SPECIAL R E P O R T U N IV E R S IT IE S Excellence v equity The American model of higher education is spreading. It is good at producing excellence, but needs to get better at providing access to decent education at a reasonable cost, says Emma Duncan AC K N O W L E D G M E N T S Many people helped th e a u th or w ith th is rep o rt. As w ell as those quoted, she w ould like to th a n k Javier Botero Alvarez, Doug Becker, Daniel Bell, Roger Benjam in, Frances Cairncross, M atthew Chingos, Ryan Craig, John C rist, Ron Daniels. Andrew Delbanco, Don Graham, David Greenaway, Kevin G uthrie, Steven H ill, Colin Hughes, Barbara Kehm, David Kelly, B ill Kirby, Jane K night, Hongbin Li, Lexa Logue, Wanhua Ma, Francisco M arm olejo, Jam ie M erisotis, Pratap M ehta, Tang Min, Ben Nelson, Mary Nolan, Driss Ouaouicha, Helen Perkins, Steven Pinker, Stevan Rolls, Alan Sm ithers, Josh Taylor, M arijk van der Wende, Russ W hitehurst, Ben Wildavsky, David W ille tts, M att Yale, Rao Yi, Shamoon Zam ir and David Zweig. The Economist March 28th 20 15 IF YO U LEARNED that the top dogs in a particular market w ere the sam e as lo o years ago, you w o u ld probably surm ise that the business con cerned had suffered a century o f stagnation. In the case o f higher educa tion, w hich has been dom inated by Am erican universities since the early 20th century, you w ou ld be quite w rong. It grew slo w ly for the first quarter-century, gathered pace in the m iddle h a lf and took o ff in the fourth quarter. You might then conclude that the top dogs w ere truly outstand ing, or that there w as som ething ve ry odd about the market. In the case o f higher education, you w o u ld be right on both counts. A m erica gave the w orld the m odern research university. The A m er ican elite im ported the m odel o f the O xbridge college in the 17th century to give its rough sons a polish. In 1876 the trustees o f the estate o f Johns Hopkins, a banker and rail road magnate, decided to use w h at w as then the largest be quest in history to m arry up the O xbridge college w ith the re search university, an institution the G erm ans had develop ed at the beginning o f the 19th century. Both private and public universi ties adopted the m odel, and Har vard, Yale, Princeton, Caltech and the rest o f A m erica’s top rank em erged as the prim e m overs o f the w orld ’s intellectual and scien tific life shortly afterwards. These institutions have pro duced a startling num ber o f the inventions that have m ade the w orld safer, more com fortable and more interesting. “ Im agine life w ithout polio vaccines and heart pacem akers...or m unicipal water-purification system s. Or space-based w eath er forecasting. Or advanced cancer therapies. O r jet airliners,” w rote a bunch o f A m eri ca’s business leaders to Congress in 1995, pleading w ith the governm ent not to cut research funding to universities. Since then, those institutions have also pow ered the digital revolution that has im proved life in every corner o f the planet. A m erica led the w orld, too, in creating mass higher education. That transform ation w as driven in part by the econ o m y’s need for higher skills and in part by so ciety’s desire to give the m en w h o fought in the sec ond w orld w ar a chance to better them selves. Am erica thus becam e the first country in the w orld in w h ich the children o f the m iddle classes w en t to college, and college becam e a passport to prosperity. G iven its success, it is hardly surprising that the A m erican approach to higher education is spreading. Mass education has taken o ff all over the w orld. The Am erican-style research university is the gold standard, and com petition am ong nations to create w orld-class research universi ties as good as A m erica’s is intensifying. Spending on higher education is rising: across the o e c d , from 1.3% o f g d p in 2000 to 1.6 % in 2011. Provi sion, financing and control eve ry w h ere is m oving a w a y from the Euro- ' >-5-1 ДОМА* *•1» & у -. v v* cVv CONTENTS 6 Rankings Top of the class 11 NYU's Abu Dhabi campus A pearl in the desert 12 Privatisation Mix and match 14 America A flagging model 18 Technology Not classy enough 19 Policy options Having it all A lis t o f sources is at E co n o m ist.co m /sp e cia lre p o rts ►► An audio in te rv ie w w ith th e a u th o r is at E c o n o m is t.c o m /a u d io v id e o / s p e cia lre p o rts 3 SPECIAL R E P O R T U N IV E R S IT IE S ►pean m odel, w here everything is done by the state, towards the A m erican one, in w hich the private sector provides a large part o f the education and individuals pay for m ost o f their tuition. But just as the A m erican m odel is spreading around the w orld, it is struggling at hom e. A m erica’s best universities still do more top-class research than any other coun try’s; the problem lies in getting value for m o n ey on the teaching side. Tests suggest that m any students do not learn enough these days. They w ork less than they used to. The average perform ance o f A m erica’s graduates, com pared w ith those o f other countries, is lo w and slipping. Higher education does not increase social m obility but reinforces existing barriers. At the sam e time costs have nearly doubled in real terms in the past 20 years. The enrolm ent rate is falling. T echnology offers the prom ise o f m aking education both cheaper and m ore effective, but universities resist adopting it. This special report w ill argue that the problem s spring in part from the tensions at the heart o f higher education betw een research and teaching, and betw een excellence and equity; but that tech nology and better inform ation can help m ake the teach ing side o f the business more effective. A m erica, havin g exported its m odel to the w orld, could learn som e lessons from other countries about h o w to im prove its o w n system . How much is too much? “ E verybody’s gettin’ so goddam educated in this country there’ll be n o b o d y to take aw ay the garbage...You stand on the street today and spit, y o u ’re gonna hit a college m an,” says Keller in A rthur M iller’s play, “All M y Sons”, w ritten in 1946. Higher edu cation in A m erica started to spread from the elite to the m asses as early as the 19th century, w ith the establishm ent o f the land-grant universities, but got its biggest boost w ith the 1944 g i bill that paid servicem en to go to college. W hat h ap pen ed in A m erica then h ap pen ed in Europe and Japan in the 1960s and 1970s, in South Korea in the 1980s, and is n o w happenin g the w orld over. Student n um bers are grow ing faster than global g d p . So hungry is the w orld for higher ed u ca tion that enrolm ent is grow ing faster than purchases o f that ulti m ate consum er good, the car (see chart 1). The global tertiary en rolm ent ra tio -th e proportion o f the respective age cohort enrolled in u n iversity-in crea sed from 14% to 32% in the tw o de cades to 2012; the n um ber o f countries w ith an enrolm ent ratio o f m ore than h a lf w en t up from five to 54 over the period. Sub-Saharan Africa is the only part o f the w orld w here “ m assification” is not m uch in evidence yet. Som e countries, such as South Korea, w here pretty m uch e ve ry b o d y goes to university, have probably reached saturation point. O thers are still seeing p henom enal grow th. In China, stu- I Never mind the car, get the degree G lo b a l, 1 9 9 5 -1 0 0 ................. ..................................... - .............................................................................................. 