Saint John Lutheran Church Bellevue, Iowa A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Growing and responding Every Day as disciples of Jesus July 2015 2015 YOUTH MISSION TRIP MILWAUKEE, WI On July 12, six youth and three adults will embark on a week long mission trip to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. They will be joining other youth and adults who will be serving one of the most segregated and underprivileged communities in the nation. This community has the highest teen pregnancy rate and highest unemployment rate for African American males. It is the fourth poorest city in the country. Next Step Ministries will be coordinating our activities. This is the same organization who coordinated our 2012 mission trip to Joplin, MO. Our time will be filled with working on a restoration project during the day, and worshiping in the evening. This will be the 8th year that our youth (8th grade confirmation class) have gone on a mission trip. The mission trip is an important part of our confirmation ministry. It is a time for us to get away from our comfort zone and to make a difference in the lives of others. Many who have participated in the past have said that the mission trip was a life changing experience and a time to become closer to God. We want to thank every one who have supported the Lenten Soup Suppers, and the Omelet breakfast. These events provide the vast majority of financial support for our mission trips. Students participating in this year’s trip are: Toby Giesemann, Kyle Guenther, Skyler Michels, Sierra Nemmers, Andrew Penniston, and Jack Sieverding. The adult leaders are: Mike Dempewolf, Stephanie Penniston, and Pastor Paul Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses. Proverbs 10:12 Love Overcomes Hatred The people of Charleston, SC especially the members of Emanuel A.M.E congregation have proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ to our nation in the aftermath of the mass killing that happened in their church. Unlike other communities who erupted in riots, the people of Charleston remained peaceful. Yes, they have heard the words of Jesus—the same words we have heard to love and forgive our enemies. Besides hearing these words, they put them into action. They were determined not to let acts of hatred win out and rule over them. They were determined to have love overcome hatred. We know that acts of hatred is rooted in one’s prejudices. I remember participating in a racism workshop while I was at the seminary. One of many things I recall was the statement made by the presenter, “We all have our prejudices.” I was offended at first because I believed that I was free of any prejudicial thoughts. I didn’t dislike African Americans. I didn’t see myself as a sexist male. I don’t have any issue with gays and lesbians. The more I listened and thought about it, the more I became confident that the majority of us have prejudicial thoughts. For most people they remain quietly tucked away and not acted upon. For others, those prejudicial thoughts are verbalized and at times acted out in their behavior toward others. So how do we deal with our prejudices? Simply by showing and sharing our love—the love of Christ to all people. This past week we had two baptisms. During the rite of baptism, we presented a lit candle and repeat the words of Jesus, “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16) The people of Charleston let their lights shine—that is, they let their love shine so that all might give God the glory. Yes, love overcomes prejudices and hatred. Will you let the love of Christ shine in you? Let’s make a difference in our world! Pastor Paul 2 LOOK WHO’S HAVING A BIRTHDAY... Adrianna Budde-Heiar ......... 7/1 Judy Pooler .......................... 7/4 Ryan Ernst ........................... 7/5 Paul Gammelin .................... 7/5 Teagan Humphrey ............... 7/5 Deb Sieverding .................... 7/5 Brooke Johnson ................... 7/6 Karen Goepfert .................... 7/7 Gavin Keane ........................ 7/8 Linda Ries ............................ 7/8 Dennis Feil ......................... 7/11 Steve Brinker ..................... 7/12 Luke Giesemann................ 7/12 Kamron Wilson .................. 7/13 Gavin Schroeder ................ 7/14 Corey Christianson ............ 