10 April 2015 Friday Facts 9659 E. Mississippi Ave. Denver, CO 80247 In This Edition: Front Page News Letter from the Principal For Your Information… PTCO Corner Open PTCO Leadership Positions SCRATCH Day Challenge Night Out Immersion Team E Theater Group Presents! Sprint Wingding Destination Imagination Flyers Flyers Flyers Challenge Update: Amazing! Challenge Update Challenge Class Participation PTCO Flyer Wellness Newsletter Wolf Watch Summer Camp School Spirit: Baskins Robbins 3‐D Printing Fun! Mindful Parenting Summer Camps for Elementary School Kids P.I.N. Update Engaging Boys of Color Summer Camps for Middle School 720.747.2100 Main 720.747.2183 Fax Friday Facts Front Page News Letter from the Principal Dear Challenge Families: This week begins the final quarter of the school year and it seems before we know it, the year will be over. We’ve been focused for so long on all the critical elements of school: learning, making friends, behaving appropriately, completing homework on time (and remembering to turn it in), being kind to others, and the list goes on. In the last quarter, I want all of us to continue focusing on all of those things and finishing strong. To do so, we need to pay attention to a few more things: Hard work and effort We must never lose sight of how important these two things are to growth and success. Rest We are a hard-working community from staff and parents to students. We must take care of ourselves and get plenty of rest. Balance and perspective Maybe this one should come before rest because it’s often when we are out of balance that we give up resting. Take a step back, breathe, and see if time commitments are in line with our values. Reflect As we are nearing the end of a school year, it’s always a great time to reflect and celebrate our successes. Laugh The most important one of all. Just doing so changes all of our body chemistry. Here’s inspiration to get you started: I’m looking forward to the last quarter of the school year! Respectfully, Challenge School Website: challenge.cherrycreekschools.org PTO Manager: www.challengeschool.ptomanager.com Submit content for newsletter by Wed, NOON to: FridayFacts@yahoo.com Page 1 of 25 Linda Maccagnan, Interim Principal 10 April 2015 Friday Facts For Your Information… PTCO Corner Please join us next Tuesday NIGHT, April 14th for another EVENING PTCO Meeting. Principal Maccagnan will join us with some important updates regarding our new Advisory and Accountability Committee, the mindset grant, school/parent communication, and the school schedule for next year. We’ll also have a great presentation by our Librarian, Kris Draper, on how to access the online book data base for the summer. Please join us for some goodies and conversation! Check out the Flyers Section of the Friday Facts for updates about the Challenge Challenge! The kiddos have new classroom thermometers to keep track of their class progress in these final two weeks. They are itching for those parties! Please make it happen for them, Challenge! We’ve been asking you all along, “Why Challenge?” What brought you here? Why did you want to become a part of this community? Why do you want to continue to be a part of this community? It has been a joy for us to see your answers to these questions. “My family loves Challenge! The teachers and staff are super and the opportunities that are offered to the kids are exceptional.” “Challenge school is helping my children develop knowledge, self-esteem and respect for the world. Kudos to the dedicated teachers and support staff who lavish their care and attention on the children.” “Challenge is a community of learners dedicated to bringing out the best in one another. Our educational system would be 'fixed' if all children had the wonderful learning experiences and opportunities our children are fortunate to have.” “My sons are with 'their people'--children who have a love of learning and embrace one another's quirkiness. Challenge has provided them with a nurturing environment where they do not feel like they have to conform to stereotypical 'coolness'. Instead, they are embraced for who they are and they both have found friends who also beat to their own drum. They love the diversity of the school!” “For 13 years, we have seen the outcome of the wonderful work the teachers and staff at Page 2 of 25 Challenge put into helping our children grow to fulfill their dreams, whatever they may be.” “My child loves going to school! He loves his teacher and he loves learning- what more could I ask for! As a kindergarten parent the Challenge School has surpassed