a.m. “Life as a Scientist” Panel 11:20-11:30 a.m. Break 11:30-noon Experiment Demonstration _______________________________________________________________ Noon- 1 p.m. Lunch/ Meet and Greet 1-1:25 p.m. Laboratory Tours 1:25-1:30 p.m. Break 1:30-2:30 p.m. Short Scientific Presentation ________________________________________________________________ 2:30-3:30 p.m. Break-out Panel Discussions 3:30-4 p.m. EVALUATIONS and CLOSING Sign up: Parents of Team E students sign up individually at the following site and will receive a consent form by email once they are registered: https://fs25.formsite.com/OIOUCDenver/Research‐Day/index.html Please email: Nicole Manning at nicole.manning@ucdenver.edu to keep a running total of the Challenge School Attendees. Parking/Drop off Info: Challenge participants can meet up prior to registration at 8:30am with parents dropping student’s off or meeting up there if they want to stay. I have added a link of the Anschutz campus map to indicate where the meet up point would be and the available day parking. The “meet up” point would be the Barbara Davis Parking lot (between 24‐25 on map‐see link below) round about: Colfax to Aurora Court/West on 17th and North into the lot. For parent’s wanting to park: lot by 31‐33 is free but it is a Hospital Patient‐ Visitor lot/ lot by 24‐25 is a drop off only/ lots by 5‐7 (Ignacio and Hendersen) are daily rates. http://www.ucdenver.edu/about/departments/ucomm/Documents/CUAnschutz_guide.pdf University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Research Complex 1 12801 E 17th Ave Aurora, CO 80045 Page 15 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts CCSD Permission for the Spring Wingding CHERRY CREEK SCHOOL DISTRICT SCHOOL NAME: ________________________________________________________________________ PERMISSION TO PARTICIPATE/RELEASE, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RISK, ASSUMPTION OF PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND INDEMNITY I/We, the undersigned Parents/Guardians of consent and permission for our child to participate in and attend the occur on (herein Child), hereby give our (Activity) which shall ______. I/we understand that during my child’s participation in the Activity; he/she may be exposed to risk or possible injury. I/we understand that I/we assume the risk for any injuries or damages resulting from my child’s participation in this activity. I/we have accepted responsibility to verify with my physician that my child has no physical or psychological problems that would prohibit his/her participation in the activity, and agree to advise my child to comply with the instructions and directions of the School District, agents, volunteers and/or employees as participants in this activity. I/we, in return for my child’s opportunity to participate in the Activity do hereby exempt and release Cherry Creek School District, its directors, officers, employees, volunteers and agents from any and all liability, claims, demands or actions whatsoever arising out of any damage, loss or injury that my child or I/we might sustain while my child is participating in the activity, whether or not such damage, loss or injury results from the acts or omissions of Cherry Creek School District, its directors, officers, employees, volunteers or agents. I/we understand that if I/we do not sign this Release, then my child will not be permitted to participate in the Activity. I/we hereby represent that I am/we are 18 years of age or older, and that I am/we are the parent(s) guardian(s) of the Participant. I/we further acknowledge that no representations or promises by Cherry Creek School District representatives have been made to induce me to sign this Release. I/we further agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Cherry Creek School District, from any claim, cause of action or demand, of any sort or nature, which may at any time be filed or asserted by the Participants participation in the Activity which indemnification shall include any costs and attorneys’ fees that may be incurred as a result of any claims, causes of action or demands. This release is valid and effective whether the damage, loss or injury is a result of any act or omission on the part of Cherry Creek School District or its agents, volunteers, or employees. I understand that I voluntarily give up my right to sue the above-mentioned parties. I ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS WAIVER AND RELEASE AND FULLY UNDERSTAND THAT IT IS A RELEASE OF ALL LIABILITY AND A WAIVER OF ANY RIGHT THAT I MAY HAVE ON BEHALF OF MYSELF AND/OR MY CHILD/WARD TO BRING LEGAL ACTION OR ASSERT CLAIM FOR INJURY OR LOSS OF ANY KIND AGAINST CHERRY CREEK SCHOOL DISTRICT. IF ANY ATTEMPT FOR CLAIM IS MADE, I UNDERSTAND I WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DEFENSE COSTS INCURRED. I HAVE HAD SUFFICIENT OPPORTUNITY TO READ THE ABOVE, BEEN GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY TO ASK QUESTIONS, CONSIDER ITS EFFECTS, UNDERSTAND THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENT AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS. _____________________________________________________ Child/Participant _____________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian Page 16 of 38 _______________________________ Date 01 May 2015 Friday Facts The Learning Garden Page 17 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Plant Sale! Page 18 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast Page 19 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Wolf Wear Page 20 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Wolf Watch Summer Camp Page 21 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Donate a Backpack! Page 22 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Mindful Parenting Couldn’t Come This Week? It’s Not Too Late to Join Us! Mindful Parenting Book Study Group Book Study/Discussion Group for Challenge Parents Two More Meetings: May 4, & May 11, 5-6p.m. Location: Challenge School Library Offered by: Kerry Philo, Challenge Parent/CCSD Teacher If you’re interested, please e-mail or just show up! kphilo@cherrycreekschools.org Mindful Parenting is available @ amazon.com (paperback or Kindle version). The reading assignment for week two is Part 2: Simplify: Finding and Eliminating Hidden Stressors and week three is Part 3: Mindfulness: Increasing Your Inner Resiliency. Page 23 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Summer Camps for Elementary Students Page 24 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Summer Camps for Elementary Students Page 25 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts P.I.N. Update Page 26 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Inside Out Summer Program Page 27 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Inside Out Summer Program Page 28 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Inside Out Summer Program Page 29 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Inside Out Summer Program Page 30 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Inside Out Summer Class Offering Summer 2015 Class Offerings 1st-2nd Grade 1. Minecraft & Communities (AM only: 8:15am-11:15am – Week 1 or Week 2) Students! Take a look at different communities (Rural, Suburban, and Urban) within the world of MINECRAFT! This NEW class will have you research the differences of each community (how people work, play, live, etc.) and allow you to build/design the community of your choice with your small group. Recommended for students who have played Minecraft, but beginners are also welcomed. 2. Fabulously Fun & Frolicking Fairy Tales (AM only-8:15am-11:15am – Week 1 or Week 2) Students! Come join us as we will explore the genre of Fairy Tales from a multi-cultural perspective in this class! Each Fairy Tale will be acted out in a "Reader's Theater" format. Students will then engage in a discussion of the differences they have noticed concerning essentially the same story, but viewed through a different culture's lens. For example, THE ROUGH FACED GIRL is a Native American Cinderella story - whereas THE PERSIAN CINDERELLA is from the Middle East. Students will be given the opportunity to see a variety of cultural influences on a familiar story! 3. Exploring the World Through Paint (AM only: 8:15am-11:15am – Week 1) **NOTE – This class will have the 1st-4th grade students** Let loose with paint to explore the wide range of techniques and media available to an artist. Create truly unique artworks mixing personalized colors, creating tints and hues, layering colors, dolloping on texture, sprinkle and mix to realize diverse effects. While discovering, we will get to know various painters, color theory, and the art principles and techniques. The possibilities are endless! 4. Chess Masters (AM only – 1st-5th grade – 8:15am-11:15am – Week 2) **NOTE – This class will have the 1st-5th grade students** Jump on board this beginning/intermediate class! Begin at the beginning with the fundamentals and basic rules used in tournament play. Learn to apply chess concepts in the opening, middlegame and endgame. Master the strategy of the game along with tactics and etiquette. Enjoy playing the game, tame the tactics and exercise etiquette while you master the strategies of Chess! 5. Creative Corner: Courageous Writing (AM-8:15am-11:15am or PM-12:30pm-3:30pm – Week 2) In this NEW creative class, students are encouraged to get out of their comfort zones through writing! What are your favorite things? Who is your favorite person? Do you have a story to tell them? Students will learn about having a "voice" through writing techniques and share their favorite pieces of writing! 