Bulletin - New Beginnings

Message Notes / Scripture References:
July 5, 2015
Pastor Joshua Johnson
God Created
Mark 10:1-12
Dear Guests . . . We are glad you have joined us for
worship today! We hope you feel at home, among friends
who care. If you are seeking a new church family, a place where
you can belong, we would love to have you join us. So we may
get to know you better, would you fill out a Guest Information
Card (in the chair pockets) and place it in an offering plate.
In this building we have Nursery Care for babies up to 3 year
olds and Jr. KIDS Church® for 3’s-K’s.
For children in Grades 1─5, we have Kids Korner, held on the
2nd─4th Sundays of each month. Kidz Passport to Missions is
held on the 1st Sunday of each month for 1st─6th Graders.
If you have something to communicate to one of our pastors
or the church office, or have a prayer request, please use the
back of the Guest Information Card in the chair pockets. Simply
place it in the offering plate.
Cell Phones & Pagers - During the service, please turn off or
silence your electrical devises. Thank you.
Christian Education Classes-Sunday’s at 9:15 AM:
Bible Study Groups for Adults (several choices.)
Sunday School ages 6 months–High School.
Prayer Chain Ministry - If you have a prayer concern, contact
the church office: office.LNBnazarene@gmail.com or 224-1311.
Joshua Johnson, Senior Pastor
Office Hours for Appointments: Tues─Thurs 9am─2pm
Brian Bollinger, Associate Pastor of Youth & Families
Mike Matthews, Associate Minister of Visitation
Phyllis Huntley, Office Administrator
Phyllis’ Hours: Mon─Fri 9am─2pm
Tithes & Offerings
Actual Wkly Goal
$ 4,318 $ 5,503
$ 3,405 $ 5,503
$ 4,362 $ 5,503
$ 4,617 $ 5,503
Faith Promise Giving for
Nazarene Missions International
November 2014 ─ October 2015
Faith Promise giving to date: $15,234
Giving goal to date: $11,095
Special Offerings to date: $ 3,547
Total Year to Date Giving: $62,884;
Goal to date: $56,382
New Beginnings Church of the Nazarene
 2015 Warner Press, Inc.
All rights reserved
Made in USA
SPIRIT REIGN © 2014 by David Coplin
Used by permission. All rights reserved.
New Beginnings Church of the Nazarene
33 Staniels Road, Loudon, NH 03307
Last Sunday was World Mission Broadcasting Offering Day
$142 was received; this equals 35.5 minutes of airtime.
It’s not too late to sponsor airtime with a donation.
Nazarene broadcasters, around the globe, daily speak
God's Word through radio, television, and the internet.
Every $4 pays for 1-minute of airtime.
July 5, 2015
10:30 A.M.
Jr. Kids Church: For children Ages 3-Kindergarten in this building.
It starts at 10:30am, with check-in opening at 10:15am.
Kidz Passport to Missions: For kids in Grades 1–6; dismissal to this
Nazarene Missions lesson will be just before the sermon. We
meet next door in Classroom 9.
Offering: Along with our Regular Tithes and Faith Promise Offerings,
we will still receive your annual offerings for World Mission
Broadcasting. Special envelopes are in the foyer by the office door.
Today’s Message:
Pastor Joshua Johnson
God Created
Mark 10:1-12
This Week at a Glance
Family Camp 2015 Ends
6:00pm Softball Game: 57 Staniels Rd., Loudon
7:00pm Celebrate Recovery – South Building
NYC 2015 Attendees Leave for Louisville, KY
NO Early Youth Group This Week
2:30pm Ladies Prayer Group – Martha Barnard’s Home
6:30pm Jr/Sr High Youth Pool Party – Pastor Josh & Jen’s Home
7:00pm Church Board Business Meeting – Classroom 4
Next Sun Communion & Compassion Sunday
8:45am Prayer Gathering – Pastor Joshua’s Office
9:15am Sunday School and Adult Bible Studies
10:30am Worship Service and Kids Korner
12:00pm Last VBS Staff Meeting – Classroom 4
Because the 3rd Sunday this month is Race Weekend:
Next Sunday is Compassion Sunday when our church family brings in shampoo
(tape flip-tops down) or toilet paper (individually wrapped) for the Mobile Ministry of
Rise Again Outreach.
If you would like to make a monetary donation (through our
offering plates), just label your checks or giving envelopes
“Rise Again Outreach.”
WMB: Whatever It Takes
Changes for the Summer Months - there will be:
• No Sunday night gatherings or worship services
• No Wednesday night Adult Bible Study or Kids Time
• No Thursday night Adult Bible Study at the Watt’s home.