300 — Tertiary enrolm ents 1995 97 99 2001 03 05 Sources: UNESCO: Economist Intelligence Unit; The Economist 07 09 11 12 'At 2005 $ dent num bers grew from lm to 7m in 1998-2010. In the decade to 2009, Chinese universities hired nearly 900,000 n ew full-time faculty m em bers. The country n o w produces more graduates than Am erica and India com bined, and by 2020 aim s to enroll 40% o f its youn g people in universities. All over the w orld labour-m arket changes, urbanisation and dem ography have fuelled the boom . The “ kn ow ledge econ o m y ” has increased the dem and for w orkers w ith w ell-fur nished minds. W h en p eople go to live in cities, universities be com e more accessible so more people attend them. Rising num bers o f youn g people have fuelled the boom , a n d -esp ecia lly in Arab co u n tries-com bu stible politics increase the need to offer opportunities to teenagers. In most countries the num ber o f 18- to 24-year-olds w ill shrink in the next half-century, but the dem and for higher educa tion seem s likely to more than counteract that dem ographic e f fect. Sim on M arginson o f U niversity College London’s Institute o f Education reckons that “ the ten dency to grow th o f participa tion in higher education appears to have no natural lim it” once a co u n try’s g d p per person rises above $3,000. The law s o f sup ply and dem and suggest that this vast in crease in the n um ber o f graduates should reduce the return on in vestm ent in a degree, and to som e extent that seem s to have h ap pened. By and large, the return to higher education is higher in poor countries than in rich ones (see chart 2, next page), except in the M iddle East, w here high enrolm ent com bin ed w ith lo w grow th has led to high graduate un em ploym en t. Harry Patrinos, the lead education econom ist at the W orld Bank, reckons that globalisation has increased the chances for w ell-qualified p eo ple in poor countries o f getting a good job. In the rich w orld, even though nearly h a lf o f young adults are graduates and n um bers are continuing to rise, the graduate prem ium (the w age difference b etw een those w ith and those w ith ou t degrees) has rem ained high enough for it to be w orth go ing to university. Part o f the explanation m ay be credentialism in som e rich countries. The m ore people have degrees, the more em ployers w ill insist on recruiting graduates. In m any countries jo b s such as teaching and nursing, w h ich did not require a degree 30 years ago, are n o w reserved for graduates. W hen just a small elite w en t to university, p len ty o f decent jo b s w ere available to those w ith only secon dary schooling. That is no longer true. But changes in the labour market also help to explain the ever-grow ing pressure to get a degree. A utom ation has created w h at Claudia G oldin and Law rence Katz, tw o Harvard academ ics, have called “a race b etw een education and tech n o lo gy” w h ich only those w ith p len ty o f education w ill w in. As autom a tion depresses w ages at the bottom o f the pile, in equality grows, and the m ore un equ al society becom es, the riskier it is not to have a degree. For all the stories o f university dropouts w h o be cam e softw are billionaires, non-graduates have little chance o f jo in in g the ranks o f the prosperous few. A s first degrees becom e standard, m ore people are getting postgraduate qualifications to stand out from the crowd. In both A m erica and Britain, 14% o f the adult w orkforce have a postgrad uate degree; and despite the increase in supply, the postgraduate prem ium has increased in both Am erica and Britain, especially since 2000. There w as a time, points out Stephen M achin, profes sor o f econom ics at U niversity College London, w hen a post graduate degree depressed wages; but that w as w hen m aths P h D s w orked m ain ly in academ ia, not in the financial sector. Although individuals enjoy decent returns to their invest m ent in higher education, it is less clear that society as a w h o le does. The big question is w h eth er the graduate prem ium is the consequence o f higher productivity or o f establishing a pecking order. If universities increase p eo p le’s productivity, then society The Econom ist March 28th 2015 SPECIAL R E P O R T U N IV E R S IT IE S f Poorer countries, richer returns A verage in crea se in e a rn in g s fo r e ve ry a d d itio n a l ye a r o f te r tia r y e d u ca tio n 1 9 70- 2 0 1 3 , % 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Sub-Saharan Africa South Asia Latin America East Asia W orld High income Middle East/North Africa Europe/Central Asia Source: World Bank ►should invest in having more graduates, but if they are m erely a m echanism for signalling to em ployers that graduates are clev erer than non-graduates, then it should not. A n d since little effort goes into m easuring w hether universities actually educate peop le - a matter to w h ich this special report w ill return—society does not k n o w w h eth er investing in education is w orthw hile. Even if the social returns on investm ent in higher education w ere poor, there w o u ld be a strong political argum ent for the state to provide access to it. If people need a degree to get ahead, then dem ocratic governm ents must offer everyb o d y w ith suffi cient brains a chance o f getting one. The market alone w ill not lend m on ey at a reasonable rate to students w h o can provide no security, so even governm ents that rely heavily on private fi nance tend to offer loans to students. But access to higher education is not binary. Som e p rovi sion is excellent and som e is not, and the returns to low -quality higher education are poor. So the am bition expressed by pretty m uch all governm ents everyw h ere to w id en access to goodquality higher education conflicts w ith another global force: com petition to create the best universities. ■ Rankings Top of the class Competition among universities has become intense and international AS JAMIL SALMI leaves the stage at a Times Higher Educa tion conference in Qatar, he is m obbed by people pressing their cards on him. As a form er co-ordinator o f the World Bank’s tertiary-education program m e and author o f a book entitled “The Challenge o f Establishing World-Class U niversities”, he is the white-haired sage o f the w orld-class university contest. And he is greatly in dem and, for the com petition to climb the interna tional rankings has becom e intense. Higher education in A m erica has long been a strongly com petitive business. Students and university presidents alike keen ly w atch the rankings produced by the US N ews and World Re port. Such rankings encourage stratification. O ne o f the metrics is the proportion o f students a university turns away, w hich en courages selectivity. That in turn encourages differentiation b e tw een better and w orse universities. The A m erican m odel is thus quite different from the continental European one, w hich (aside from France’s grandes ecoles) is a lot less selective and more hom ogeneous. N o w com petition and stratification are spreading. Accord ing to Ellen Hazelkorn, author o f “ Rankings and the Reshaping o f Higher Education”, there are around 150 national rankings around the w orld. But thanks to globalisation and the grow th in international student flow s, attention has shifted from national to international rankings. G overnm ents w an t top-class universities because the m o d ern econ om y is driven by hum an capital. The goal is to nurture people w h o w ill create intellectual property and clusters o f hightech com panies sim ilar to those around Stanford and C a m bridge. A great research university is not a sufficient condition for creating such a cluster, says Jean-Lou C ham eau, form er president o f Caltech and n o w president o f Saudi A rabia’s King A bdullah U niversity o f Science and Technology (к a u s t ); but “ you can’t do it w ith ou t having m ore than one great university around.” Increasing reliance on tuition fees is another reason for more com petition. Students “ w ant to be sure that they have got a big global brand on their certificate that’s going to be a passport to their future”, says Phil Baty, editor-at-large o f Times Higher Edu cation. A m erica’s state universities, he says, used to sh o w little in terest in the international market. N o w that their budgets have been cut, he sees a lot more o f their presidents. The