Worship Service December 27, 2014 10:50 a.m. Piano Prelude Gathering to Worship Reveal Celebrating Baptisms Logan Slack, Randy Slack, Pastor Ron Sydenham Singing Praises Reveal Sharing Our Offerings Congregational Prayer Sara Chavez Worship With Music I Wonder as I Wander Maison Leitch, Sierra Leitch Children’s Story Joshua Boyko Reading the Scriptures Matthew 2:13 - 16 Jerry Lane Lambert Message “Tears in Bethlehem” Pastor Ron Sydenham Congregational Response O Little Town of Bethlehem Hymn No. 135 Benediction Pastor Ron Sydenham Piano Postlude Pianist: Nicole Bartolay THE CHURCH AT STUDY 9:15 a.m. Singing Praises Delicia Adams, Shanelle Adams; Alice Wombold Welcome: “Home for Christmas” “When Good Things Happen in a Bad World:” Three stories at Christmas Special Music Offering for Missions The Study of God’s Word “The Everlasting Gospel” Grace Dara FOR YOUR INFORMATION WELCOME to a time of worship and celebration today. May your heart be opened wide to take in all the joys of the season. And may God’s goodness and His loving presence remain with you throughout the coming year. SMALL GROUPS meet for Sabbath School study in the following places: Education Building, Room 110 – Ken Boyko’s class Education Building, Room 111 – Keith Clouten’s and Ron Bissell’s class CUC Administration Building Chapel – 9:15 a.m. – Academy age youth CUC Social Eyez Student Lounge – 9 :30 a.m. – “Detour ?” class for college age youth and young adults Beginning at 9:30 a.m.: Education Building, Room 109 – Doug Matacio’s and Dave Southcott’s class, “Revelation” THE OFFERING during the worship service today is for our local Alberta Conference Advance. It will help provide funds for conference evangelism, building project assistance, education at all levels, and the operation of Foothills Camp for camp meeting, youth camps and other ministry weekends. Donations for offerings may be made online through the church website: www.chsda.ca HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES to Diana Clarke whose birthday is today, to Dianna Connors and Jennie Straub who will celebrate on December 28, to Shirley Schafer whose birthday is December 29, to Sage Barrett and Leona Ganson who were born on December 31 and to Patricia Latoski and Wendolin Munroe who were born on January 1. MEMBERSHIP TRANSFERS: (Second Reading) Joining Here: Ted Deer from Hill Avenue Church, Regina, SK Ashley Desormeau from McBride, BC Edmund Suryadharma from Rawamangun SDA Church, Jakarta, Indonesia Joining Elsewhere: Brandi Mills to Airdrie, AB READ THE BIBLE through in 2015. Be sure to pick up a Bible reading guide to help you with a daily plan for reading the Bible through in one year. They are available from the magazine rack in the foyer. NEXT SABBATH we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper and Communion during the worship service. Plan to be here for a special blessing. THE CHURCH RENOVATION FUND RAISING COMMITTEE wishes to thank you for your faithful financial support of the recent improvements made to our house of worship. Additional funds are still needed to complete all of the renovations approved by the Church Board. As this year draws to a close and we look ahead to 2015 you are requested to please remember this renovation project in your plans for giving to the church. BIBLE STUDY GUIDES for adult Sabbath School are available from the Deacons’ Room or the magazine rack in the foyer. NEW SABBATH SCHOOL CLASS: Resolving Everyday Conflict Sabbath School Class begins January 10 and continues for eight sessions through February 28. The class will meet in Room 112 of the Education Building from 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. Participant books are available at the Adventist Book Centre. For information contact Bruce Boyd at 403-598-5772 or bboyd@cauc.ca. Let the Holy Spirit transform your conflicts into opportunities for healing and growth. SABBATH SCHEDULE: During the Christmas season we are having only one worship service on Sabbaths. Continuing through January 3, Adult Sabbath School will begin at 9:15 a.m. and will be followed by the worship service at 10:50 a.m. The time for beginning in the children’s Sabbath Schools varies, so please check with your child’s