6. LET IT GO: Musical Theater (Week 1 – AM Only or Week 2 - PM only) This NEW class takes a journey into the exciting world of musical theater! Students will see expert musical theater performances and learn vocal and acting techniques in a positive and supportive environment that promotes self-confidence. The week will culminate in a musical theater performance by the class! 7. Mystery of the Pharaoh’s Pyramid (AM only -8:15am-11:15am – Week 1) **NOTE – This class will have the 1st-4th grade students** Are you interested in Ancient Egypt? Do you want to make a cartouche, learn about hieroglyphics, make and use a sun dial? This NEW class is for you! Students will use the sciences of chemistry, geology, archeology, entomology, and even astronomy to help find the hidden location of long lost riches of an unknown Pharaoh. Decoding clues sent from researchers on site, Page 31 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts students will combine an understanding of Egypt's culture and geography with scientific tests to zero in on the Pharaoh s pyramid and the treasures it may hold. 8. Advanced Chess Masters (PM only -12:30pm-3:30pm – Week 2) **NOTE – This class will have the 1st-5th grade students** *PREREQUISITE* Must have already completed CHESS MASTERS or be an advanced/experienced chess player. Students cannot be enrolled in both CHESS MASTERS and ADVANCED CHESS MASTERS at the same time – If you’re looking for a challenge and would like to amp up your game of Chess, this class is for you! Students will be introduced to complicated tactics, advanced strategies, and thinking patterns that chess masters use to play the game in the opening, middlegame, and endgame. Complex chess variation analysis methods will be taught, and instruction will include selected positions and games that show advanced chess concepts. 9. Taekwondo I (AM only – 8:30am-11:15am – Week 1 or Week 2) **NOTE – This class will have the 1st-5th grade students** Be part of something that is over 2,000 years old. Students will learn the history of taekwondo while practicing the five areas of taekwondo: Bully Basics, Self-Defense, Forms and Blocks, Kicks and Board Break, and Pad Drills. Through this high-energy class, you will have the knowledge of a yellow belt by the end of the week. 10. Extra! Extra! Write All About It (AM-8:15am-11:15am OR PM-12:30pm-3:30pm – Week 2) Students will identify the purpose of a newspaper, define vocabulary related to newspapers, discover different kinds of information found in newspapers and much more! News text structure is predictable, concise, and well-written. It can become a model for student writing! Students will practice skills they learn in language arts programs and collaborate with classmates to use technology (online news sources). At the end of the week students will have completed their “class newspaper”! 3rd-4th Grade 1. In Flight (AM only: 8:15am-11:15am – Week 1 or Week 2) Have you ever wondered why and how airplanes fly? Come and explore the forces of aerodynamics. Students will be introduced to the four forces of flight. We will then use various paper plane designs to test the forces that affect flight. We will gather data and adjust designs to create the perfect paper plane that will stay in flight. Put your final design to the test. How long and how high will your designer plane fly? Give it a try! 2. Exploring the World Through Paint (AM only: 8:15am-11:15am – Week 1) **NOTE – This class will have the 1st-4th grade students** Let loose with paint to explore the wide range of techniques and media available to an artist. Create truly unique artworks mixing personalized colors, creating tints and hues, layering colors, dolloping on texture, sprinkle and mix to realize diverse effects. While discovering, we will get to know various painters, color theory, and the art principles and techniques. The possibilities are endless! 