MESSENGER - Cherry Valley United Methodist Church

July 2015
C h e r r y Va l l e y U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h
Victoria L. Hadaway, Pastor
Office: 815/332-5075
Parsonage: 815/332-5825
Pastor’s E-mail:
Web site:
Our Mission:
The mission of the Cherry Valley United Methodist Church
is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Behold, I make all things new…”
Revelations 21:5
Greetings Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
It is moving day. I’m sitting in the parking lot
of the Life Storage facility in Aurora while
the moving van is being loaded. Next stop is
Leland UMC parsonage and the last stop is
Cherry Valley parsonage. After Sunday, June
21, I will be focusing my efforts on
unpacking, settling in, and beginning the
process of getting to know all of you and the
community of Cherry Valley.
It is an uncertain time for all of us as we transition from the known to the unknown.
Pastor Monty, whom you love, has moved and you are preparing to welcome a new
pastor. I imagine you have questions! Please feel free to ask me whatever is on your
mind. And as you might expect, I have questions too. Is there a farmer’s market in
town? Where do you take your dog for day care? What brought you to Cherry Valley
UMC? What keeps you here? If there is one thing I need to know, what is it?
(These are just a few of them...)
In this issue
Trustee Report
Page 2
NIC Conference
Page 2
Congrats Graduate
Page 2
Prayer Request
Page 2
Farewell Reception
Page 2
Fox Family Thank You Page 3
One Body Collaborative Page 3
Church Beautification
Page 3
Methodist Women
Page 3
Mission Team
Page 4
Tree Décor Schedule
Page 3
Mission Team
Page 4
Greeter Team Schedule Page 4
Prayer Shawl Group
Page 4
Ancestry Classes
Page 4
Page 4
Creative Learners
Page 4
Tree Décor Schedule
Page 4
Boy Scout Troop 181
Page 5
Summer Music Lessons Page 5
Meet & Greets are being scheduled throughout July and August. I understand
you’ve tried these before and the response was limited. A small group provides
an opportunity for us to get to know each other in a less formal setting as well as
giving you the opportunity to hear from others in your church community.
Please sign up to attend one of these gatherings. And if you are interesting in
hosting, or have any questions, contact Sue Layng.
Paper Angel
As the transition continues, I will be praying for Pastor Monty and his family,
Belvidere UMC, and all of us at Cherry Valley UMC. I encourage you to do the same.
The Holy Spirit is at work in all our lives. I look forward to learning about the Cherry
Valley community and each one of you.
Pastor Vickie
Page 5
Kid’s Message Schedule Page 5
Wycliffe Missionary
Page 6
Labels for Education
Page 6
MDA Muscle Walk
Page 6
July Calendar
Page 7
Page 8
Church Picnic
Page 8
“The Lord’s kindness
never fails!
His mercies are new
every morning.”
Trustee Report
The Trustees are asking for
your help. On the first
Sunday of each Month, we
insert an envelope labeled,
“Special Projects Fund.”
Our next “special project”
will be redecorating the
Special Projects Funds
parsonage for the transition
of pastors. The parsonage
will need paint, new carpet,
deck stain, and new appliances. We will also need to purchase a new computer for Pastor Hadaway. So, please
consider these expenses when making your donation. We
ask that you be as generous as possible. Thank you for
your continued support of this program.
NIC Conference
Thank you, thank you,
thank you for allowing me
to be your representative
to the Annual Conference.
The worship theme for
2015 was REPLENISH.
Quoting Bishop Sally
Dyck: To replenish means
to restore, renew, refresh,
and fill up again. Our
churches and ministries
need replenishing so that
we are a strong and
healthy body of Christ
reaching out to the world
with the good news and
Each year I am impressed
with just how far and wide
the Methodist Church reaches out to those in need. The
bishops Appeal for JFON (Justice for Our Neighbors) raised
over $42,000. The request for Emergency Cleaning Buckets
was met with Northern Illinois Conference donating more
than 700 buckets. Each church was asked to contribute a
bucket and I asked for your help in meeting that request. I'm
proud to say we sent THREE buckets. I look forward to
sharing more of my experience with you in the future. Again
I say thank you for allowing me to serve as your
representative. To God be the glory,
Donna Layng
Elders in Our Care
Lois Marander
Joan Small
Military Personnel
Mark Kincaide
Mike Oldham
Justin Tryggestad
Mission Field
Judy Long
Those Who Mourn
PRAYER REQUESTS: If you have prayer concerns that you
wish to express, please fill out a prayer request card located in
the Prayer Chapel. Please indicate how you would like your
request shared via the check boxes at the bottom of the card and
then place the concerns in the request box. The prayer request
box is checked on a daily basis.