We hope you have a restful and peaceful summer with family and friends.
Today is the last day to sign-up to volunteer for Race Weekend
(July 17-19): The Sign-up sheets are in the main
foyer for Rise Again Raceway Ministries.
Golf-cart Drivers, Setup, Take-down and more.
Contact Bob Pease with any questions.
The Trustees need some more volunteers to help with lawn care. See
the sign-up sheet in the main foyer for weed-whacking or lawn mowing.
Dates are not firm and can be moved a few days to accommodate your
schedules or weather.
Nazarene Youth Conference 2015: July 7-14
Let us remember to pray for God’s anointing on our three teens: Cassie
and Josh Baldinger and Joshua Smith, as well as Brian & Jill, while they
are in Louisville, Kentucky and for traveling mercies. Many teens sense
a call to ministry or a deeper walk with Jesus, as a result of this event.
Decorations and Decorating for VBS
Phyllis is heading up the decorating for in Bond Hall and
the Foyer. It is going to be very simple this year! Can
you loan us brightly or shiny colored cloth and/or tapestries
that look Asian; or loan us any Thailand items you may have. Artificial
plants or trees would be a nice touch, too. We will take good care of
your things. Let Phyllis know if you can help with pre-decorating plans:
731-7112 / huntleyphyllis@gmail.com. Thanks!
Softball Game Tomorrow Night - 6:00 PM!
We play against Concord’s South Congregational church at our field down the
road from the church: Landry Field, 57 Staniels Rd. Take yourself out to the
ballgame and don’t forget the bug repellant. ☺
Ladies Prayer Support Group - Tuesdays, 2:30-3:30pm
All ladies that have this time free are welcome. We want to support each
other with concentrated prayer for our personal needs, families, ministries,
and whatever is weighing on our hearts. We will gather at the home of Martha
Barnard (84 Bear Hill Rd., Loudon).
Key Staff Position Still Open for Vacation Bible School:
One Adult Games Leader, we have a teen Games Assistant.
Some Fill-Ins for people who cannot make it one or two nights.
Help with Props and Snacks: check out the elephant in the foyer: there's
lots of "stuff" needed. From watermelon to garden hoses: can you lend it or
donate to us? Just pick a Post-It off the elephant and bring the item to the
church by 7/19. If you can't get it there, call Mary or Meredith to pick it up.
Pray for staff’s health, the hearts of the children and that the love of Jesus
would shine through each of us as we bring God's word to our kids. Thanks!
Thailand Trek VBS Begins in Just Four Weeks
Pre-registration continues in the foyer. Each family unit
that signs up for VBS will receive a CD of the music!
Invitations are also in the foyer. Invite your children’s
friends, neighbors or co-worker’s children.
Last Staff Meeting Next Sunday immediately after
the service, in the large classroom next door.
Thank You, Don Wilson, for moving the church lawn!
July 27-30, 6-8 PM
Ages 3(toilet trained) ─12
JESUS Film Harvest Partners’ Mission Trip
Martha Barnard leaves for Argentina very early next Sunday morning,
July 12th. Six other people will be traveling with her; two of them are
young ladies from Merrimack NH.
Today we will ‘pray them out’ during the morning worship service. This
is so exciting; how many lost souls will find Christ as a result of these
film kits and training supplies arriving in this South American country?
Praise the Lord!
Please keep this team in your prayers through July 22.
Ithiel Falls Camp Meeting: Interdenominational Holiness Camp
Hogback Road - Just off Route 15: Johnson, VT 05656.
July 22 - Aug. 2, 2015 = 117th Year!
See their flier posted on the bulletin board between the restrooms of our
South Building.
For Registration Forms or More Information: call: 802-635-7346 -orvisit: ithielfalls.org
Summer Christian Camp Dates at Windsor Hills Camp:
Family Camp: Sat., 6/27 - Sun., 7/5
( Everyone is welcome to come to the daily events at Windsor Hills
Camp & Retreat Center, even if you are not staying there. )
Children’s Camp: Sun., 7/12 - Fri., 7/17 (completed Grades 2-6)
Jr & Sr High Camp: Sun., 7/19 - Fri., 7/24 (completed Grades 7-12)
Performing Arts Camp: Sun., 8/9 - Fri., 8/15 (Ages 11-17)
Register online at: whcamp.org
Camp Phone: 603-478-3363
GPS Address: 33 Beech Drive, Windsor, NH
Mailing Address: 29 White Pond Road, Windsor, NH 03244