SAINT PATRICK CHURCH CARLISLE, PA April 12, 2015 NO LONGER LOOK FOR JESUS AMONG THE DEAD, FOR HE IS ALIVE AND HAS BECOME THE LORD OF LIFE. FROM THE WATERS OF DEATH YOU RAISE US WITH HIM AND RENEW YOUR GIFT OF LIFE WITHIN US. INCREASE IN OUR MINDS AND HEARTS THE RISEN LIFE WE SHARE WITH CHRIST AND HELP US TO GROW AS YOUR PEOPLE TOWARD THE FULLNESS OF ETERNAL LIFE WITH YOU. WE ASK THIS THROUGH CHRIST OUR LORD. AMEN. BAPTIZED IN CHRIST This weekend we celebrate the glorious baptism of Gabriel Matteo Fabbri, son of Adam and Alicia Fabbri. Today he becomes a new creation in Christ in the waters of Holy Baptism. Now joined to us by the gifts of faith, hope and charity, we warmly welcome him into our parish family. MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2015, Saint Martin I, Pope and Martyr 8:30 a.m. + WILLIAM G. WHITE (MARIANNE ROMAGROLI) TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 2015 6:45 a.m. FOR THE HEALTH OF FRANK SCALAVINO (MOM & FAMILY) Manor Care Mass 1:30 p.m. + FOR THE HOLY SOULS IN PURGATORY (BRENDA & JERRY SODUS) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2015 6:45 a.m. + WINIFRED POWLESS (JUDE & CRAIG MCLEAN) THURSDAY, APRIL 16, 2015 6:45 a.m. + RICHARD MYERS (ELLEN & MICHAEL RUNDLE) FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2015 8:30 a.m. FOR THE INTENTIONS OF RICHARD & KATIE HENSELER (CONNIE & LEE GOODMAN) SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2015 8:30 a.m. + MARIA RIVERA (SAL & MINNIE PITTA) Marsh Drive 5:15 p.m. FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PARISH SUNDAY, APRIL 19, 2015 8:00 a.m. + JOHN ROBERT HAWLEY (THE BOLDEN FAMILY) Marsh Drive 9:00 a.m. INTENTIONS OF RHYS ALAN CERRELLI (ALICE HURLEY) 11:00 a.m. + REVEREND ANDREW J. FONTANELLA (CHUCK, NANCY, DANIEL BLICHASZ) 5:00 p.m. + THERESA FOWLER (JOE GOODMAN) Saint Patrick mission trip/retreat Kingston, Jamaica October 25, 2015 - November 1, 2015 **IMPORTANT: INFORMATIONAL MEETING: APRIL 16, 2015 Saint Patrick Church: 85 Marsh Drive, 7 PM Meeting room: Turo Scout Room/Pac Center SPACE IS LIMTED FOR MISSION TRIP. “The Call to Serve the Poor IS an INVITATION to HAPPINESS” (Fr. Richard Ho Lung, MOP-Founding Father Of the Missionaries of the Poor) CONTACT: Lynn Ditlow: Bonita Kozemchak: Marcie Hofler; Kevin Cogan: Tim Wentz: Perpetual Adoration Chapel Adorers are needed for the following open hours: SEEKING NEW MEMBERSFOR SAINT LUKE’S MINISTRY FRIDAY 7 PM Perhaps you have thought about ministering to the sick and now wish to act upon your calling to this vocation. Saint Luke’s Ministry welcomes your participation. Please contact our coordinator, Carol Mack, for more details at 717-512-4493. Thank you. Over 70 scheduled hours only have a single adorer present each week, and need a prayer partner. Can you spend one hour a week with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament? SAVE THE DATE Call Jim & Lana Sollars (241-2884) to sign up for an hour that fits in your schedule. for Father Forrey’s 25th anniversary of his ordination parish celebration on May 24th at the 11:00 AM Mass. Reception to follow in the Parish Activity Center. This weeks Sanctuary Candle Intention: In memory of Myra Gerlack from Dennis and Stephanie Medvid 2 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY ONLINE DONATION SYSTEM By enrolling in our on-line donation system, Netcharge, parishioners can set up a one time, or automatic weekly, monthly, or annual contribution to Saint Patrick Parish. Our website contains the link for on-line donations Click on the Netcharge link, create a new account with user name and password and follow the simple instructions. Using your Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover, or if you prefer, using your checking or savings accounts, you can