اتحـــــــــــاد جامعــــــــات العـــــــالـــــــــم اإلســــالمي FEDERATION OF THE UNIVERSITIES OF THE ISLAMIC WORLD FEDERATION DES UNIVERSITIES DU MONDE ISLAMIQUE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION BULLETIN D’ADHESION طلة االنضوام The University of (Name) / L’Université de (Nom): ........................................................... :)إن جامعة (االسم .................................................................................................................................................................................... Country / Pays : ................................................................................................................................ :البلد Address / Adresse : ................................................................................................................................ :العنوان ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... :ًتطلة االنضوام إلى اتحاد جاهعات العالن اإلساله Applies for joining in the Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World: Demande à adhérer à la Fédération des Universités du Monde islamique: On /Le : ...................................................................................... :تتارٌخ اإلهضاء )(االسن والصفة Signature (Name and position) / (Nom et qualité) ً دوالر أهرٌك3000 واالشتراك السنوي،ً دوالر أهرٌك200 رسن االنضوام:مالحظة الرتاط – الوغرب، فً تنك العرب – وكالة أگدال5221.536512.530 :ٌثعث إلى الحساب الثنكً لالتحاد رقن SWIFT CODE : ARAB MAMC N.B.: Membership fees are US$ 200, Yearly contribution stands at US$ 3000 Federation Bank account number Is : 5221.536512.530 / ARAB BANK PLC – Agence Agdal – Rabat (Morocco) SWIFT CODE : ARAB MAMC N.B.: Droit d’affiliation: 200 US$, Quote-part annuelle: 3000 US$ Adresse au compte bancaire de la Fédération n° : 5221.536512.530 / ARAB BANK PLC – Agence Agdal – Rabat (Maroc) SWIFT CODE : ARAB MAMC 10104.ب. – ر2275 .ب. شارع الجيش الملكي – حي الرياض – الرباط – المملكة المغربية – ص:اإليسيسكو ISESCO : Avenue des F.A.R. – Hay Ryad – Rabat – Royaume du Maroc – BP. 2275 – CP. 10104 Fax : +212 (0) 537.56.60.12/13 – Tél : +212 (0) 537. 56. 60. 52/53 E-mail : fumi@isesco.org.ma Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW) General Secretariat Membership Application Form 1. Name of University : 2. City & Country : 3. Address : Telephone : Fax : Email : 4. Website: 5. Name of the President / Vice-Chancellor / Rector : 6. Date of establishment: 7. Public or Private: 8. Number and date of the establishment act or governmental licence (attach a copy thereof) : *9. Admission requirements for the first stage of higher education: *10. Duration of study (or number of hours) for the first stage of higher education: *11. Admission requirements for postgraduate studies: 12. Duration of study for postgraduate studies: *13. University schools, colleges or higher institutes: 14. Number of teaching staff: 15. Total number of University staff: 16. Number of students : Nationals: Foreigners: 17. Language(s) of instruction : 18. Degrees awarded : 19. Number of theses defended since the establishment of the University: Master’s: 20. Number of academic symposia and conferences scheduled per year: 21. Library holdings : Books Periodicals Manuscripts 22. Number of publications since the establishment (newsletters, journals, books, studies): 23. Number of Islamic universities with which the University signed cooperation agreements: 24. Number of foreign universities with which the University signed cooperation agreements: 25. Number of scholarships awarded to students: 26. Student facilities: Housing: Playing fields: 27. Tuition and other fees: for nationals US $: Cultural and social facilities: for foreigners US $: ------------------------------------------------------------------(*) Use a separate paper if need be. PhD:
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