Enhancing the Student Experience Thursday 4

In partnership with:
Enhancing the Student Experience
Thursday 4 December 2014
Woburn House Conference Centre
London WC1H 9HQ
Featured Speakers:
Professor Paul O’Prey
Professor Janet Beer
Megan Dunn
University of
Vice-Chancellor, Oxford
Brookes University
Vice-President (Higher
education), national
Union of Students
Member of Universities
UK’s Student Policy
Universities UK
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The Student Services Organisation
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Enhancing the Student Experience
Thursday 4 December 2014
Woburn House Conference Centre
London WC1H 9HQ
Registration and refreshments @ 9:15am
Session 1: : How are universities and students
responding to a more marketised environment?
Chair’s welcome and introduction
Professor Paul O’Prey, Vice-Chancellor, University of Roehampton and member of Universities UK’s Student Policy Network
The conference will examine how universities can put student
experience at the centre of their institutional strategies. Through a
combination of plenary speeches, panel discussion and workshops
delegates will consider best practice examples of universities
delivering an excellent student experience, hear from leading experts
and student representatives.
Delegates will consider how universities can ensure a great
experience for their students in the context of changing expectations
about the quality and delivery of the academic experience. This
will include examining the opportunities and implications of new
technologies, new ways of learning and enhanced support services.
The conference will discuss how universities can best understand
and respond effectively to an increasingly diverse student base and
changing student needs, hear examples of effectives projects that
have improved student experience and consider the opportunities
and challenges posed by recent policy developments.
Universities UK
14:10 Panel discussion: How can universities ensure a great student experience?
10:05 How can students be partners in creating their student experience?
Megan Dunn, Vice-President (Higher Education), National Union of Students (NUS)
10:25 Keynote Address
Maddy Desforges, HE Quality, Access and Governance, Department of Business Innovation and Skill
10:45 Students as consumers?
Mr Gordon Ashworth, Project Director, Competitions and Markets Authority (CMA)
11:05 Questions and discussion
The panel will:
Explore how universities can put student
experience at the centre of an institutional
Discuss how universities can best understand
and respond effectively to changing student
Consider what universities should prioritise when
investing in the student experience
Examine the opportunities and challenges posed
by recent policy developments
Consider the opportunities and implications of
new technologies and new ways of learning.
Professor Janice Kay, Provost and Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Exeter
Dr Pete Cannell, Deputy Director, The Open University, Scotland
11:30 Refreshments and networking
Dr Paul Marshall, Group Director of Business Development, UPP (University Partnerships Programme)
Session 2: discussion groups
12:00 Please choose one discussion group from the list
1Enhancing the experience of International Students
Brian Hipkin, Dean of Students, Regent’s University London
Session 4: discussion groups
Creating and nurturing a sense of place and community on campus
Tim Woodman-Clarke, Head of Student Accommodation Services, Nottingham Trent University Andy Schulten, Head of Student Experience, UPP (University Partnerships Programme)
Charters 2.0 – developing a framework for partnership
Debbie McVitty, Head of Policy, National Union of Students (NUS)
13:00 Lunch and networking
Session 3: Putting student experience at the centre
of a university’s strategy
13:45 Chair’s introduction
Ben Lewis, Director, Student Support & Wellbeing Division, Cardiff University and Chair, AMOSSHE
13:50 Keynote address
Professor Janet Beer, Vice-Chancellor, Oxford Brookes University and Vice-President of Rachael Gillies, President, Exeter Guild of Students
15:15 Close of session
15:20 Please choose one discussion group from the list
Improving support services for students
Sally Olohan MBE, Director of Student Services, Nottingham Trent University
Dr Ruth Caleb, Head of Counselling, Brunel University
Universities, students and consumer law
Carolyn Pike, Director of Legal Services, University of Birmingham
Fiona Waye, Senior Policy Lead, Equality & Diversity, Universities UK
Student engagement in Learning and Teaching Quality
Gwen van der Velden, Director of Learning and Teaching Enhancement, University of Bath
16:20 Close of conference
Interested in sponsorship opportunities for
this event?
Contact: Catriona Coyle, Events and
Sponsorship Manager
Tel: 0207 419 5411
Email: catriona.coyle@universitiesuk.ac.uk
The organisers reserve the right to make changes to this programme without prior notice