3. Mystery of the Pharaoh’s Pyramid (AM only -8:15am-11:15am – Week 1) **NOTE – This class will have the 1st-4th grade students** Are you interested in Ancient Egypt? Do you want to make a cartouche, learn about hieroglyphics, make and use a sun dial? This NEW class is for you! Students will use the sciences of chemistry, geology, archeology, entomology, and even astronomy to help find the hidden location of long lost riches of an unknown Pharaoh. Decoding clues sent from researchers on site, students will combine an understanding of Egypt's culture and geography with scientific tests to zero in on the Pharaoh s pyramid and the treasures it may hold. 4. Advanced Chess Masters (PM only -12:30pm-3:30pm – Week 2) **NOTE – This class will have the 1st-5th grade students** *PREREQUISITE* Must have already completed CHESS MASTERS or be an advanced/experienced chess player. Page 32 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts Students cannot be enrolled in both CHESS MASTERS and ADVANCED CHESS MASTERS at the same time – If you’re looking for a challenge and would like to amp up your game of Chess, this class is for you! Students will be introduced to complicated tactics, advanced strategies, and thinking patterns that chess masters use to play the game in the opening, middlegame, and endgame. Complex chess variation analysis methods will be taught, and instruction will include selected positions and games that show advanced chess concepts. 5. Taekwondo I (AM only – 8:30am-11:15am –Week 2) **NOTE – This class will have the 1st-5th grade students** Be part of something that is over 2,000 years old. Students will learn the history of taekwondo while practicing the five areas of taekwondo: Bully Basics, Self-Defense, Forms and Blocks, Kicks and Board Break, and Pad Drills. Through this high-energy class, you will have the knowledge of a yellow belt by the end of the week. 6. Chess Masters (AM only – 1st-5th grade – 8:15am-11:15am – Week 2) **NOTE – This class will have the 1st-5th grade students** Jump on board this beginning/intermediate class! Begin at the beginning with the fundamentals and basic rules used in tournament play. Learn to apply chess concepts in the opening, middlegame and endgame. Master the strategy of the game along with tactics and etiquette. Enjoy playing the game, tame the tactics and exercise etiquette while you master the strategies of Chess! 7. Lego Storyboard (AM: 8:15am-11:15am or PM: 12:30pm-3:30pm – Week 1) Lego Storyboard is a class that will offer students a creative outlet to build their narratives rather than writing them down first. Students will be engineering with scene creation, objects and characters to create, sequence, retell, and analyze their stories! What story will you build? 8. Minecraft: Stone Basics (PM only: 12:30pm-3:30pm – Week 1 or Week 2) Students! Get ready for a NEW exciting Minecraft class! In this class, students will focus on REDSTONE (Minecraft's equivalent of electricity). It can be used to create amazing inventions, such as working computers or factories, once you know the basics. Redsone power comes from a power source, and can be transmitted to devices which will then do something in response. We will be taking a look at what students can create using Minecraft Redstone! 9. LET IT GO: Musical Theater (PM only -12:30pm-3:30pm – Week 1 or AM only- 8:15am-11:15am – Week 2) This NEW class takes a journey into the exciting world of musical theater! Students will see expert musical theater performances and learn vocal and acting techniques in a positive and supportive environment that promotes self-confidence. The week will culminate in a musical theater performance by the class! 10. Build a Bridge to a Better Future (PM only: 12:30pm-3:30pm – Week 2) Bridges are not only an important part of our everyday lives, but they also serve as a wonderful metaphor. The main purpose of both types of bridges is helping us get from one point to another. Without them, our lives would be very different potentially dangerous! This new class is designed to allow upper elementary and middle school students a chance to study, build, and break actual bridges, designed from materials of their choice, as well as encourage them to start building some bridges to their futures. 11. Sportstistics 2.0: Draft Week (AM only: 8:15am-11:15am – Week 2) If you liked Sportstistics, you are going to LOVE Sportstistics 2.0: Draft Week! Each day, we will conduct a fantasy draft in each of the four major sports, based on lists of the all-time greatest players. Teams compete against Mr. K to see who knows how to build the best roster possible! This class is a great way to learn about the history and the greatest players from the NFL, MLB, NBA, and NHL, all while practicing and refining math and problem solving skills! 12. The Human Body: Inside-Out (AM-8:15am-11:15am or PM-12:30pm-3:30pm- Week 1 or Week 2) Page 33 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts This is a NEW class where students will learn and have a better understanding on how the human body works together to help you live! During the week, students will create a robotic hand to demonstrate how tendons move the fingers in the body, use twizzlers to create a muscle, and learn how the lungs work to take in oxygen by using a plastic water bottle, balloons, and straws! If you're interested in anatomy, this class is for you! 13. Cubelets Robotics (PM only: 12:30pm-3:30pm – Week 1 or Week 2) Students! Build robots with Cubelets in this NEW class! This introductory course is great for students who are interested in the basic components of robots (how they sense, think, and act). Students will observe, create theories, test their theories and refine what they've learned to program and build the ultimate robot! 