5 11 12 6 7 8 9 4 3 10 11 2 12 13 Sabbath School Youth / Children’s Classes 2 Youth 3 Juniors 4 Primary 6 Kindergarten 7 Beginners Adult Classes 1 Wallace Ruminson 8 Dean Delker-Library 9 Doug Motsenbocker 10 Sabbath School for the Deaf 14 Spanish/Maribel Buenrostro 1 14 Additional Rooms 5 9 10 11 12 13 14 Dorcas Pathfinder Room Fellowship Hall Men’s Restroom Women’s Restroom Church Office Parenting Room 1088 Linda Vista (at Highway 65), Porterville, CA Pastor’s Office Hours Wed. 10:00 a.m.-12:00 & Friday 10:00 a.m.-12:00 General Office Hours Wednesday-Thursday, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Mail P. O. Box 551, Porterville, CA 93258 Phone 559-784-6031 FAX 559-784-6052 Email Address Office@PortervilleAdventist.org Web Page www.PortervilleAdventist.org Pastor Brian Bilbrey, 559-805-2252 Head Elder Jonathan Kurts Head Deacon Raul Buenrostro & Jose Serrano Head Deaconess Lydia Bilbrey Prayer Chain Coordinator Velma Motsenbocker Prelude Praise Time: Patti Ruminson & Friends Welcome: Jonathan Kurts Singing Praises: Patti Ruminson & Friends Call to Worship: Our Bible Classes begin at 9:30 followed by a break at 10:30. Children and teens are in various classrooms by age groups. We have four classes for adults. Early Women’s Bible Study 8:00. Today’s topic: “Jesus, the Master Teacher” Calendar This Week: Today 8:00 a.m. Women’s Bible Study 10:45 a.m. “Hide Me in Your Holiness” Invocation: Pastor Brian Bilbrey Hymn of Praise: #508 “Anywhere With Jesus” Prayer for the Congregation: Pastor Brian Bilbrey Sharing His Blessings: Jonathan Kurts “NAD Evangelism” Children’s Storytime and Offering (SVJA Scholarship Fund): David Prado Music for Worship: Shelby and Jack Lewis Scripture: Matthew 28:19-20 Benediction Musician: Patti Ruminson Wednesday 9:00 a.m. Dorcas 1:00 p.m. Ladies Upper Room Bible Study 6:30 p.m. Family Night/Prayer Meeting Next Sabbath 9:30 a.m. Bible Study Classes “Following Jesus in Everyday Life” 10:45 a.m. Speaker: Doug Motsenbocker 12:30 p.m. Farewell Luncheon for Myron and Jan Wareham Prayer Corner Highlights This Week: Jerry Miller’s nephew David Record was in a serious auto accident; Earnest Holt, serious health problems and Gerline’s son; Nicky Alvarado with Lupus, Jerry Miller’s granddaughter; Katelyn Ruminson, Jonathan’s daughter; Barbara Johns; Heather Brown’s friend, Lou; Tina Hoffman-Nichols, son Alberto & Sapphire; Jason Benedict; Benjamin & Marie Castro, Martha Castro; Amparo De Ocampo; Golden Brown; Demetrius Berry, Dee’s grandson; Martha Castro’s sister-in-law Martha Elizabeth Arellano is seriously ill, Mexico; Wes Jordan. Hosts today: Elder in Charge for May Deacon in Charge for May Special Music Coordinator for May PA/AV System: Bulletin Board: Sabbath Ends Today at: 8:06 Larry Rogers, Kay Rogers, Dee Torres, Tina Hoffman Jaime Buenrostro Raul Buenrostro Sr. Sandy Lewis Jason Huckleberry, Guillermo Mendez, John Wagner Andrea Culver, DeLauna Lockwood Next Week Sabbath Begins at 8:10 So You’ll Know MAY 30, 2015 THE SCRIPTURE SAYS, "He cares for you." God is aware and concerned about all that bothers us. May we learn to trust Him more. Welcome to this worship hour. We are glad you have come to be with us. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO Deric Rich and Dolly Wilson. TODAY’S OFFERING IS FOR NAD Evangelism. Since all loose offerings go to the Budget, please indicate on your offering envelope how you want any other gifts designated. CHURCH SOFTBALL LEAGUE: Practices are Sundays at 5:00 p.m. at Buckley School. Games are on Mondays. Everyone interested in playing should come and join the fun! Schedules are at the media desk. FAMILY NIGHT / PRAYER MEETING is Wednesday evening from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. There’s something for everyone. There are activities for children, youth and adults. UPCOMING SERMON SCHEDULE –June 6: Doug Motsenbocker; June 13: Chris Gonzales; June 20, Pastor Brian; June 27: Pastor Brian; July 4: Jonathan Kurts. NEXT SABBATH’S FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON: Special Recognition for our dear friends Myron and Jan Wareham who are moving away. Please bring a casserole and a salad or dessert and stay to wish them many blessings. CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES: See the display board in the foyer and let our graduates know we are proud of them! Please let the church office know if there are any others. We need pictures, announcements, etc. to display on our Graduation Board. SUMMER CAMP @ CAMP WAWONA: For more information about the 2015 Summer Camp season please call (209) 375-6231 or email summercampoffice@campwawona.org. WE HOPE TO HAVE 1000 BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION. We have this coming week to turn in your boxtops for the school year. Let’s continue to save these for SVJA’s benefit. REMINDER: Please have Bulletin & Weekly News information turned in by Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. IN COOPERATION WITH OUR LOCAL CHURCH PANTRY for the month of May, we are collecting small jars of peanut butter. CAMP MEETING EMPLOYMENT: We are still seeking applicants for employment during camp meeting in the Burger Bar and Cafeteria. If you would like to apply, please go to the following link: http://ccchr.adventistfaith.org/assets/486889 and either fax the application to 559-347-3062 or mail it to CCC - Human Resources, PO Box 770, Clovis, CA 93613. We will be taking applications until June 1, 2015. PRE-CAMP MEETING PRAYER WALK – Sabbath, June 13, 2015: Meet at 3:00 p.m. in the Small Auditorium at the Soquel Conference Center. Dress casual with comfortable walking shoes. Bring your Bible and camp meeting promises. For more information, call Joyce Mulligan at 559696-3692. W.O.W (WEEK OF WORK) @ SVJA: 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Painting the gym and various other projects around campus. Lunch will be provided. SVJA IS ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS for the 2015-16 school year. Call the school office at 592-3689 to request an application packet. REMEMBER to save your Worthington Labels. There is a jar on the counter. They go toward missions. 1000 labels=$100!!! IMAGINE MILLIONS OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS around the world praying for 100 days for the same thing! Through July 11, 2015, you are encouraged to pray with millions of others for the presence and power of the Holy Spirit to be fully experienced by our church members during the General Conference Session, July 2-11, 2015 in San Antonio, Texas. HOPE CHANNEL is on Direct TV channel 368 and on the Internet at http://www.hopetv.org/. 3ABN is on Dish Network channel 9393. MEDIA DESK: If you have borrowed VCR’s or DVD’s it’s time to return them so someone else can also enjoy them. These programs make a good Sabbath afternoon activity. FINANCIAL REPORT: April Church Budget Monthly Budget $12,950 Income $10,543.89 Year-to-date -$13,718.38 Deadline for Bulletin and Weekly News is 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Office hours are: Wed. and Thurs. 9:00 - 12:00 Pastor’s Office Hours: Wed. & Fri. 10:00 – 12:00 Phone: 784-6031; Email: office@PortervilleAdventist.org; FAX: 784-6052 Sabbath Ends Today at: 8:06 Next Week Sabbath Begins at 8:10
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