set up an automatic offertory or Parish Activity Center Building Fund contributions. A record of your contributions are kept on your account on-line, as well as in the Parish office. For questions please contact Nancy Blichasz in the parish office. FY 2014-2015 Responsible Stewardship Week of March 22 and March 29, 2015 Weeks #39 & #40 Weekly Budget Need Collection for 3/22/2015 Collection for 3/29/2015 (Deficit)/Surplus YTD Budget Needs Collection YTD (Deficit)/Surplus $32,372 $24,675 $38,015 $2,054 $1,294,880 $1,376,916 $82,036 Shrine Church Restoration Debt Weekly collection $1,037 Debt Remaining $49,414 Knights of Columbus Fundraiser Breakfast for Saint Vincent de Paul Knights of Columbus is having a pancake breakfast with proceeds benefiting Saint Vincent de Paul Society. Bus Tickets for Papal Mass Ticketing for chartered buses to Philadelphia for the Papal Mass on September 27, 2015, will open on Tuesday, April 7, 2015 at 10 a.m. via the Diocesan website or by phone. Sunday, April 12, 2015 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Warrell Social Hall, Saint Patrick Church, Marsh Drive Adults…$6.00 Children 6 and over...$4.00 Children under 6...Free Tickets will cost $30 per person and a maximum of 4 tickets may be purchased per household. Payment will be by credit card. Buses will leave from many locations throughout the diocese, including Saint Patrick Church Parish Activity Center. Holy Land Gifts For more information or to order go to: or call (717) 657-4804, ext 317. Holy Land Gifts will be here after all Masses on April 25th and 26th in the hall leading to the Warrell Social Hall. There will be a display of handmade articles for sales; such as, nativity scenes, crucifixes, rosaries, the Last Supper and many other beautiful religious articles. Easter Flower Offerings Gift of Tom, Sally and Katie Nestor in loving memory of Daniel, Mary and Dan Nestor Because of conflict in the region, many Christian families in Bethlehem are struggling to make ends meet. Holy Land Gifts represent over 100 Christian families who make a living selling traditional olive wood handcraft and religious articles. When you purchase one of these beautiful gifts, you are helping artisans in the Holy Land provide for their families, and live and work with dignity in a region fraught with tension. Gift of Tom, Sally and Katie Nestor in loving memory of Nick and Marcella Madzy Gift of Peter Amadure in memory of Patricia Amadure Gift of Jame Callahan in memory of Loisann Callahan Thank you for supporting this project to keep the Christians present in the Holy Land of Jesus birth. Hersheypark Tickets Hersheypark tickets are available through April 29, 2015 at a substantial savings. Discounted prepaid meal and parking passes are also available. Forms available through the parish website or stop by the office. Parishes will receive tickets by Friday, May 22, 2015. May God Bless You Suhair Musleh 3 SAINT PATRICK CHURCH CARLISLE, PA April 12, 2015 PARISHIONERS REQUESTED TO PREPARE FOR RECITATION OF NOVENA TO SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL The Saint Ignatius of Loyola Military Ministry requests all parishioners to pray a Novena to Saint Michael the Archangel from April 27th to May 5th. The prayer is to be recited daily for nine days consecutively at your personal convenience. Prayer is our strongest weapon against evil in the world. Let us take time to pray for the safety and success of our men and women serving our nation in the Armed Forces around the world and for the intentions of our nation in perilous times. The novena will conclude with a Marian devotion on Tuesday May 5, 2015, 7:00 PM in the Shrine Church, East Pomfret Street. Please share this prayer with family members and friends. Prayer to Saint