qualities that matter Nian Cai Liu o f Shanghai Jiao Tong U niversity started the international race in 2003. “ M y university w as one o f the first that the governm ent picked to becom e a world-class university. I decided to benchm ark us against those in the West,” he says. He cam e up w ith six indicators o f research excellence, used them to rank the w orld ’s top universities and published the result. It caused uproar in countries that did b a d ly-p a rticu la rly G er many, birthplace o f the research university. Times Higher Educa tion and another com pany, q s , fo llo w ed w ith their o w n rank ings. Shanghai focuses purely on research; t h e and q s also look at things like staff-student ratios and reputation. Am erican institutions take the top slots in the Shanghai rankings (see chart 3, next page), w ith Britain as the runner-up. Private universities dom inate, though som e state universities (such as C alifornia’s) are also excellent. But in relation to their population size, the Nordic countries, Sw itzerland and the N eth erlands do best, and there is m ovem ent in the rankings. Emerg ing markets are on the rise; A m erica’s state universities and Brit ain ’s second tier are slipping. The rankings m atter because o f their im pact not just on the amour propre o f politicians and university presidents, but also on h o w universities are run. “ Rankings force institutions and governm ents to question their standards. T hey are a driver o f b e havio u r and o f change,” says Professor Hazelkorn. O ne w ay o f im proving your rankings is to set up a top-class research outfit from scratch and hire a form er head o f Caltech to run it, as Saudi Arabia has done w ith k a u s t . But not m any coun tries can afford the $20 billion en d o w m en t that k a u s t is said to have received from the late King A bdullah. A n alternative luxury m odel is to get a top-class foreign university to set up on your soil. The United Arab Emirates has got n y u (see box at the end o f this section), w hich has also set up a cam pus in Shanghai, w h ile Yale has a partnership w ith the National U niversity o f Singapore. Q atar is doing som ething different again. Education City is a collection o f eight foreign universities in grand n ew buildings on the outskirts o f D oha, each o f w h ich teaches a subject the go v ernm ent considers useful to the country. Texas a & m does engi neering (for the gas industry); N orthw estern does journ alism (for ► ► The Economist March 28th 2015 U N IV E R S IT IE S C o tT W e titio n ^ locals, but the schem e w as not designed to m ake m o n ey out o f them . Singaporean talent scouts roam the region, generous scholarships are offered to the brightest, and tuition fees are cut for those w h o stay to w ork w h en they have finished their deg ree s-in sharp contrast to Britain, w hich chucks out m ost international students the m om ent they have graduated. The has intensified n ot JUSt J O T e x cellen t , QCCldemiCS b u t also for ►Al Jazeera, Q atar’s n ew s outfit); G eorgetow n does foreign studies (for Q atar’s regional foreign policy); and so on. N azarbayev U ni versity in Kazakhstan and Songdo U niversity in Incheon, South Korea, have adopted the sam e m odel. Most countries, though, w ork w ith the universities they have got and try to im prove the quality o f their top institutions. C h ina has a project called “ 985”, launched in M ay 1998, to w h ich the Shanghai rankings w ere a response. G erm an y launched its Exzellenzinitiative in 2005. In 2011 Nicolas Sarkozy, then France’s president, ann oun ced a program m e to create a “ Sorbonne league”-clu sters o f universities and organisations affiliated to its Centre N ational de la Recherche Scien tifiq u e-to com pete w ith A m erica’s Ivy League. Russia has started a project called “ 5-100” to get five universities into the Times Higher Education top 100. Ja pan, under its Super G lobal Universities Programme, w ill give se lected universities extra funds, w ith the bulk going to 13 research universities. Britain has tw eaked its system to hand more re search m o n ey to the top tier and less to the m iddle-rankers (the bottom layer never got any anyw ay). Excellent universities need excellent faculty, so com petition for them has increased. A m ong the big markets, Australia, A m er ica and C an ada universities are (on average) the best payers, but som e o f the n e w G u lf em ployers offer tw ice as much. Pay for the best is rising in China, too. The co u n try’s un iver sities w ere destroyed during the Cultural Revolution. As part o f Deng X iaoping’s m odern isation program m e, Chinese students w ere sent abroad to study, and m any did not return. In 2008 the country launched a program m e, “T housand Talents”, to entice m ore o f them back. Scholars get a lm yu a n ($160,000) “ resettle m ent grant” , and universities use research funds from the g o v ernm ent and industry to raise salaries. O ne o f its successes is Shi Yigong, a form er Princeton professor w h o is n o w professor o f life sciences at Tsinghua University. He has (som ew hat) narrow ed the gap betw een salaries in his departm ent and those in Western universities. W h en he returned in 2008, a full professor earned around 100,000 yu a n ($14,400) a year; n o w the figure is more like 300,000-500,000 ($50,000-80,000) a year. Professor Shi is particularly proud o f having recruited a scientist w h o had a jo b offer from Cam bridge, though he says that he still has difficulty attracting talented yo un g scientists w ith faculty positions from Harvard, Stanford or Princeton. C om petition has intensified not ju st for excellent acad em ics but also for excellent students. Singapore’s “global schoolh o u se” strategy, launched in 2002, set a target o f attracting 150,000 students by 2015. International students pay more than 10 ^ ea’ accordin g to Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore’s prim e minister, w as to “attract tale X C e lle n t ent from all over the w orld to add sparkle to our diam on d”. students Germ any, too, is keen to w elcom e foreign students. Again, this is not to make money, since the universities do not charge tuition fees. C hinese students are prom inent, as they are everyw h ere else. “ O ur dem ographics m ean w e are in need o f foreign talent,” says Georg Krucken, di rector o f the international centre for higher-education research at Kassel university. “These students are n od es in a global netw ork o f talent.” There are p len ty o f w orries about the effects o f rankings. Bahram Bekhradnia, president o f Britain’s Higher Education Policy Institute, reckons that “ th ey’re w orse than useless. T h ey’re positively dangerous. I’ve heard presidents say this all over the w orld: I’ll do anything to increase m y ranking, and nothing to harm it.” That is hardly surprising, since universities’ boards com m on ly use rankings as a perform ance indicator for deter m ining presidents’ bonuses. O ne concern is that these m etrics m easure inputs rather than outputs. “The indicators are resource-intensive. T hey’re about w ealth ,” says Professor Hazelkorn. Som e are also unreli able. A staff-student ratio is easily m anipulated and says nothing about the quality o f the teaching. But the m ain objection is that m ost o f the metrics, directly or indirectly, concern research. There are no good internationally com parable m easures o f teaching quality. So one o f Mr Salm i’s favourite universities, the Franklin W. O lin College o f Engineering in M assachusetts, w hich he says “ provides a superb learning experience to its students”, does not feature in international rankings because it does no research. Justin Lin, a form er ch ief econom ist at the World Bank and currently director o f the China Centre for Econom ic Research at Peking University, has a habit o f sw im m in g against the tide. In 1979 he defected from the Taiw anese arm y to China, sw im m in g ► ► Mighty minds N u m be r o f u n iv e rs itie s * in S