THE CHURCH AT STUDY & WORSHIP MAY 16, 2015 Dodge Center, MN 9:15 Song Service Emily Myers & Douglas Murgolo 9:30 Opening “Rescue the Perishing” #367 Welcome Judy Kunkel Prayer Eric Drury Special Mission Report Dr. Dave McFadden Phone: 507-374-6895 Church Website: OUR MISSION: People Prepared to Meet Jesus Today OUR VISION: Know God – Love God – Love Others Pastor Michael Jones Ph: 507-384-7089 Head Elder: Abdias Chavez Cell: 507-271-3401 Prayer Requests: Steve Martin @507-993-0242 Bible Study Groups: Adult Sabbath School Quarterly Class in Sanctuary Adult Sabbath School Quarterly Classes in Classrooms And in the Library. 28 Fundamental Beliefs Class-Fellowship Hall Children’s Divisions in Marked Rooms 13th Sabbath Offering Northern Asia-Pacific June 27, 2015 10:50 Welcome & Announcements Donna McNeilus Children’s Story Christina Coleman Prelude Noah Zwiefel Silent prayer as the Minister enters Call To Worship “As We Come to You in Prayer” #671 Please remain standing until after Hymn of Praise Invocation Pastor Michael Jones Opening Hymn “Jesus Saves” #340 Scripture Ezra 7:1-6 Donna McNeilus Pastoral Prayer Donna McNeilus Offering Church Expense Wayne Huinker Special Music Emily Myers & Douglas Murgolo Baptisms Sermon “Come Out of Her My People” Pastor Michael Jones Closing Song “To God Be the Glory” #341 Benediction Pastor Michael Jones Response Noah Zwiefel Deacons: Brien Knudson, Mike McNeilus, Palmer Skaaland, Joe Kunkel Sabbath ends today: 8:32 P.M. Next Sabbath begins: 8:37 P.M. Bulletin Information: Contact before Wednesday evening Shari McNeilus Email: Calendar information: Kelli Faudi: The Dodge Center Seventh-day Adventist Church family welcomes you this Sabbath. It is our desire to display the love of God in our relationship with you. ☺ Friendly Reminder; cell phones & beepers turned off or silent please. ☺ We kindly ask that out of respect and in reverence for God’s house that no food, gum or beverages be brought into the sanctuary. Thank you for your cooperation. No comida, chicles, o jugos en el Santuario UPCOMING *Today 3 PM – Bible Study at the Nursing Home. *Tonight 7:30 PM, Vespers with Dan & Jean Martin, which will be held at James Parker’s, 28441 State Hwy 56, Brownsdale MN. *Tomorrow – 11 AM to 2 PM – Graduation open house for Noah Zwiefel in the Fellowship Hall. Congratulations! *Tomorrow – 3-5 PM - Graduation open house for Eric Drury In the Fellowship Hall. Congratulations! *2nd reading Profession of Faith – Ricardo & Miriam Ubongan, Membership transfer. * Haystack potluck next Sabbath. *Remember the Women’s Prayer Groups. Speaker: Pastor Michael Jones Children’s Story: Brien Knudson Offering: MN Advance Special Music Ted Nelson Deacons: Josh Fleming, Daniel Andola, Jody Wood, Tom Lumsden LOOKING FORWARD: Deacons: -May 19 –6:30 PM- Red Cross Shelter Team Meeting in the Fellowship Hall. -May 22 –Last half-day of school @ Maranatha. -May 22-24 – MWA Graduation. Jessica Cevallos & Lydia Fleming from our church will be graduating. Congratulations to our graduates! -May 23 – Farewell Potluck for Pastor Jones & family -May 30 – Afternoon Bike Ride – Douglas Trail -May 31 from 1-4 PM – Graduation open house for Lydia Fleming at the Fleming home. -July 13-17 – VBS “Bug Zone”. If you can help, please see Vickie. 507-933-3831. Thank you. -June 6 – Women’s Ministry Emphasis Day -June 6 – Family Picnic following church. Bring your own picnic basket, utensils & drinks. Women’s Ministry will provide dessert. NOTE: Missing one child’s apron, cupcake design with brown ruffle. Return to Deb Knudson. LISTEN TO OUR NEW RADIO STATION KCJL @ FM 95.1!!! Don’t forget our radio station with your offerings! Prayer Promise: “Let us also pray earnestly in behalf of those whom we expect to visit, by living faith bringing them, one by one, into the presence of God.” Christian Service, 169
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