PLEASE NOTE: If you or someone you know wants to be
named on the prayer list in the Messenger, please submit the
name to the office by the 15th of each month. Names will be on
the list for one month only. In order for the name to be listed
again, please let us know or the name will be dropped after one
Pastor Fox Farewell Reception
Thank you to all who
participated in giving
Pastor Monty and
family a lovely sendoff on Sunday, June 7.
replete with delicious
dishes of food. A
special thank you to
the Methodist Women
for hosting the event.
Congratulations to Jill Hollembeak
on receiving her Doctorate Degree in
Education from DePaul University
on June 13th.
FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS are always welcome. Food
donations for the pantry traditionally declines in the summer,
but hunger does not know any season. Please remember to
bring your donations and place them in the hamper in the
downstairs location near the southeast entrance.
Fox Family Thank You
My family and I would like to take a moment to extend some
BIG “Thank You’s”.
To all who helped organize, brought food, or helped serve for
our going away luncheon; Thank you. You all did a fantastic
job and I’m so glad I was able to snag a few deviled eggs.
To all who have written cards, letters, or given gifts; Thank
you. We are humbled beyond measure at your thoughtfulness
and kindness.
To all who helped us pack and/or move; Thank you. This
seems to fall short in exchange for your help (which at times
was back breaking), but we couldn’t have done it without
To all the members and friends of the Cherry Valley United
Methodist Church; Thank you! Thank you for welcoming us
into your faith community 5 years ago. Thank you for
surrounding us with your love and your friendship. Thank
you for making Cherry Valley our home. A person couldn’t
ask for anything more than to be as blessed as we have been
through your caring of us and your friendship. Our time here
will forever be etched upon our hearts and the experiences we
have shared together will always bring smiles to our faces as
we recall them in the years to come. You have done well and
I am so proud to have served as your pastor. My prayer is
that you will continue the mission for which God has called
us to; (say it with me now) To make disciples of Jesus Christ
for the transformation of the world. You didn’t think I forget
to say it one last time did you?
Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts. You have made
us feel like family.
May the LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his
face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the LORD
lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.
Blessing Be Upon You All,
Pastor Monty Fox, Lesa, and Phillip
Church Beautification
I appreciate the many “thank you”
remarks I have received for the new
spring flowers and landscaping
around the church, but there are many
more who helped and should be
So even though the
spring flowers are gone for the year
(be looking for summer flowers on the south side) it’s not
too late to than the many others involved. Unfortunately I
don’t have the names of everyone who donated bulbs, but
thank you from me. What could have looked whimpy
looked very beautiful because of your generosity.
There are others who deserve special recognition. First and
foremost is Ronn Gordon, Jr. He helped get the whole
process off the ground...or actually into the ground! He dug
holes, helped design a layout, donated bulbs and provided
the beautiful bleeding heart bushes flanking the church sign.
Juanita Barnes took on a job few enjoy—weeding! Without
her, few people would have been able to find the flowers
amongst the weeds. (As a side note, we could use many
more like Juanita. If everyone could just pull a couple of
weeds each week after worship service, it would really
And...what flowers can survive without water? Dave Ward
gets a huge thank you for
fixing the outside water
tap so that it wouldn't leak
and we could attach a
hose. Stepping stones to
the water tap were
donated by Janice and
Ryan Gordon.
Finally, thank you to any
of you that I might have
missed or inadvertently
omitted. I thank all of you who graciously help to maintain
and beautify our Father’s home.
Janet Davis
Methodist Women
LOVE, Inc is now One Body Collaboratives. The mission is
to coordinate local churches and faith based resources to
assist people in need. Cherry Valley United Methodist
Church is a participant in this program through our support of
the Paper Angel Project.
One Body has various resources to assist a person in
immediate need as well as helping the person to rebuild their
Cards with the phone number of the Community Clearing
House Needs line are available in the foyer of the church.