14. Scratch It! (AM only: 8:15am-11:15am- Week 1 or Week 2) Students! Get ready for this NEW introductory class into SCRATCH and coding. Explore SCRATCH by working with and exploring already existing programs and activities in animation games, interactive art, music/dance, stories and video sensing. During the week, students will learn how create their own video games, how to use circuit boards which take place of the computer's keyboard and mouse, and share your projects with your peers and families! 15. Go Bell-istic! (PM only-12:30pm-3:30pm-Week 1 or AM only-8:15am-11:15am-Week 2) Join us in this NEW hand chime choir class and learn to develop your inner musician’s musical literacy skills (these include note reading, musical symbols and terms). Through games, ringing, and direct instruction, students will gain musical skills, understanding, and collaboration skills. Students will follow a musical score and perform chime music using proper choir chime techniques. Direct application of these skills and concepts will be demonstrated in a final concert at the end of the week! 16. Nothin’ But Treble (AM only-8:15am-11:15am Week 1 or PM only-12:30pm-3:30pm Week 2) Join us in this introductory choir class designed to develop young musicians’ musical literacy skills (note reading, musical symbols and terms, and ability to follow the vocal part in the choir score). Students will learn how to interpret the conductor’s cues and respond in kind. Through games, singing, and direct instruction, students will gain skills and understanding. Direct application of the skills and concepts will be demonstrated in a final concert at the end of the week! 17. Tennis: Why It’s Such a Big Hit! (AM: 8:15am-11:15am or PM: 12:30pm-3:30pm – Week 2) **NOTE – This class will have the 3rd-5th grade students** This class is a thrilling opportunity to learn the game of tennis! You’ll learn this sport of a lifetime by participating in exciting hands-on activities and games. The rules of tennis will also be covered as well as the various ways to hit a tennis ball. In addition, each day will bring a unique academic challenge emphasizing different aspects of tennis through a variety of intriguing tasks. Students will culminate the week by showcasing what they have learned on the tennis court! This class will be taught by a teacher who also coaches varsity tennis at Cherry Creek High School. 18. Comics Are Cool (PM only: 12:30pm-3:30pm – Week 2) Make the characters from your imagination come to life in your very own comic book or graphic novel in this NEW class! Study a variety of comic techniques like storyline and humor as well as art techniques like shading, font, and speech bubbles. You will have your very own piece ready to publish! 19. Neglected Masters (AM only: 8:15am-11:15am – Week 2) **NOTE – This class will have the 3rd-6th grade students** Move beyond the commonly studied visual art masters to discover the less explored, often overlooked virtuosos. Students will be creating multiple media artworks reflecting the introduced maestros. Sculpt Deborah Butterfield horses. Paint in the colorful and playful style of nature lover Friedensreich Hundertwasser or practice making gilded gold works as Gustav Klimt. Explore language in art through the early graffiti, free-style of Jean Michel Basquiat or paint poigmant portraits inspired by Amedeo Modigliani. Creating and exploring hands-on, students will be introduced to lesser-known masters, their histories, and their exploration of the human experience through their work. Get inspired by the neglected masters! Page 34 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts 20. Live On Stage (AM-8:15am-11:15am or PM-12:30pm-3:30pm – Week 1 or Week 2) **NOTE – This class will have the 3rd-6th grade students** Attention extraverts, wanna-be actors, drama kings and queens! Inside/Out presents LIVE, ON STAGE! During the week, students will engage in short plays, readers theatre, improvisation, monologues, theatre games, and variations of charades! Get ready to stretch your creativity and problem solve through a series of Act-Outs! 21. LEGO WeDo Robotics (AM-8:15am-11:15am or PM-12:30pm-3:30pm – Week 1) What happens when you add Legos to motors and sensors? Fun! Let’s learn about simple machines and programming through the use of Lego Robotics. Create alligators that chomp, birds that flap, and even join your friends in a game of soccer. Students will have time to follow specific lessons as well as create their own invention. 