HARVARD UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL BIOLOGY 12 OXFORD STREET, CAMBRIDGE, MA 02138 TEL (617) 495.4076 | FAX (617) 496.5618 WWW.CHEMISTRY.HARVARD.EDU CCB Graduate Student Salary and Tuition Policy, 2015-16 Graduate students are paid by the CCB Department from September through June of the G1 year. Starting in July of the G2 year, advisors are responsible for paying the student's Research Assistant (RA) salary and a portion of the student's tuition. For the period of July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016, the RA rate for CCB students has been set at $34,200 per year ($2,850/month). Advisors are responsible for this as long as the student is in good academic standing and remains working in the advisor’s lab. In addition, the advisor's portion of tuition will be $6,200 per year (equivalent to the facilities fee set by GSAS). This will be split into two payments of $3,100 per term. The fall tuition will be charged in July and is for the period of August to December. The spring tuition will be charged in December and is for the period of January to May. Tuition will not apply to the months June and July. Note that if tuition is charged to a federal grant, it must be charged to the same grant as the RA salary. When students teach, their RA salary is reduced by half of their teaching salary. For students with fellowships, the above funding will be replaced by the fellowship support. If necessary, fellowships will need to be supplemented up to the current RA rate from the advisor’s funds. In the case of certain federal fellowships, such as the NSF, this supplement will need to be paid from non-federal funds, due to federal regulations. 2015-16 GSAS Tuition Rates G1 and G2 Full Tuition G3 and G4 Reduced Tuition G5 and above Facilities Fee $41,832 plus $3,432 health fee and insurance = $45,264 $10,876 plus $3,432 health fee and insurance = $14,308 $2,768 plus $3,432 health fee and insurance = $6,200 2014-15 CCB Tuition Table Graduate Year Department share Advisor's Share Total Tuition and Fees G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 and above $45,264 $39,064 $8,108 $8,108 $0 $0 $6,200 $6,200 $6,200 $6,200 $45,264 $45,264 $14,208 $14,208 $6,200 Updated 5/14/15, J. Lavin http://chemistry.harvard.edu/files/chemistry/files/grad-funding-policy.pdf
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