Michael Novena Saint Michael the Archangel defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray. And may thou, O prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen Prayer for Those in Service Lord Jesus, Savior of the World and King of Peace, watch over our sons and daughters in the service of their country. Protect them from the physical and moral dangers of military life. Keep them close to You and help them live the Commandments. Lord Jesus, give them courage to serve their country with honor and dignity. Be with them when they are in danger; strengthen them when they face hardships. Above all Lord, grant that when their service is finished they may return to us, sound in mind, body and soul. Amen. Prayer for Our Country Heavenly Father, Send forth Your Spirit to heal our land, and calm our fears. Hold in Your arms all who have been affected by senseless violence. Heal the hearts and minds of all who have been scarred by hate. Welcome into the peace of Your Kingdom all those who have died. May the light of Christ shine forth through your faithful people and become a beacon of hope. May the justice and peace that only You can bring, reign in our hearts and in the world. Amen. Hail Mary, full of grace… Saint Patrick, pray for us. Saint Michael, pray for us. STEPHEN MINISTRY Here is what our Stephen Ministers are studying this week. Continue to pray for them as they grow in their ability to bring Christ’s love and care to people as a ministry of our congregation. Session Fourteen—Dealing with Depression: The Stephen Minister’s Role This week, our Stephen Ministers learn the characteristics and symptoms of mild, moderate, and severe depression. They learn when a mental health professional needs to be involved and how to connect a depressed person with a mental health professional. They also practice skills appropriate to giving care to those who are mildly to moderately depressed. THANKS FOR EASTER FOOD BAGS Thanks to all who donated Easter food bags. Almost 200 bags were collected and distributed to families in our parish and the community. We are grateful for your sharing of God’s blessings. Saint Vincent de Paul Society Saint Gabriel Respect Life Ministry Mark Your Calendar. The Saint Gabriel Respect Life Ministry will conduct the Pro-Vita Institute on June 25, 2015, 9:30-3:00, in the Life Teen Room. Speakers are: Fr. Paul Schenck, Director of the Respect Life Office, Diocese of Harrisburg, “The Personhood Debate in America Today;” Dr. Lauren Winn, Center for Women’s Health, Camp Hill, “Essential Elements of Embryonic Development;” and Maria Gallagher, Director of Legislative Affairs, PA Pro-Life Federation, ‘Defending Life in Public Policy.’’ Registration includes lunch and reading materials. To register please send a check for $10.00, made out to Saint Patrick’s Church, 152 East Pomfret St., Carlisle, PA 17013. Please indicate on the memo line: Pro-Vita Institute. Continuing education credits for teachers available. For more information: Patty Dowling:, 386-1074; or Gabriel Marcella:, 243-5441. Sunday Donut Socials Sunday morning Mass at Marsh Drive is the opportunity for creating community at the weekly Coffee and Donut Socials in the Warrell Social hall most Sundays following 9:00 AM Mass WERE YOU MARRIED IN 1965? In honor of your 50th Wedding Anniversary, there will be a special Mass and reception on Sunday, June 7, 2015 at 2:00 PM at Good Shepherd Parish in Camp Hill. Bishop Gainer will be the celebrant. To receive an invitation, please contact Star Wiskeman at the parish office, 243-4411, ext. 1101 by April 23, 2015. April 12 - No Donut Social - KOC Breakfast 19 - Heritage Club 26 - Schwartz/Bower Team 4 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY PASTORAL MINISTRY Mary Moll : 258-1104 