Carlisle Primary School NEWSLETTER Number 19 ~ Week 6 ~ Term 4 ~ 18th November 2014 COMING EVENTS FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK Dear Parents/Caregivers, Next Assembly It’s hard to believe that we are more than half way through the term already! It’s been a very busy term so far and with the end of the school year fast approaching the teachers and students will be very busy. Teachers are in the process of writing semester reports. Reports will be sent home with students on Tuesday the 16th of December. This gives parents time to discuss the report with their child’s teacher if they have any concerns or questions regarding student progress. Carols In The Park will be happening again at Faulkner Park, Belmont this year on the 12 th of December, starting at 6pm. Carlisle Primary School choir will be performing. This is a fantastic family event, with various performances, fireworks and food stalls. Bring a picnic blanket and come along to support Miss Prudnicki and the choir. A fantastic event, not to be missed. Last week a selection of students from years one to seven attended the ROLA (Reading Out Loud) competition at Ruth Faulkner Library. Our students competed against other schools in the area. Getting up in public to speak is never easy, but all of our students did an amazing job and are to be congratulated on their efforts and the manner in which they represented the school. We had 12 ‘medalists’, but special mention must go to Zain Aslam, Sarah Robins and Isa Limpanyalers who won gold in their respective divisions. A big thankyou to Miss Prudnicki and Ms Uphill for all the hard work that they put in to get our students ready for the day. Please see photos and information on award winners on the back page of this newsletter. Class Placements 2015 Your child’s success and enjoyment of the whole schooling process is a very important consideration and each year we offer parents/carers the opportunity to request placement for children who may have special needs or concerns. Parents/carers must have an authentic reason for their request and examples are given below: • The most common reason is to separate a student from a conflict situation with another student • In some cases consideration is given to keeping certain students together for an extra year. • Requesting a specific teacher is not an authentic reason. Students do not repeat years of schooling in Western Australia. It is important that they remain in their age appropriate social group and current educational practice is structured for students to learn at their individual level within the normal class setting. Requests must be made through the Principal and delivered in writing by Friday 28/11/14 Address your letter: Private and Confidential The Principal Carlisle Primary School Wednesday 19th November (Week 6) Hosts: Room 13 ~ P&C Meeting Tuesday 25th November 3.15pm ~ Yr 6 & 7 Aboriginal Students Orientation Day @ Belmont C.C. Wednesday 26th November 9.30am ~ 2.15pm ~ Volunteers Morning Tea Wednesday 26th November School Library ~ 10.30am ~ To Belmont City College (Once Upon A Grime Play) PP ~ Year 3’s 10.30am to 12pm Yr 4 ~ Yr 7 1pm to 2.30pm ~ Important: Do not make the request through your child’s teacher. Requests made through the class teacher are often not passed on to Administration. At times it is necessary to make changes to classes at short notice and there is no record of the request. Teachers may leave the school with that knowledge, leading to disappointment. Every effort is made to approve parent/carer requests. Kind Regards, Next Assembly Wednesday 3rd December (Week 8) Hosts: Room’s17 & 20 ~ Sean Lavery Acting Deputy Principal Attention Parents/Caregivers If your child/children WILL NOT be returning to Carlisle Primary School next year, please complete the slip below and return it to the school office as soon as possible as this will help us with preparing classes for 2015. My child/children ________________________________________will not be returning to Carlisle Primary School in 2015. The new school they will attend is ______________________________________________________________________ Parents Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Around the World In Eighty Days. This Semester, Room 16 has based their class theme on the famous Jules Verne novel “Around The World In Eighty Days.” We have travelled the world and visited many countries. On our journey we have learnt about continents, oceans and climates. We have studied the cultures, climate, geography and wildlife of many countries we have visited. Our photos are a small snippet of the many amazing things we have learnt on our journey this semester. This is a photo of Shontae with our research reports on the beautiful black and white Panda from China. We learnt that this beautiful bear is an endangered species and lives in the forest of China. They like to eat bamboo, grasses, bulbs, insects and some fruit. Kent and Nishu displaying