Minutes of the Chester Public Library Board of Trustees Meeting March 17, 2015 T. Woods called the meeting to order at 7:22 pm. Present: Leila Goldthwaite, Maureen Jagos, Joanna Janik, Naomi Sagiv, Tanya Woods, and Sue Elter Absent: Teresa Mallon Visitors present: none Secretary’s Report: A motion was made by J. Janik and seconded by N. Sagiv to accept the minutes from February 2015. The motion was passed 4-0. Correspondence: none Disbursements: A motion to accept the February 2015 disbursements was made by J. Janik and seconded by N. Sagiv. The motion was passed 4-0. Treasurer’s Report: S. Elter said there was no additional information to report. J. Janik made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report. N. Sagiv seconded it. The motion was passed 4-0. Director’s Report: --See attached Director’s Report Updating patron records: Discussion was held on purging “old” patron records. RCLS will make batch changes, staggering the patron list in three months. Renewal will be for 5 years. Updates will be made in the same manner as the original application for a Library Card, eg a driver’s license. It will be announced on the Website when cards will be expiring. Why purge? To identify current users. Does it affect the budget? No L.I.N.K. Letter update: The Letter has been sent to contacts at the schools. It was suggested that using “daily announcements” (PA system) might broaden interest. Eg: “Do you need help with homework?” Discussion included: peer tutoring by NHS members, flyers given out at PTA meetings and Board of Ed meeting. National Disability Month: Joni will be at the Galleria on March 22nd at an information table as part of the OC Services Fair. PLA initiative: A lengthy discussion was held. Would it benefit the Library? How? Would Maureen become a better informed advocate for budget increase? What would her plan of action be over the next three years of the PLS initiative? Could Maureen attend this preconference workshop on performance evaluations for Public Libraries to be held in San Francisco in June 2015 at the ALA Convention (which she would also attend?) Where would the money come from for Maureen to attend? Money ($2000) would be made available from Capital Funds which is in accordance with its use policy. It was agreed that this will be the one paid Library conference that Maureen would attend this year. M. Jagos will consult with travel agent at ALA to try and get discounted travel prices. S. Hoefer at RCLS said that using Capital Funds for Continuing Education is a legitimate expense. Computers: One machine is needed immediately as a “full share” computer which have a one time cost of $1500 and be replaced free of charge in four years. A full share means that its service fees are $760/year. The remaining 3 computers will continue on the “partial share” contract for $620/year until they need to be replaced at which time they will also carry the “full share” service and be purchased for $1500. It’s possible that one other computer may also need to be replaced this year. A motion was made by N. Sagiv to purchase a new computer not to exceed $1500 from capital funds. J. Janik seconded the motion. The vote was passed 4-0. Old Business: Whistle Blower Policy (see policy) A question was asked about #9: Clarification. What is the law that protects the Library from keeping records of patron’s reading habits, computer use, etc.? Privacy laws. Deniability. A question was asked about #5: Clarification. Open disclosure. A motion was made by N. Sagiv to approve the Whistle Blower Policy and seconded by J. Janik. It was passed 4-0. Conflict of Interest Policy (see policy) A motion was made by N. Sagiv to accept the Conflict of Interest Policy and seconded by J. Janik. It was passed 4-0. Display Case Policy (see policy) A motion was made by J. Janik to accept the Display Case Policy with changes and seconded by N. Sagiv. It was passed 4-0. New Business: Out of System Card Holders Policy (see policy). A motion was made by N. Sagiv to accept the revised version of The Out of System Card Holders Policy and seconded by J. Janik. It was passed 4-0 Homebound Delivery Policy (see policy). A motion was made by N. Sagiv to accept the Homebound Delivery Policy and seconded by J. Janik. It was passed 4-0. It was suggested that Friends of the Library would pay. M. Jagos requested Executive session to discuss a personnel issue. A motion was made to go into Executive Session at 9:11 pm by N. Sagiv and seconded by J. Janik. The board exited Executive Session at 9:16 pm. Director’s Report item #2 was revisited: A motion was made by J. Janik to approve capital funds to send M. Jagos to the PLA Initiative PreConference at ALA in San Francisco in June and seconded by N. Sagiv. The motion passed 4-0. A motion was made by J. Janik to approve capital funds to send J. Armstrong to the PLA Initiative PreConference at ALA in San Francisco in June and seconded by N. Sagiv. The motion was defeated 0-4. L. Goldthwaite made a motion to adjourn which was seconded by N. Sagiv. T. Woods adjourned the meeting at 9:20 pm. The next meeting for the Chester Library Board with be held on April 21, 2015. Respectfully submitted, Leila Goldthwaite Secretary, Board of Trustee’s The Town of Chester Public Library
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