Worship Services January 10, 2015 9:15 and 11:45 a.m. Organ Prelude O God, Our Faithful God Gathering to Worship Welcome and Sharing Bach Reveal Pastor Ron Sydenham Singing Praises Reveal Sharing Our Offerings Love Divine, All Loves Excelling Wilson Congregational Prayer Children’s Story Worship With Music “Jealous Jesus” Jan Schnurr Mark Ricalde Kevin Crombie Message Pastor Myles Gillespie Congregational Response Friend of God On the screen Benediction Pastor Myles Gillespie Organ Postlude In God Is Gladness! Bach Organist: Wendy Markosky THE CHURCH AT STUDY 10:30 a.m. Singing Praises Welcome and Prayer Special Music “Made by God” Special Music: “In the Image of God” Offering for Missions The Study of God’s Word Jerrold Ritchey; Marcia Hill Candace Sayler Candace Sayler Kathy Jacobson, Candace Sayler; Joanne Nischuk “From Ears to Feet” Nelson Joseph FOR YOUR INFORMATION WELCOME to our church today. Praise the Lord for this new day that He has made! Let us rejoice and be glad for the blessing of being able to meet together to worship Him. THE OFFERING during the worship service today is for our local Alberta Conference Advance. It will help provide funds for conference evangelism, building project assistance, education at all levels, and the operation of Foothills Camp for camp meeting, youth camps and other ministry weekends. Donations for offerings may be made online through the church website: www.chsda.ca SMALL GROUPS meet for Sabbath School study in the following places: Education Building, Room 110 – Ken Boyko’s class Education Building, Room 111 – Keith Clouten’s and Ron Bissell’s class Pastor Sydenham’s office – study on prayer led by Sheila Clark CUC Administration Building Chapel – 10:30 a.m. – Academy age youth CUC Social Eyez Student Lounge – 10:30 a.m. – “Detour ?” class for college age youth and young adults Beginning at 10:30 a.m.: Education Building, Room 109 – Doug Matacio’s and Dave Southcott’s class, “Revelation” From 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.: Education Building, Room 112 – “Resolving Everyday Conflict” led by Bruce Boyd CLASS ON PRAYER: Today Sheila Clark is beginning a new Sabbath School class on prayer in the pastor’s office during the usual study time. All are welcome. BEGINNING TODAY, “Resolving Everyday Conflict” Sabbath School Class will meet in Room 112 of the Education Building from 10:30 to 11:30 am. It will continue for eight sessions through February 28. Participants Books are available at the Adventist Book Centre. For information contact Bruce Boyd at 403-598-5772 or bboyd@cauc.ca. Let the Holy Spirit transform your conflicts into opportunities for healing and growth. HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES to Randy Kandt and Karyn McNeill whose birthday is today, to Eric Rajah who will celebrate on January 12, to Evelyn Gallant and Ken Wiebe who were born on January 13 and to Brenda Hodgins whose birthday is December 16. THANK YOU to every who so lovingly provided support through meals, the baby shower, ongoing gifts, visits, and prayers for my baby Damien and myself. It has been so appreciated. Damien is now eight pounds. – Aimee Heintz THANK YOU: Kris and I would like to thank our church and CUC family for the prayers, cards and wonderful food during my surgery in October and since. I am still healing, but things are improving (I am able to chew normally now!). It is always good to know that we are a part of God’s family and that they praying. We praise the Lord for every day God’s love shines on us and we are able to worship and serve Him. With love and gratitude, Wanda Johnson FELLOWSHIP DINNER today is served by Carrol Smith’s Group. We invite our visitors, new church members and students who have received a written invitation. Other church members who would like to share in the fellowship are welcome to attend and bring favorite dish to share. Please join us in the Earliteen Room downstairs following the second worship service. FELLOWSHIP DINNER SCHEDULE: January 17: Primary A and Primary B Sabbath School classes January 24: Trudi Cooper’s and Candi Rajah's Group READ THE BIBLE through in 2015. It’s still not too late to pick up a Bible reading guide to help you with a daily plan for reading the Bible through in one year. They are available from the magazine rack in the foyer. THURSDAY EVENING STUDY GROUP will resume meeting this week at 7:00 p.m. in Bailey Chapel downstairs. TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY: A Better World will be celebrating its 25th year anniversary with events throughout the year. The first event will be our 25th Annual Humanitarian Day service to be held on Sabbath, April 25, in our church followed by lunch and an