7/15 George Schlecht ................ 7/16 Janell Yaddof ..................... 7/18 Wendy Casel ..................... 7/19 Paige Mohr ........................ 7/19 Kylie Jess .......................... 7/20 Heather Koeller .................. 7/20 Beth Rogge ........................ 7/20 Devon Sieverding .............. 7/20 Raquel Clausen ................. 7/21 Jacob Ohlert ...................... 7/21 Tyrel Schroeder ................. 7/21 Mike Dempewolf ................ 7/21 Hunter Merrick ................... 7/22 Tana Herrig ........................ 7/23 Desiree Budde ................... 7/24 Sue Hayward ..................... 7/25 Nicholas Dempewolf .......... 7/27 Sam Iosbaker..................... 7/28 Cindy Putman .................... 7/30 Wyatt Scheckel .................. 7/30 Members Celebrating Their 90+ Birthday! Arlene Rowe July 9 Lorraine Kuhl July 22 Celebrating their 80+ Birthday! Ike Keil July 3 Roger Keil July 14 Bud Knake July 20 Arlene Keil July 23 George Wagner July 29 We apologize for any errors or omissions. If you notice any mistakes, please contact the church office. 3 PASTORAL ACTS Funeral—June 22 Alverna (Sanders) Keil Baptism—June 27 Keeley Ryan Clausen Parents: Kyle & Raquel (Keeley) Clausen Baptism—June 28 Reese June Schwartz Parents: Bradley & Tanna (Fuller) Schwartz Funeral—June 29 Eleanor (Hueneke) Griebel 4 Memorials & Gifts Received In Memory of Rev. Emmett T. Busch Memorial Fund Judy (Dagitz) Yeager Ark Fund Vacation Bible School Mona Niemann Memorial Fund Alverna Keil Memorial Fund Television Ministry Fund Ark Scholarship Fund MEMORIAL SERVICE The family of Bill Rieckens would like to invite everyone to a memorial service Saturday, July 25 at 1:00 at the Saint John Retreat Center. There will be a potluck lunch following the service. 5 REGISTER YOUR CHILD NOW! VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL - 2015 SUNDAY, JULY 19 THROUGH THURSDAY, JULY 23 AT SAINT JOHN LUTHERAN It is not too late to register your child for Vacation Bible School. VBS is for all youth age 4 through those going into Grade 6. It is open to all children in the Bellevue community or for your grandchildren. This year VBS will be held at the First Presbyterian Church. VBS starts at 5:00 pm with a meal and ends at 8:00 p.m. You can register your child by: 1. on-line (going to 2. completing a Registration form ( at the church ) or 3. calling Saint John ’ s office ( 872-5849 ) WE NEED YOUR HELP! In the past years, we have had over 100 children each year attending VBS. To make this ministry successful we need individuals to help in various ways. We need adults, high school, 7th & 8th graders to be group leaders. Call the church office today and say “Yes, I want to help with VBS.” VBS will be July 19-23 from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. 6 Supporting VBS Over the years we have received support from many generous people. Once again we are asking for your support. If you would like to give a cash donation, simply put your gift in an envelope and mark it “VBS.” In July, we will be placing a list of food items needed in back of the church and also on our TV channel. CHILDREN ARE WELCOME TO RECEIVE HOLY COMMUNION Jesus said, “Let the children come unto me.” Jesus’ invitation reminds us that he wanted everyone, including children to be included. At Saint John the sacrament of Holy Communion is available to all who believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, regardless of church membership or age. What this means is that there is no minimum age for a child to receive communion at Saint John. Receiving communion is not based on one’s understanding of the sacrament, but rather one’s faith in the gift that Christ offers us. If a child is expressing their desire to commune, we believe that the Spirit of God is working within the child, and that the child is ready to commune. Parents who would like to have their child receive communion need to indicate this desire to Pastor Paul. Pastor Paul will have a brief conversation with the child. Normally, this conversation happens after or before the worship service. 