Worship Services January 17, 2015 9:15 and 11:45 a.m. Organ Prelude My Shepherd Will Supply Gathering to Worship Welcome and Sharing G. King Praise Team Pastor Ron Sydenham Celebrating a Baby Dedication (First Service) Carter, Mike, Karla and Ethan Berdan; Pastor Massiel Davila-Ferrer Singing Praises Sharing Our Offerings Praise Team Be Thou My Vision Congregational Prayer Children’s Story W. France Kelissa Geffrard Shermon Bothma Worship With Music Oh, How I Need You Some Sons and Daughters Reading the Scriptures Message Vicenda Augustin “Don’t Cut the Line” Paul Lehmann Congregational Response Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing Hymn No. 334 Benediction Organ Postlude Pastor Ron Sydenham Toccata in e J. Pachelbel Organist: Wendy Markosky Praise Team: Sundar Chokka, Aarin Gillespie, Myles Gillespie, Daisy Gondwe, David Gondwe, Deepa Johnny THE CHURCH AT STUDY 10:30 a.m. Singing Praises Jacky McAfee, Jennalee Schafer; Alice Wombold Welcome and Prayer Keith Clouten Special Music Joshua Graca, Jacob Slaunwhite “Legacy of the Big Yellow Truck” Keith Clouten Offering for Missions The Study of God’s Word “A Matter of Life and Death” Claude Trepanier FOR YOUR INFORMATION WELCOME to our church today. Praise the Lord for this new day that He has made! Let us rejoice and be glad for the blessing of being able to meet together to worship Him. THE OFFERING during the worship services today is for our local Church Budget. We invite each person to plan to give consistently every month as we anticipate the needs and activities of our church family for this current year. Let us work together to support the needs of our church. Donations for offerings may also be made online through the church website: www.chsda.ca SMALL GROUPS meet for Sabbath School study in the following places: Education Building, Room 110 – Ken Boyko’s class Education Building, Room 111 – Keith Clouten’s and Ron Bissell’s class Pastor Sydenham’s office – study on prayer led by Sheila Clark CUC Administration Building Chapel – 10:30 a.m. – Academy age youth CUC Social Eyez Student Lounge – 10:30 a.m. – “Detour ?” class for college age youth and young adults Beginning at 10:30 a.m.: Education Building, Room 109 – Doug Matacio’s and Dave Southcott’s class, “Revelation” From 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.: Education Building, Room 112 – “Resolving Everyday Conflict” led by Bruce Boyd SERVICES IN FRENCH: It’s the start of a new semester, which means that French Church will resume. Come and worship with us in French at Lakeview Hall Chapel, January 31, 2015. Sabbath School will start at 10:30 a.m. followed by the church service. Hope to see you there. RESOLVING EVERYDAY CONFLICT Sabbath School C\class will continue through February 28. The class will meet in Room 112 of the Education Building from 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Participants’ books are available at the Adventist Book Centre. For information contact Bruce Boyd at 403-598-5772 or bboyd@cauc.ca. Let the Holy Spirit transform your conflicts into opportunities for healing and growth. HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES to Kiana Clarke whose birthday is today, to Keith Clouten and Logan Jollimore who will celebrate January 19, to Paul Ramalingam whose birthday is January 20, to Rowan Schlecht who will turn seven on January 21, and to Helen Anderson and Kathy Lorenson who were born on January 22. OUR SYMPATHY goes to Dave and Shirley Schafer, Bob and Roberta Schafer and Howard and Carrol Smith and their families on the loss of their sister Ruth’s husband, Levern Krenzler. A memorial service will be held at a later time. Ruth may be contacted by calling her at 587-230-9906 or at Chartwell Harbour, 20 Country Village Cove NE, Calgary, AB T3K 5T9 FELLOWSHIP DINNER today is served by Primary A and Primary B Sabbath School classes. We invite our visitors, new church members and students who have received a written invitation. Other church members who would like to share in the fellowship are welcome to attend and bring favorite dish to share. Please join us in the Earliteen Room downstairs following the second worship service. FELLOWSHIP DINNER SCHEDULE: January 24: Trudi Cooper’s and Candi Rajah's Group January 31: Deacons February 7: Adventurer Club CUC’S WEEK IN SPIRITUAL EMPHASIS: Mark your calendars to join us for our Week In Spiritual Emphasis (WISE) from Monday to Sabbath, January 19 - 24. This year’s theme is CONNECT, and throughout the week CUC students from a variety of majors and backgrounds will share with us about how they (and we) can CONNECT in meaningful ways with God. Meetings are Monday through Thursday at 11:00 a.m. and 8:30 p.m.; Friday 11:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; and Sabbath, 9:15 and 11:45 a.m. (different speakers for each service). All services will be held here in the church. We look forward to seeing you there! THURSDAY EVENING STUDY GROUP has resumed meeting each week at 7:00 p.m. in Bailey Chapel downstairs. TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY: A Better World will be celebrating its 25th year anniversary with events throughout the year. The first event will be