or mmoll The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) The next RCIA Class will be held on Monday, April 13th at the Parish Activity Center. Formerly, these classes were called Convert Instruction. RCIA has shifted its approach from a private commitment of conversion to a communal commitment. RCIA is an adult faith formation process leading to reception into full communion with the Catholic Church. The Healing and Caring Ministry Were you aware that the blood you donate can be used to help patients in many ways? Whole blood is used to replace massive blood loss due to trauma or during surgery. Plasma (the fluid blood cells float in) is used to help burn patients. Cryoprecipitate is used to help blood clot and is used during heart surgery. Platelets also help blood to clot and help patients with cancer. Red blood cells carry oxygen and help patients with anemia. Typically 2 or 3 of these blood products are produced from one pint of donated blood. Therefore, each pint you donate can save 3 lives. Please stop by the Parish Activity Center on Saturday, May 3rd, between the hours of 9:00 AM and 12 noon and join the Healing and Caring Ministry by sharing the spiritual gift of life. All 5th & 6th Graders! As of next fall, Edge will be open to all teens in grades 6, 7 & 8!! THIS IS YOUR YOUTH MINISTRY!! You’re invited to a special “Sneak-Peek” Edge / Oneight Night! Wednesday, April 29th 6:30 - about 8 PM (come early for a snack) in the Life Teen / Edge room of the PAC (Parish Activity Center) Meals for Moms Are you expecting, or recently had a child through birth or adoption? Saint Patrick “Meals for Moms” ministry provides families with five meals over a two week period as a way of extending welcome to our newest members and support for families. If you know of someone who would like to receive this special gift, please call: Jeannette Kole, 486-7699. This Week: TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME! I BELIEVE All are invited to City Island’s Metro Bank Park on Friday, April 17th at 7:00 p.m. to see the Trinity Shamrock baseball team take on East Pennsboro. Admittance is FREE. CCW NEWS Donations graciously accepted and will be shared by both teams. Let’s go Rocks! Prayer Shawl Ministry Saint Patrick’s Council of Catholic Women‘s Prayer Shawl Ministry will take place on Monday, April 13, 2015 from 6:30-8:00 pm and Saturday, April 25, 2015 from 9:30-11:00 AM. We will meet in the Saint Joseph’s Room, Pomfret Street. Even if you cannot attend the meetings, you can still make Prayer Shawls at home. Please call Carol Shrader for details. Attendees must provide their own supplies as follows: Knitted Prayer Shawl attendees will need Size 11 needles and 3 skeins of yarn. Carlisle CARES Celebrity Waiters’ Banquet On Thursday, April 16th, Carlisle CARES will host their annual fundraising banquet in the Saint Pat’s activity center. This year they are holding a celebrity waiters’ banquet. The waiters will pick a movie and dress up while competing for play money tips purchased by the guest. The cost to attend is $25 per person and includes a lasagna dinner, live entertainment, and a chance auction. The evening starting at 5:30 promises to be a lot of fun! Please come out to support Carlisle CARES. For tickets and information, please contact Tricia at 514-5526 or Amy at Crocheted Prayer Shawl Attendees will need a Size M, N or P hook and 3 1/2 skeins of yarn. We always welcome new faces. Come and join us for a fun time of faith, fellowship and service Please call Carole Shrader (717-249-5625) if you have any questions. 