808 W. Hwy 27, Lincolnton NC 704-240-9060 www.ncgallery27.com Sleepy Hollow The theme will celebrate the straddling the line between fall and winter, plenty and paucity, life and death, Halloween is a time of celebration and superstition. Come celebrate with us as the days grow shorter and the nights get colder, people continue to usher in the winter season with gatherings, costumes and sweet treats. We are seeking a variety of art mediums such as: paintings, photography, mixed media, fiber, paper, wood, glass, sculpture, clay and metal. October 18th, Opening Reception from 7 p.m. – 10 p.m. Take in will be Oct. 8-11th during business hours. Please call 704-349-3972 to schedule an appointment for take in outside of this time. ALL CONSIDERATIONS FOR SHOW AND INVENTORY MUST BE SUBMITTED BY THIS DEADLINE. You may email jpeg images to Stacey@ncgallery27.com for consideration by the same deadline. This exhibit will be on display, Oct. 18th – Nov. 22nd. th October 18 - November 22nd PROSPECTUS El i gibility: Al l artists may s ubmit up to 3 entries by email s ta cey@ncgallery27.com or by calling 704-349-3972 to set up an appointment for a private viewing of work to be considered for entry. Age of the Artwork doesn’t matter but please consider the theme. Pa i nting, drawing, sculpture, jewelry, photography, printmaking a nd fiber are eligible. Presentation: All work must be properly framed or gallery wrapped with sides properly finished- no staples on sides and over an inch width and properly wired for hanging. Mats must be neat and clean. 3D work must sit solidly on flat surface or be properly mounted. All works should be prepared in a simple, professional manner and be ready for display. There is no size limit for 2D works and 2D works on paper should be matted and wrapped or framed un der glass. Large oils or acrylics on canvas do not need to be framed, but should be stapled on the back and have painted edges, no saw tooth hangers. Three-dimensional works will be limited to 200# and the artist is responsible for assembling and positioning heavy or large pieces. Specifications: All works must be available for sale. A commission of 30% will be retained on all sales. All works will be chosen by the gallery owner to be displayed. Sold pieces will be removed at time of purchase. Each artist will carry their own retail insurance if desired. Contact information: Stacey Pilkington- Smith at 704-349-3972 or stacey@ncgallery27.com Requirements: Artists are encouraged to attend. Attendance of the exhibits affects the success of the gallery and the exibit. Artist attending should arrive an hour to thirty minutes before the show begins. Dress semi- formal Artists are encouraged to bring food and beverages to the opening. Artists are also responsible for sharing the event or ads on social media sites provided by the gallery. And send out any material to collectors, friends, associates, and family to attend the event. Artists must be a member of the gallery to be considered or pay an exhibition fee of $30. 1 ‘Sleepy Hollow” ART EXHIBIT ENTRY FORM, 2013 Na me: ________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ Ci ty: __________________________________________________Sta te: ______Zip: ________________ Phone: _____________________________________________________ Ema i l: ______________________________________________________ FIRST ENTRY: Entry #______ Ti tl e: _______________________________________________________________________________ Medi um: __________________________________________________ Pri ce: _____________________ SECOND ENTRY: Entry #______ Ti tl e: _______________________________________________________________________________ Medi um: __________________________________________________ Pri ce: _____________________ THIRD ENTRY: Entry #______ Ti tl e: _______________________________________________________________________________ Medi um: ________________________________________________ Pri ce: ______________________ Submission of entry will constitute a n a greement to Gallery 27 policies and all terms and conditions of this prospectus. I agree to the a bove terms and conditions. _____________________________________________________________________________ (Si gnature of artist) (Da te) For Gallery Use Only: Receipt#______________________________________________________________________ Type of pa yment a nd a mount: ____ Ca s h____________________________________________ ____ Check#__________________________________________ ____ Credi t Ca rd Type: Visa Ma sterCard Discover Am Express (Ci rcl e One) FIRST ENTRY: Entry #______ Arti s t's name: _____________________________________________________________________ Ti tl e: ____________________________________________________________________________ Medi um: _____________________________________________ Pri ce: ______________________ Atta ch to ba ck or bottom of artwork SECOND ENTRY: Entry#_______ Arti s t's name: _____________________________________________________________________ Ti tl e: ____________________________________________________________________________ Medi um: _____________________________________________ Pri ce: ______________________ Atta ch to ba ck or bottom of a rtwork Entry #____ ___ THIRD ENTRY: Arti s t's name: _____________________________________________________________________ Ti tl e: _____________________________________________________________________________ Medi um: _____________________________________________ Pri ce: _______________________ Atta ch to ba ck or bottom of a rtwork 2
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