1 Warranwood Primary School www.warranwood.vic.edu.au Term 4, Week 7 Thursday 20th November, 2014 WHAT’S ON? November 24 26 27 28 Parents Assoc meeting Twilight Meeting at 7.30pm in the staffroom Keyboard concert @ 1pm in the Gym for Katrina’s students Piano concert in the Performing Arts room @ 1pm for Diana’s 2015 Foundation Orientation 9.15 to 10.30am December 1 5 7 9 12 15 16 17 18 19 Christmas Celebration Night @ 7pm Twilight Market Karate Group Christmas break-up Foundation Orientation 2 to 3pm School Christmas Disco Year 6 Graduation at Potters Receptions Years 5 and 6 Colman Park Excursion Croydon Indoor Sports for Graduates Years 5 and 6 Games Day Graduation lunch in the park Last day of Term 4. School finishes at 1.30pm Principal FOUNDATION CONCERTS This week’s Principal Awards Congratulations to this week’s recipients: Zac F 1/2P Elise H 1/2J Lchie S 1/2D Paige F 1/2P Angel M 3/4B Amy H 3/4B Jarrod G 3/4A Mia S 3/4A Austin D 3/4A Erin 3/4W Lachie H 3/4 W Kristian F 5/6D Jacinta M 5/6D 2 Wow! What a spectacle! On Tuesday and Wednesday this week some very proud parents, grandparents and staff were treated to three very special performances of The Frog Prince Continued. Our Foundation students were very impressive in their characterisation, stagecraft and, most of all, their confidence. Each performance was entertaining and humorous. Each audience also got to see a snippet of the Middle School Madagascar production from earlier this term. It was fascinating to see the way in which the development of skills in those students began in very much the same way as this week’s performances. Congratulations to all of our Foundation students and to Jacinta O’Leary! TWILIGHT MARKET We are looking forward to the Twilight Market on Friday 5 December! There will be entertainment, prizes, children’s activities and more than 50 market and food stalls! As well as the great opportunity for an early Christmas celebration it is the ideal event for Christmas shopping!! Check out the Warranwood Primary School Twilight Market Facebook page. END OF YEAR EVENTS Don’t forget to add all the dates from our calendar to your end of year diaries. Election Day BBQ, Christmas Celebration, Twilight Market …. Assistant Principal Brady’s RCH Game Board Challenge How exciting! We have two overflowing tubs of games to donate to RCH. Thank you to all our families for their generosity. Brady and his family are very excited. A representative from the hospital will come out to assembly on Monday December 1 st to accept the games and thank our wonderful families. There is still time to bring a new game. We will be collecting until Wednesday next week. Transition We run a number of programs during this time of the year to help students make a successful transition to their classes for the following year. Staff work together to plan developmentally appropriate activities that help students get to know some new faces and are more familiar with the next year level. Please make sure that you support your child by being positive about exciting times to come. Our final transition session will be on Tuesday December 9 and where possible students are in their 2015 classes with their teacher. Cookbook Crew The Cookbook Crew have been doing a lot of work in the background. They are still looking for fabulous recipes and definitely need to hear some stories about great family desserts. Send your recipes into the office with your family story. Sue Office News School Banking We have received notification that the Handball and Swimming bag are now limited stock. Commonwealth Bank are expecting for both items to be out of stock in approximately 2 weeks and will not be receiving further stock. Trish Faulkner 3 Japanese News This stunning kimono was kindly donated to our Japanese room by the Cullen-Hall family. Thank you to Rebekah's Nan for giving us this beautiful traditional Japanese kimono!! Japanese Festival- 3,5,7. On November the 15th many Japanese children ages 3,5 & 7 celebrated the 七五三 (shichi, go, san) festival. We discussed this festival in Japanese Junior School classes this week and these lucky students dressed up in traditional costume. Please ask a Year 1/2 student to tell you more about this lovely children's festival! Premier’s Reading Challenge Certificates 2014 Our certificates have arrived! Due to the large number of successful challengers again this year we will be giving the certificates