to go directly to this week's Newsletter.

Carlisle Primary School
Number 20 ~ Week 8 ~ Term 4 ~ 2nd December 2014
Dear Parents and Carer’s,
This is my final newsletter for the year and I want to take this opportunity to thank all
students, parents/carers and staff for what has been the most successful and
productive of my three years as principal of Carlisle PS. The school is in an excellent
position to consolidate its already high status as a school with innovative programs
and committed staff.
The school has a Pre-Service Teacher partnership with Edith Cowan University and
has been asked to form a similar partnership with the University of Western Australia.
We also support a minor end-of-year program for first year student teachers with
Notre Dame University. These partnerships are a strong commendation of the quality
and expertise of our teaching staff.
In 2015 the specialist program will be modified to include Science as a school focus.
Specialist teachers are: Miss Tuxworth, Visual Arts and ICT; Ms Prudnicki, Music/
Drama; Mr Hart, Physical Education and Science; Ms Heald, Japanese Language.
Miss Guerra continues as the English Alternative Language specialist teacher and
coordinates the new and popular Carlisle kitchen.
National Survey
All Australian schools are required to conduct a satisfaction survey every two years
from 2014. There are three survey groups: Students Years 5-7; Parents and Carers;
Staff. This is an online survey with log-in procedures. You will be issued with a log-in
number to begin the survey, however that log-in does not identify the user and the
survey is fully confidential and anonymous. It is a very short multiple choice survey,
you may use a school computer, or a hard copy can be provided if required. Please
update your email address with us by sending an email to with the name of your child in the subject line.
It is very important that we have your support in completing the survey.
Parent/Carer Requests
There have been a number of requests made and considered. Most requests were for
authentic reasons, however if you are disappointed when school begins in 2015, I will
be pleased to meet with you and explain why your request was declined.
Class Lists There will be no information regarding teacher and student class
placements prior to 2015. This is because families sometimes move out of the area
during the holidays and classes change. Class lists will be displayed at the school
after 2.00pm, Friday 29th January 2015.
Coming Events
Presentation Night Remember to bring your chairs or blankets, there will be a special
blanket area in front of chairs and a dedicated area for taking photos.
Reports and Class Parties Class party day in the main school is Tuesday 16th
December. The teachers of Kindergarten and Pre-primary classes will inform parents
of their plans. Reports will be sent home on Tuesday 16th December.
On behalf of the staff I wish you all the compliments of the season, a joyful Christmas
and a Happy New Year and trust you will enjoy the summer holidays with your
children. I will be enjoying a winter Christmas and New Year in the UK and Austria
with some of my children and grandchildren.
First day for students Monday 2nd February 2015.
Next Assembly
Wednesday 3rd December
(Week 8)
Hosts: Room 17 & 20
Whole School Presentation
Night @ Carlisle PS
(Week 9)
Tuesday 9th December
Year 6/7 Graduation Assembly
@ Carlisle PS
(Week 9)
Thursday 11th December
Year 6/7 Graduation Dinner @
Rivervale Community Centre
(Week 9)
Thursday 11th December
6.00pm ~ 9.30pm
Choir Carols In The Park
(Week 9 )
Friday 12th December
Talent Show @ Carlisle PS
(Week 10)
Tuesday 16th December
11.00am ~ 12.30pm
Kind Regards,
Last Day Of School For
(Week 10)
Jan Matthews
Thursday 18th December
Canteen Open On Presentation Night
The school canteen will be open from 5.00pm for the Carlisle Primary School
Presentation Night (Tuesday 9th December). You will be able to purchase a
variety of meals, snacks and drinks for your family.
Please come along early on the night and support the school canteen!
First Day Of School For
Students 2015 (Week 1)
Monday 2nd February
(Apart from some Kindy Students who
will start Tuesday 3rd February)
During this term, Room 9 have been very busy. We attended a WASSO concert at the Perth Concert
Hall, watched a great presentation by the Cancer Council and spent an interesting day at Belmont City
College. We have been making good use of the school’s new kitchen, making spaghetti bolognaise,
mini quiches and fruit cake muffins. The students are also getting very excited for our class sleepover
on Friday. Enjoy the photos of the class making the fruit cake muffins.
