Parent Info Flyer 19 February 2015

19th February 2015
School Website:
Message from the Principal
Arrival at School and After School collection
Parents are advised that students who arrive at school prior to 8.30am must meet in the undercover area behind the Admin building.
Students will be supervised by a member of the Admin team from 8.15am and are dismissed at 8.30am.
Parents are also reminded that school finishes at 2.45pm. Please ensure that if you are running late that you call the office with adequate
notice so that we can advise your child before the end of day siren. We have had several children who have not been collected on time
which may distress some students and unfortunately due to other commitments, staff cannot always guarantee that these students will be
supervised. The school does offer before and after school care through Camp Australia. There is further information regarding Camp
Australia available in the office and on the back of this Information Brief.
Start of the school day
All classroom doors are opened at 8.30am. Students are welcomed into classrooms at this time to prepare for the start of the day. The
siren that sounds at 8.40am signals the start of instructional learning. Parents are asked to be mindful that the morning session is the most
productive learning time for students and would appreciate it if parents could ensure that they have left classrooms before 8.40am so that
we maximise our learning programs. Poor punctuality also has an impact on your child’s education as they miss important instruction at the
start of the day. Late arrival is also disruptive to the class in general. Parent assistance would be most appreciated in this matter.
Parent Information Sessions
Thank you to all parents who attended our class meetings. All sessions were very well attended and I trust that you found them informative
and it also gave you the opportunity to meet with other parents. Whilst providing you with an understanding of classroom policies and
expectations, these meetings were important in establishing two way communication between parents and staff in the school. Parents are
always encouraged to speak to Admin or teachers about issues regarding the education of their child.
We are currently meeting with a landscape architect in our plans to re-develop the junior playground. The committee, comprising of staff
and parents are working to design a nature-based playground that promotes creativity and problem solving. Parents will be updated
regarding the progress of this project.
Due to the focus on the delivery of all aspects of the Australian Curriculum, Choir classes will no longer be run during the school day. Choir
will now be run between 8.00am-8.40am each Tuesday morning. Notes have been sent home to parents of students in the choir indicating
this change. Parents who have not already done so, are asked to carefully read the note and return the permission slip to confirm
Student update and medical update forms
All parents should have received student and medical update forms for their child. This information is essential in ensuring that our records
reflect accurate contact information and medical details. Please ensure that you take the time to thoroughly read these forms and return
them no later than Friday 27th February.
Consistent attendance is fundamental to student learning. Parents who make regular attendance a priority are helping their child to value
learning and to accept responsibility. Attendance patterns and attitudes to school are formed at a young age. It is essential that
children develop good attendance habits early if they are to continue this throughout their school life. Poor attendance has a direct impact
on student achievement. Students who do not attend regularly miss out on carefully planned lessons, active learning experiences and class
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Miss Wilson and Miss Harper to our staff. Miss Wilson has come to us from Coolbinia
Primary School and is teaching our Year 5 class in Room 14. Miss Harper will be teaching in Room 9 on alternate Wednesdays. Both
teachers have settled in very well at our school and I am certain that our whole school community will make them feel welcome.
Semester 1 Councillors and Faction Captains
Congratulations to our 2015 Semester 1 Student Leaders.
Councillors: Luke Veaudry, Sarah Simpson, Holly Ashton, Ava Smith, Lisa Simpson, Lachlan Orr, Akhil Gorasia and Jesselle Heasman.
Faction Captains: Bandicoots: Hannah Coles, Se-Jay Boonket and Joshua Haley
Bilbies: Jeselle Heasman, Brock Cergogna and Ashlee Jensen
Numbats: Tahlia Lemierz, Lisa Simpson and Ronna Pua
Wallabies: Hser Eh Htoo, Jordan Greenhill and Cody Eleuteri
I am sure that all these students will perform their duties to the highest standard and will be outstanding role models to all our students.