5 SAINT PATRICK CHURCH CARLISLE, PA April 12, 2015 SAINT PATRICK SCHOOL NEWS Phone: 249-4826 Website: T hi s ! week 4/12/2015 DIVINE MUSIC We hope everyone had a joyous Easter with family and friends. Our students and staff are back to work for the 4th quarter of the school year. It has been a great year so far, thank you students, parents, faculty and parishioners. This week our 3rd and 5th graders will take the CoGat (cognitive abilities) test and next week grades 3 through 8 will take the Iowa Test of Basic Skills assessment. Our students traditionally do well on both tests: a testimony to their hard work, their parent's involvement, and great instruction from out faculty. On Friday, April 17th, we’ll have our Volunteer Reception after the 8:30 Mass to recognize all the volunteers who help make our parish school such a special school. Volunteers are the backbone of our extracurricular activities as well as helping in the classrooms, library, cafeteria, etc. Please plan to attend. Our Peer Mediation Club will sponsor fund raiser for one of our students who is facing some serious medical issues. Please join us at Chili’s on Monday, April 27 and mention Saint Patrick School. They will donate 10% of their proceeds for the entire day to our cause, because you mention our name. Finally, if you are reading this Saturday night...please join us for Annie Jr., our spring play, in the PAC at 7:00. You will be amazed at what a great job our students do and it’s free! This is a wonderful event for the whole family! Please join us for Mass, Friday at 8:30. REFRIGERATOR NEEDED: The faithful and long serving faculty room refrigerator is making weird noises and could go any day. We would love to take your workable used refrigerator off your hands! Please give us a call if you have a dependable refrigerator that you would like to donate to the school, 249-4826. Magical Revelations with Father Leo M. Goodman April 23, 2015 - 7 PM (open to the parish and public) April 24, 2015 - 1 PM (open to the students and faculty of Saint Patrick School and their families) Parish Activity Center Gym 87 Marsh Drive, Carlisle 17015 FREE! Magical Revelations was created to bring the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Teachings of Christ to others through the use of the visual arts and modern stage illusions. In 1991, during the sermon at a Confirmation Retreat, Father Leo began juggling raw eggs. “How dangerous it is for us when we become so busy juggling things in our lives that we can’t focus on God. Something is going to break,” he commented. He had grabbed their attention. In the months that followed, he began performing the Linking Rings illusion when talking about our relationships and the Trinity. Before he knew it, Magical Revelations was born. Since then, he has been invited to proclaim God’s Word through the art of illusions for school assemblies, Masses, retreats, youth group events, and adult gatherings. People of all ages love this way of deepening their faith. What’s more … people remember the message! Saint Pat’s Singles Potluck The Singles will be hosting a pot-luck dinner for May’s outing. Date: Friday May 15th Time: 6 PM Where: The Community room at East Gate (behind K-Mart) *Non-alcoholic beverages only Please call Tina at 717-385-5321 for directions and parking information. Come enjoy this incredible evening / afternoon of faith, fun and fascination! For more information on Father Leo and Magical Revelations, visit and http:www.magical Hope to see you all there! WINE TASTING Presented free by HAUSER ESTATE WINERY SAINT PATRICK PARISH ACTIVITY CENTER April 18, 2015 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM ADMISSION: $20.00 PER PERSON Over 21 NO TICKETS AT THE DOOR Appetizers - Door Prizes - Wine For tickets , please contact: Helen Devenney (717) 486-7545 Rosann Walters (717) 243-7253 Fundraiser benefits Saint Patrick Heritage Club 6 TO C. AU E, IN EMISSIONS N IC O BS RV SAFETY INSPECTIONS GI SE MAJOR & MINOR REPAIRS & ES 158 E. Chapel Ave., Carlisle, PA AL Ray “Buz” Wolfe, CRS & Joan Wolfe Broker/Owner/Parishioners 717.243.1551 Office S • 33 South Pitt St., Carlisle Stoken Ophthalmology Drew J. Stoken, M.D. 717-249-6718 Family Owned & Operated Since 1971 Two Gals Cateringg *Next to the DMV “With the Women’s Touch”… Stephen B. West, O.D. 717.241.5554 Optometrist M-F: 8:00 - 6:30 • Sat: 9:00 - 2:30 Calendars - $19.95 • Notary Public Board Certified Ophthalmologist 338 Alexander Spring Rd., Carlisle, PA 17015 • 249-6337 !"