CUMBRIA CUMBERLAND FEDERATION OF WOMEN’S INSTITUTES WI OFFICE, 13, EARL STREET, CARLISLE, CUMBRIA CA1 1DP Telephone: 01228-521774 E mail: Website: Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 10.00am to 1.00pm Chairman: Helen Hinvest Honorary Treasurer: Joyce Seminara Federation Secretary: Sandra Rogerson Editor: Margaret Suddart E Mail: Number 298 December 2014/January 2015 COUNTY NEWS The Chairman’s Christmas message A new and exciting era for our Federation began on 10th November when we moved to the WI office at 13, Earl Street, Carlisle. I am sure members will be pleased to know that the new owner is absolutely delighted with her purchase of 33, Lonsdale St and plans to make it a home for herself and her family. So we really do have a fresh and thrilling start to 2015- a hugely significant year for the WI with the Centenary Celebrations, our own 95th Anniversary, a new office, two new WIs recently formed and… a full programme of events. To mark this very special year we are giving every member of the Federation a Christmas present! The Centenary Bookmark will be a reminder of some of the events we have planned for 2015. I hope you will all take pleasure in using this bookmark and join with your fellow members in the events we have planned for you to enjoy together. Let’s all decide that 2015 is the year we are going to have even more fun with the WI! All the Trustees, and Sandra, join me in wishing you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a healthy, wealthy and Happy New Year! Best wishes Helen Page 1 ****Please note WI Office will be closed from Thursday 18th December at 1.00pm until Monday 5th January 2015 at 10.00am**** A MOVING STORY- the Final update The WI Office is now in its new home on Earl Street in Carlisle. It has been a very busy time for Federation Officers, Trustees, and Sandra, our Federation Secretary. We didn’t get much warning of our completion date so everyone had to work extremely hard to make relocation as smooth as possible. Consequently, you will appreciate the office may not have operated quite as efficiently as it usually does- a mobile phone took our diverted phone calls, and we were without internet access for several days. So please be understanding, and by the time you read this I am sure that normal service will have been resumed! Our particular thanks go to John Haley from Edwin Thompson and Lucy Guthrie from Cartmell Shepherd for handling all the technical and legal details; to Paul Watson’s removals who worked so hard on 10th November and Paul Laidlaw who is arranging the sale of surplus items through his Auction room; and last, but by no means least, to Sandra who has boxed up all the office files, stationery, accounts etc for removal to her new office and to her husband George, who has made numerous trips to the tip with the surplus accumulation since 1946! The move to the new WI Office means that it will no longer be possible to provide members with the facilities they previously enjoyed at our house on Lonsdale Street. Members will of course be welcome to come to WI Office to collect and deliver things, but not to use the cloakroom or kitchen, or leave shopping for later collection. I am sure members will appreciate that Earl St is a multi-occupancy office building shared with other tenants. Unfortunately we will no longer need the Flower Rota so we should like to thank all those WIs who have donated money, and arranged flowers at number 33 over the many years the Flower rota has been in operation. The flowers were always a welcome sight and much appreciated by those members who did visit WI House. We would ask you please to make a note of our new address and Office hours which are on the front cover of the newsletter. Page 2015 subscriptions are due on January 1st. A form for the Treasurers’ attention is enclosed with this newsletter. Please complete it and return to me with a cheque made payable to CCFWI by Thursday 26th February 2015. The NFWI Board of Trustees has set the subscription for next year at £36 for each member renewing their subscription. WIs retain £17, Federation receives £8 and NFWI £11. Dual members will pay £17 to their second WI. Treasurers should all have received information on the pro-rata charges for 2015. Joyce Seminara. Hon County Treasurer 2 2015 SUBSCRIPTION PAYMENTS BURNS NIGHT SUPPER AND CEILIDH on Saturday 17th January 2015 in Langwathby Village Hall at 7.00pm The evening will follow the traditional format - the Haggis will be piped in, addressed, and then eaten with the traditional bashed tatties and neeps! Our speakers for the evening will entertain with The Immortal Memory followed by The Toast to the Lassies and Their Reply. Afterwards “Thrice Brewed” will provide the music for the ceilidh. Tickets are £20 each-this includes your supper and your first drink- a bar will also be available to purchase beer, wine and soft drinks. Members are welcome to bring family and friends to this special event. Tickets available from Susan Grave, West View, Winskill, Penrith. CA10 1PD. Telephone: 01768 881356. Please make cheques payable to CCFWI and incude your phone number with SAE for tickets and receipt. Closing date is Friday 2nd January 2015 so get your ticket sorted and find your dancing shoes-this will help work off the extra Christmas calories! 