ha n g ha i ra n k in g to p 100, 2 0 1 4 -15 0 10 20 30 40 50 U n ite d States Britain Switzerland Netherlands Australia Canada France Germany Sweden Japan Sources: ShanghaiRanking.com; UN. The The Economist March 28th 2015 SPECIAL R E P O R T U N IV E R S IT IE S ►across the narrow strait from Taiwanese-adm inistered Kinm en to the m ainland. These days his contrarian nature has tamer out lets: he doubts that China should be in the race to create worldclass universities if the concept is defined by the num ber o f its facu lty’s publications in journ als dom inated by the West’s re search agenda. “ W h o cares about world-class research if it d oesn ’t apply to the conditions that you are in?” he asks. The tallest poppies Higher salaries for academ ics returning hom e are causing rancour. W hen Professor Shi circulated a proposal for offering generous salaries and am ple research funds to top-flight scien tists from abroad, he w as criticised. “ Som e people said that they contributed to C h ina’s past developm ent w h ile these recent re turnees stayed aw ay in the West, but n o w these guys w ant lu x u ry.” In Singapore the shortage o f places for locals has caused an ger. Incentives for clever foreign students have been cut back. In G erm any the idea o f prom oting a few universities above the rest has met w ith resistance. “The m yth o f the G erm an u n i versity is that all universities are equal. There has been a lot o f criticism o f [the excellence initiative],” says Professor Kriicken. The governm ent has responded by setting up a n ew initiative, fo cused on teaching, not research, and covering m ore universities. Europeans, cross that they did so badly in rankings de signed by the C hinese and the Anglo-Saxons, have started their o w n systems. France’s Ecole des M ines has produced the “ Profes sional Ranking o f W orld U niversities”- t h e n um ber o f graduates from an institution w h o are running Fortune 500 co m p a n ies-in w hich the French do nearly as w ell as the A m ericans and better than the British. The European U nion has created the u-Multirank, a ratings system w h ich gives different answ ers depending on the search criteria, to get aw ay from the zero-sum com petition o f rankings. There is a virtue in that: a single indicator is rarely a good m easure o f quality. But since the u-M ultirank offers students little inform ation on British or Am erican universities, it is o f lim ited use to those w ith global horizons. A nyw ay, politicians and university presi dents, like the rest o f hum anity, are com petitive creatures: noth ing w ill stop them m easuring them selves against each other. The m ain constraint on the race is not aversion to com petition but the scarcity o f funds. That is one reason w h y higher education is, in creasingly, turning to the private sector for money. ■ A pearl in the desert JOE JEAN, A 25-year-old Haitian, cannot believe his luck. In the aftermath of the earthquake of 2010, University of the People, an American online university, offered scholarships to Haitians. Mr Jean took one of them up to study computer science and, as one of UoPeople's top students, was offered a place at New York University's Abu Dhabi campus. He gets his tuition and living ex penses paid, plus a stipend of $500 a quarter and two flights home a year. NYU Abu Dhabi started up in 2008. In 2014 it moved to a new campus on Saadiyat Island, which, in contrast to the rest of the emirate, is intended as a haven of culture and beauty. The path that snakes past its minimalist white buildings is bordered by neat lawns, water features and shaded benches; an elevated walkway recalls New York's Hi-Line park. For now, most of Saadiyat Island is a building site, but n y u ' s neighbours will soon be local outposts of the Guggenheim, the Louvre and the Sorbonne, housed in equally elegant buildings. Abu Dhabi's rulers want to turn the emirate into "one of the world's true cultural capitals" and to improve its education sys tem, according to Khaldoon al Mubarak, an aide to Abu Dhabi's crown prince, who is on n y u ' s board of trustees. The country's ambi tions may have been piqued by the extraor dinary flourishing of culture in neighbour ing Qatar, capped by I.M. Pei's stunning Museum of Islamic Art. Forthe privilege of hosting NYU, Abu Dhabi has forked out an The Economist March 28th 2015 initial donation of $50m and paid forthe campus. It also covers most students' tuition and living costs. When itis full, there will be 2,000 of them, the great majority of them non-Emiratis. If they costas much to edu cate as do students at top American universi ties, the bill must be over $100m a year. The Abu Dhabi campus, along with one in Shanghai, fulfils the dream of John Sex ton, n y u ' s president, to create a "global networked university". It has, he says, led to "an extraordinary elevation of brand", as well as more concrete benefits, including contributions to overheads (including his salary), newjobs and the ability to hire people who would not have come otherwise. "For 15 years I had been trying to get Antho ny Appiah [a British philosopher, formerly at Princeton] to come to n y u . One trip to Abu Dhabi, and he came." Some faculty are hired directly to the Abu Dhabi campus; some come from New York for stints of a few weeks to a few years. The money is good— up to twice as much as at home— and conditions are exceedingly comfortable, with pleasant apartments on campus and drivers on tap. One academic describes it as "like living in business class". The material rewards are notthe only attrac tion. "The teaching is amazing here," says Justin Blau,a professorofbiologyatthe campus. "The classes are really small, the students more motivated." And everything is so new that "it allows us to do things differ ently." The experimental research building, for instance, brings together biology, engi neering and chemistry, enabling scientists to work across departmental boundaries. Not everybody is happy. MrSexton has rubbed the faculty in New York up the wrong way over pay and property development, and the Abu Dhabi venture is another mani festation of his "imperial presidency", according to Andrew Ross, president of the local chapter of the American Association of University Professors in New York. There have been allegations of abuses of the workers who built the campus, and questions about whether an institution that depends on freedom of speech can flourish in an auto cracy. "It'sa monarchy, notan autocracy," says Mr Sexton, describing the crown prince, Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan, as a "philosopher-king". Mr Al Mubarak has described Abu Dhabi's commitment to n y u as "a Catholic marriage. It's forever." Butthe campus is, inevitably, vulnerable to the vagaries of the oil price and Middle Eastern politics. A visit to it in a sandstorm, with clouds of dust blowing into the pristine buildings, makes an Ozymandianfate easy to imagine. For now, though, it provides a first-class educa tion to young people from all over the world who would not otherwise be able to afford one. Back on the mainland, the Emirates Palace Hotel, with its Las Vegas-style decor and a vending machine that sells gold bars, serves as a useful reminder that there are worse ways to use surplus wealth. SPECIAL R E P O R T U N IV E R S IT IE S Privatisation Mix and match Both provision and funding of higher education is shifting towards the private sector THE STUDENT STRIKE in Q uebec in 2012 did not just bring do w n the p rovin ce’s governm ent; it also revealed deep cul tural differences in ideas about university funding. French C an a dian students, influenced by European thinking, w ere outraged that their governm ent had proposed raising tuition fees from C$2,168 ($2468) a year to C$3,793; the rest o f C an ada, u s e d A m erican-style—to m uch higher fees, w as baffled by their fury. In m ost European countries the state pays 80-100% o f the costs o f tuition. The m ain advantages o f this m odel are equ ity and cost