22. Soccer Fun (AM Only – 8:15am-11:15am – Week 2) Learn about the history, players, teams and celebrations in SOCCER FUN! This new class will allow students to learn everything there is to know about soccer. Play soccer, discuss teamwork and sportsmanship, resolve conflicts on and off the field, and so much more! Compare and contrast while researching the history of soccer, rules of the game in the United States and in other countries, discover the lines and dimensions of the different size of fields, etc. Come join us in this exciting class! 23. A Long Way Down: Designing Parachutes & Math Practice (PM only-12:30pm-3:30pm – Week 1 or Week 2) This is an Engineering is Elementary (EIE) course developed from the Museum of Science, Boston. This class introduces the field of aerospace engineering by guiding students to explore how aerospace engineers design and test technologies to be used in non-Earth environments. Hands-on activities, discussions, and readings are used to introduce students to the Engineering Design Process, the work of aerospace engineers, and other engineering and technology concepts appropriate for elementary school students. Students will also be exposed to Math Partner Games and multistep higher level math questions. 24. The Attraction is Obvious: Designing Maglev Trains & Math Practice (AM only-8:15am-11:15am – Week 1 or Week 2) This is an Engineering is Elementary (EIE) course developed from the Museum of Science, Boston. Students explore the connections between the properties of magnets, the technological innovation of the maglev train, and the field of transportation engineering. Hands-on activities, discussions, and readings introduce students to the Engineering Design Process, the work of transportation engineers, and other engineering and technology concepts appropriate for elementary students. Students will also be exposed to Math Partner Games and multistep higher level math questions. 25. Shake, Rattle, Roll (PM only-12:30pm-3:30pm – Week 1) Students will explore physics as they build things that shake, rattle and roll. They will build vehicles powered by springs, flywheels, wind, rubber bands, balloons, and three different types of motors. Students will apply integrated process skills as they design fair test procedures, create meaningful data displays, make reasonable claims supported by data, and analyze their collected data in light of the problem at hand. Students will also design and build a roller coaster that can scare the pants off a marble using PVC and insulation foam. 26. Hydrologic Science & Engineering (PM only – 12:30pm-3:30pm - Week 2) **NOTE – This class will have the 3rd-6th grade students** What would you drink if you were stranded on a desert island? What if you lived in a village without clean water? What if there was an oil spill in the water in which you relied on for survival? In this environmental engineering class, we will dive into these problems through hands on investigation. Tackle problems people have to deal with every day. This course will require the students to think outside the box and use the resources available to them to solve how to clean up an oil spill, filter dirty water, and extract fresh water from salt water. The students will read/watch about case studies on where these issues occur in the world. Then they will be presented with the resources they will have to use. Once they solve the task, they will then have to Page 35 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts “purchase” their supplies from a “store” on a limited budget. They will follow the Engineering Design Process: Ask, Imagine, Plan, Create, and Improve. You be the engineer! 27. Operation Cooperation (PM only – 12:30pm-3:30pm – Week 2) Have you ever heard the term, Play nice in the sandbox? Well we’re going to learn how to play nice in the sandbox! This class will focus on teamwork and sportsmanship activities through cooperative play such as teambuilding games, problem solving challenges and modified sports. In 1970 Fortune 500 companies ranked the top skills they were looking for: 1. Writing 2. Computational Skills 3. Reading Skills. In 1999 the top three skills were changed to: 1. Teambuilding 2. Problem Solving 3. Interpersonal Skills. We will be focusing much of our learning on these skills. 