2014 CALENDAR OF EVENTS DECEMBER 6th Carol Service Wigton Rd Methodist Church Carlisle 12/14th Royal Albert Hall ‘Carols by Candlelight’ 2015 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 14-16th Kiplin Hall/Castle Howard Federation holiday SEPTEMBER 3-6th WI Cetennial Fair Harrogate 26th Greystoke Castle Musical Extravaganza 27th Ullswater Boat trip/Picnic OCTOBER Denman Trip Date tbc 31st Hallowe’en Party Embleton Village Hall MARCH APRIL 18th Spring Council Meeting Rheged 27th Health & Beauty Day Greenhill Hotel Wigton JULY 29th ACWW Walk AUGUST 12th Penrith Quizzical walk NOVEMBER 7th Federation Coffee Morning, Penrith Centenary Quiz DECEMBER 5th Carol Service Carlisle Cathedral 3 24th Federation Coffee Morning Bigrigg MAY FEBRUARY 19th Tullie House talk- Carlisle & the 1745 Rebellion 28th Feb-1st Mar Marmalade Festival Dalemain JUNE 4th AGM Albert Hall & Live-screening at Rheged 6th Cumberland Show Page JANUARY 17th Burns Night & Ceilidh THE FEDERATION WINTER COFFEE MORNING The first coffee morning of the New Year will be at Bigrigg Village Hall on Saturday 24th January 2015 at our usual time of 10.00 am. Why not come along and enjoy a warming cuppa with your fellow members, have a homemade cake, try your luck with a raffle ticket, make a few purchases from a selection of stalls and just share the camaraderie that being a member of our movement gives you. We’d love to meet you so put the date in your nice new diary … now! If you have created something for the Kiplin Hall exhibition you can bring it to the coffee morning and hand it to any of the Trustees. Please remember to add your name and contact details so we know whose it is. A NEW LOGO FOR A NEW ERA! As you are aware 2015 is the 95th anniversary of the formation of our Federation. To celebrate this we are inviting all our talented and artistic members to design a new logo to represent our Federation. The new logo would be used on all our stationery, publications and advertising materials, and should be suitable for making into a new Federation badge. So if you are not a knitter and won’t be making a teddy bear you can use the cold winter days to get your creative pens or pencils moving across your paper. We are giving you free reign but would ask you to remember that as the logo will need to be used in printing the design lines will need to be kept clear and simple. What are you waiting for? Get your pencil started! Please send your completed designs to WI office before 10th April 2015. THE FEDERATION BANNER AND ITS OUTINGS The Federation Banner was assembled in 3 sections so it was easily transportable around the County and wouldn’t spend its days lonely, unloved and overlooked in the office. However, concerns have been raised about keeping your beautiful panels in a pristine condition and about the logistics of getting it to and from your Institutes. The solution to this is for, wherever possible, a Trustee to take responsibility for these matters. Bringing the Banner to your events will also give us an additional opportunity to get to know you, because meeting so many of you at our coffee mornings is making them very enjoyable and worthwhile. So please let Margaret Pattinson (016973 42365) have your Banner Booking in plenty of time for her to make the appropriate arrangements. Thank you. Sandra Clifford Archive Secretary Page 4 We are hearing whispers on the grapevine that you are using a great range of activities in your efforts to ‘Grow a Tenner’- we knew you were resourceful. So thank you for your efforts so far and in true ‘Strictly’ fashion ‘Keeeeeeep Growing!’ CHRISTMAS SHOP Are you looking for a small Christmas present? Perhaps you just want to treat yourself? Look no further than WI Office. Copies of our 2015 calendar are available from the office at the price of £3.50. Each month features one of the photographs which were put on the Baton memory stick and on the reverse a recipe from our ‘Biscuits, Tray Bakes and other Tea-time Treats’ cookery book. Also available are our new slate coasters which retail at only £2.50 each- just the thing on which to rest your tea cup or even your wine glass. You’ll have to hurry of course –you wouldn’t want to miss out on this limited edition. Don’t forget our CHAIRMAN’S CHALLENGE for the 2015 SCM is to knit or crochet a teddy for TEDDIES FOR TRAGEDIES Each WI is asked to submit just one amazing teddy bear which will be judged alongside all its fellow bears and our expert judge will declare the winner on the day! Please note: The bears must only be knitted or crocheted from the set patterns enclosed with the November County News. Visit the Teddies for Tragedies website for photographs and inspiration. If WI members wish to make extra Teddies, please can they make their own arrangements for distributing these to children’s charities. What a rewarding way to keep your fingers warm and active during the cool winter evenings so find your needles and your wool stash and get started….now! CALLING ALL BUDDING SILVER SURFERS Do you have an I-Pad, Tablet or Kindle Fire that you haven’t mastered yet, or are you hoping for one for Christmas and need help getting started? Or maybe you just need help with staying safe on-line or shopping on-line, or maybe using Facebook or other social networks is baffling you. Whether it is on one of these devices or a computer or a laptop, then we have a session for you at WI Office, 13, Earl Street, Carlisle CA1 1DP, on Wednesday 14th January 2015 1.30pm-3.30pm. To book a free place or for further information please contact Anne Young on 01228 539829 or by email before Monday 29th December 2014. Page 5 THE LADY DENMAN CUP COMPETITION 2014 In our October edition we told you that 3 members had had their entries for this competition sent forward to NFWI. Unfortunately they were not successful this time. However as the standard of all our Federation entries was so high the Art and Leisure Committee are hoping to organise an event in the future to showcase the entries so that we can all appreciate their talent. MEMBERSHIP SUPPORT EXPERIENCE THE CENTENARY AGM! th On Thursday 4 June 2015 the NFWI AGM will be live-streamed from the Royal Albert Hall to Rheged, near Penrith. Coffee/tea and biscuits will be served from 9.00am, the live-streaming will start at 10.30am, lunch will be served when the AGM breaks for lunch- we will have soup, choice of sandwiches, coffee or tea and a bottle of Tebay spring water- then the live-streaming will continue until the end of the AGM at 4.30pm. Parking is free. Tickets are £15 and the closing date is 27th March 2015 so get your application in before you forget. This is made possible by the subsidy from the Grow-a-Tenner Scheme so that as many members as possible can be a part of this historic event. For tickets please send cheque payable to CCFWI with SAE and telephone number to: Margaret Plank, Stewart Hill Farm, Hesket Newmarket, Wigton. Cumbria. CA7 8HX FEDERATION BURSARIES ‘I’ve never been to Denman but I should very much like to go…’ Two lucky members, Sue Webster of Lees Hill WI and Gilda Wells of Seaton Bookaneers WI will now have their wish as they were successful in their application to attend Denman for the first time. We know they will have a wonderful time. Congratulations to them both, and commiserations to all those members who were not lucky this time. NEW MEMBERS KEEP ON COMING We are pleased to announce the formation of two more WIs, at Cockermouth and St.Bees, and welcome all the new members into our Federation. Both groups had over 40 people signing up at their inaugural meetings. One of the groups has already put their names down to attend more than one event in the near future. We wish them both well and hope to meet them at many events around the Federation in the coming year. Page MEMBERSHIP BOOKLETS The 2015 membership booklets will be sent out directly to all WI Secretaries week commencing 8th December 2014. If any WI has not received them by 15th December 2014 please contact Sharon on Freephone 0800 389 2590. Should any WI have new members you can collect extra books from WI Office in Carlisle. 