Please contact the Elder of the Month for visitation or crisis. Sunset Calendar Sabbath, October 25th ................................... 6:17 pm October..............Connie Chun (805) 550-2526 Cell Friday, October 31st .................................................... 6:16 pm (805) 481-3716 Home 1 st Reading for M embership Transfers: Incoming: Cindee and Randy Rael from Sunnyvale SDA Church, Sunnyvale, CA and Lemoore SDA Church, Lemoore, CA Outgoing: Ken, Diane & Susie Schuetz and Claira Eastwood to Sunnyvale SDA Church Announcements Julian Olmos Baby Shower...has been postponed. Mom Angela and baby Julian are doing well, Mommy is still recovering from the difficult birth but they just aren't as ready to party as we all thought they would be! . Investigation Station - Galactic Quest...Kari Stumph will be leading out in this special program for our children ages 4 to 11. They will be meeting in the Junior/Earliteen Classroom during the worship service beginning TODAY at 10:45 am and ending at 12:15 pm for the next 3 consecutive weeks, October 25, November 1st, and November 8th. For more info or question, please contact Kari at 550-1039. Singing Band...TODAY at 3:00 pm at the AG Care Center – we need ladies! ☺ 10 Days of Prayer...TONIGHT is the last night of our "Ten Days of Prayer"! We would LOVE to have you join us for one hour tonight in the Youth Room here at the church. If you can't come in person - give us your prayer requests and we will pray with you. "Ask and ye shall receive." Contact Mary 481-0214 or Lynnette 773-8090 for questions or more info. O ther Announcements CCC Women’s Retreat 2014...January 30th – February 1st at Tenaya Lodge. Featured speakers are: Elizabeth Talbot and Carolann DeLeon. Registration forms are available on the table in the church foyer and Early Bird rates apply until December 1st. Contact Pat at (559) 642-2396 for more info or to request a scholarship Prayer Requests Doris Riehle...has been suffering from Lyme disease that may have occurred from a bug bite up to 2 years ago. After a recent Dr. visit, there seems to be a light at the end of the long tunnel, but for now she’s taking 40 pills each day, (no, that's not a typo) plus antibiotics. She is on a restricted and weird diet and dealing with nausea at the same time. In the next few months, she hopes to be off the pills, but she’ll have to remain on the antibiotics for up to a year. Doris is weak and in constant pain, but that is becoming less and less, though the progress is slow. She used to ride her bicycle 20 miles each day. Now it's a struggle for her to make 5 miles (and that's with a tailwind). Contact info for Doris is: 4737 Cherry Ave. Santa Maria, CA 93455, (805) 937-1077. O ctober Birthday Blessings to: th th th Gary Pritchett (5 ), Rusee Parvin (6 ), Randy Yeo (7 ), Ruth Goodman, Dottie Warren and Vestine Stennett (8th), John Penafor (9th), Una Skadden (10th), Ryan Yeo (13th), Gregg Vert (15th), Adam Dale (16th), Haley MacDonald (16th), Doris Riehle (19th), and Chandra Eidson (26th). Small Group Bible Study Sabbath Afternoons at 4:00 – LeRoy...661-203-9151 Tuesday Nights at 7:00 – Bob & Mary...805-481-0214 Wednesday Nights at 7:00 – John...805-709-4309 (At the Church) Wednesday Nights at 7:00 – Mark...805-574-9329 November 1st...Communion – Ron Gerking November 8th...Doug Ng November 15th...Pastor Gerald Babanezhad V ALLEY VIEW NEWS The Vege-Store at VVAA...has Loma Linda & Worthington Food for sale. Tuesday & Thursday Hours are 1:30 – 3:00 pm. If you are unable to come during these times, please call the school office at 489-2687 to arrange a different time. Anne and Paul Nazario Memorial Worthy Student Fund at VVAA...donations should to the school at 230 Vernon Street, AG, CA 93420. be sent directly Box Top Labels for Education...Just a reminder that there are EXPIRATION DATES on these labels so please check them before you put them in a zip loc bag and put on Jill’s desk in the office. There is a flier in the foyer literature rack with a list of Box Tops products. CHURCH CONTACT INFORMATION Welcome & Church Family Announcements The church bulletin and sermons are posted online each week. Church Address: 240 Vernon Street, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Call to Worship...In Song and Prayer Phone: (805) 489-6622 Fax: (805) 489-4412 VALLEY VIEW ADVENTIST ACADEMY INFORMATION Principal, Kris Phillips Tithe and Offerings...Larry Pena (305) 588-4294 Cell Office Manager: Terri Behrens (805) 489-2687 Work Email: Website: (Conference Faith Advance) Praise in Song…Congregation . VALLEY VIEW CHILDREN’S CENTER INFORMATION Director: Jamie Sanbonmatsu Congregational Prayer...Greg Friedrich Email: Office: (805) 481-7534 Special Music...The Silva Brothers th Church Family Giving Through October 18 , 2014 Tithe 2014 (YTD) Received in 2014 Received in 2013 Over/Under: Church Budget 2014 (YTD) Need: Received: Under: Student Scholarship Worthy Student Fund: 2014-‐2015 School Yr. Need: Received: Under: Q1 Valley View Growth Fund Need: Received: Under: W E A R E D O W N $ -‐5,634 I N O U R B U D G E T F O R T H E Y E A R . Please prayerfully consider this when planning your giving. Worship Service...10:45 am Opening Song…Congregation Church Website: October 25th, 2014 " ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________# Office Manager: Jill Wooten We welcome you to the Arroyo Grande Seventh-day Adventist Church and pray you have a joyful Sabbath day of rest! Sabbath School...9:30 am Head Elder: Bob Bishop Happy Sabbath! 248,354 223,222 +25,132 81,207 75,573 -‐5,634 15,030 4,783 -‐10,247 19,000 9,441 -‐9,559 Receive His Word...Gary Will “Say I Am” Mizpah Benediction " ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________# Sanctuary flowers generously donated by Bonny & Greg Friedrich We invite our guests to join us after the Worship Service for our weekly fellowship meal in the Fireside Room, across the breezeway. Circle of Prayer Time: Sabbath mornings at 9:00 in the sanctuary. Greeters: Bob and Mary Bishop
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