Angie Michael - Principal
Important Dates
24th February - Shock Proof Incursion
25th February - Phys Ed Assembly
25th February - P&C AGM
27th February - Clean Up Schools Day
2nd March - Labour Day Public Holiday
4th March - Room 15 Year 5/6 Assembly
Parking restrictions are
put in place near schools
to protect children when
they are either picked up
or dropped off to school. The Community
Safety Advocates from the City of Swan will
soon undertake patrols of our school and send
formal Caution & Infringement notices to
registered vehicle owners alerting them to the
parking offences being committed. A flyer is
being sent home to all families regarding
parking around schools.
Uniform Shop Times:
Tuesday 2.30pm-3.00pm
Wednesday 8.40am-9.15am
Friday 8.40am-9.15am &
For enquiries, please contact
Katrina - 0400 055 606 or
Rose - 0408 887 061.
Canteen Times
The canteen is open on
Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
A Reminder of our school times:
Start time: 8.40am
Recess: 10.50am-11.10am
End time: 2.45pm
Students who arrive at school after 8.50am
are required to obtain a late note from the
office prior to going to class.
School Banking
Come and see us in the Library between every
Friday from 8.15am and 8.45am.
Dates for Term 1 are:
FEB: Friday 20th & 27th
MAR: 6th, 13th, 20th & 27th
Mums and Dads, it’s never too late to get your
children involved in the school banking program
whether you have a Commonwealth Bank
account or not. Thank you, Lyndsey & Sue
(School Banking Co-ordinators)
Waterwise Tip
A waterwise garden
designed to suit your
lifestyle will save you time
and water. A waterwise
garden is a balance between plants, lawn and
hardscapes, such as paving, to provide a fit for
purpose space that suits your lifestyle
Camp Australia
Parents are reminded that the school offers
onsite before and after school care through
Camp Australia.
This high quality program embraces the
school values and builds on your child’s
educational experiences and individual
interests. The program combines active
games with planned and unplanned play, quiet time, homework time and a healthy
snack. Every day is an adventure led by enthusiastic Camp Australia staff who are
on a mission to bring smiles to kids faces. Staff are trained educators who know
many different ways to help your child get the most out of their day and feel good
about themselves.The focus is on developing the overall wellbeing of children in a
safe environment, fostering a healthy, active lifestyle, friendships and new skills all
while having fun.
* Almost all Australian residents
There is no cost associated with registering are eligible for some form of
your child. Charges are only incurred if your government rebate. Contact the
child takes part in a session.
Family Assistance Office on
13 61 50 for further information.
Before care: 7am-8.40am Full Fee $16.00
Out of pocket* $5.19 to $7.94
After care: 2.45pm-6pm Full Fee $22.00 Out of pocket* $5.49 to $10.89
Fliers are available in the office for parents wanting further information or visit
Virtue of the Fortnight
What is consideration?
Consideration is being thoughtful about
other people and their feelings. It is thinking
about how your actions affect them and caring
about how they feel.
Why practise consideration?
When people behave selfishly and don’t practice consideration, other people feel
hurt. When we are considerate, others know they are important to us. We bring them
happiness and they feel like making us happy too.
How do you practise consideration?
Consideration begins by noticing what people need and thinking about how your
actions are affecting them. You care about how they feel. You act as if other people
are just as important as you are. You do little things to bring happiness to others.
Give tender attention to people who are sad.
Camboon Primary School P&C Harmony Day Community Fair
Camboon Primary school in Noranda, will be hosting a Harmony Day Community Fair
on Saturday 21 March from 10am to 3pm. There will be bouncy castles, amusement
rides, games to play, entertainment, food, drinks and heaps of fun for everyone!!! We
are taking Expressions of Interest from those who would like to take part in our
Harmony Day Fair and have a stall to showcase products and businesses. Please
contact Vesna or 0411 443 939 so that we can forward you an
application. Alternatively you can leave your details at the front Office.
Direct Debit
The school offers direct debit as an option for payment of contributions, excursions or
incursions. Details as follows:
BSB: 066 132
Acct: 00902273
Details to be entered as first initial of student name and surname eg TSmith. If you wish
to receive confirmation, please email the Registrar on
If at any time you have a matter which you feel you need to discuss please contact the
Please note that ALL formal complaints should be marked Private and Confidential and
sent to the Principal.