Newsletter March, 2015 - Chinook School Division

Box 630 Ponteix, Sk. S0N 1Z0
Chad Striker
Rita Cyrenne-Office Manager
Phone: 306-625-3277or 306-625-3393
School Website:
Trish Carleton
Vice Principal
Ponteix School Values:
 We believe in learning for all.
 We respect ourselves and others.
 We strive to demonstrate integrity and embrace diversity in school, community and
 We work towards building responsibility and leadership qualities in our students.
 We communicate openly with our many communities.
We facilitate high standards for learning, responsible involvement, positive interactions, and pride
among all people in our school.
Ponteix School develops people who are proud to have been a member of our school and have the
applicable knowledge/skills, confidence and passion to make a successful contribution to society.
March 2; PJ Day
March 12; Grad meeting at lunch
March 14; 6 on 6 volleyball tournament
March 20; Beef on a Bun Sale
March 20; Hat Day
March 23; SCC meeting
March 25; Grad/parent meeting at 7:00pm
March 27; NO SCHOOL
March 31 & April 1; Student led conferences
April 2; Report Cards K-12
Proud Predator Moments
Kaitlyn Chenard is an all-around good student, great listener, always ready for
class and always willing to help. Kaitlyn is very responsible. Landyn Lacher is
becoming more responsible for his learning. His math and spelling contracts are
completed and his homework book is being signed. Eva Teichroeb has been
showing great strides in her reading. She has become an avid reader at home and at
school.Rhianna Ross had her poem “Your Smile” selected to be published in the
2014-15 edition of Young Saskatchewan Writers. Jaden Loose has been accepted
into Lethbridge College’s Early Childhood program. Rex Gian is being
acknowledged this month for the tremendous amount of work he put in during a
very short time after he returned from the Philippines. Rex was able to get caught
up, write his final exams, and acquire all the credit courses he was taking.
Proud Predator Monthly Assembly will take place on Tuesday, March 3rd.
The Chinook School Division is very excited to welcome new kindergarten
students and their families for the upcoming 2015-2016 school year.
Kindergarten Registration Week for all Chinook Schools is March 9-13,
• Kindergarten eligibility is age 5 by December 31, 2015.
• Parents must bring proof of child's birth date (Birth Certificate or Sask
Health Card).
Please check or contact your local school for specific dates
and to register your child.
SCC Corner
The SCC is currently looking for a replacement for the position vacated by Krista
Borgerson. If you are interested in joining the SCC please contact Mr. Striker or
Mrs. Gina Wheeler. On behalf of the SCC, Mr. Striker would to thank Krista for
all the work that she has done on the committee. She was an extremely positive,
supportive and active member of the SCC. Krista, you will be greatly missed.
Assiniboia will be lucky to have you and your family in their community.
The SCC is putting on a Family Movie Matinee on March 22nd. Movie will start
at 2pm, doors to the school will open at 1:30pm. Come and enjoy viewing Big
Hero 6 on the big screen in the high school gym. This event is completely free of
charge. Popcorn and a drink will also be provided. Mats will be available for
comfortable viewing as well as chairs. Feel free to bring comfy blankets if you
Jr. and Sr. Badminton Practices:
Monday Gr. 6-8; 3:30-5:00pm
Tuesday Gr. 9-12; 3:30-5:00pm
Wednesday Gr. 8-9; 3:30-5:00pm
Thursday Gr. 10-12; 3:30-5:00pm
Friday Gr. 6-7; 12:20-12:50pm
Sr. Badminton
March 7- Maple Creek
March 21-Home Tournament
March 28-Swift Current
April 18-Sr. Sectionals in Swift Current
April 25-Sr. Districts in Swift Current
May 2-Regionals in Regina
May 9-Provincials in Moose Jaw
Jr. Badminton
March 21-Maple Creek
April 25-Sectionals in Ponteix
Tuesday, March 3rd
At 10:00am
Boys-Please wear a white collared shirt
BEFORE 8:30 A.M.
Microwaves at Lunch: In order to stream line
lunch line-ups and wait times, we are asking
that your child’s lunch be pre-cooked and does
not require more than 2 minutes warming up.
We would like the children to have more play
time. Students are also required to bring their
own utensils and condiments.
*Reminder: Town kids should go home for lunch if possible.
Pyjama Day is the first
Monday of every
SRC still has POWER CARDS available for $20. All cards can be
used multiple times until October 2015.
This is our only fundraiser for SRC.
Smoothies-March 3rd
No Charge!
Beef on a Bun Sale!
March 20th
Please phone the school if your child/children will be picked
up by someone other than yourselves. Students will not be
allowed to leave with someone else without your consent.
High school students will not be allowed to
sign out early unless the PARENTS have phoned
the office.
Chinook School Division has renewed their website, which includes a new website
for each school. Please visit the website for information
the parents have first phoned the school.
You will also be able to access the website for our monthly newsletters. If this is the
avenue that you would like to access the monthly newsletter could you please email
Mrs. Cyrenne at with a subject heading Website
PARENTS: Please do not post pictures of any students, at school
functions including sports, on Facebook or on any other social media
website. Parents sign a photo/video/media release form. Some parents do
not give permission to have their children’s pictures released. It is very
important that we respect those wishes. Thank you for your cooperation. If
you have any questions, please phone the school.
SRC CORNER – The SRC is sponsoring a points competition to promote school
spirit and participation. Classrooms in the elementary are competing against each
other and grades 8–12 are competing against each other. Points can be earned by
participating in SRC sponsored events such as PJ day, Hat day, Spirit days, etc. At
the end of the year, the team with the most points will win lunch and a movie! One
prize will be awarded in grades kindergarten–7 and one in grades 8–12.
PLEASE LET US KNOW…If your child is away from school, for any reason; please call the
office at 625-3277 after 8:00am. Siblings often forget to inform staff members so please call us
directly. We will contact home if news is not received by 8:47am.
WE ALSO NEED TO KNOW where your children are at lunch. If your child usually stays
for lunch, and is leaving for any reason, please inform us. If your child usually goes home for
lunch, but will be staying for any reason, please inform us. THANK YOU.
The Chinook School Division has purchased WORLD BOOK ONLINE for our
school. Students can access the site from home as well.
Username: worldonline Password: book
March 20 -First Day of Spring!
Dear Parents, Guardian, and Students,
This year we have tried something new for hot lunches at school. We have
offered 7 different lunches, with 3 still to come. As well we have offered
several free smoothie days, muffin Mondays and a pancake breakfast.
Parents and students tell us they like having hot lunches but we are
noticing a decline in participation. We are looking for some feedback about
the way we did it this year as well as our meal choices.
When we chose our meals we tried to keep the cost affordable, under $5.00
a meal. We also need to keep in mind that we are busy teaching classes so
we need to offer meals we can prepare in advance with minimal time away
from our classes.
We are wondering how we could improve the program? What meals would
you like to see offered? Is the price reasonable? Is the portion appropriate?
Please email your suggestions to or complete the
form below and return it to the school. We welcome all ideas. Any parents
willing to volunteer to prepare lunches are greatly appreciated.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Meal suggestions