division for their schedule. ALBERTA ADVENTIST NEWS for December may be picked up from the foyer today. It is also available online at: http://albertaadventist.ca/aan. THE SUNSET CALENDAR for 2015 is also available from the foyer today or online at: http://albertaadventist.ca/downloads. DEVOTIONAL BOOKS for 2015 which were ordered through the church office may be picked up from the office during the week. If you are making a special trip to pick them up, please call ahead (403-782-6131). Please make cheques payable to College Heights SDA Church. HAS YOUR ADDRESS CHANGED? Please be sure to let the church office know if your address has changed or will be changing. This helps to keep our records up to date, as well as ensuring that you will continue to receive the Messenger and Adventist World magazines. If you’re not receiving these magazines, please contact the office at 403-782-6131 or by email to office@chsda.ca. DONATIONS FOR 2014: If you wish to receive a receipt for donations made in 2014, please be sure they are turned in by midnight on December 31. Donations which are mailed must be postmarked by December 31. During the week you may leave your donations at the church office or drop them in the mail drop box which is located on the outside wall on the east end of the church. Please make cheques payable to the College Heights SDA Church. ONLINE DONATIONS: Are you making donations online? Remember to complete your offering donations before midnight EST to ensure a tax receipt for 2014. ANNUAL NEW YEAR’S CHURCH SOCIAL: Come to the CUC gym on January 3 from 6:00 – 10:00 p.m. for an evening of fun activities. The tentative schedule is: volleyball (new teams will be organized each hour), badminton, ping-pong, table/card games, and kids’ play area available the entire evening. Please bring your favorite snacks (veggies, fruit, crackers, chips, cookies, etc.), games and a friend! Drinks, popcorn, fruit salad and tableware will be provided. Remember to bring clean indoor shoes. Hope to see you there! Contact Tena (403-704-1501) or Marcia (403-782-0277) if you have questions. – Church Social Committee WANTED: Used greeting cards of any kind – birthday, wedding, get well, graduation, Christmas, etc., can be used to recycle and be “repurposed.” They could be dropped off at The Good Water Company or brought to the church. CITRUS FRUIT FUND RAISER: The CUC/PAA Choral Union is now taking orders for our Winter Term Fundraiser. Navel Oranges, Ruby Red Grapefruit and for the first time, Mandarin Oranges, will be available. Please submit your orders via email to musicsec@cauc.ca. If you are unable to submit via email please leave a detailed message at: 403-782-3381, ext. 4078, or 403-7824310. All orders must be submitted no later than January 5, 2015. Orders will be available for pick up at the Marketing and Enrollment building across from the church on Sunday, January 18, 2015 from 1:00 - 6:00 p.m.; Monday, January 19, from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. and Tuesday, January 20, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. POSITION OPEN: Canadian University College is seeking to fill a tenure-track position for the International Studies Program. The successful candidate will have a PhD in history, anthropology, political science or a related discipline. Applications should be sent to Dr. Joy Fehr at jfehr@cauc.ca. Further information can be found at: http://cauc.ca/humanresources. CHURCH BULLETIN information should be at the church office each week by noon on Wednesday. It is appreciated if it is given in writing. It may be left in the mail slot on the outside of the office, dropped off at the office, or sent by e-mail to office@chsda.ca Calendar For the Week TODAY 4:27 p.m. - Sabbath Ends MONDAY 11:00 a.m. - NO Worship Committee WEDNESDAY 12:00 noon - Bulletin Information Deadline 7:30 p.m. - NO Prayer Meeting THURSDAY 9:30 a.m. - NO Ladies Prayer Group FRIDAY 4:33 p.m. - Sabbath Begins 7:30 p.m. - NO Vespers SABBATH 8:45 a.m. - Sabbath Morning Prayer Group 9:15 a.m. - Sabbath School, Ron Schafer 10:50 a.m. - Worship Service, Pastor Sydenham Communion Service Offering: Church Budget
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