Advocacy Campaigns CaliforniaHealth+

CPCA Weekly Update
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April 16, 2015
In This Issue
­ Advocacy Campaigns
­ CaliforniaHealth+
­ CPCA News
­ Federal Legislative Update
­ Health Center Operations
­ Health Information Technology
­ ICD­Transition
­ Medi­Cal
­ Public Health Corner
Advocacy Campaigns
CPCA’s Government Affairs ­ All Member Weekly Update Call­­
NO CALL ON APRIL 22nd NO CALL ON APRIL 22nd BECAUSE OF DAY AT THE CAPITOL. Please join me again on April 29th.
CPCA’s Government Affairs ­ All Member Weekly Update Call
Hosted by Sean South, Associate Director of Policy and Legislation
Every Wednesday / 11:00 – 11:30 am (may end earlier if subject
matter is covered before 11:30 am) Call­in number: 1­866­469­3239 /
Attendee access code: 582 317 61#. If you would like an update on
a specific issue covered by any of our Government Affairs staff,
please send your request to Sean South at the
Monday preceding our Wednesday call. We will be providing a
federal update and an update on each of our sponsored bills.
­ State Legislative Update
­ Workforce
2015 Annual Sponsors
TCE Develops New Outdoor Ads with CaliforniaHealth+
This week we learned that The California Endowment (TCE) is
working with one of their media partners to develop a new round of
outdoor advertisements focused on Medi­Cal renewals. We are very
excited that TCE is utilizing and building upon our successful
outdoor campaign last year. We hope to build on this momentum and
develop additional outdoor advertisements similar to these. Click
here to see the new ads.
CPCA Weekly Update
Modern Healthcare
The nation’s leading source of healthcare business and policy news,
research and information, recently published a commentary on by
CPCA CEO Carmela Castellano­Garcia about how California’s
community clinics and health centers are using innovation to
address the key challenges in today’s healthcare environment. Click
here to read the full commentary. Federal Legislative Update
H.R. 2 Passed by Senate – Funding for Health Centers, NHSC,
THCGME Included
Thanks to thousands of phone calls, e­mails, letters, and in­person
meetings by CPCA members, the U.S. Senate took an important
step forward by passing H.R. 2 with an overwhelming 92­8 vote,
with both California Senators in support. This follows the House of
Representatives passing the same measure by a vote of 392­37 a
few weeks ago, with nearly all of California’s Representatives in
support. H.R. 2 addresses the “Primary Care Funding Cliff” and
includes a 2­ year extension of mandatory funding for Community
Health Centers, the National Health Services Corps, and Teaching
Health Center's Graduate Medical Education Program. The bill will
now move to the President’s desk for his signature.
Health Center Operations
Adding Dental Hygienist Services to a Dental Program
Recently, CPCA has received a few requests about the process for
adding dental hygienist (DH) services to a FQHC/RHC dental
program. In 2007, CPCA sponsored SB 238 (Aanestad), which
added DH services as a billable visit for FQHCs and RHCs. The
bill, which was effective January 1, 2008, divided affected FQHCs
and RHCs into two groups; 1) FQHCs/RHCs that had DH cost in
their rates on or before January 1, 2008 and 2) FQHCs/RHCs that
elect to add this service at a later date. When a FQHC/RHC elects
to add DH services as a billable visit, one of the requirements in the
legislation (WIC Section 14132.100 (g)(2)(C)) is to process the
addition of the DH services through a change in scope request with
the Department of Health Care Services. CPCA is developing a
training that will walk FQHCs/RHCs through the process of adding
DH services to a dental practice. The training is scheduled to be
held late summer.
For any questions, please contact Ginger Smith, Director of Health
Center Operations, at or Meghan Nousaine,
Associate Director of Clinical Affairs, at
DentaQuest Institute Online Learning Center
The DentaQuest Online Learning Center is a free hub of learning and
CPCA Weekly Update
resources for safety net professionals interested in oral health
prevention and disease management protocols. Membership to the
Online Learning Center is free and registration only takes a few
minutes to complete. Click here to register. Upon registration, you
will be given access to the following and much more. Instructional
Webinars, Online Courseware and the Resource Library.
ECRI Clinical Risk Management Services
Access evidence­based reviews of patient safety and risk
management issues, self­assessment tools, standards and
guidelines, and e­newsletters covering current topics in patient
safety and risk management. Learn about common risks to patient
care and safety through online courses, webinars, and audio
conferences. These issues and many others are addressed in a
clinical risk management program being provided to you at NO
COST on behalf of HRSA. Access is sponsored by HRSA. If you
have not yet registered, simply send an email request to or call (610) 825­6000, ext. 5200 and
join today, by clicking here. In this program you have access to
Continuing Medical Education (CME) courses, e­mail newsletters,
and web­based resources to help you save time and reduce risk in
your health centers. In addition, you are invited to participate in free
webinars, click here to access them. These events
provide information on important risk management topics.