7 MEN’S BREAKFAST HELPS SUPPORT “WATER WELL” PROJECT On Sunday morning, June 14 the Men’s Ministry served a breakfast of eggs, pancakes, and sausage before the worship service at our Retreat Center. The breakfast was free and those who gathered to the wonderful meal were invited to give a donation to the “ELCA Water Well” project. The donations given were over $200.00. There were over 30 who enjoyed the breakfast. The men want to thank everyone who ate and gave a donation. The next Men’s Ministry gathering will be held on Wednesday, July 8 at 6:30 at the Retreat Center. The gathering brings with a meal. All men are welcome. 8 2015 Water Well Project Only $425 Left To Reach our Goal $2500 $ 2,075 6/15 $1,747 5/26 $787 4/17 After the breakfast served by the men on June and with the donations placed in the water jug, we are so close to providing our second water well in two years. As of June 15, we have received a total of $2,075. . If you want to make a donation with a check, place it in an envelope and mark it “Water Well” or you can put dollars in the water jug as you come to worship. Clean water is one of the most powerful ways to make change in the world. With each working well, or spring box, as many as 500 families gain access to clean, safe drinking water. Imagine the impact! Entire families have safe water to drink. Sanitation improves. Everyone is healthier and stronger. And best of all, women and children who once spent several hours each day fetching water can reallocate their time to school, work and family. 9 Women’s Ministry We invite all women to participate In one of our circles and benefit from our Bible studies and fellowship. RACHEL CIRCLE: Saturday, July 18 at 10:00 am at ‘The Happy Bean’ REBECCA CIRCLE: No meeting ELIZABETH CIRCLE: Thursday, July 16 at 7:00 pm Bible Study: Judy Pooler Hostesses: Eunice Schladetzky Janice Keil WELCA NEWS Hazy Lazy Days of summer are here. Or, is it monsoon season? This is the perfect time to say “Thank You” to all who so generously donated mittens, hats and clothes for our school children this winter. How fun it was to find packages of clothing to deliver to the school! The WELCA will be hosting a social gathering including Bingo at Sunrise Villa on Monday, July 20, at 1:30 pm. All women are encouraged to participate. Refreshments will be served. If you have any questions you can call Bea Hansen 872-5739 Hope to see you. Don’t forget CWF will be in September. Watch for further information. 10 WORSHIP ATTENDANCE OFFERINGS Saturday, May 30 ........................ 33 Sunday, May 31 .......................... 70 Saturday, June 6......................... 39 Sunday, June 7 ........................... 70 Saturday, June 13 ....................... 68 Sunday, June 14 ......................... 44 Saturday, June 20 ....................... 39 Sunday, June 21 ......................... 74 $3,383.00 $2,067.00 $2,984.00 $1,333.00 TREASURER’S REPORT Balance on 5/28/15 Income Offerings Interest from Brandt CD Gifts & Misc. Income Funeral Rickert Lodge Rental Non-budget Income Expenses Budgeted Expense Non-budgeted Expense Balance on 5/26/15 $3,022.91 $9,882.00 251.65 .52 $100.00 300.00 $465.00 ($11,977.71) ($465.00) $1,579.37 11 Saint John Council Minutes June 16, 2015 Present - Chris Iosbaker, Gary Feuerbach, Pastor Paul, Judy Graham, Ann Skoff, Craig Sieverding, Barry Nudd Absent Karen Brown Called to order by President Gary Feuerbach at 6:00 pm. Opening Devotion & Prayer led by Pastor Paul. Agenda - MSC to approve. Council Minutes - MSC to approve council minutes of 5/19/15. Reports - MSC to accept the May Financial Reports. Correspondence - None OLD BUSINESS Lodge Roof Update - The roof replacement has been completed. Air Conditioning Unit at Parsonage - Kieffer Plumbing & Heating has ordered a new unit and will install it when it arrives. NEW BUSINESS EWALU - MSC to approve the payment of $2081.07 to Camp EWALU. This is money that the campers earned from fund raising events and donations. Trust Fund Disbursement - MSC to direct the Trust Fund Committee to release $18,460.00 from the Trust Fund/Wiegert Estate. This money will be used to pay for the lodge roof replacement, as approved at the Special Congregational Meeting on August 3, 2014. OTHER BUSINESS - The council will not meet in July unless something comes up that warrants a meeting. MSC to adjourn at 6:17 pm. Closed with the Lord’s Prayer. Respectfully submitted, Ann Skoff, Council Secretary 12
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