CVACC Community Rummage Sale - Application Sponsored by the Chino Valley Area Chamber of Commerce, 175 E. Road 2 South Chino Valley, AZ (Chamber: 928.636.2493 – Event Date May 2, 2014 Reserve a Space for me Name ________________________________________ Business Name (if any): __________________________ Email: ______________________________________ Address: ______________________________________ Town/City: __________________________________ State: _________ Zip: ________________ Telephone: ___________________ Fax: ___________________ Set-up begins at 7:30 AM Opens at 9:00 AM Closes at 3:00 PM Tear-Down 3:00-4:00 No “early bird” vendors or sales Property must be vacated prior to 4:00 PM Booth Spaces will be available at Chino Valley Area Chamber of Commerce please indicate what size space and how many spaces you need. Booth Size Number of Spaces Price Each Sub-total ________ $6.00 12.00 _________ 12 x 12 MEMBER 12 x 12 NON-MEMBER _________ ________ Total $ ________ If your setup is larger than the specified space from tip to tip you must obtain additional space. No exceptions Please! No power is provided. If you are bringing shade you are required to have weights sufficient to keep shade in place in winds. DEADLINES FOR VENDORS Your completed application and full payment must be received by April 27, 2015. SPACE ASSIGNMENT Spaces will be assigned beginning 9:00 am April 27, 2015 NOTE!! Set up for vendors Chamber will begin at 7:30 am. Sale starts at 9am and is ONE DAY ONLY – JUST SATURDAY! RAIN DATE FOR VENDORS IS TBD PAYMENT OPTIONS FOR VENDORS ON LINE: In Person/by USPS CVACC PO Box 419 Chino Valley, AZ 86323 CVACC 175 E. Road 2 South, Chino Valley, AZ 86323 Credit/Debit Check or Money Order Check or Money Order LIABILITY The CVACC assumes no responsibility whatsoever for any property placed in the exhibit, and is hereby discharged from any and all liability for any loss, injury or damage to persons or property that may be sustained while on the premises of the exhibit area. Vendor Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: ___________ Print Name: ___________________________________________________________________
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