control. W here it w orks w e ll- in northern Europe—grad uate education levels are uniform ly high. W here it w orks badly - in southern E u ro p e-th ey are uniform ly low. Am erican uses m ixed funding, w ith individuals paying m ost o f the costs o f tuition and the governm ent helping out w ith loans and grants. In som e countries w ith sim ilar m odels, such as Japan and South Korea, individuals and fam ilies pick up the tab. These system s tend to be better funded and m ore expensive than the European ones (see chart 4, next page) because people fork out readily, and costs are harder to control. The m ixed-funding m odel is spreading. That’s partly b e cause rising dem an d has increased the burden that higher educa tion places on governm ent budgets. So has “ BaumoPs disease”, w h ich increases the relative cost o f labour-intensive industries, such as health and education, as technological change lifts the productivity o f capital. Ageing p opulations are pushing up health bills, so e d u ca tio n -a n o th e r huge chunk o f governm ent sp en d in g -lo se s out; and since the social benefits o f p rim ary and secon dary education are clearer than those o f tertiary education, universities tend to suffer the most. O ne option is to a llo w quality to de teriorate. That has hap pened in m any European countries. In G erm an y stu dents com m on ly pack lecture halls in their hundreds. “ We have more and more students,” says G eorg Krucken o f Kassel university, “ but the n um ber o f professors do esn ’t grow at the sam e pace.” A nother option is to m ake in d ivid uals p ay more. In A m erica, retrenchment in state budgets has pushed up tuition fees. In California, for instance, they have tripled over 15 years, and a further 28% rise is proposed. O utside A m erica, the first big shift towards private funding happened in Australia, w here tuition fees w ere jacked up in the late 1980s. A host o f other countries fo llo w ed , including N ew Zea land, Chile, South Africa, som e o f the for m er Soviet republics, Britain and Thai land. China used to im p ose no fees at all; n o w it charges 5,000-10,000 yuan ($8001,600) a year, not m uch for an urban fam ily but a lot for a rural one. Countries w ith good universities increasingly rely on for eign s tu d e n ts -w h o tend to p ay m ore 12 than dom estic o n e s -a s a source o f revenue. In Britain, for in stance, nearly a fifth o f students are foreigners. International flow s o f students are up from 1.8m in 2000 to 3.5m in 2012. A nother source o f private funds for universities is p hilan thropy. Endow m ents at som e A m erican universities d w arf in com e from fees. Institutions elsew here are scouring the globe for w ealth y alum ni. Cam bridge, w h ich has done best out o f the Brit ish universities, had collected £4.9 billion ($7.6 billion) by 2012. Som etim es philanthropy extends across borders: in 2013 Ste phen Schwarzm an, chief executive o f Blackstone, a private-equity company, handed over $ioom to establish a scholarship pro gram m e atTsinghua University. Horses for courses The biggest provider o f higher education that n ob o d y has ever heard o f is Laureate, an A m erican for-profit education com p an y w ith revenues o f $4 billion, nearly 1m students and 70,000 staff. It does not prom ote its brand because it prefers to be kn ow n through the n am es o f the 80-plus universities and colleges it o w n s all over the w orld. Private provision is growing. In som e system s, private col leges (usually non-profit ones) provide a first-class education. That is true in A m erica and is beginning to happen elsew here, in cluding India. Philip Altbach, director o f the Centre for Interna tional Higher Education at Boston College, describes India’s higher-education system as “ a sea o f m ediocrity in w h ich islands o f excellence can be fo un d”. But those isla n d s-su ch as the Indi an Institutes o f T ech n o lo gy-a re accessible o n ly to a lucky few. N ew private non-profit institutions are helping to broaden the provision, including A zim Premji U niversity in Bangalore (w hose ep o n ym o u s founder m ade his fortune from Wipro, an i t com pany) and Shiv N adar U niversity near D elhi (the m o n ey for w h ich cam e from h c l , another i t com pany). These n ew n on profits are too few and far betw een to transform India’s system, but they m ay w ell create a w id er choice o f high-quality islands. In m uch o f Latin Am erica, governm ents have handed over the jo b o f providing m ass higher education to the private sector. The results are patchy. In som e countries, such as Brazil and C o lom bia, the state does a decent jo b o f providing quality assur- ► ► The Economist March 28th 2015 SPECIAL R E P O R T U N IV E R S IT IE S America Where private cash counts A flagging model S pe n d in g on te r tia r y e d u c a tio n a l in s titu tio n s , % o f GDP, 2011 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 United States South Korea Chile America's higher-education system is no longer delivering all it should Netherlands Australia Japan Spain Germany Britain Italy I Public I Private Source: OECD ►ance, and there are m an y good private-sector outfits, both local and foreign-owned. Laureate has 11 colleges and universities in Brazil; nine have seen their scores im prove since Laureate took them over, one has deteriorated and the rem aining one has been bought too recently for the effects to have becom e clear. In most o f the w orld the private sector is active at the m ar gins o f higher education. Private for-profit com panies, such as Kaplan and Apollo, both Am erican com panies serving the glo bal market, tend to supply the more vocational end, like courses in law and accountancy. They cater to older students, often w o rk ing people or parents, for w h o m the standard cam pus-based three- or four-year degree is not suitable. They also bring interna tional students up to the level o f the rich-country universities in w h ich they have enrolled. The num bers in both categories are large and growing, so these are healthy markets. As the protests in Q uebec show ed, raising tuition fees can be politically explosive. Several G erm an states introduced such fees a decade ago and all have since aban doned them. “Tuition fees didn ’t fit w ell into the G erm an tradition,” says Professor Kriicken. “Here higher education is seen as a public good.” In Chile, student protests against the cost o f higher education helped oust the governm ent in 2013; the n ew governm ent is com m itted to elim inating tuition fees. A nd Britain’s Labour Party prom ises that if it w in s the general election in May, it w ill bring d o w n the m axim um fee from £9,000 to £6,000 a year. He who pays the piper A dvocates o f private funding say that it m akes students m ore dem anding and universities m ore responsive (though they often forget to add that it m ay also increase the pressure to inflate grades). Sir Steve Smith, vice-chancellor o f Britain’s Exeter U ni versity, says his un iversity spent £470m in 2 0 0 9 -14, raised from donations, borrow ing, the governm ent and its o w n cash, on get ting the cam pus up to scratch: students paying fat fees expect de cent facilities. The university is also m aking extra academ ic e f forts: it has, for instance, prom ised that students w ill get essays marked and returned w ith in three w eeks o f subm itting them. A decade ago Exeter had 11,000 students. N o w it has 19,000 and plans to expand to 22,000. As better universities get bigger, w orse ones w ill com e under pressure. More reliance on p h ilan thropy w ill m ean that rich universities, w h ich tend to produce rich alum ni, w ill get richer still. Greater independence from g o v ernm ent tends to m ake higher education system s m ore stratified, and thus more A m erica n -ju st w h en A m erica itself is increasing ly w orried about its o w n system. ■ IN HIS PROPOSAL for reform ing the curriculum at W illiam and M ary College in Virginia, T hom as