Decision Memo for Screening for the Human Immunodeficiency
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is expanding
coverage in section 210.7 of the Medicare National Coverage
Determinations (NCD) Manual. CMS has determined that the
evidence is adequate to conclude that screening for HIV infection for
all individuals between the ages of 15 and 65 years, as is
recommended with a grade of A by the United States Preventive
Services Task Force (USPSTF), is reasonable and necessary for
the early detection of HIV and is appropriate for individuals entitled
to benefits under Part A or enrolled under Part B. For more
information click here. DHCS is Replacing their CA­MMIS (Medi­Cal) System
DHCS is in the process of replacing an over 30 year old California
Medicaid Management Information System (CA­MMIS) which is
used for providing eligibility information and processing claims for
Medi­Cal providers and beneficiaries. The replacement system,
referred to as CA­MMIS Health Enterprise (HE), will transition the
legacy CA­MMIS business operations gradually to the new CA­
MMIS HE, providing additional capabilities and supporting all the
various Medi­Cal programs. For more information click here.
HPSA and MUA/MUP Mini­Workshop: May 6, 2015 in Clearlake,
The Shortage Designation Program within the Office of Statewide
Health Planning and Development invites you to attend a free Mini­
Workshop in Clearlake, CA that will discuss the benefits of HPSA
CPCA Weekly Update
and MUA/MUP Designations. To RSVP and for more information,
click here to view the flyer and click on the “Click here” button at the
bottom left corner of the flyer to register. Health Information Technology
CMS New Rule
On Friday April 10, CMS issued a new proposed rule for the
Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs. The new rule
proposes a change in the reporting period for meaningful use from
one year to 90 days in 2015. Some of the other proposed changes
are aligned with Stage 3, streamlining reporting by removing
redundant, duplicative, and topped­out measures and modifying
patient action measures related to patient engagement. A fact sheet
about the NPRM is available from CMS. CPCA and CalHIPSO
welcome modifications to the EHR Incentive Program. Detailed
information on the impact of these proposed modifications and how
to navigate will be available soon. Pg. 100 has a summary table.
ICD­10 Transition
ICD­10 Transition ­ Additional Training Resources and ICD­9 to
ICD­10 Crosswalks Macman Management Health Care Services (MMHCS) is ready to
prepare providers and staff for ICD­10! Our ICD­10 training program
has been designed to focus on Community Health Centers’ core
programs and services, level of ICD­9 base understanding, and ICD­
10 advanced coding knowledge. The structure of this training is
customized to focus on both coding and documentation for
providers, billers and coders. In addition, MMHCS is now offering
CHCs custom crosswalks from ICD­9­CM to ICD­10­CM coding.
We will take your most frequently used codes and map them in a
user­friendly format, which can be used by your staff as a quick
reference to ensure accuracy while documenting and capturing ICD
10 codes. Click here to learn more or
Medi­Cal Update
Medi­Cal Announces New Benefit
Effective for dates of service on or after March 1, 2015, five new
health and behavior assessment/intervention CPT­4 codes are new
Medi­Cal benefits. These codes are used to identify the
psychological, behavioral, emotional, cognitive and social factors
important to the prevention, treatment or management of physical
health problems. Click here to read the Medi­Cal bulletin. Because
these codes cross­cut medical and behavioral health care, CPCA
encourages health centers to reach out to their local Medi­Cal
managed care plans to clarify billing procedures and ensure that all
relevant providers are properly credentialed prior to billing these new
CPCA Weekly Update
Public Health Corner
Health Care for the Homeless Conference & Policy Symposium
Announces Keynote Speakers
The 2015 National Health Care for the Homeless Conference
& Policy Symposium will take place in Washington, D.C. at the
Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill. Conference workshops
will be held on Thursday­Saturday, May 7­9, with full­day Pre­
Conference Institutes on May 6. This annual event is organized by
HCH professionals for HCH professionals and advocates, including
clinicians, support staff, administrators, board members, and
consumers of HCH services. Click here for keynote speakers and
registration information.
State Legislative Update
CPCA Sponsored Legislation
CPCA is sponsoring six pieces of legislation that will come before
the California State Assembly and Senate this year. Each of the six
sponsored bills were selected by the CPCA Board of Directors and
will support the mission of health centers in California. A brief
description of each bill is below. If you have any questions or
comments about the legislation, please feel free to contact Sean
South at
Payment Reform Pilot Program for Federally Qualified Health
Centers (Payment Reform) ­­ Senate Bill 147 by Senator Ed
Hernandez (D­West Covina) requires the Department of Healthcare
Services (DHCS) to authorize a voluntary three­year alternative
payment methodology pilot for Federally Qualified Health Centers
(FQHC) in California. Under the pilot, participating FQHCs would
receive capitated monthly payments from their health plan rather
than the traditional fee­for­service per­visit reimbursement s from
DHCS. The capitated payment will provide the FQHC with greater
flexibility to deliver health care to the patient in a manner that best
meets the patient’s needs. The bill was heard on April 15 in the
Senate Health Committee and passed with bipartisan support,
by a vote of 7­0. The bill will be heard in the Senate
Appropriations Committee next. Timely Reimbursement of Health Centers (Timely
Reimbursement) ­­ Senate Bill 610 by Senator Richard Pan (D­
Sacramento) establishes reasonable timelines for the Department of
Healthcare Services (DHCS) to finalize Medi­Cal reimbursement
rates and complete the annual reconciliation process for federally
qualified health centers (FQHCs). If enacted, the bill will require
DHCS to finalize a health center rate within 90 days after receiving
the requisite information and complete the annual reconciliation
within 15 months of the last date of the fiscal year for which the
department is conducting the review. The bill is scheduled to be
heard on April 22 in the Senate Health Committee.