5th-6th Grade 1. Minecraft: Learning to Lead (Previous Title: Minecraft: Biome Exploration) – (AM only-8:15am-11:15am-Week 1 or Week 2) **NOTE - Previous title for class was MINECRAFT: BIOME EXPLORATION** A medium-skill Minecraft class that focuses on team-building/leadership skills while trying to survive in Minecraft. The students will play through a survival world with a team of other students. Each student will gain experience as team lead, fulfilling specific roles within a team, team resource management, and planning! Some of our essential questions: How can my role within a team effect our team goals? What team roles am I most/least comfortable fulfilling? How important is it for each person to contribute to a team? What do the best leaders do to make their team successful? 2. Mystery of the Pharaoh’s Pyramid (AM only -8:15am-11:15am – Week 2) **NOTE – This class will have 5th-6th grade students** Are you interested in Ancient Egypt? Do you want to make a cartouche, learn about hieroglyphics, make and use a sun dial? This NEW class is for you! Students will use the sciences of chemistry, geology, archeology, entomology, and even astronomy to help find the hidden location of long lost riches of an unknown Pharaoh. Decoding clues sent from researchers on site, students will combine an understanding of Egypt's culture and geography with scientific tests to zero in on the Pharaoh s pyramid and the treasures it may hold. 3. Comics Are Cool (AM only-8:15am-11:15am – Week 2) Make the characters from your imagination come to life in your very own comic book or graphic novel in this NEW class! Study a variety of comic techniques like storyline and humor as well as art techniques like shading, font, and speech bubbles. You will have your very own piece ready to publish! 4. Adaptation or Extinction (AM-8:15am-11:15am or PM-12:30pm-3:30pm – Week 1) Ever wonder why an elephant has a long nose and a giraffe has a long neck? Or why you walk on two legs instead of four? In 1859 Charles Darwin opened up our understanding of the natural world with his revolutionary theory of Natural Selection. In this NEW course, students will explore the vast world of animal behaviors and adaptions and how they have fueled the evolution of life on this planet for over 3 billion years! 5. Soccer Fun (PM only-12:30pm-3:30pm – Week 2) Learn about the history, players, teams and celebrations in SOCCER FUN! This new class will allow students to learn everything there is to know about soccer. Play soccer, discuss teamwork and sportsmanship, resolve conflicts on and off the field, and so much more! Compare and contrast while researching the history of soccer, rules of the game in the United States and in other countries, discover the lines and dimensions of the different size of fields, etc. Come join us in this exciting class! 6. Digital Storytelling: Stop-Motion Photography (PM only-12:30pm-3:30pm – Week 1 or Week 2) **NOTE – This class will have 5th-9th grade students** Tell the story that you want to tell using the medium of stop-motion photography (you may instead create an advertisement if you would like). In the class, you will create a story, build a storyboard, photograph your story in multiple frames, and edit and Page 36 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts turn it into a stop-motion masterpiece using movie software. You can create your story using animation, toys, dolls, or even you can be the star. At the end of the course, we will share our creations with others, and you can take it home. 7. Shake, Rattle, Roll (PM only-12:30pm-3:30pm – Week 2) **NOTE – This class will have 6th-8th grade students** Students will explore physics as they build things that shake, rattle and roll. They will build vehicles powered by springs, flywheels, wind, rubber bands, balloons, and three different types of motors. Students will apply integrated process skills as they design fair test procedures, create meaningful data displays, make reasonable claims supported by data, and analyze their collected data in light of the problem at hand. Students will also design and build a roller coaster that can scare the pants off a marble using PVC and insulation foam. 8. Going Green (AM only-8:15am-11:15am – Week 1) **NOTE – This class will have 5th-6th grade students** Have you seen solar panels on homes and wondered how they work? How about those huge wind turbines dotting the front range and plains? In this class we will explore several different energy producing technologies while building and experimenting with solar thermal water heaters, wind turbines, and solar powered vehicles. We will learn how energy is transformed while using the engineering/design cycle to build our own working models of real systems. 7th-10th Grade 1. Digital Photography: What’s in a Picture (AM-8:15am-11:15am-Week 1 or Week 2) **NOTE - Your own cameras are encouraged, but some will be provided** **NOTE – This class will have 7th-9th grade students** The world is yours to interpret. Photography is capturing the truth of the world from your own perspective, using your own creativity. Learn to experience your world in different, creative ways. Learn to see shapes and patterns in everything from flowers to buildings to shadows on the ground. Create a photo portfolio to share your art with others. 