THE NEWSLETTER Engaging the Culture Series: The Hobby Lobby Decision and The Future of Religious Liberty APRIL 9, 2015 Issue 13 Sunday April 19, 2015, 7:00-8:30 PM Cornerstone Presbyterian Church Guest Speaker: Robert F. Cochran, Jr. KIDZ SPOT THIS SUNDAY, APRIL 12 FROM 5:00 —7:00 PM Robert F. Cochran, Jr. is the Louis D. Brandeis Professor of Law and Director of the Herbert and Elinor Nootbaar Institute on Law, Religion and Ethics at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. See for more information about the speaker. Please let Jackie Linder know if your child will attend. 345-0500 or Free admission, reception following the presentation, and childcare provided for infant-preschool. Cornerstone Presbyterian Church 5637 Bush River Rd., Columbia, SC 29212 803-772-1000, Ladies Tuesday Morning Bible Study Ladies—Another Tuesday morning Bible study opportunity— Tim Keller’s, The Prodigal God is an amazing, challenging and thought-provoking book, sure to encourage your heart in the gospel of God’s amazing grace! We will read/discuss this book together on Tuesday mornings beginning April 14 from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM. We’ll do it for 6 weeks until May 19. Let me know if you’d like to join us and I’ll fill you in with more details. Vicky Ratchford (960-3930). YOUTH HAPPENINGS: (Mark your calendars) YOUTH NIGHT—Sundays 5:00—7:00 PM BOJANGLES BIBLE STUDY — Wednesdays 8:00-9:15 AM MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS BIBLE STUDY—Saturdays 10:30 AM—12:00 PM Upcoming Events Saturday, April 18—Feed My Sheep, 10:45 AM—12:00 PM (5 Youth Needed) Thursday, April 23—Coffee and Karaoke Pt. 2, 6:30—8:30 PM Friday, May 1 —The Avengers @ The Big Mo (Movie ticket $8 per person, BYO$ for concessions) Meet at the church at 6:00 PM! Sunday, May 31—Last Youth Night of 2015 Bash: Open to all youth, their parents, staff, and volunteers/helpers from this past year! 5:00—6:30 PM August 27-31—RidgeHaven Service Project (more information to come) Please check the youth ministry section of the church website for other information & newsletter updates. Inside this issue: Pastor’s Note Financial Update Thank You Notes All In The Family 2 2 2 2 HIS KidZ Nursery/Teacher Schedule 3 Usher Schedule Week at a Glance 4 4 3 WE CARE ITEMS FOR APRIL Tuna, Chili, Jelly, Canned Fruit, Corn Muffin Mix, Paper Products, Cleaning Products, Laundry & Dish Detergent. WWW.CHAPINPRES.ORG—Check it out for more info! Note from the Pastor: This Sunday (April 12) we begin chapter four of the book of Philippians. As we bring this sermon series to a close, I hope the Lord will continue to use it for His glory and your edification! Philippians is a gold mine of truth and we probably have only scratched the surface in our short time studying the book. I am preaching this Sunday and in our text (4:1-3) we find that two women in Philippi are in conflict. As I worked on the sermon, I focused on that conflict and my intention was to outline the Biblical steps for conflict resolution as the heart of the message. As I was about to be finished I realized I had put together a very good lecture on conflict resolution, but not a sermon! A lecture is about the passing of information, while a sermon is about transformation. So, rather than focus on the nuts and bolts of conflict resolution we will examine the type of gospel community that God calls us to. It is in this type of community where we receive encouragement in our walk with Christ. It is in this type of community that we are also challenged (hence Paul's challenge to the women to move towards reconciliation.) Are you a part of a community like that? Do