Improving Access to Behavioral Health Services in Primary
Care (MFT Providers) ­­ Assembly Bill 690 by Assembly member
Jim Wood (D­Healdsburg) adds marriage and family therapists
(MFTs) as health care professionals whose services may be
reimbursed by Medi­Cal when provided at a federally qualified health
center (FQHC) or rural health clinic (RHC). According to 2012
CPCA Weekly Update
OSHPD data, 41.5 percent of community clinics and health centers
(CCHCs) provide behavioral health services in 50 of California’s 58
Counties. The bill was heard on April 7 in the Assembly Health
Committee and was approved by a vote of 18 ­ 0. This bill will
next be heard in the Assembly Appropriations Committee.
Improving Access to Behavioral Health Services in Primary
Care (Same Day Billing) ­­ Assembly Bill 858 by Assembly
member Jim Wood (D­Healdsburg) allows federally qualified health
centers (FQHCs) and rural health clinics (RHCs) to provide and be
reimbursed for both medical and mental health services to Medi­Cal
beneficiaries on the same day, in the same location. Currently, an
outdated provision of law prohibits “same day billing” for medical
services and mental health services, even though it does allow for
medical and dental services to be delivered and paid for on the same
day. Senator Mike McGuire is a Co­Author of this bill. The bill was
heard on April 14 in the Assembly Health Committee and was
approved by a vote 14­0. This bill will next be heard in the
Assembly Appropriations Committee. Improving Access to Primary Health Care (Intermittent Clinics) ­
­ Assembly Bill 1130 by Assembly member Adam Gray (D­Merced)
allows part­time primary care clinics operating on an intermittent
basis the option to provide 30 hours of care per week, rather than 20
hours, as currently allowed by law. The additional 10 hours per
week will allow primary care clinics to meet the growing demand for
care they have experienced following the implementation of the
Affordable Care Act. CPCA and the Central Valley Health Network
are both sponsoring this bill and are working collaboratively on its
advancement. Assembly member Lorena Gonzales is a Principal
Co­Author of this bill. The bill was heard on April 14 in the Assembly
Health Committee and was approved by a vote of 15­0. This bill will
next be heard in the Assembly Appropriations Committee. Statewide Sweetened Beverage Fee Proposal ­­ Assembly Bill
1357 by Assembly member Richard Bloom (D­Santa Monica) aims
to reduce the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages through
an excise tax. Revenue generated through the bill will go to support
a number of state programs that are aimed at reducing childhood
obesity and creating a healthier food environment. Funding would
go to the Department of Public Health to administer grants to
licensed clinics to be used to invest in childhood obesity and
diabetes prevention and treatment activities, and children’s dental
programs. Funding would also go to the Department of Health Care
Services to fund the following programs: Expanded Access to
Primary Care, Rural Health Services Development, Seasonal
Agricultural Migratory Workers, and the Indian Health program. SB 4(Lara) Policy and Advocacy Update This week was an exciting week, both on the legislative and
advocacy front, for one of CPCA’s strongly supported legislative bill,
Senate Bill 4 (Lara), also known as the Health for All bill. In preparation of the Senate Health committee hearing on
Wednesday, April 15, the Health For All coalition held a series of
events. On Monday, CPCA and health center representatives joined
the Health For All coalition at a march and rally to the capitol in
support of Health For All. On Wednesday, in advance of the hearing,
a consumer and board member from Clinica Romero gave testimony
CPCA Weekly Update
on the importance of advancing this piece of legislation to him and
those served by the health center.
CPCA continues to play a leadership role in its advancement
through the legislative process through our attendance at every
meeting of the leadership group with the author and a continued role
in crafting strategy to achieve passage of the bill. CPCA was on­
hand at the Senate Health committee on Wednesday, April 15, to
testify in support of the bill. The bill strongly advanced with a 7­0
vote, with Republicans abstaining. If you have any questions about the language of SB 4 (Lara), or
would like to hear about local opportunities to support the bill,
please contact Sean South at
Modern Healthcare Webinar: From Physician Burnout to
Faced with long hours, unrelenting administrative burdens and the
pressure to treat patients quickly, a growing number of physicians
are experiencing burnout, a condition characterized by loss of
empathy, exhaustion, and a low sense of accomplishment. A rising
number of physicians are reporting signs of burnout, including
exhaustion and a loss of empathy. Modern Healthcare conducted a
free webinar on April 15 that featured experts on physician burnout,
including Dr. Colin West of the Mayo Clinic and Dr. Michael Krasner
of the University of Rochester. Click here for on­demand access to
the webinar.
California Primary Care Association
1231 I Street, Suite 400
Sacramento, CA 95814
Ph 916­440­8170 | Fax 916­440­8172