Jefferson w rote that it should nurture “those talents w h ich nature has so w n as liber ally am ong the poor as the rich, but w h ich perish w ith ou t use, if not sought for and cultivated”. Inspired by Jefferson, A m ericans expect higher education to boost the chances o f disadvantaged people, but it seem s to be failing in that ta sk -a n d in som e o f the other jo b s its custom ers w an t it to do. Higher education has tw o sets o f customers: students and the governm ent. Students w ant all sorts o f things from it-to m ake friends, sharpen their m inds and get aw ay from hom e. But m ost o f all they w an t it to im prove their econom ic prospects. Despite rising costs, college still does that. An investm ent in a four-year degree offers a return o f around 15% a year for so m e bo d y w orking until the age o f 65, a figure that has been steady since 2000. But the returns have held up not because graduates have done so w ell but because those w ith only high-school de grees have done so badly (see chart 5, next page). A nd although average returns rem ain decent, the range is vast. According to Payscale, a pay consultancy, it varies from *22% to -21%. Rising in equ ality increases the range o f possible outcom es, and hence the risk o f taking on student debt. G overnm ents w an t three things from higher education: re search, hum an capital and equity. O n the research side, A m eri ca’s governm ent has little to com plain of. A lthough several Euro pean countries have m ore Shanghai top 100 universities in relation to their population than the United States does, Am erica still dom inates the sum m it o f research: 19 o f the w orld ’s top 20 universities in Leiden U n iversity’s ranking o f most-cited scien tif ic papers in 2014 w ere Am erican. O n the hum an-capital side, things look less good. In 1995 Am erica had the highest graduation rate in the o e c d . N o w it lags behind seven other countries. President Barack O bam a has set a target for his country to return to the top o f the graduation league by 2 0 2 0 , but it is unlikely to be met. Young A m erican graduates are b e lo w the o e c d average in n um eracy (see chart 5, next page) and literacy, and are doing relatively w orse than older ones. Som e o f the explanation lies w ith the poor perform ance o f A m erica’s schools, but the most expensive tertiary-education system in the o e c d might be expected to help students catch up. Recent w ork by A m erican academ ics suggests that it does not. Richard A rum o f N ew York U niversity and Josipa Roksa o f the U niversity o f Virginia, authors o f “A cadem ically Adrift”, looked at the results o f 2,300 students w h o took the Collegiate Learning A ssessm ent ( c l a ) , a test o f critical thinking, com plex reasoning and w riting, and found that 45% o f the sam ple show ed no significant gains b etw een their first and third years. O n equity, the results also look bleak. Graduation rates be tw een rich and poor are diverging (see chart 5, next page). Given the difference in spending on those at the top and at the bottom , that is perhaps not surprising. “ C o m m u n ity colleges”, says Derek Bok, a form er president o f Harvard, “spend roughly $10 ,0 0 0 per student. Harvard probably spends over $10 0 ,0 0 0 . A nd our stu dents are m uch easier to teach.” The com bination o f state spend- ► The Economist March 28th 2015 SPECIAL R E P O R T U N IV E R S IT IE S ►ing cuts, w h ich have led som e com m unity colleges to restrict en. try, and en d o w m en ts lifted by boom ing stockmarkets is increasing the gap further. In real terms, tuition fees have nearly doubled over 20 years. Big bills m ean big debts (see chart 5). Nearly a third o f stu dents are in default, and the rate is rising. Student loans can rarely be discharged, even by bankruptcy, so default dam ages p eo p le’s credit history, m akes it hard to get mortgages and thus both harm s p eo p le’s w elfare and acts as a drag on the econom y. Given unprecedented default rates, there are w orries that the federal governm ent w ill be stuck w ith a lot o f the debt. Not what it seems In m ost markets, the com bination o f technological progress and com petition pushes price d o w n and quality up. But the tech nological revolution that has upended other parts o f the infor m ation industry (see box, next page) has left m ost o f the highereducation business un m oved. W hy? For one thing, w h ile research im pact is easy to gauge, edu cational im pact is not. There are no reliable national m easures o f w h at different universities’ graduates have learned, nor data on w h at they earn, so there is no w a y o f assessing w h ich universi ties are doing the educational side o f their jo b w ell. Universities are paid on the basis o f research, not educational, output. Students, m ean w h ile, are not buyin g education any more than the governm ent is. They are buyin g degrees, w h o se m ain purpose is to signal to em ployers that an in dividual w en t to a preferably highly selective-un iversity. Harvard degrees are valu able because there are so few o f them. Harvard therefore has no incentive to m ake them cheaper, nor to produce more o f them: that w o u ld m ake them less precious. This helps explain w h y A m erica’s universities are failing to deliver equity. People are prepared to pay through the nose to b u y advantage for their children, so top institutions charge ever higher prices and acquire ever m ore resources, w h ile those at the bottom get less. That does not serve the Jeffersonian ideal o f nur turing the talents o f the poor as w e ll as the rich for the greater good o f society. So higher education has a divided soul: it is both a great collective enterprise to increase the n ation ’s w elfare and a fight to the death b etw een status-hungry parents. Em ployers are not m uch interested in the education un iver sities provide either. Lauren Rivera o f N orthw estern U n iversity’s Kellogg School o f M anagem ent in terview ed 120 recruiters from A m erican la w firms, m anagem ent consultancies and invest m ent banks. Their principal filter w as the app licant’s university. U nless he had attended one o f the top institutions, he w as not even considered. “ Evaluators relied so intensely on ‘sch o o l’ as a criterion o f evaluation not because they believed that the con tent o f elite curricula better prepared students for life in their firm s...but because o f the perceived rigour o f the adm issions process,” Ms Rivera w rote. After the status o f the institution, re cruiters looked not at students’ grades but at their extracurricular activities, preferring the team sp orts-lacrosse, field-hockey and ro w in g -fav o u re d by w ell-off w hite m en. If em ployers are not interested in grades, students might as w ell take it easy. That is, indeed, w h at they seem to be doing. Time-use studies sh o w that the time students spend in class or studying has dropped from 40 hours a w ee k in the 1920s to the 1960s to 27 hours a w eek n o w . A nd since academ ics are p rom ot ed largely on the basis o f their research, they might as w ell give up teaching. That is, indeed, w h at they seem to be doing. Tenured fa cu lty -th e ones w ith the w ell-paid, secure jo b s -s p e n d less and less time w ith undergraduates. Increasingly, teaching is done by “non-tenure-track” faculty on short contracts. Mr A rum and Ms Roksa conclude that “ n o actors in the system are prim arily inter ested in undergraduate student academ ic grow th.” The peculiar w a y in w h ich universities are m anaged con tributes to their failure to respond to m arket pressures. “Shared governance”, w h ich gives p o w er to faculty, limits m anagers’ abil ity to manage. “It w as thought an affront to academ ic freedom w h en I suggested all departm ents should have the sam e com puter vendor,” says Larry Sum m ers, a form er Harvard president. Universities “ have the characteristics o f a w orkers’ co-op. They expand slowly, they are not esp ecially focused on