Sunset Calendar Prayer and Encouragement Requests Small Group

Please note that there is a cart in the foyer with books.
We invite our guests to join us after the Worship Service for our weekly
fellowship meal in the Fireside Building, across the breezeway.
Feel free to take what you will use or can give away.
Please contact the MARCH
Elder of the Month for visitation or crisis.
Greg Friedrich (805) 459-6735 (cell)
(805) 929-4095 (home)
Sabbath Afternoon Hike...this afternoon to Bishops Peak in San Luis
Obispo. Please meet in the church parking lot at 2:30pm to carpool. For
more info see George.
Let’s Walk California...The Church family is joining the Depression Seminar
group and walking the length of the State of California, so remember to write
your miles/hours on a post it note and put it on the map in the foyer so
Bonny can convert, tally and add them to the church total in order to reach
our goal!
RETREAT TIME for Guys and Girls
If you would like to attend either of these retreats, please contact Sandra at
(559) 347-3174 for more info. There must be an adult sponsor for every 7
students. Talk to your youth leader or pastor today!
Girls Retreat...The Central California Conference Youth Evangelism
Team invites all girls ages 13-17 to Soquel Conference Center on April
17-19 for This year’s theme, “I Am___.” will challenge the girls to find
their value, satisfaction, and purpose in Christ as His bride and His child.
Ruth Rivera will be speaking. The cost will be $70. Register today
Guys’ Retreat...will be held at Monterey Bay Academy from April 17-19.
This year’s theme, “Crossfit,” will challenge guys to shift their focus from
being physically fit to being spiritually fit to carry their cross for Christ.
Our speaker will be Larry Graack. Be sure to take advantage of our Early
Bird pricing of $55 before March 31. Register online at
Want to Work at Camp Meeting?...the application period for the 2015 CCC
camp meeting employment will begin March 1, 2015 and will end May 8, 2015.
To access the camp meeting application and employment paperwork go to the
following link: and choose the
Soquel Camp Meeting Employment Packet.
Full-Time Director of Housekeeping...Camp Wawona is seeking a full-time
Director of Housekeeping. To apply, please send cover letter, application and
resume to Human Resources at, fax 559-347-3062 or PO
Box 770, Clovis, CA 93613. Apply online at Please respond by 5:00 pm, March 17, 2015.
March Birthday Blessings to:
David Grey (4th), Daniel Vert (6th), Wils Teal (9th)
Casandra Appleton (13th), Rion Naus (15th), Cora Hilton (20th)
Lacy Koktavy (21st) and Sergio Gutierrez (23rd)
Sunset Calendar
Sabbath, March 21st ............... 7:13 pm
Friday, March 27th............................ 7:18 pm
Prayer and Encouragement Requests
Freddie Newman...received Good news recenly! The results of her CT Scan
shows no sign of cancer. PTL! Her doctor does not know why her CEA test
went up but guess its not due to cancer. Will have another blood test in 30 days
to verify. Freddie and Bob want to thank everyone for your prayers and concern.
Please continue to pray though for Freddie, as she continues to suffer with a
painful left shoulder and lower back. Also pray that her white blood count
remains stable as she continues her blood testing routine to keep abreast of her
leukemia status. Contact info: 274 Longden Avenue, AG, 93420 or email
Doris Riehle...had hip replacement surgery on Wednesday, March 11th, at
Goleta Valley Hospital in Santa Barbara. She is recuperating at home. Contact
info is: 937-1077, or 4737 Cherry Avenue, Santa
Maria, CA 93455.
Jo at AG Care Center, 1212 Farroll Street, AG, 93420 or call 2608562. Jo is requesting prayer for her friend, a caregiver at the Care Center who
is dealing with some difficult family issues.
Sylvia at Bella Vista Transitional Care, 3033 Augusta Street, SLO, CA
Heather Boulais...Union College Gymnaires member suffered serious head
injuries in a fall, mid-January. She has been moved to rehab and is making very
small steps in her recovery. The Boulais family appreciates your continued
Small Group Bible Study
Sabbath afternoon at 4:00 – LeRoy...661-203-9151
Tuesday Nights at 7:00 – Bob & Mary...805-481-0214
Wednesday Nights at 7:00 – Mark...805-574-9329
Looking for Loma Linda, Worthington and Morningstar Farms products?
VVAA carries many of these items and our store hours are Tuesday &
Thursday 2:00-3:00pm. If you can't make it during those hours, or if you would
like to add to the order we will be placing within the next month, please call the
school at 489-2687 and we will do what we can to make these items accessible.
Nazario Memorial
Worthy Student Fund at VVAA...donations should be sent
directly to the school at 230 Vernon Street, AG, CA 93420.
Box Top Labels for Education...Please check EXPIRATION DATES on these
and then put them in a zip loc bag on Jill’s desk in the office. Look for the flier in
the foyer literature rack with a list of Box Top products. All money collected
goes directly to VVAA.
Arroyo Grande Seventh-day Adventist Church
You're warmly welcomed to our church; we love to see you here!
We want you to know the love of God and feel His presence near.
You are very special to the Lord and special to us too,
for your life has great significance, and there's purpose in what you do.
March 21st, 2015
Pastor Joshua Majors
Office Manager: Jill Wooten
Office: (805) 489-6622
Church Website:
Worship Service...10:45 am
Mission Spotlight...Pristine and Beautiful
Church Address: 240 Vernon Street, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
Phone: (805) 489-6622 Fax: (805) 489-4412
Welcome & Church Life
Praise in Song and Prayer
(305) 588-4294 Cell
(805) 489-2687 Work
Tithe & Offerings...Connie Chun
(Local Church Budget)
Director: Jamie Sanbonmatsu 805-481-7534 Email:
Praise in Song...Congregation
Congregational Prayer...Leonard Lutz
Church Family Giving Through March 7th, 2015 Tithe 2015 (YTD) Received in 2015 Received in 2014 Over/Under: Church Budget 2015 (YTD) Need: Received: Under: Student Scholarship Worthy Student Fund: Need: Received: Under: Valley View Growth Fund Need: Received: Under: W E A R E D O W N $ -­‐2,457 I N O U R B U D G E T F O R T H E Y E A R . Please prayerfully consider this when planning your giving. "
Opening Song...Congregation
The church bulletin and sermons are posted online each week.
Principal, Kris Phillips
Office Manager: Terri Behrens
and Welcome
to the
Sabbath School...9:30 am
Happy Sabbath
55,917 53,657 +2,260 Special Music... Samuel Silva & Gabriel Silva
Scripture Reading
19,750 17,298 -­‐2,452 Receive His Word ... Pastor Joshua Majors
Why? Series, Part 4: “Why Us”
15,030 9,445 -­‐5,585 19,000 15,249 -­‐3,751 Benediction
Circle of Prayer
Sabbath mornings at 9:00 in the Youth Room
Sanctuary Flowers Generously Donated by:
Derril and Arlene Pilkington