Fetal Pig Dissection Assignment 1. What is the purpose of this dissection? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ________________ 2. What 2 pieces of safety equipment must you wear at all times during the dissection? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ________ 3. Why should you wash your hands, wipe down the lab bench and make sure all tools are scrupulously clean and dry after dissection? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ________ __________________________________________________________________________ ____ http://www.whitman.edu/academics/coursesofstudy/biology/virtualpig 4. Look at the pig below. Read the information on the website and then complete the diagram properly. This diagram is facing the opposite way as the pig in the online dissection.On the diagram below, label the following terms:Dorsal, Ventral, Anterior, Posterior (use a ruler and make it neat) 5. a) What organs do you think the cranial region holds? _______________________________ b) What organs does the pectoral region probably hold? _____________________________ c) What organs does the pelvic region hold? ______________________________________ d) What organs does the caudal region hold? _____________________________________ 6. a) What term is used in humans instead of anterior? _______________________ b) What term is used in humans instead of posterior? ______________________ 7. a) What does medial mean?____________________________________________________ b) What does lateral mean? ____________________________________________________ c) What does proximal mean? __________________________________________________ d) What does distal mean? _____________________________________________________ 8. Explain how you will know if your fetal pig is a male or a female. Male: Female: 9. The Digestive System: Begin by clicking on the head (cranial region of the pig to view the start of the digestive system) As you answer questions you will either have to hit the forward button or click on the picture to view more information. a) The nostrils are also known as what? b) Air comes in through the nostrils for what two main purposes? c) Describe the structure of the tongue (What does it look like, etc)? d) What is the tongue made up of? e) What is the main function? f) What are the sensory papillae? g) Where are the sensory papillae located? h) What are the four main taste buds in humans and pigs? i) Describe the first incision that is made to access the jaw and inside the oral cavity? j) What makes up the anterior part of the roof of the mouth? k)Describe how the hard palate looks. l) Describe the teeth? Are the pointy, etc and what are they called? m) What is the pharynx? n) Describe the location of the epiglottis. o)What does the epiglottis do? 10. Abdominal section of the Digestive system: a) Draw a small picture of the incisions that you would have made if you had dissected this pig in order to see the abdominal organs. b) What is located right underneath the skin? c) What cavity do most of the abdominal, excretory, and reproductive organs sit in? d) List three organs that you can see once you cut through the membrane. e) What is the large brown top most organ? f) How many lobes does this organ have? g) What organ is directly below this first organ? h) How long can a small intestine of a fetal pig get? i) Draw a picture of what the small intestine looks like. 11. Close out that section and click on the Respiratory system: a) What is the passageway air travels as it enters through the nares? b) To the left of the trachea or behind it is what other tube? c) Which tube lets food down and which tube lets air down? d) What is the name of the membrane that the lungs are in? e) Describe what the lungs look like? (Color, shape, texture, etc) f) The trachea splits into what when it hits the lungs? g) Describe where the diaphragm is located. h) How does the diaphragm aid in breathing? i )Draw a picture of how the lungs and heart with the trachea all sit together. 12. Work your way through the DIGESTIVE , CIRCULATORY & RESPIRATORY systems on the Whitman website.. Using the word list below, label the digestive system above. cecum umbilical arteries liver small intestine spleen pancreas duodenum stomach rectum gall bladder large intestine bile duct esophagus 13. Give two reasons to support the following statement: “There are important benefits for students to carry out real dissections.” #1 #2 8. Give two reasons to support the following statement: “There are valid concerns for certain students not to participate in live dissections.” #1 #2 14. Find or explain as many alternatives to dissection that you can think of. If you find something cool online, let me know about it. 15. Where do the fetal pigs come from that are used for high school dissection? Look it up online. How much does one pig cost? 16. If I could tell the teacher something about this activity, I would say…… __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ 17. How I am feeling about the real pig dissection….. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ 18. “As a student that has signed up for biology (the study of living things), all students should have to complete a dissection as part of their final mark”. Do you agree or disagree with this statement. Provide details to support your answer. Use the space below.
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