Worship Services November 22, 2014 9:15 and 11:45 a.m.

Worship Services
November 22, 2014
9:15 and 11:45 a.m.
Organ Prelude
Come, Humble Sinner
P.P. Stearns
Gathering to Worship
Welcome and Sharing
Pastor Ron Sydenham
Pastor Massiel Davila-Ferrer (second service)
Singing Praises
Sharing Our Offerings
Worship With Music
Kum Ba Yah
Children’s Story
J. Langlais
Children’s Choir
Carole Jean-Baptiste
Congregational Prayer
Reuben Lorenson
Reading the Scriptures
Philippians 2:1 - 5
Kalista Ziakris; Luke Ganson (second service)
Pastor Ron Sydenham
“The Gospel of Inconvenience”
Congregational Response
Lord of All Nations
Hymn No. 588
Sung to the tune of “Before Jehovah’s Awful Throne”
Organ Postlude
Pastor Ron Sydenham
Fugue in C
D. Buxtehude
Organist: Wendy Markosky
10:30 a.m.
“Singing and Making Melody to the Lord!”
“When I Survey the Wondrous Cross,” Hymn No. 154
Delicia Adams, Shanelle Adams; Kris Haynal, Patricia Latoski
Welcome and Prayer
Candace Sayler
Music by: Congregation and Praise Team, Nicole Bartolay, Kris Haynal, Joanne Nischuk, Candace Sayler, Julie Thomspon
Offering for Missions
The Study of God’s Word
“The Humility of Heavenly Wisdom”
Brock Stephens
HAPPY SABBATH and welcome to a time of worship today with others in the family of God. Let us praise the Lord today for His
constant goodness and love for us.
THE OFFERING during the worship services today is for our local Alberta Conference Advance. It will help provide funds for
conference evangelism, building project assistance, education at all levels, and the operation of Foothills Camp for camp meeting, youth
camps and other ministry weekends. Donations for offerings may be made online through the church website: www.chsda.ca
SMALL GROUPS meet for Sabbath School study in the following places:
Education Building, Room 110 – Ken Boyko’s class
Education Building, Room 111 – Keith Clouten’s and Ron Bissell’s class
Pastor Sydenham’s office: Paul Dara’s and Joseph Nyachiro’s class
CUC Social Eyez Student Lounge – 10:30 a.m. – “Detour ?” class for college age youth and young adults
Beginning at 10:30 a.m.: Education Building, Room 109 – Doug Matacio’s and Dave Southcott’s class, “Revelation”
HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES to Pam Maattanen whose birthday is today, to Vi Cooper and Robyn Hunter who will celebrate on
November 23, to Dan Clarke who was born November 24 and to Dana Tenerife whose birthday is November 27.
We were sorry to learn that former member of our church, Roland Lind, passed away in Finland on November 11.
FELLOWSHIP DINNER TODAY is served by the Pathfinders, Matacio/Southcott and Clouten /Bissell classes. We invite our visitors,
new church members and the students who received a written invitation. Other church members who would like to share in the
fellowship are welcome to come and bring a favorite dish. Please join us in the Earliteen Room downstairs following the seco nd
worship service.
FELLOWSHIP DINNER SCHEDULE: November 29: Visitor’s potluck group
December 6: Deaconesses
December 13: Nursery and Cradle Roll Sabbath School
KIDS CHURCH: The last two KIDS Church programs of the year are happening today and November 29! Please join us at the
Spiritual Life Center (CUC Marketing & Enrollment) for a wonderful worship service. The service will begin at 11:45 a.m. for ages 5 –
KIDS CHURCH: Please mark November 30 in your calendar because the KIDS Church team will be putting on a Winterfest for Kids
from 2:30 to 5:00. Please join us for crafts, games, movies and lots of snacks! This event will take place in the Spiritual Life Center.
Parents please feel free to bring some snacks as well! Please contact Joahna Jao at joahnajao@cauc.ca for any questions and if you are
planning to bring any snacks.
RENOvember–appreciating church renovations and donating in a special way this month–continues for eight more days. We encourage
you to open your eyes and hearts...and to give a RENOvember offering. Please tell us about your RENOvember experiences. Keith
Leavitt kleavitt@cauc.ca) and Denise Herr (dherr@cauc.ca)
TONIGHT is the last Evensong of fall semester, 2014! It begins promptly at 4:00 p.m. in the church. Dr. John McDowell will give the
“spoken word” as well as provide “art images” of his own works to view while listening to music performed by music majors and
faculty. This Evensong will truly be a feast for the eyes, ears and heart!