our expectations, and we were already expecting greatness!” This is why, Challenge. This is why it’s an amazing community that we are fortunate enough to belong to. Please join us in reaching that $75,000 goal, so that we can continue to help make our kids’ dreams come true! With sincere thanks, Rhonda Clark and Nancy Wilson (Co-Presidents), Sunshine Morgan and Tim Weber (Co-Vice Presidents), Candace Ellman (Volunteer Coordinator), Michelle Austin (Secretary), Kimberly Chapman (Treasurer) Open PTCO Leadership Positions Looking for ways to fill your 25 hours next year? Wishing you could take on more of a leadership role? The following leadership positions are available for the 20152016 year. For many of these positions, you can do the majority of the work from home or on your own time. If you are interested in any of these positions or have any questions please contact Candace Ellman, Volunteer Coordinator at c.ellman@earthlink.net. Entertainment Books Co-Chair - work with our current chair beginning this May as he teaches you what’s involved with preparing for this fall fundraiser, then take over as chair for the 2016-17 school year. 8th Grade Continuation shadow – for parents of students who will be in 7th grade this fall. You would work with the current chairs as they plan Continuation 2016 to learn what’s involved, and then plan out Continuation 2017. Two parents needed. Trivia Night Chair – one or two parents needed to run this fun event. Field Day K-4 Chair - one or two parents needed to chair this fun event. Primarily involves organizing volunteers. Room Parent Coordinator Team C Room Parent Coordinator Team D Room Parent Coordinator Team E Community Event Coordinator Cultural Event Chair PIN Representative Cool Force Community Service Chair 10 April 2015 Friday Facts SCRATCH Day Hello everyone! Scratch Day 2015 is coming up soon, May 9th. This year's registration will open up this Friday April 10th at 7AM. If you love coding or creating with technology try to attend Scratch Day 2015. This event fills up quickly! Register here: Cherry Creek Scratch Day 2015 Immersion We have gone electronic this spring with our Immersion information! Today, April 10th, you will be able to sign into your My Cherry Creek webpage (https://my.cherrycreekschools.org) and you will see this Immersion tile: Click on the tile and you will be brought to a welcome page with a link to instructions for viewing this spring’s Immersion offerings and entering your student’s Immersion choices. All choices must be entered electronically by Tuesday, April 14th at 3pm. If you are planning to do an Independent Study during Immersion week, your proposal and itinerary must be handed in to the main office no later than 3 pm on Tuesday, April 14th. If your family has funds available in your Entertainment Book account, your student will bring home a balance statement on Friday, April 10th. Immersion placements will be posted and Immersion paperwork will be sent home on Monday, April 27th. The dates of this spring’s Immersion are Monday, May 18th – Thursday, May 21st. Team E Theater Group Presents THE MOUSETRAP AND SCHOOL HOUSE ROCK LIVE JR. Come experience one of the most famous murder mysteries be Agatha Christie, The Mousetrap. (With permission by Samuel French, Inc.) Also, come see an awesome performance teaching all about nouns, adjectives, and interjections- School House Rock Live Jr. (With permission by Music Theater International.) The Challenge School theater department presents these two productions on two separate nights. The Mousetrap will play on Monday, April 20th @ 6:00 p.m. Page 3 of 25 School House Rock Live Jr. will play on Tuesday, April 21st @ 6:00 p.m. Tickets will be sold at a table in the main hallway in the mornings from 7:45 until 8:15 and in the afternoon from 2:45 until 3:15. The dates are Tuesday, April 14 - 17 and we will also sell the days of the shows - April 20 & 21. Tickets will be sold for cash or check made out to Challenge School. Premium seats are $10, General Seats are $7 and floor seats for children are $5. TWO SHOWS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE! As a special bonus, if you buy tickets to one show you will gain free general admission to the other show. (For example- if you buy premium seats for The Mousetrap you will also get free general admission seats for School House Rock Live Jr.) Come support the Challenge Theater department and see you there! Sprint Wingding! Mark Your Calendar for Spring Wingding on May 8! We want to invite every member of the Challenge community to attend this year's Spring