their research work they completed during our class technology sessions. We researched about the amazing sun bear and moon bear that are found in China. We have gained an appreciation of each country and its uniqueness. Dragons play an important role in the culture and celebrations of China. Dragons traditionally symbolize special powers over water, rainfalls, hurricanes and floods. The dragon is also a symbol of power, strength and good luck. Two of the most interesting tourist attractions in China are The Great Wall of China and the Terrecotta Warriors. This is a photo of James and Sascha with Terrecotta Warriors we made in class. There are over 6000 Terrecotta Warriors , each armed with crossbows and with horses chariots at the back. They were found buried beneath the ground in large pits. Research wheels we complete as a group on Ancient Chinese Inventions including the kite, fireworks, gunpowder, paper money and the umbrella. Myka looking at the amazing art work we completed after watching a series of documentaries on the wild life of China. Another Chinese legend we read about was the Golden Pear Tree. This story is about a young man who lived in a village in China who was very nasty and selfish. He is tricked by a clever magician out of his wealth and becomes the laughing stock of the village. A story from Russia of a young peasant girl who displays much courage and bravery. Ms Scott shared with us the legend of the Blue Willow Print which is an old Chinese Legend. We had to draw the plate making sure we included the details of the story and then wrote our recount of the story. Completing their research work on the Jaguar from Brazil and The Taj Mahal from India. Skylar Completing multiplication activities on our electronic smart board. Belmont City College Play On Tuesday 2nd December all Pre Primary to Year 7 students will attend Belmont C.C to watch a special drama performance by the Year 9’s. The play is titled ‘Once Upon A Grime’. Students will be bringing home a permission note that needs to be returned by 27th November along with $2.00 to cover the cost of the bus. Interschool Cricket Carnival On Friday we took a team of boys and a team of girls to compete in the T20 Blast Interschool Cricket Carnival at Middleton Park. Both teams displayed some great skills and sportsmanship and were a credit to Carlisle PS. Well done to all those students involved. 2015 Stationery Requirements List Your children have by now been given their 2015 Stationery Requirements lists. The supplier is Office Max. Please read through all of the pages of the order form thoroughly and follow the easy steps to order online. Your order will be sent to your home address before first term if you order by the due date of 19th December. This really is the easiest solution for you. Please Note: Carlisle Primary School has nothing to do with the ordering or supplying of the stationery requirements. It is all completed through Office Max. Do not return your order form to the school. Any queries regarding the orders, payment, goods received, refunds, back orders or missing items must be addressed with Office Max directly by phone on 1800 004 427. If your child has not received a stationery requirements order form for next year, please come and collect one at the school office. ~ Important Dates ~ Tuesday 9th December ~ Whole School Presentation Night ~ 6.30pm Thursday 11th December ~ Year 6 & 7 Graduation Assembly and Morning Tea ~ 9.30am Thursday 11th December ~ Year 6 & 7 Graduation Dinner Dance ~ 6.00pm Thursday 18th December ~ Last Day of Term 4 For All Students Monday 2nd February ~ First Day Of School For Students (Excluding some Kindy Children) Reading Out Loud Awards 2014 On Tuesday 11th November we took 2 students from each year group to compete in the R.O.L.A’s at the Ruth Faulkner Library. Well done to all the students who participated. Our award winners are listed below: Year 1 ~ Jett Watts -Bronze Medal and Ruby Kirkman Silver Medal Year 2 ~ Onith Thambawita - Silver Medal and Sarah Robins -Gold Medal Year 3 ~ Arkan Firdaus - Bronze Medal and Josie Campbell - Bronze Medal Year 4 ~ Aidyn Hammond - Bronze Medal and Sascha Hess - Silver Medal Year 5 ~ Zain Aslam - Gold Medal and Isa Limpanyalers - Gold Medal Year 6 ~ Blair Brown - Silver Medal and Aisha Sidiqui - Bronze Medal Special Lunch Order Day ~ Wednesday 19th November Tomorrow, Wednesday 19th November is a „Special Lunch Order Day.‟ (The normal everyday menu will still be available) Burger and a drink of choice is $6.50 total (Choose from Chicken, Beef & Fish) Our Canteen Only Sells ‘Healthy School’ Approved Foods Printing costs of our Newsletter are kindly sponsored by Victoria Park Auto Care 3 Miller Street Victoria Park 6100 9361 1152 CONTACT CARLISLE PRIMARY SCHOOL ~ Tel: 9470 3800 ~ Fax: 9472 3319 Website: ~ Email: Address: 271 Orrong Road, Kewdale, WA, 6105 REPORT SECURITY CONCERNS ~ Tel: 9264 4632
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