to the class teachers to distribute. Congratulations to all of our successful challengers! We also have a VPRC lapel pin to be awarded to one student from each level. These students have been notified and will be presented with their pin at next week’s assembly. Yvonne Reid/Ann Mangan Challenge Coordinators Kurburoo Visited Warranwood On Monday, the school leaders had their Kurburoo Kinder buddies visit Warranwood PS. We had a fantastic time. When they arrived they were nervous, but soon overcame their shyness and they were so excited and happy! We gave our special letters that we made for them. They absolutely loved them. We gave a tour around the school, then we met at the oval to play fun activities like the parachute, skipping ropes, hoola hoops and throwing balls. The parachute was the most popular and lots of fun. After the activities we played grab the tail. We went back to the Senior School building to have our picnic. There were sandwiches, fairy bread, biscuits and more yummy treats to share! Then unfortunately, they had to leave us. We gave a big hug goodbye and wished them luck for the future. Five of them are coming to Warranwood! They had lots of fun laughing, playing and enjoying themselves. We will miss them. From Eve F and Kim L 4 Canteen News Canteen is now open for over the counter sales on a Wednesday, there are no lunch orders available on this day. A reminder, Tomato Sauce now comes in a squeezable sachet at a cost of 15c per sachet. NEW LINES - Pine/Lime Quench Spring Water …………………………..$1.50 - Frozen fruit juice cups, Tropical or Apple …………………..50c - Raspberry or Pine lime Bellis Bars ……………………………..50c We are offering some SIZZLING SUMMER $5- Meal Deals until the end of Term 4. ~ Meal Deal 1~ Hot Dog with a BIG M Chocolate or Strawberry milk and a Homemade Choc Chip Mini Muffin $5.00 ~ Meal Deal 2~ Cheeseburger with a BIG M Chocolate or Strawberry milk and a Quelch Stick $5.00 ~ Meal Deal 3~ Hawaiian or Margarita Pizza with a BIG M Chocolate or Strawberry milk and a Quelch Stick $5.00 Canteen Roster, Term 4, 2014 If you are unable to attend canteen on the day you are rostered please contact me in advance. On 0419 387 370. Friday, 14 November Connie Panagiotopoulos Jody Oakley Cara Mooney Kerrin Naismith Shauna McIntosh Friday, 21 November Monday, 24 November Sylda Jones Jo Aikman Lisa Marshall Tuesday, 25 November Sharna Evans Kelly Gersh Wednesday, 26 November Canteen Closed Thursday, 27 November Barb Fehring Peter Getz Ron Hudson Friday, 28 November Tanya Ellard Sam Ireland Liz McGinley Monday, 1 December Carol Sandison Jacqui Coia Tuesday, 2 December Jenni Carey Sonia Greaves Wednesday, 3 December Canteen Closed Thursday, 4 December Di Jelinek Friday, 5 December Monday, 8 December Kim Durose Sylda Jones Tuesday, 9 December Matoula Gatsoulis Wednesday, 10 December Andrea Moran Charlotte Alexander Canteen Closed Thursday, 11 December Maggie Slane Darcy O'connor Friday, 12 December Tania Cullen Hall Sylda Jones Kelly Gersh Sharron Weight Monday, 15 December Tuesday, 16 December Wednesday, 17 December No lunch orders available this week only over the counter sales at recess and lunch Thursday, 18 December Friday, 19 December Canteen Closed 5 PARENTS ASSOCIATION REPORT Fun Run Last call for all Fun Run Forms. We will be placing the Prize order next week. Please have your forms in by the 26th November to claim your prize! Election Day BBQ This is just a reminder that the Election Day BBQ is coming up on the 29th November! Make sure you take full advantage of the BBQ's set up while you wait to make your vote! If you are able to help out on the day please contact your class rep. Christmas Disco The Christmas Disco is 3 weeks away!!!! On the 12th December we wil be holding the annual Christmas Disco between 5pm 7:30pm. Please see the attached flyer for more details. Saturday 29th November - Election Day BBQ Friday 5th December - Twilight Market Friday 12th December - Christmas Disco 6 7 Community Announcements….. Ringwood Church of Christ presents… A Puppet Christmas Extravaganza featuring the talents of Ringwood Youth Puppeteers. Thursday 18th December 2014 6pm – 7.30pm 13 Bedford Rd Ringwood Includes a sausage sizzle, carol singing and much more. Gold coin donation for the sausage sizzle. RSVP to the church office ph 9870 8169 or email: office@ringwoodchurch.org.au for catering purposes. 8 9
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