“Pig models for diabetes late complications” 23 October 2014

The 3rd Porcine Biomedical Models meeting
23 October 2014
“Pig models for diabetes late complications”
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen
Frederiksberg Campus, Grønnegårdsvej 7, auditorium A1-04.01 (the old
auditorium 2-01 in the anatomy building), 1870 Frederiksberg C.
Registration, coffee and lunch will be in the old Zoology collection at first floor.
Open Meeting: No registration fee
Please register to Helle Lohmann Schøler hlsc@sund.ku.dk before 8 October 2014
The 3rd Porcine Biomedical Models meeting: Pig models for diabetes late complications
Thursday 23 October 2014
Pig models for diabetes late complications
9.00-9.30: Registration and coffee
9.30-9.35: Welcome
9.35- 10.20: Prof. Robert Wilensky, University of Pennsylvania Health System, USA:
Studies on the diabetic and hypercholesterolemic pig
10.20-10.30: Discussion
10.30-11.00: Coffee
11.00-11.45: Prof. Robert Wilensky, University of Pennsylvania Health System, USA:
New insights in acute coronary syndromes derived from intracoronary imaging
11.45-12: Discussion
12.00-13.00: Lunch
13.00-13.45: Dr. Laura Maile, Director Research and Development, Vascular
Pharmaceuticals Inc, USA: Porcine models of diabetic nephropathy
13.45-14.00: Discussion
14.00-14.30: Coffee
14.30-15.00: Assistant Prof. Yonglun Luo, Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus
University (previous Novo Nordisk STAR postdoc fellow): The HIP pig: a humanized
minipig model of amyloidosis-associated diabetes
15.00-15.15: MSc student Liv von Voss Blom, University of Copenhagen/Technical
University of Denmark/Novo Nordisk A/S: Preliminary findings: Vascular gene
expression in a diet induced atherosclerotic minipig model
15.15-15.30: Late breaking news from porcine biomedical research
15.30-16.00: Discussion and final remarks
Open Meeting: Registration to Helle Lohmann Schøler hlsc@sund.ku.dk before 8 October 2014
Organizers: Prof. Lisbeth Høier Olsen, University of Copenhagen, Prof. Peter Heegaard, Technical University
of Denmark & Principal Scientist Berit Ø. Christoffersen, Novo Nordisk A/S.