To find out more about One Body, visit their website at
The Methodist Women will not be meeting during the
summer because the usual third Sunday in July is our usual
time off, the third Sunday in August is the church picnic.
Our next meeting will be September
15 for a potluck dinner at Pat
Newell’s home. We have not yet
determined the time, so please watch
the weekly bulletins and the next
issue of the Messenger for time.
Thank you all who helped to make
the farewell luncheon for the Fox
family such a wonderful event. We
had a great turn-out!
Have a lovely summer, everyone. If you have any questions,
please feel free to call me at 815-332-5238 or email me at
Deb Seno
July Birthdays & Anniversaries
Mission Team
The Mission Team worked at the
Rockford Work Camp for their
mission work this summer. They
will share their experience with us
on a date to be determined.
Be sure to make plans to attend the
worship service and learn about the
wonderful work our Mission Team
provides for our community. The team is a hard-working
bunch of people! Be sure to say “thank you” to them. Listed
below is your 2015 Mission Team:
Larry Clevenger Zane Clevenger
Mary Coulter
Janet Davis
Chris Flood
Gwen Flood
Hannah Flood
Deb Gross
Charlie Schnuckel
Brandon Seno
Mike Seno
Sue Wilt
Mary Coulter
Lodena Wilt
Linda True
Heather Kerr
Adam Allton
Justin Baxter
Robert Totten
Kim Louis
Lori Hauck
Shirley Fisher
Herman Krunfus
Steven Allen
Ryan Gordon, Sr.
Bill Hart
18 Tonia Baxter
Sarah Rasmussen
19 Dale Moyer
21 Dana Ward
25 Amanda Strelow
26 Scott Anderson
28 Jewel Latchford
29 Margaret Ellison
Ryan & Natalie Herold
Dennis & Dianna Lester
Jim & Sue Claeyssen
Dale & Mary Moyer
James & Kelsey Hart
Creative Learners II
Greeter Team Schedule
July 05 Youth Group
July 12 Jane Neff
LaVern Neff
July 19 Charlie Schnuckel
Linda Calhoun
July 26 Ida Mae Fox
Ron Gordon
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The prayer shawl group is on summer
hiatus. Our annual summer retreat will be
at the Seno cottage in Wisconsin on July
22. We will resume our third Wednesday
meetings at 10:00 am on September 16.
Discover Your Family’s History
Saturday, August 22 from 1:00—3:00 pm
Cherry Valley Public Library is offering a class in learning
more about researching your family’s history using their
Ancestry Library Edition, a database available at the Cherry
Valley Library. Before class, stop by the library to pick up
and fill out the family history worksheet (or download from
the website at to bring to
class. Space is limited; register online or call 815-332-5161
“Nobody can go back and start a
new beginning, but anyone can start
today and make a new ending.”
~Maria Robinson
Creative Learners II Preschool will
again be part of the Cherry Valley
4th of July Parade!!
Past and present preschoolers,
parents, siblings and any other
participate...spread the word!
On Saturday, July 4th we will meet at the east end of Elgin St.
(between the Library and the Police Station) by 12:45 pm. Park
at the Library. Our mascot will be Captain America, Mrs.
Palmer's son Joshua! Wear red, white and blue. We have flags
for the kids to wave. We will fill candy bags on Friday, July 3
at 9 am at the preschool. We have secured a flatbed trailer for
our float and we will be decorating it on July 3. Please let us
know if you can participate, donate candy or help in any way!
Parent Orientation Night for the 2015-2016 school year will be
held on Monday, August 31 at 6:00 pm at the preschool. We
will meet in the church sanctuary. This is an informational
meeting for adults and families may also sign-up to enroll their
children for classes this night if there are openings. If you and
your child have not yet visited the preschool, we'd be happy to
schedule a time to meet with you!
Visit our website at, connect with us on
Facebook or call us at 815-332-9653.
Summer blessings!
Carol Palmer, Director/Teacher
Below is schedule for decorating the tree. The listing is also
posted on the bulletin boards around the church.
Jan—Methodist Women
Feb—UM Men
Aug—Lay Leader
Mar—Emmaus Group
Sep—Prayer Shawl Group
Apr—Methodist Women
Oct—Worship Comm.