~ Important Dates ~
Tuesday 9th December ~ Whole School Presentation Night ~ 6.30pm
Thursday 11th December ~ Year 6 & 7 Graduation Assembly and Morning Tea ~ 9.30am
Thursday 11th December ~ Year 6 & 7 Graduation Dinner Dance ~ 6.00pm
Thursday 18th December ~ Last Day of Term 4 For All Students
Monday 2nd February ~ First Day Of School For Students (Excluding some Kindy Children who will start on Tuesday 3rd February)
2015 Stationery Requirements List
Your children have by now been given their 2015 Stationery Requirements lists. The supplier is Office Max.
Please read through all of the pages of the order form thoroughly and follow the easy steps to order online.
Your order will be sent to your home address before first term if you order by the due date of 19th December. This really is the easiest solution for you.
Please Note: Carlisle Primary School has nothing to do with the ordering or supplying of the stationery requirements. It is all completed through Office Max.
Do not return your order form to the school. Any queries regarding the orders, payment, goods received, refunds, back orders or missing items must be addressed
with Office Max directly by phone on 1800 004 427.
If your child has not received a stationery requirements order form for next year, please come and collect one at the school office.
A Sport Report
Today the Cupcakes and Olympia 10 will be versing each other in cricket. Cupcakes will be batting first and Olympia 10 will be fielding.
Blair and Branai will be batting and score with a big swing, but sadly Branai and Blaire got out. Now, Vince and Tahlia will be batting
and so far they have two runs. Cupcakes are on 20 with Olympia 10 still to bat. Ooh, close to being out, but not quite. Now, both teams
have to swap. Batting first for Olympia 10 are Jack and Lucky. Wow, four runs already! Now they hit another four. Will they ever get
out? The score so far is Cupcakes with 21 and Olympia 10 with 22. This is a tough game, but so far it looks like Olympia 10 might win.
Now, Laura and Shrishti are in to bat and trying to get a higher score. No luck. Now it’s Mac turn and he scores with 6 runs! It was a
tough game, but in the end Olympia 10 won by 17 runs.
Written by a Carlisle Primary School sports journalist.
P & C NEWS ~ P & C NEWS ~ P & C NEWS
The P&C will be holding a Christmas Raffle to be drawn on presentation night Tuesday 9 th December 2014.
We are asking for donations of goods for making hampers for the raffle.
We request each classroom donate goods as listed below. Of course this list is not exhaustive.
We welcome any donated goods and all donations are greatly appreciated.
Room 1 - Canned fruit or vegetables, sauces, preserves
Room 2 – Biscuits/Cakes ie: mince pies, shortbread, fruit cake
Room 3 – Savoury snacks ie: nuts, pretzels, potato & corn chips, savoury biscuits
Room 4 - $2 shop items ie: toys, games, gifts
Room 5 - Wrapping paper, gift tags, cards, ribbon
Room 6 - Christmas decorations ie: tinsel, baubles
Room 9 - Table decorations ie: serviettes, bon bons, tablecloths, candles
Room 12 - Chocolates, lollies
Room 13 - Drinks ie: soft drink, cordial, juice
Room 14 -Mugs, tea, coffee, hot chocolate, marshmallows
Room 15 - Desserts ie: long life custard, custard powder, jelly
Room 16 - Savoury snacks ie: nuts, pretzels, potato & corn chips, savoury biscuits
Room 17 - Chocolates, lollies
Room 18 - $2 shop items ie: toys, games, gifts
Room 19 - Table decorations ie: serviettes, bon bons, tablecloths, candles
Room 20 - Christmas decorations ie: tinsel, baubles/ornaments
The Uniform Shop will be
open on Thursday 29th
January 2015 between
9.00am and 12.00pm for
your uniform requirements
in the new school year.
Any baskets or large Christmas themed gift boxes would also be appreciated.
Please leave donated items with your child’s teacher, at the school office or the uniform shop.
Thank you for supporting your school
Carlisle Primary School P&C.
Canteen ‘Special Lunch Order’ Day on Wednesday 3rd December
Tomorrow, Wednesday 3rd December is a ‘Special Lunch Order Day’.
(The normal everyday menu will still be available)
Sausage Sizzle (Halal Option Available) or Hot Dog (Red Sausage) and Drink of your choice $6.00 total
Our Canteen Only Sells ‘Healthy School’ Approved Foods
Printing costs of our Newsletter are kindly sponsored by
Victoria Park Auto Care
3 Miller Street Victoria Park 6100 9361 1152
CONTACT CARLISLE PRIMARY SCHOOL ~ Tel: 9470 3800 ~ Fax: 9472 3319
Website: ~ Email:
Address: 271 Orrong Road, Kewdale, WA, 6105