afternoon program. Janet Auma and others from Kenya will be coming. Watch for further information. NEXT WEEKEND: CUC CABL will have Dr. Sherma Charlemagne- Badal as the speaker on Friday evening and Sabbath worship services. In addition to currently working with San Bernadino community-based organizations, she is the special advisor on health equity and Diversity Committee Chair for the Loma Linda School of Public Health. Dr. Charlemagne-Badal’s impressive résumé includes publications in scientific journals, recipient of three awards from Loma Linda, recipient of a practice doctoral fellowship from the National Association of Social Work Foundation, as well as the recipient of over $1 million grant to improve access to health insurance, and the recipient of a grant funding to expand the work of the Adventist Health Study. This is a weekend you don’t want to miss! RECLAMATION MINISTRY: Do you have a concern for members who are no longer coming to church? Do you know anyone who would be interested in joining a group to pray for and reach out to these individuals? Call Marlene at 403-782-9377 or leave your name with Belinda at the church office. If you have names of non-attending members, please leave their name and information with Belinda at the office, 403-782-6131, so we can pray for them. IMPACT 2015 Commencement Weekend: Please note that all churches in the area served by the Greater Edmonton Ministerial Association will be closed January 17. This is to encourage everyone to attend the Special Commencement Weekend, January 16-17. Guest speakers include Elder Mark Johnson, President of the SDACC (January 16), Elder Chris Holland, It Is Written Canada (Sabbath, January 17 at 9:30 a.m.), Elder John Bradshaw, It Is Written - US (Divine Service), Special Youth Service with Elder Jose Rojas, Saturday at 4:00 p.m., a musical concert, Saturday at 5:30 p.m., and a closing message with Elder Jose Rojas, Saturday at 6:45 p.m. These events will be held at the Evangel Pentecostal Assembly (4461- 50th Street, Edmonton). The weekend will be LIVE streamed and the feed will be available at http://new.livestream.com/ABAdventist. For more information, please contact Pastor Murley, GEMA Chairman at 780-465-4426 or by email at jmurley@albertaadventist.ca. ADVENTIST SINGLES WINTER RETREAT will be held at Foothills Camp, February 13-15. The theme for this year is “The Centre of My Heart.” Brochures with more details are in the magazine rack in the foyer. GOLDEN HERITAGE CLUB: The next meeting of the Golden Heritage Club will be January 11 in the Earliteen Room downstairs. All seniors are invited to come and hear Keith Clouten present highlights of last years Sage trips. Please bring your favorite dish for potluck. We’ll be eating at 1:00 p.m. See you all there. SUNDAY AT SEVEN: Come and enjoy the Juno-award winner ensemble Caprice as they present baroque music with a Salsa twist. The concert, Salsa Baroque! Music of Latin America & Spain will be presented Sunday, January 25, at 7:00 p.m. in the CUC Administration Building Auditorium. Admission is charged (free admission for CUC staff, students, and their immediate family) BOTTLE DRIVE: The Acronaires will be conducting a bottle drive tomorrow, January 11, from 1:00 - 4:30 p.m. We sincerely appreciate any donations. They can be dropped off at the Acro centre between 1:30 and 3:30 p.m. at 7109 - 52 Street, Lacombe, Bay #12. If you live in town, we would be happy to pick them up. Please call or text 780-239-8675 with your name and address. Thank you for your support. ADULT VOLLEYBALL: Join us at CHCS gym on January 15, 22 and 29 from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Cost - $2.00. All skill levels welcome. If you have any questions please contact Victoria Presley at victoriap@chcs.ca CHURCH BULLETIN information should be at the church office each week by noon on Wednesday. It is appreciated if it is given in writing. It may be left in the mail slot on the outside of the office, dropped off at the office, or sent by e-mail to office@chsda.ca Calendar For the Week TODAY 4:43 p.m. - Sabbath Ends MONDAY 11:00 a.m. - Worship Committee WEDNESDAY 12:00 noon - Bulletin Information Deadline 7:00 p.m. - Pathfinders Meet at CHCS Gym 7:30 p.m. - Prayer Meeting THURSDAY 9:30 a.m. - Ladies Prayer Group 7:00 p.m. - Bible Study Group 7:00 p.m. - Adult Volleyball at CHCS Gym FRIDAY 4:53 p.m. - Sabbath Begins 7:30 p.m. - Vespers, Dr. Charlemagne-Badal SABBATH 8:45 a.m. - Sabbath Morning Prayer Group 9:15 a.m. -Worship Service, Dr. Charlemagne-Badal 10:30 a.m. - Sabbath School, Keith Clouten 11:45 a.m. - Worship Service, Dr. Charlemagne-Badal Offering: Church Budget
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