May—Net Ministry
Dec—Sun School/Youth
Boy Scout Troop 181
Summer Music Lessons
June began with a replication of the game
show, Minute To Win It. We posed 7 fun
challenges for our scouts; and they won
some and lost some! The second meeting of
June found the youth playing with robots;
really great fun; their challenge was to push
their opponents of a table top on the
floor. You should have heard the cheering! The following
weekend, 19 scouts and adults got on the train, in two
groups, to ride for 22-hours to New Mexico for 2-weeks of
backpacking in the mountains at the Philmont Scout
Ranch. This was an experience like none other!!! If you
see one of them...ask, they will be glad to share some of
their experiences. Our younger scouts remaining in
Rockford took a moderate bike hike for their next
meeting. Then, they learned some wood burning skills on a
craft for the following get-together. The scouts in Rockford
will learn some woodsmanship skills on a campout in
Rotary Forest Preserve. The final Tuesday of June focused
on preparing all
other scouts for their
summer camp in July
at Canyon Camp,
and preparing for the
Independence Day
Cherry Valley. We
hope to see many of
you there!
July will be exciting for most of our youngest scouts, who
will spend a week away from home
near Stockton, IL.
Before that,
we will convene the scouts and
parents and siblings at Volcano
Falls for a fun evening. After we
return from summer camp, we're
going to continue our teamwork
out-of-doors; we'll play flag
football in Baumann Park. The
final meeting of July will be an
Invention Night; we'll give the
patrols a number of items, and see what they create. This is
always fun.
We need to look ahead to the beginning of August. Troop
181 will be responsible for picking-up litter at Festa Italiana
at Boylan High School July 31, August 1, and 2.. This is a
fund-raiser for the Troop, and our families work together to
restore the grounds of the festival.
The public is
welcomed to come to this annual event and enjoy some
ethnic food, competitions, great music, and a few rides for
the little one.
We encourage boys 11-17 to visit our Troop meetings and
bring their parents. We have stories to tell you! Visit our
website at You may call
Terry Nichols, Scoutmaster, 815/229-5554 with all your
Boy Scouting questions.
Music Director Scott Farrell is
teaching music lessons on
Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm
during the summer. Anyone
who wishes to learn to read
music or to brush up on their
music skills can take advantage
of these free lessons. If you are unable to attend classes
on Wednesday evenings, Scott is willing to have a class
on Sundays after worship. If you are interested, please
contact him at church or email at:
The choir is on summer hiatus and
we need those of you with musical
talent to fill the void for our Sunday
worship services. If you can share
your talent, please sign up on the
sheet on the bulletin board in the
sanctuary. If you know of someone
who is not a member or regular
attendee to Cherry Valley UMC, please invite them to
share their talent with us. If you have any questions or
need further information, please see Scott Farrell.
Paper Angel Project
Dear Members of CVUMC,
Thank you so much for your
participation in Project Paper Angel
on May 16, 2015! I am so grateful
for your donations for the residents
at Midvale Apartments. I know
that they appreciate all the paper
goods that you donated to them.
Thirty household were assisted
through your service.
A special thank you to Sue Wilt and Mary Coulter who went
to Midvale and served along with the Paper Angel
Coordinators, Vern and Pat Dailing.
Throughout the year, 12 different churches will assist in this
ministry. Thank you for serving in May. Your service is
such a gift!
Mary Pulliam, Director of Church Relations
Children’s Message Schedule
July 05 ......................................................... Amy Flood
July 12 ......................................................... Carolyn Kloss
July 19 ......................................................... Juanita Barnes
July 26 ......................................................... Pastor
If there are any changes to the above schedule, please call the
secretary (815-332-5075) to advise of the change.
Labels for Education
I am serving in Mainland Southeast
Asia archiving language resources
produced by language staff. I also serve
as a library consultant for small, developing Christian schools.
To read and subscribe to my
newsletter, copy and paste the following address in your web
My dear friends in Christ,
I am in the states until July 17 and I will speak at Cherry Valley
UMC (June 28). I would love to see you during my home stay!
This coming year (2015-16) will be my last year! I will savor
every moment!
Judy Long
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer
and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."
—Philippians 4:6
Prayer Requests:
 Praise: for time with family and friends;
 Praise: for the marriage of Brian and Brittany Coulter!