those they serve, and they are run for the com fort o f the faculty.” Cost control is esp ecially hard. As Clark Kerr, w h o designed the Californian higher-education system in the 1960s, wrote: “The call for effectiveness in the use o f resources w ill be per ceived by m any inside the university w orld as the best current definition o f evil.” Bringing about change is also tough. Change is rarely w elcom e, but in m ost organisations com petition m akes it inevitable. Mr Kerr doubted that university faculty “can agree on m ore than the preservation o f the status q u o ”. A cadem ics’ resis tance to change gains added strength from their b elief that ed u cation is not an occupation but a calling; and that to defend it against barbarians is not self-interest but m oral duty. But the pressure for change is grow ing. Som e o f it com es from the federal governm ent, w h ich is trying to m ake higher education m ore equitable and to get m ore value for money. On the equity side, Mr O b am a ann oun ced in his state-of-the-union address in January that attending com m u nity college w o u ld be free for most people. But since the least w ell-o ff already get grants to cover their living expenses as w ell as tuition costs, it is not clear h o w m uch difference that w ill make. ► ► О Need to know United States: % of graduates at age 24 average annual pay average numeracy score* By educational level, 2 0 1 3 prices, $ '0 0 0 25-34-year-olds with tertiary education, 2 0 1 2 Bachelor's degree 225 80 250 275 300 non-mortgage debt, $trn 325 Netherlands Japan Germany France OECD average : Australia United States 1970 80 90 2000 13 B ritain* Sources: Federal Reserve Bank of New York/Equifax; 0EC0: Pell Institute; US Census Bureau * Range: 0-50 0 'E ngla nd & N. Ireland ’Home equity line of credit The Economist March 28th 2015 SPECIAL R E P O R T U N IV E R S IT IE S Not classy enough ШШ шш * ->т *, -гм v . versities are resisting it WHEN MASSIVE OPEN online courses ( m o o c s ) took off three years ago, there was much concern that they would destroy traditional universities. That isn't happening. "We're doing a better job of improving job skills than of transforming the university sector," says Rick Levin, a former president of Yale, who runs Coursera, the biggest of the m o o c s . At the margins, technology is making education cheaper, more convenient and more effective. University of the People, a non-profit American-accredited online university, offers degrees to students all over the world at a total cost of $4,000; if they are poor, they can get scholarships. Itstarted teaching in 2009, was accredited last year, has produced 65 graduates so far and now has 1,500 students. The faculty is made up of academics who volunteer their services. The convenience of online study makes it especially suitable for working people. According to Phil Regier, dean of Arizona State University ( a s u ) Online, the market for online degrees in America is the 30m or so 25- to 40-year-olds who dropped out of college first time round. Mr Levin says that 8 5 % of Coursera's students are over 22. The for-profit companies are also big providers of education to older people, and they increas ingly rely on the internet. Of Kaplan Univer sity's 42,000 students, 9 4 % study online. A handful of state universities are also in the online market: a s u has 13,000 online stu dents as well as 70,000 on campus. Derek Bok, the former Harvard presi dent, is optimistic that computers can make teaching more effective: "Technology is gradually causing a number of professors to re-examine the way they teach, away from a passive form of learning to a more interest ing and active form." Carnegie Mellon Uni versity developed an introductory statistics course in which professors teach for less than half the time they do in the traditional model, and students spend more than half their time on a computer programmed to help them when they get stuck. Only when a student has gotthe hang of that part of the course will he move on to the next. William G. Bowen, a former president of Princeton University, tested such courses at several universities and found that stu dents learned as much as with conventional teaching in three-quarters of the time, with cost reductions of 19-57%. CarolTwigg, president of the National Centre for Academ ic Transformation, tested similar methods in 156 projects, with similar results. Established companies such as Kaplan, Apollo and Pearson (which owns 5 0% of The Economist) are allinvesting in "edtech", and a host of startups are piling in too. Kevin Carey, author of "The End of College", be lieves that electronic "badges" now being ► O n value for money, the governm ent has launched an at tack on for-profit colleges. A report by a congressional com m ittee published in 2012 found that for-profits had a 64% drop-out rate and spent 22% o f revenues on marketing, advertising, recruiting and adm issions, against 18% on teaching. The governm ent is ask ing colleges to ensure that average debt repaym ent o f graduates on their program m es is b e lo w a set percentage o f graduates’ in com es. For-profits point out that they d o n ’t control students’ bor row ing, nor can they control incom es, w h ich depend on the eco nom ic cycle. They m aintain that the m easu re-cu rren tly stuck in the co u rts -w o u ld dam age equity: since poorer students are m ore likely to get into financial trouble, “the p o w erful incentive”, says A n drew Rosen, chairm an o f Kaplan, “ is to jettison the leastprepared students.” Better inform ation about the returns to education w o u ld m ake heavy-handed regulation unnecessary. There is a bit m ore around, these days, but it is patchy. The c l a has been used by around 700 colleges to test w h at students have learned; som e in stitutions are taking it up because, at a time o f grade inflation, it offers em ployers an externally verified assessm ent o f students’ brainpow er. Payscale publishes data on graduates’ average in com e levels, but they are based on self-reporting and lim ited sam ples. Several states have applied to the i r s to get data on earnings, but have been turned do w n . The governm ent is devel • ‘’ t' •»>. .' ; created by a number of startups, proving that the holder has earned a particular qualification (at a relatively low cost), will eventually undermine traditional high-cost university education. But so far edtech has not made much of a dentin it. One reason is that universities are wary of undermining the value of their degrees. So the certificates that students get for completing m o o c s do not, by and large, count towards degrees, and are therefore unlikely to make much difference to their earnings. And online degrees tend to be priced so that they do not undercut the traditional, campus-based sort: at a s u they cost $60,000, compared with $40,000 for ca mpus- ba sed deg rees fo r i n-state stu de nts and $80,000 for out-of-state students. Thus they have not helped hold down costs. Resistance by faculty also slows down the adoption of new technology. When academics at San Jose State University were asked to teach a course on socialjustice created for Edx, a m o o c , by Michael Sandel, a Harvard professor, they refused, telling Mr Sandel that such developments threatened to "replace professors, dismantle depart ments and provide a diminished education for students in public universities". Similar protests have been echoing around the country. For now, the interests of academics generally prevail over those of students. oping a “scorecard” o f universities, but it seem s unlikely to in clude earnings data. “A com bined effort by the W hite House, the C oun cil o f Econom ic A dvisers and the Office o f M anagem ent and Budget is needed,” says Mark Schneider, a form er com m is sioner o f the National Centre for Education Statistics. It is un like ly to be forthcom ing. Republicans object on privacy grounds (even though no personal inform ation w o u ld be published); Dem ocrats, w h o rely on