PO Box 12152*Scottsdale, AZ 85267*PHONE/FAX 480-609-1407 Dear Cheer/Pom/Spirit/Drill Coaches: The University of Louisiana Monroe and Cheerleaders of America would like to invite you to participate in the First Annual Half Time Extravaganza Show on Saturday, December 5, 2015 when the Warhawks of ULM host New Mexico State in Monroe. Time TBA Cheerleaders of America (www.cheeramerica.org) will host this event for the Warhawks to provide a fun, memorable experience, and for the cheer, pom, drill and spirit squads in Louisiana and Mississippi to have the opportunity to perform in front of 20,000 plus cheering Warhawk fans. Please plan to join hundreds of your fellow student athletes for one of the most exciting half time shows of the upcoming NCAA football season. Following is the procedure: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Please fill out the registration form and mail to the address provided. Participants must be 12 years of age or older. Once your school’s entry is received, you will receive an acceptance letter. Each participating school will receive a link to the instructional video of the basic routine. Each squad must learn the routine and be able to perform it when they arrive for the mass rehearsal, which will be on Saturday, December 5th at ULM. Time and place TBA. At least one adult coach or chaperon must be with the squad at the rehearsal and at the game. The squad will not be allowed to participate in the rehearsal or half time show if they are not accompanied by a coach or chaperon. All participants will wear their school uniform and must use poms. If your school does not use poms, please contact Vicki to make arrangements for them. Special tickets will be available to purchase for parents, family members, and friends that are interested in attending the game. A ticket order form will accompany acceptance email. In order to participate in the half time show, all participants must know the routine, attend the rehearsal, and BE ON TIME! If you have any questions, please contact Vicki at one of the following: vicki@cheeramerica.org or 602-501-4983. Sincerely, Vicki Pfeiffer Director, Cheerleaders of America Coordinator, University of Louisiana Monroe Half Time Extravaganza 2015 UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA MONROE PRODUCTION / REGISTRATION NON-REFUNDABLE FEE Includes each participants entrance ticket to game and instructional link (No charge for coaches based on a 1:10 participation ratio) EARLY REGISTRATION FEE: Registrations postmarked by June 1, 2015 $24.00 per participant REGULAR REGISTRATION FEE: Registrations postmarked by October 15, 2015 $28.00 per participant LATE REGISTRATION FEE: Registrations postmarked AFTER October 15, 2015 $33.00 per participant NAME OF SCHOOL_______________________________________________________________________ MAILING ADDRESS___________________________________________________________________ CITY_________________________STATE______________________ZIP________________________ SCHOOL PHONE NUMBER____________________________EMAIL:__________________________ NAME OF COACH/SPONSOR___________________________________________________________ HOME ADDRESS_____________________________________________________________________ CITY________________________STATE______________________ZIP_________________________ HOME PHONE NUMBER______________________________EMAIL:__________________________ PLEASE CIRCLE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING FOR YOUR SQUAD: CHEER POM DANCE DRILL COLOR OF POMS____________________________________________________________________ NUMBER PARTICIPATING IN HALFTIME SHOW________________________________________ I acknowledge that a coach or chaperon will be with the squad members at all times for the practice and at the game on December 5, 2015. I also understand that in order to participate in the half time show, all squad members must attend the rehearsal and that no exceptions will be made. ____________________________________________________ Coach/Sponsor Signature ____________________ Date SPECIAL COMMEMORATIVE T-SHIRT (Price $12.00 each) One coach per school will receive a FREE T-shirt with school T-shirt order Sizes: (Please indicate the number per size in the blank next to each size) ______AS ______AM ______AL ______AXL Coaches T-shirt size ____________ Early Registration fee – postmarked by June 1, 2015 $24.00 x_________ =__________ Regular Registration fee –postmarked by October 15, 2015 $28.00 x_________ =__________ Late registration fee-postmarked AFTER October 15, 2015 $33.00 x_________ =__________ Additional Coaches $ 7.00 x_________ =__________ T-shirts $12.00 x _________ =__________ Total Enclosed =__________ Please return this form and payment ASAP to hold your position: (Please make checks payable to Cheerleaders of America) Cheerleaders of America Southern Methodist University Half Time Extravaganza PO Box 12152 Scottsdale, AZ 85267
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