Joining Here:
Curtis and Kimberly Harrington from Salmon Arm SDA Church, Salmon Arm, BC
Rick Hindley from British Columbia Conference Church, Abbotsford, BC
Barbara White Skoretz from Calgary Central SDA Church, Calgary, AB
Lloyd and Sandra Steeves from North Sydney SDA Church, North Sydney, NS
Dena Werezuk from Vegreville SDA Church, Vegreville, AB
Joining Elsewhere:
Craig Adams to Hazelton SDA Church, Hazelton, BC
Ed Fortney to Camrose SDA Church, Camrose, AB
Liza Imanzi to Kitchener-Waterloo Adventist Church Kitchener, ON
Davina James to Calgary Garden Road SDA Church, Calgary, AB
Mary Porcina to Alberta Conference Church, Lacombe, AB
CUC/PAA CHORAL UNION presents Handel’s Messiah. Come and enjoy the glorious sounds of the well known oratorio in our church
on Friday, November 28, at 7:30 p.m. or at 4:00 p.m. on Sabbath, November 29. No admission charge, but an offering will be taken. To
view the livestream visit www.cauc.ca and click on the “Messiah” concert banner.
GIFT SABBATH will be December 13. This is an opportunity to reach out to people in our community by giving new items to share with
others. You are invited to bring unwrapped gift items for men and women, toys for children, and non-perishable food items. Please
bring your donations to church on, or before, December 12. Thank you for helping give joy to people this season.
YOU ARE INVITED to hear award winning columnist for The Toronto Star and Seventh-day Adventist Royson James who will be
speaking for CUC University Convocation in our church at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, November 25. All are welcome to this free
CHRISTMAS EVE: It’s the Christmas countdown! Once again College Heights Church will be hosting a Christmas Eve song service
starting at 6:00 p.m. on December 24. Please join us for an hour of singing and fellowship as a great way to start your Christmas traditions. For more information please call Rachel at 403-896-0082.
JEWISH MINISTRIES: SDACC launches Jewish Ministries in Canada with a special weekend seminar entitled “Judaism and
Christianity--Repairing the Breach. An introduction to Adventist-Jewish Ministries.” Dr. Alexander Bolotnikov, North American
Division Director of the Shalom Learning Center will be presenting the series which includes sermons, teaching, and demonstrations of
traditional Hebraic services that will deepen your understanding of the New and Old Testaments and the vibrant connection between
Christianity and Judaism. Join us November 28 - 30 at the Red Deer Adventist Church for this premiere series. See
www.canada.shalomlc.org or www.facebook.com/SLCCanada or call 403-877-7642 for more details. The weekend schedule is posted
on the bulletin boards in the foyer.
BELIZE MISSION TRIP: Join the Alberta Conference Youth Department February 15-24, 2015 as 24 participants travel to Central
America to assist our extended church family with the construction of a much needed church. Make next year’s family holiday a
“Service Vacation” where the whole family can participate. Anyone under 16 years of age will need a parent or guardian to attend. For
an application form go to www.freshalbertayouth.ca. or call Kevin Kiers at 587-876-2224. Deadline to register is November 24.
JUNIOR EVENT: “Not Your Average Games Night” Juniors’ event for ages 10 - 12 on November 29 from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in the
Earliteen Room downstairs. Snacks provided!
LADIES: You are invited to join us as we shower Amy Heintz with love, support and gifts on the birth of her baby boy Damien Weldon
on November 4. We will meet together in the Earliteen room on Sunday, November 30, at 1:30 p.m. To be part of a group gift or for
additional information, please call Ellen Bell at 403-782-2730.
ACRONAIRE SHOW: The Acronaires invite you to their pre-Christmas show at 8:30 p.m. at the CUC gym - stage side on Thursday,
November 27. We will be highlighting our Christmas Tree Festival routine. This will be a short 30 minute presentation. Come support
the Acronaires and get in the Christmas spirit.
ALUMNI FUN FEST: CUC and PAA invite you to the Fall Alumni Fun Fest weekend November 28 – November 30. Our speaker will
be Azalea Lehndorff C '10. Special features for the weekend are the pancake breakfast, public skate, and more. Call to sign up for the
always popular hockey tournament. Once again we will feature a hockey reception drop-in meal at the Lacombe arena on Saturday
evening. Free for hockey players and their families. RSVP requested. Thank you! Please contact Shannon Bechthold at 403-782-3381,
ext. 4161, or email alumni@cauc.ca to sign up or for more information.
CUC/PAA ALUMNI FUN FEST 40+ Hockey Games: Alumni, faculty/staff, and current students – we need more of you to sign up!
Men’s 40+ have two slots: one Saturday night and one Sunday morning. This is recreational, come have some fun! Minimal ice time
cost only. Please contact Shannon at 403-782-3381, ext. 4161, or email alumni@cauc.ca to sign up.
Calendar For the Week
4:33 p.m. - Sabbath Ends
11:00 a.m. - NO Worship Committee
12:00 noon - Bulletin Information Deadline
7:00 p.m. - Pathfinder Meeting at CHCS Gym
7:30 p.m. - Prayer Meeting
9:30 a.m. - Ladies Prayer Group
7:00 p.m. - Bible Study Group
4:27 p.m. - Sabbath Begins
7:30 p.m. - Choral Union, “Messiah”
8:45 a.m. - Sabbath Morning Prayer Group
9:15 a.m. - Worship Service, Azalea Lehndorff
10:30 a.m. - Sabbath School, Alumni
11:45 a.m. - Worship Service, Azalea Lehndorff
Offering: NAD Evangelism