the educational establishm ent for sup port, resist publication o f the data because the universities do. There is pressure on the sector from the market as w ell as from the governm ent. After years o f big increases in tuition fees, universities are facing resistance from the custom ers, and finan cial prospects for the sector are looking gloom y. M o o d y’s has a negative outlook: universities are “expecting the w eakest net tu ition revenue in a decade in fiscal year 2015”. It expects tuition fees at public universities to rise by an average o f only 1.9%, though at private universities the increase is likely to be a more com fortable 2.7%. In the past five years college enrolm ent am ong those finishing high school has fallen, as cash-strapped com m u n ity colleges turn applicants aw ay and for-profits restrict recruit m ent o f m arginal students. “Am erica seem s to have hit a w all,” says Sim on M arginson. The country that has given the w orld so m any ideas about h o w to run higher education could do w ith som e n e w ones itself. ■ The Econom ist March 28th 2015 SP ECIAL R E P O R T U N IV E R S IT IE S eral governm ent agen cy tests all Offer to readers graduate students before they Reprints of this special report are available enter a program m e and after A minimum order of five copies is required. they have finished in order to Please contact: Jill Kaletha at Foster Printit m easure the value the degree Tel+00(1) 219 879 9144 e-mail: jillk@fosterprinting. com has added. Brazil n o w produces about as m any scientific papers Corporate offer as the rest o f Latin A m erica put Corporate orders of 100 copies or more are together. available. We also offer a customisation Ideas for delivering equity as well as excellence C olom bia has gone one service. Please contact us to discuss your requirements. further. In 2010 it started testing IN ORDER TO produce innovative research and to stretch Tel+44 (0)20 7576 8148 undergraduate students w h en the best brains, a m odern, dem ocratic country needs excel e-mail: rights@economist.com they leave university, and com lent universities. In order to provide equality o f opportunity and For more information on how to order spec pares the results w ith tests taken exploit p eo p le’s talents to the full, it needs to give its cleverest reports, reprints or any copyright queries w h en they arrive to assess h o w yo un g people a chance o f getting into the best institutions regard you may have, please contact: m uch they have learned. It pub less o f their incom es and to offer e veryb o d y w h o w ants to earn a The Rights and Syndication Department lishes average grades, along 20 Cabot Square degree a chance o f doing so at a reasonable cost. London E14 4QW w ith average earnings, o f gradu A m erica’s higher education system is doing w ell at creating Tel+44 (0)20 7576 8148 ates from different program m es excellence, but struggling w ith access and cost control. G iven that Fax +44 (0)20 7576 8492 at different universities, thus m uch o f the w orld is heading in its direction, the problem s it is ex e-mail: rights@economist.com helping students decide w here periencing are likely to be replicated elsew here. But measures www.economist.com/rights to go to university and w h at to can be taken to mitigate them. Future special reports study. Such rich inform ation o b Finance can m ake it easier to access higher education. In Family companies A pril 18th viates the need for the h eavy A m erica, the governm ent provides loans for all, w h ich students In tern ation al banking May 9th regulation that the Am erican have to repay irrespective o f their earnings, and grants for the In d ia under Modi May 23rd governm ent is currently ap p ly poor. The O bam a adm inistration has increased grants and eased Nigeria June 20th ing to for-profit universities. loans to reduce the burden on the least well-off, but the com bin a Previous special reports and a list of The o e c d is trying to es tion o f high costs and a fundam entally unforgiving loan system forthcoming ones can be found online: tablish a system for assessing is discouraging the squeezed middle. economist.com/specialreports w h at students all over the w orld Australia’s system o f incom e-contingent loans lets students have learned at tertiary institu o ff m aking repaym ents unless and until their earnings reach a tions, sim ilar to its w id ely certain threshold. W hile leaving individuals to bear the bulk o f w atched p i s a assessm ent o f secon dary-level achievem ent. the costs o f tuition, they have not deterred the less w ell-off from a h e l o , the proposed tertiary system, w o u ld start w ith econ o m going to university. There is a danger that the state m ay end up ics and engineering, testing students both on their subjects and w ith a large bill, if the threshold is set too high or the econ om y on their reasoning abilities. This w o u ld help youn g people de underperform s; to keep the bill do w n , cide w here to study and em ployers to understand the value o f Australia’s governm ent charges higher their qualifications; it w o u ld encourage com placent universities earners more. Eight other countries have to sharpen up their act and governm ents to put pressure on them adopted sim ilar system s. A m erica should to do so. “ N o b o d y is telling young p eople the truth,” says A n do the same. dreas Schleicher, director o f education and skills at the o e c d . Greater efforts need to be m ade to “They w ork hard to get a degree, but often w h en they get into the control the costs o f higher education. Tech labou r market they find it’s not w orth w h at they thought.” n olo g y can help. Universities should be The o e c d has been trying to get a h e l o o ff the ground for m ore adventurous in giving people access eight years. A successful pilot convinced Mr Schleicher that the problem s w ere not m ethodological or operational but politi The question is how higher education can deliver both cal. The Japanese, C hinese and South Ko equity and excellence without breaking the bank reans are keen, he says: “They kn o w that if th ey’re going to com pete in a global m ar ket they need proper m etrics.” The A m eri cans are not. “ It’s difficult to get buy-in from elite institutions that to their offerings online and in using tech nology to make ed u ca have a lot to lose.” There is no public opposition, but not m uch tion m ore effective. They might think that controlling costs is not progress either. A form er A m erican official describes their ap im portant to them , but they w o u ld be wrong: in A m erica the u n i proach as “foot-dragging”. That is a sham e: governm ents and stu versities’ custom ers are fed up w ith high fees and have started to dents both need to k n o w w hat they get for the m o n ey they pour vote w ith their feet. into universities. Higher education needs to do m ore to prove its w orth. At The A m erican m odel o f higher education has brought im present, although it is clear that individuals, on average, benefit m ense benefits to the w orld, and its global spread is to be ap from a college education, it is not clear w h eth er this is because plauded. But for all its virtues, it is expen sive and inequitable. their degree certificate signals to em ployers that they w ere clever Costs are hard to control and value for m o n ey is hard to m easure. enough to go to un iversity or because their studies added to their Resolving these problem s is partly up to governm ents, the un i hum an capital. versities’ m ost pow erful custom ers, but also up to the universi Latin A m erican countries are leading the w ay in trying to ties. The institutions that have done so m uch to change the w orld find out. Their reliance on the private sector m akes them esp e need to em brace change them selves. ■ cially conscious o f the need to get value for money. In Brazil a fed Policy options Having it all The Econom ist March 28th 2015 19
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