our 25th Annual Humanitarian Day service to be held on Sabbath, April 25, in our church followed by lunch and an afternoon program. Janet Auma and others from Kenya will be coming. Watch for further information. WOMEN’S MINISTRIES RETREAT, “Waiting on The Lord” will be March 27 - 29, 2015 at the Red Deer Sheraton Hotel. Keynote speaker, Adrienne Townsend, is the first US Navy Seventh-day Adventist female chaplain. She has blessed many with her dynamic and life-changing seminars and workshops. Her passion for soul winning and appeal of the gospel is felt from generation to generation. More details are posted on the bulletin boards in the foyer. Please note, there are no walk-in or Sabbath only registrations. Brochures with more details will be available soon. However, online registration and information is available at: www.albertaadventist.ca/wm2015. RECLAMATION MINISTRY: Do you have a concern for members who are no longer coming to church? Do you know anyone who would be interested in joining a group to pray for and reach out to these individuals? Call Marlene at 403-782-9377 or leave your name with Belinda at the church office. If you have names of non-attending members, please leave their name and information with Belinda at the office, 403-782-6131, so we can pray for them. ADVENTIST SINGLES WINTER RETREAT will be held at Foothills Camp, February 13-15. The theme for this year is “The Centre of My Heart.” Brochures with more details are in the magazine rack in the foyer. ACTS FOR CHRIST annual convention is right around the corner! You are invited to join in the worship programs and to be inspired with other young people from across Western Canada. Join in the many workshops that will prepare you for ministry or join discussions on relevant topics. This year the ACTS Conference will be held in Edmonton on April 2 - 5 and is teaming up with IMPACT Edmonton. For more information, please visit www.actsforchrist.org. FOOTHILLS CAMP is now accepting staff applications for the 2015 summer camp season. If you are 15 years or older, have a desire to serve God and love children, then go to www.foothillscamp.org to apply. You can also get an application from the church office. This year’s theme is “FOLLOW JESUS” as we focus on the joy of a relationship with Jesus. Interviews will be done at CUC on January 25 and 26 or by phone/skype. For more information, please contact Kevin Kiers at 587-876-2224 or by email at kkiers@albertaadventist.ca. Deadline to apply is February 23, 2015. Foothills Camp is “A Place Where You Belong.” HAS YOUR ADDRESS CHANGED? Please be sure to let the church office know if your address has changed or will be changing. This helps to keep our records up to date, as well as ensuring that you will continue to receive the Messenger and Adventist World magazines. If you’re not receiving these magazines, please contact the office at 403-782-6131 or by email to office@chsda.ca. CHURCH PARKING: Since the changes made to the church parking lot, vehicles have been noted in spots that are no longer parking spots. Change is difficult but must happen as we can no longer park the way we once did, and courtesy is also a factor. Parking in stalls that are clearly marked (ie. Maple Hall Dean) are NEVER to be used by anyone but designated people. An empty stall does not mean it’s not needed. Parking in a spot that has NO cement block in front (ie. along the new sidewalk path) is not attentive as vehicles parked along the hedge facing Maple Hall cannot pull in or back out of tight spots at right angles to vehicles behind them. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. THE GOLDEN HERITAGE CLUB invites everyone to our annual Valentine's Banquet, February 15, at the Memorial Centre in Lacombe. Please come and enjoy scrumptious food, good friends, and an after dinner program. This party is our best attended party of the year and so much fun. RSVP to Bob Bruce at 403-782-5737. SUNDAY AT SEVEN: Come and enjoy the Juno-award winner ensemble Caprice as they present baroque music with a Salsa twist. The concert, Salsa Baroque! Music of Latin America & Spain will be presented Sunday, January 25, at 7:00 p.m. in the CUC Administration Building Auditorium. Admission is charged (free admission for CUC staff, students, and their immediate family) CHURCH BULLETIN information should be at the church office each week by noon on Wednesday. It is appreciated if it is given in writing. It may be left in the mail slot on the outside of the office, dropped off at the office, or sent by e-mail to office@chsda.ca Calendar For the Week TODAY 4:54 p.m. - Sabbath Ends MONDAY 11:00 a.m. - Worship Committee WEDNESDAY 12:00 noon - Bulletin Information Deadline 7:00 p.m. - Pathfinders Meet at CHCS Gym 7:30 p.m. - Prayer Meeting THURSDAY 9:30 a.m. - Ladies Prayer Group 7:00 p.m. - Bible Study Group 7:00 p.m. - Adult Volleyball at CHCS Gym FRIDAY 5:05 p.m. - Sabbath Begins 7:30 p.m. - Vespers, WISE SABBATH 8:45 a.m. - Sabbath Morning Prayer Group 9:15 a.m. -Worship Service, Mark Ricalde 10:30 a.m. - Sabbath School, Claire Ritchey 11:45 a.m. - Worship Service, Ashia Lennon Offering: Religious Liberty
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