you have people in your life who can encourage you in your valleys? Have you given people permission to speak into your life and challenge you in areas where you need to be challenged? It is this type of love, compassion and transparency with one another that is a trademark of the gospel community. Are you a part of it? —Jack FINANCIAL UPDATE AS OF MARCH 31, 2015: General Offering: YTD Budget: $746,406.85 YTD Variance: -0.8% YTD Actual Offering: $740,212.45 Difference: $-6,194.40 Faith Promise Giving: Total Pledges: $96,300.00 YTD Pledges Received: $66,861.97 Funds Needed: $29,438.03 % Rcvd: 69% Building Fund: YTD Giving: $26,419.00 Fiscal year runs from July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015 THANK YOU THANK YOU Dear Chapin Pres Family, Dear Church Family, Thank you for all the prayers, calls, cards and concern you have expressed to David and me. It is a blessing to be part of a church family that truly loves the Lord and loves people. —Love, David & Annie Ashworth We want to thank the church family for loving us with all of the cards, calls, meals, and visits. —Love, Harvey & Abbie Harrelson ALL IN THE FAMILY It definitely takes a family; through your God-blessed servant hearts we had glorious celebrations Easter weekend! Thank you so much for so much to so many! You made sandwiches; cookies and punch; you donned costumes, and shared Scripture through drama; you kept platters full; you washed dishes and more dishes, and cleared tables, and sang and played gloriously; and more! Due to the Faith Promise Sunday on May 3 and Mother’s Day on May 10, the Moveable Feast ladies will dine on April 26 at the Social Grill in Ballentine! Let me know if you can join us; all are invited. If you are an early riser and can help work at a registration table at the church on Thursday, April 23 at 7:30 AM for about 2 hours, please let me know, we need you! We are hosting the Palmetto Presbytery Meeting that day. See you Sunday! —Love, Helen Page 2, Issue 13 THE NEWSLETTER "Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies.' " —John 11:25: Isn’t this a wonderful verse for us to memorize in April as we celebrate Easter and the resurrection of Jesus! This Sunday we will read from John 20:19-31, where Jesus appears to the disciples. Praise God, Jesus is risen! Our Walk with Jesus was wonderful on Saturday. A huge thank you to all the adults and youth who came and made this such a special time for our children, and to everyone who sent in sandwiches and goodies! A special thank you to Ms. Helen for all her hard work to organize our lunch! What a wonderful church body we have, and God used us to bless many families within our church and community. If you missed it this year, make sure you reserve the date on your calendar for 2016. Have a blessed week! I hope to see you Sunday. I love you! —Mrs. Jackie Children’s Worship Schedule for Teachers/Helpers WORSHIP APRIL 12 WORSHIP APRIL 19 WORSHIP APRIL 26 CLASS 8:30 AM 10:30 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM NURSERY Andrea Looney Hilda Crowe Alena Coulter Andrea Looney Jill Stauffer Julie Rhoad Marsha & Alan Sumner Judy Bauer Sherry Ward 2 YR OLDS Andrea Looney Sharon Walasik Maddie Prim Andrea Looney Hillary & Emma Kate Timmons Marsha & Alan Sumner Jill Thompson Helper Needed! 