 Praise: for new direction of my archiving role at Payap
 Praise: for sustaining prayer and financial support!
 Praise: for an extraordinary reunion with old school
 Pray: for guidance in the transition back to states; that all I
do to close out 2015-16 will honor & glorify the Lord.
Please remember to save your "Labels for
Education" for the Creative Learners II Preschool. There are over 2,500 participating
products. To find out more about the
program, go to the website at
Additionally, please
save your "Box
Tops for Education” for Carolyn
Kloss for her school. To learn more
about this program, go to their web
site at
Thank you for helping me make progress in the
fight to cure muscle disease by donating to my
MDA Muscle Walk Team.
My team raised over $2,000 and more keeps
coming in! Thanks for your continued support.
With God's grace we grow together!
You may email me at
Thank you everyone for your sustaining prayers and financial
support! It has been a most amazing, enlightening and
God-filled journey!
Wilbert Hecht, a resident of Cherry Valley for the past 18 years, passed away in January of this year.
Bill, a Korean War veteran and Shriner, had an interest in churches, veterans concerns and children’s
hospitals. Bill also had a fondness for libraries. He grew up at 79th and Maryland in an apartment above
the Chatham Branch of the Chicago Public Library. The librarian he remembered fondly was Miss
DeRuleé. “Oh, she was so good to us kids. I remember the time I was riding a three wheeler and
crashed. Miss DeRuleé came running out, picked me up, and took me upstairs to my mother. She was a
good woman. She cared about us kids.” At times, Bill’s overwhelmed mother would send him and his
brother downstairs for some good story times with Miss DeRuleé. Thus the seed of a library’s goodness
and worth was planted in young Wilbert. At his death, Wilbert Hecht bequeathed to the Cherry Valley
Library an annuity valued at $125,000 and a beautiful 4-bedroom home (soon to be sold) on Old
Nursery Way. The library will put aside these assets as a portion of the funding for its Phase 2 project:
the larger community room with kitchenette, expanded foyer, handicapped/family bathroom, and
expanded children’s section. Everyone has a story to tell. At the end of his life, Wilbert Hecht enjoyed reliving some of those
stories with listening friends. I am happy to have shared his story with you, and on behalf of the Library Board of Trustees, staff,
and the Cherry Valley community, thank him in spirit for believing the Library will make the most of these gifts for the benefit
of so many for years to come. Rest in Peace.
Eve Kirk
9:00 am Bible Study @
CV Café
7:00 pm Summer
Music Lessons
5:30 pm BBQ
1:00 pm
Day Parade
6:00-8:30 pm VBS
6:00-8:30 pm VBS
6:00-8:30 pm VBS
6:00-8:30 pm VBS
6:00-8:30 pm VBS
8:00 am UMM
Meeting @ CV Cafe
9:45 am Worship/
Holy Communion
4-6 pm Venture
9:45 am Worship
11:15 am
9:45 am Worship
11:15 am
9:45 am Worship
11:15 am
11:15 am Trustee
Boy Scout Troop
182 Overnighter
6:30 pm Boy
6:30 pm Finance
7:00 pm Church
6:30 pm Boy
6:30 pm Boy
6:30 pm Boy
9:00 am Bible Study @
CV Café
7:00 pm Summer
Music Lessons
9:00 am Bible Study @
CV Café
7:00 pm Summer
Music Lessons
9:00 am Bible Study @
CV Café
7:00 pm Summer
Music Lessons
9:00 am Bible Study @
CV Café
7:00 pm Summer
Music Lessons
5:30 pm BBQ
5:30 pm BBQ
5:30 pm BBQ
5:30 pm BBQ
Everyone’s invited to Friday Night BBQ!
Bring your own meat to grill, table service, lawn chair and a dish to pass and
enjoy the company of church family in a casual, social atmosphere.
12:00 pm
Christmas Child
Shoe Box
Packing Party
Cherry Valley United Methodist Church
112 South Cherry Street, P.O. Box 235
Cherry Valley, Illinois 61016
IL 61016
July 13—July 17 2015
6:00 pm—8:30 pm
Bring a friend...or two!
Pastor: Victoria L. Hadaway
Secretary: Nancy Laurent
Church Office Hours
Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 1:00 pm