June 14, 2015 Frankie Weaver Judy Hanscum Jami Lowe Stephen Buse Family of Alan Monette Family of Linda Larsen Todd Parks Bob & Melanie Rose Jason, Angela & Carston Rose Kathy Gideon Frankie Weaver Cheryl Martz Jeanne Price Nowlin Allen Cordell Tommy Bass Sheila Harris Faye Heine Beverly Musil Don Scott David Munden Lenny Todek Ralph Cordell Kevin Nix Lee Stewart Reba Allen Sara Anglin Dolores Rivera Haley Donajkowski Sally Jo Truhlar Lone Davis McLennan Deke Hall Lions Club is collecting used prescription glasses. You may deposit them in the collection box located in Fellowship Hall. Prayer Time St. Catherine’s Virginia Reese Clifton Nursing Home Faye Heine The Regent Patsy Watson At Home Dorothy Garrett Lee Stewart Ridgecrest Buddy Roberts Women’s Bible Study Tuesdays at 9am in the fellowship hall Donations for Flood Relief Victims Checks may be made out to UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) designated for this relief account number #901670. YOUTH MINISTRIESPlease pray for our missionaries who will be leaving on Mission Trip today to Oakdale, LA. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers this week as they travel. If you are visiting, please designate by marking “visitor”, and putting your name, address and phone number in the red pew pad. If you are interested in joining our church, please fill out the back of the bulletin and give it to Pastor Jane. Sunday Attendance 8:30: 79 ; 11:00: 73 Sunday School: 31 ; Other Groups: 222 Meals on Wheels Ministry: Volunteers:18, Clients: 13 Children’s Ministry: We had an amazing turn out for VBS! I just want to thank all my amazing volunteers who help pull the whole thing together, It would have not been a success without all your help and hard work. A special thank you to Cheryl Donajkowski for a very generous donation of T shirts for VBS for both volunteers and kids! Thank you Donna Herbert, Wanda Jean Freeze and Whitney DuMenil for the awesome decorations. Thank you to all the adults who help with the stations: Crystell Billman, Ken Ulibarri, Laura Hyden, Allison Walden, Erv Donajkowski, Davena Pogue, Jan Holt and Cindy Mayes. Thank you to all the youth who were a station helper or crew leader: Ryland Holt, Taylor Larsen, Kenny Ulibarri, Danny Tiedemann, Katy Tiedemann, Layne Mayes, Nellie Freeze, Syndey Sunderman, Zach Cunningham, Ty Harris, and Sarah Crain, Adam Donoso and Anthony Donoso. Also I would like to offer a big thank you to all the church members who donated items for decoration or food for snacks! Thank you for helping make my first VBS an amazing one!! Volunteer schedule for China Spring Cares! Packing food: Thur sday, J une 25th at 10:00am, Thur sday, J uly 9th at 10:00am, Wednesday, J uly 15th at 10:00am, Thursday, July 23rd at 9:00am. FOOD ITEMS NEEDED: pop top meals, tuna meals, peanut butter cr acker s, individual oatmeal packs, gr anola bars and water ***Back to School Shopping night - Monday, August 17th from 5:00-8:00pm ( ADULTS ONLY) The Empowerment House is also in need of volunteers to help feed and interact with the kids they feed each day. They need volunteers Monday - Friday from 10:30-12:30 from June 15th through July 31st. You can contact Glor ia Cobb at 254-716-7774 or gcobb1959@gmail.com if you are interested in helping. These are the kids that receive the bags of food we prepare each week. They have a great program in the summer for the kids and could sure use your help. If you have kids who need volunteer hours - all the above are great ways to get those hours before school even starts! Some Thoughts from Pastor Jane Today's worship services contain two very important events. At our 8:30 service, we send off our Senior High Youth on their journey of faith on a mission trip to Oakdale, Louisiana. At our 11:00 service, we will baptize Jared Todd Freeze into Christ's Holy Church, thus sending him off on his own journey of faith, guided by all of us, as his local Church family. When you stop and think about it, these two events have a good deal in common. They are both journeys; one short-term and the other long-term. They are journeys supported by a community of believers. Most especially, they are expressions of faith in our God's grace, guidance, and love in all of our lives. I ask your continuing prayers for our students and their leaders as they travel, and that they might experience God's love and grace in the lives of those they will serve this week. I ask your continuing prayers for Jared and his family, that they might always be guided by God's wisdom, as they continue living in the power and love of Jesus Christ. ******************************************************************************************* A special note of thanks to all our VBS workers for a great week! When you see Angela Ulibarri, our Director of Children's Ministry, please congratulate her on a job very well done! ****************************************************************************************** SERMON SERIES FOR THE SUMMER "JOURNEYS IN FAITH" A ROAD-TRIP THROUGH THE BIBLE June 14th - Gideon - Judges 6:11-15 June 21st - Nehemiah - Nehemiah 2:1-5 June 28th - Esther - Esther 4:9-14 July 5th - Solomon - Proverbs 12:18, 16:24, 18:21 July 12th - J er emiah - Jeremiah 1:4-8 July 26th - China Spr ing UMC Youth Witness their Faith Experience from Mission Trips to Oakdale, Louisiana and Midlothian, Texas August 2nd - Paul - Acts 9:1-6; 17-20 August 9th - J ohn - Revelation 21:1-5 July 19th - Daniel - Daniel 1:5-17 Buddy Roberts 100th Birthday is June 30th! Ridgecrest Retirement Center 1900 HWY 6 Rm 126 Waco, TX 76710 Send him a card! For the month of June we will collect the following items: rice, canned meats, macaroni & cheese and peanut butter and jelly. for Caritas. Please bring items to the fellowship hall. We have collected 664 lbs. so far this year. Church Staff Lead Pastor pastor@chinaspringumc.com Cell phone #: 254-931-4656 Parsonage: 254-836-4431 Choir Director/pianist gwade@mclennan.edu Chime Choir Director chimechoirdirector@chinaspringumc.com Children’s Choir Dir. childrenschoirdirector@chinaspringumc.com Dir. of Children’s Ministries childrendirector@chinaspringumc.com Dir. of Student Ministries studentministries@chinaspringumc.com Secretary secretary@chinaspringumc.com Bookkeeper Bookkeeper@chinaspringumc.com Lay Leader dhixson48@yahoo.com Prayer Chain 254-836-1107 Jane Woodward Gail Wade Jim Hyden Jan Holt Angela Ulibarri Patrick Turkett Cecilia Boutwell Nelda Wheeler Donna Hixson Church Office P.O. Box 400 / 262 Illinois China Spring, TX 76633 Ph. #836-1107 Fax # 836-8112
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