Wingding picnic on Friday, May 8 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. We'll supply pizza, beverages, desserts, a huge bouncer, and games of chance with gift cards from local businesses as prizes. Did we mention it's FREE?!?! This is the PTCO's way of thanking everyone for their volunteer work and to just plain have fun. We'll be outside on the back lawn, so bring your lawn chairs, blankets, Frisbees, and Nerf footballs. There is no charge to attend, but RSVPs are required so that we can be sure to have enough food and drinks on hand. RSVP to springwingding@gmail.com no later than Friday, May 1. Be sure to tell us how many adults (ages 12+) and how many children (under 12). Also let us know if you would prefer vegetarian pizza. If you still need volunteer hours -- or would just like to help with this fun event -- check out our SignUpGenius page at http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0b48abaa29a13volunteer/. Thank you! Questions? Contact Marjorie Wallwey or Valli Kumar, event co-chairs, at mamawallwey@gmail.com (Marjorie) or vallikkumar@hotmail.com (Valli). Challenge Night Out Baskin Robbins - Thursday April 16th - Your teachers will be scooping the ice cream!!! 10 April 2015 Friday Facts Destination Imagination! On March 21st, Challenge School was represented by 6 teams at the regional Destination Imagination tournament. In addition to Critter of the Week (announced last week), the teams were: This was our Rising Stars (non-competitive) team. They created the amazing “Snalligator” and presented it, complete with habitat, to their panel of judges. The Ghost Girls: Kanshita D., Abigail K., Lauren K., Aakanksha M., Shrishti M., Katya R., and Sreeja T. with their team manager, Victoria Gosteva The Ghost Girls explored their fears of candy canes and bulldogs using a time machine. They came in 5th in the Feary Tales division! Team Nicklebobber: Mihika D., Yusuf H., Paige H., Brooke R., and Miriam T. Team manager – Zarmeena Rizwan They took on the Improve Games challenge and came in 6th! The Challenge Rising Wolves: Tais I., Logan K., Anirudh N., Leah P., Saachi T., Declan V., Carly W., and Anna Z. with team manager, Tirzha Zabarauskas Page 4 of 25 The GLA – Global Creativity Agency: Josephine D., Sarayu G., Sreekar T., Vivian Y., and Jacqueline Z. with team manager Francis Yip They faced their fear of consciences and even travelled to another dimension to do it! They came in 7th in the middle school Feary Tales division. The Awesome Creative Candy Wolf Gang: Shourya H., Sri L., Lily L., Reem S., Akshita U., and Timmy W. Team managers– Christy and Alan Legleiter They faced a multitude of fears and came out ahead! They placed 4th in their Feary Tales division. 10 April 2015 Friday Facts Flyers Flyers Flyers Challenge Update: Amazing! Page 5 of 25 10 April 2015 Friday Facts Challenge Update Page 6 of 25 10 April 2015 Friday Facts Challenge Update Page 7 of 25 10 April 2015 Friday Facts Challenge Class Participation Page 8 of 25 10 April 2015 Friday Facts PTCO Flyer Summerisjustaroundthecornerandlongdaysareahead.Come listentoourLibrarian,KrisDraper,explaintoustheonlinebook databaseandhowtouseit.Wewilllearnhowtodownloadbooks, movies,musicandmuchmore!Helpyourkidskeepthosebrains engagedandavoidthesummerblues! WewillhaveanupdateontheChallengeChallenge,aswellas updatesfromPrincipalMaccagnan!Seeyouthere! Page 9 of 25 10 April 2015 Friday Facts Wellness Newsletter Page 10 of 25 10 April 2015 Friday Facts Wolf Watch Summer Camp Page 11 of 25 10 April 2015 Friday Facts School Spirit: Baskins Robbins Page 12 of 25 10 April 2015 Friday Facts 3-D Printing Fun! Page 13 of 25 10 April 2015 Friday Facts Mindful Parenting Page 14 of 25 10 April 2015 Friday Facts Summer Camps for Elementary Students Page 15 of 25 10 April 2015 Friday Facts Summer Camps for Elementary Students Page 16 of 25 10 April 2015 Friday Facts Summer Camps for Elementary Students Page 17 of 25 10 April 2015 Friday Facts Summer Camps for Elementary Students Page 18 of 25 10 April 2015 Friday Facts P.I.N. Update Page 19 of 25 10 April 2015 Friday Facts Engaging Boys of Color Page 20 of 25 10 April 2015 Friday Facts Summer Camps for Middle School Students Page 21 of 25 10 April 2015 Friday Facts Summer Camps for Middle School Students Page 22 of 25 10 April 2015 Friday Facts Summer Camps for Middle School Students Page 23 of 25 10 April 2015 Friday Facts Summer Camps for Middle School Students Page 24 of 25 10 April 2015 Friday Facts Summer Camps for Middle School Students Page 25 of 25
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