6 2015 AGM RESOLUTION The short list for resolutions for the 2015 AGM will be in the latest copy of WI Life. When you have made your choice, please cut out the coupon and post to WI Office, 13, Earl St. Carlisle CA1 1PD by Monday 19th January 2015. EDUCATION & PUBLIC AFFAIRS CARLISLE and the 1745 REBELLION How much do you really know about Carlisle’s part in the Jacobite rebellion- which side did they support- King or Pretender? If you would like to discover more details about this episode in Carlisle’s history then come and join us at Tullie House at 1.30pm on Thursday 19th February 2015 and find out who was involved and what happened. The cost for your ticket is £5 and is available from Margaret Suddart, 12 Seaton Rd, Seaton, Workington. CA14 1DT. Please make cheques payable to CCFWI and include your phone number and SAE for receipt and tickets. Please note the closing date for tickets is February 5th 2015. HEALTH & BEAUTY DAY MARCH 27th 2015 GREENHILL HOTEL 100 years- think of the things that have changed- fashion, beauty products, ways of exercising, even the way we pose for photographs but we still need to look and feel our best. Come along on Friday March 27th 2015 and join in a day of fun and education- we have stalls with advice, stalls with goods to sell- e.g. make-up, fashions, shoes, accessories, we have competitions, quizzes, photographs and faux pas from our fashion archives!!!!! We have Melissa Andrews a WI member whose triathlon exploits were recently on tv and Val Armstrong from Radio Cumbria to inspire us with their stories. We hope also to cycle from Greenhill to HQ! How???? Come and join us and see! Tickets cost £7 and are available from Margaret Suddart 12 Seaton Rd Seaton Workington CA14 1DT. Please make cheques payable to CCFWI and include telephone number with SAE for tickets and receipt. HOMECRAFTS ****KIPLIN HALL EXHIBITION APPEAL**** Thank you to those who have already sent items in for the “100 Shades of Green” exhibition, but if you are still working on something please don’t panic- you have until 24th January 2015 to complete your masterpiece. Your work can be anything from cushions, quilts, fabric boxes, felting, cards, beadwork, knitting, lace all with a reasonable percentage of green…..but not pictures as sadly there is nowhere to hang them. Further details can be attained from Alison Watt on 01228 561268 or **Members of the Board of Trustees will be in WI Office on Wednesday 28th January 2015 from 10.00am -1.00pm to receive any items you may have for this exhibition.** Page 7 *****Alison and her team would greatly appreciate the help of pairs of members who feel they could offer their support by doing a session of stewarding at the exhibition on Saturday 16th May. The Kiplin fund will pay travelling expenses and you will receive free entry. If you feel this is you then please contact Alison as above.***** ARTS AND LEISURE FEDERATION CAROL SERVICE This year’s Federation Carol Service will be held on Saturday 6th December at Wigton Rd Methodist Church Carlisle where there is ample parking. The service will commence at 2.00pm and a collection will be taken which will be divided between the Church and the Federation. Afterwards you will have the opportunity to purchase a cup of tea, a mince pie or shortbread and have a good catch up with like–minded friends. We look forward to seeing you all and sharing this celebration with you. TARGET SHOOTING Now….how would you like to try something different? Have you considered Target Shooting? We are looking into staging this activity but we need to know if you would be interested. Please contact Ilene Forsyth to give her your views on this either by calling 01228 791 539 or by letter (including your name and address) to March House, 22 Netherby Rd, Longtown CA6 5XJ- closing date is 31st December 2014. DARTS PAIRS Congratulations to Elaine and Emma Salt of Great Orton WI, winners of the Darts Pairs Final held in Wigton Bowling Club last month and commiserations, but well done too, to the gallant runners up Dorothy Wills and Ann McGinn of Kirkbride WI. Join us on a FEDERATION HOLIDAY to see the WI Centenary Craft Exhibition “100 Shades of Green!” at Kiplin Hall, Richmond, North Yorkshire. Thursday 14th- Saturday 16th May 2015. The holiday comprises 2 nights Dinner, Bed and Breakfast at the Majestic Hotel, Harrogate, a half day visit to Castle Howard and a full day at leisure in York on the Friday. Entry to Kiplin Hall to see the craft exhibition before returning to Cumbria. Your luxury coach will pick up in Cockermouth, Wigton, Carlisle and Penrith. The total cost is £250 based on 2 people sharing (single room supplement £40) Please send your non-refundable deposit of £50 to Jane Miller, High Aikton, Wigton CA7 0BP. Please make cheques payable to CCFWI, enclose SAE and contact details and mark envelope WI. Please note the closing date is 28th February 2015 ENCLOSURES 2015 subscriptions form; Wensleydale Creamery flyer; Yorkshire Lavender Flyer Page 8 AROUND THE WI’S DalstonWI- are hosting a Table Top Sale in the Victory Hall Dalston on Saturday 21st February 2015 from 10.00am until 12.00 noon. There will be WI Home baking and light refreshments for sale but admission is free. If you would like a table (£5) please contact Val Cowen on 01228 710437.
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