2. Microbiology: Friends & Germs (AM-8:15am-11:15am or PM-12:30pm-3:30pm – Week 1 or Week 2) **NOTE – This class will have 7th-10th grade students** Students! In this NEW class you will use modern techniques to distinguish friendly and unfriendly microbes in our environment (e.g. food producing microbes vs. pathogens). Students will use microscopes to examine aquatic pond life, bacterial transformation, and much more! Learn about the diversity of living organisms and how body systems interact to promote health for the whole organism. 3. Cogs & Corsets: Steampunk Genre & Victorian History (PM only-12:30pm-3:30pm – Week 1 or Week 2) **NOTE – This class will have 7th-9th grade students** Do you wish you lived in a parallel universe? In this class we will explore the realities of life in Victorian London as well as alternative Steampunk histories. Be prepared to read, write, draw, and create, spanning the distance between fantasy and reality. 4. Zombie Apocalypse (PM only-12:30pm-3:30pm – Week 1) **NOTE – This class will have 7th-9th grade students** Could scientists cause a zombie outbreak? Investigate viruses, prions and toxins that already create zombie-like symptoms and learn how scientists are manipulating viruses. Analyze which viruses you think could be combined to create a zombie epidemic in this NEW class! 5. Superbugs: Killer Bacteria (AM only-8:15am-11:15am – Week 2) **NOTE – This class will have 7th-9th grade students** Is this the end of antibiotics? Doctors rely on antibiotics to kill bacteria and keep us well, but the bacteria are getting smarter. Investigate what is creating these superbugs, other possible ways to fight bacteria, and develop new ideas to improve how we Page 37 of 38 01 May 2015 Friday Facts fight bacteria. Culture bacteria with and without antibacterial hand soap, and then observe results under microscopes. Bring in water samples and test them for bacteria in this NEW class! 6. Minecraft: Map Makers (PM only-12:30pm-3:30pm – Week 1 or Week 2) **NOTE – This class will have 7th-9th grade students** Students will be learn about the complex inner workings of Minecraft to create their own Adventure or Quest Map! We will be learning about using redstone, command blocks, and creative thinking to create the most EPIC Minecraft adventure maps ever! 7. Theatre for Social Change (AM only-8:15am-11:15am – Week 1 or Week 2) **NOTE – This class will have 8th-10th grade students** This workshop-based course aim to introduce theatre as a powerful tool for social change. Students will explore applied theatre techniques and participate in the devising process of theatre creation. Students will also develop critical thinking skills to conduct their own research on social issues. 8. How to Write a Novel Over the Summer (AM only-8:15am-11:15am – Week 1 or Week 2) **NOTE – This class will have 6th-10th grade students** Have you always wanted to write a novel, but weren’t sure how to get started? Do you have a particular genre or author you admire? This class will give you the information, the strategies, and the writing time you need to launch a novel-length project. 9. Novelist Academy (PM only-12:30pm-3:30pm – Week 2) **NOTE – This class will have 6th-10th grade students** This is an intensive workshop designed for the writers who don’t need help getting started, but need help finishing that novel and for the writers who’ve finished a long project and are ready to move toward publication. Students who’ve taken the “how to write a novel over the summer” class and students who have already completed a long work (10,000+ words) of fiction are the best match for this class. Daily topic will include: query letters, the submission process, markets for all types of writing, writing resources, the professional writing community, and so much more. 10. Monsters & Mayhem (AM only-8:15am-11:15am – Week 2) **NOTE – This class will have 6th-10th grade students** From the minds who brought you Lasers Vs. Wands comes a new genre fiction/fan fiction class set in the world of suspense, mystery, and horror. Do your favorite books, films, and shows keep you on the edge of your seat? Do you love to create projects that send a shiver up someone’s spine? This class will examine the history of the suspense/mystery/horror genres and the way these genre connect to all the other kinds of fiction out there. Throughout the week students will be both consumers of knowledge (reading, viewing, & listening) as well as producers of knowledge (writing, debating, & presenting). Page 38 of 38
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