3 & 4YR OLDS Andrea Looney Helen Pridmore Kyra Peeler Andrea Looney Knowles Family Marsha & Alan Sumner Melissa Takach Helper Needed! K & 1ST Kathy Erickson Rosemary Bowie Sara LeClerg Jim & Elaine Mathis First Touch Ministries: DOOR GREETERS Larry Doster (9:00 AM) RECEPTION DESK Charlie & Candy Marra Brad & Sally Stroud Weston & Beth Curtis John & Frances Derrick Brenda Cooke Debbie Whitmore PARKING GREETERS Elbert Bickley Mike Campbell Tom Starke Jim & Brenda Fuller Mikki Spigner Tim & Brenda Musick Bruce Smalley (9:00 AM) Lori Williams Creighton Forrest Tommy Cooke Wayne Landrith Jim & Montine Luther Martin & Kathleen Shaffer Liz DeCuers Barbara Silman Bland Mellette Brent Silman 9:15 AM Sunday—School Schedule for Teachers/Helpers: NURSERY 2 YRS 3 & 4 YRS K & 1ST APR. 12 Jody Butler Carrie Carmody Jolene Derrick Frances Derrick Angie Bardin Larry Doster Lisette Kosko Helper Needed! APR. 19 Mark & Angie Morvay Jolene Derrick Chris Cogswell Angie Bardin Dan Zbytovsky Fran Ricks Helper Needed! APR. 26 Julie Vahle Tyson Del Priore Andrea Christiansen Angie Bardin Laura Simmons Katie Nicholson Brenda Cooke Page 3, Issue 13 THE NEWSLETTER Office Address: 600 Old Lexington Hwy. Chapin, SC 29036-7978 Worship Service: Sundays at 8:30 AM & 10:30 AM Sunday School at 9:15 AM MAIN TELEPHONE NUMBER: 803-345-0500 Dan Ratchford, Pastor Jack Carmody, Family Life Pastor Josh Vahle, Spiritual Life Pastor Allen Jones, Music Director Kim Folsom, Finance Admin. Helen Anderson, CARE Ministry Diana Smith, Admin. Assistant Gingi Cook, Admin. Assistant Debbie VanDeusen Doster, Children’s Music Jackie Linder, Children’s Director Web Brown, Youth Director Andrea Looney, Nursery Director Worship Location: 600 Old Lexington Hwy. Chapin, SC Phone: 803-345-0500 Fax: 803-932-4841 E-mail: WWW.CHAPINPRES.ORG SUNDAY APRIL 26, 2015 Gospel Joy vs. Worry Philippians 4:4-9 The Secret of Gospel Joy Philippians 4:10-23 SUNDAY—APRIL 12 8:30 AM Prayer Time in Room 128 — Everyone is invited to attend 8:30 AM The Gospel Community–Philippians 4:1-3 9:15 AM Sunday School for all ages. 10:25 AM Chimes/Prelude/Announcements 10:30 AM The Gospel Community–Philippians 4:1-3 11:45 AM HIS KidZ Choir Rehearsal/RM 223 5:00 PM Vahle Small Group/RM 224 5:00 PM Youth Night/FC 5:00 PM KidZ Spot/WC MONDAY—APRIL 13 6:30 PM Diaconate Meeting/RM 224 7:00 PM Monday Women’s Bible Study/Off Site TUESDAY—APRIL 14 9:00 AM Prayer Time in Room 128 9:30 AM Tuesday Morning Bible Study/RM 224 WEDNESDAY—APRIL 15 8:00 AM Youth—Bojangles Bible Study 9:00 AM Retired Men’s Bible Study/RM 224 9:30 AM WOW Women’s Bible Study 7:00 PM Youth Committee Meeting/RM 211 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal/WC SATURDAY—APRIL 18 All Day Chapin Work Day 8:00 AM Elder Planning Meeting/RM 134 10:00 AM Feed My Sheep/Off Site 203/ 205/ 204/ 209/ 210/ 101/ 201/ 206/ 208/ 207/ 215/ SUNDAY APRIL 19, 2015 CPC Week at a Glance: THURSDAY—APRIL 16 9:00 AM Office Help/RM 211 Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. Ext. DUTY DEACONS for APRIL Ryan Barber & Eddie Weathersbee 8:30 AM USHERS APRIL 12 Head Usher: Bill McMillin Creighton Forrest 10:30 AM USHERS APRIL 12 Head Usher: David Inman Smiley Campbell, Luke Kosko, Todd Mielke, Mike Pridmore, Jabez Waters, Brooks Williams 8:30 AM USHERS APRIL 19 Head Usher: Craig Malone Grady Dukes, Mark McCandlish 10:30 AM USHERS APRIL 19 Head Usher: Jim Bowie Gary Butler, Cameron Crawford, Steve Derrick, Jeff Hein Chad Reese, Noah Rowell, Billy Smith 8:30 AM USHERS APRIL 26 Head Usher: Paul Sumner 10:30 AM USHERS APRIL 26 Head Usher: Drew Takach Buck Balentine, Anthony Del Priore, Stephen Hammond, Ben Lukens, Bill Weathersbee, Eddie Weathersbee Chapin Presbyterian Church 600 Old Lexington Hwy. Chapin, SC 29036 Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs./9AM—4PM CPC STAFF INFORMATION: Address Service Requested Chapin Presbyterian Church NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID CHAPIN, SC PERMIT NO. 75
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