#$%&'()"*+",-&./%,+ 939-2858 • fax 939-3240 “Thanks for all of the Support” Janet Schaffhauser, Parishioner Greg A. Lunde, Agent Lynn A. Ronan, F.D. 717-258-9863 255 York Road Carlisle, PA 17013 Ethnic Foods A Specialty 1020 Orange St., Steelton Parishioner 11 State Avenue Carlisle, PA 17013-4432 Bus 717 241 2341 Jay A. Townsend, M.D. • Joseph A. Pion, D.O. Amy E. Maley, D.O. • Jeffrey H. Harris, M.D. Suzanne Glossner, PA-C Michael VanGrouw, PA-C Rosemary Harris, PA-C ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS 100 S. High Street, Newville, PA 17241 Visit Our Website 776-3114 Providing Insurance and Financial Services Philip J. Shevlin Jr. 717.243.5480 | Fax: 717.462.6981 Creation Quality Cemetery Memorials Since 1875 201 N. Hanover St., Carlisle Also in Dover & Red Lion Across the street from St. Patrick’s Phone: 717.240.6013 For more information contact Liturgical Publications at 1-800-888-4574 Richard E. Ferraro M.D. Ear, Nose & Throat Associates 9 Brookwood Avenue Carlisle, PA 17015 Ph: (717)-243-0616 Fax: (717)-245-2351 Civil Engineering & Land Surveying Services Project Engineer for the Rev. Andrew J. Fontanella Parish Activity Center Call 717-845-3227 or visit today! SNIDER BUILDERS Home Repairs, Small Jobs, Handyman, Remodeling, Additions, Garages, Basements, Custom Homes America’s Choice in Homecare ® 35 yrs. Exp. Glenn Snider – Parishioner (717) 243-2757 • (717) 422-2450 Serving Cumberland, Adams & Franklin Counties for the past 10 years 717-241-5900 Nurse Owned and Operated FAULKNER CADILLAC-MASERATI Randy Williams Affordable in Home Care Serving Carlisle since 2006 717-243-5080 Your Sales Consultant “Call me for all of your vehicle needs” 717-691-2000 x4785 Parishioner FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. JANUARY 23, 2015 12:51 PM 1021 Ritner Hwy • Carlisle ST. PATRICK, CARLISLE, PA 04-0437 EWING BROTHERS FUNERAL HOME, INC. Joseph M. Bourdon, D.D.S. Steven A. Ewing, Supervisor Seymour A. Ewing, (1926-2009) William M. Ewing, (1926-2009) 630 South Hanover Street Carlisle, PA 17013 717-243-2421 Douglas Henschel, D.D.S. Law Offices of Saidis, Sullivan & Rogers Trust Matters 243-6222 • 26 West High Street Robert C. Saidis, Esq. • Dean E. Reynosa, Parishioner PINKER & ASSOCIATES PODIATRIC MEDICINE AND FOOT SURGERY 559 S. Hanover Street Carlisle, PA 17013 Mark E. Pinker, DPM • Mark S. Golec, DPM 47 Brookwood Ave., Carlisle, PA 17015 (717) 243-2236 Tel: (717) 245-0808 LUBE ‘N GO Al Apicella, D.D.S., M.S. Brian J. Lorei, D.M.D., M.S. 400 E. Main St. • Mechanicsburg, PA Oil Change • Auto Repair • State Inspections Mark & Theresa Greenaway - Parishioners 23 Parker St., Carlisle, PA 717-249-3110 Walk-ins & Appointments Hours: M-F 8-5, Sat. 8-Noon oon 21 State Ave. • Carlisle, PA Mention this ad for a parish discount Kevin B. Benton, MBA, CPA Certified Public Accountant An accountant for your tax & financial needs 401 E. Louther St., Suite 220 Carlisle 258-4900 Center for Holistic Medicine For Advertising Information call Kelly O’Brien-Carnevale! 800.888.4574 Ext. 6333 249-7400 Medical Arts Building, 220 Wilson St., Suite 206 • Carlisle, PA Custom Framing & Restoration Fine Art Instruction Carlisle, PA • 240-0551 (717) 243-3200 email: ALLAN J. MIRA, M.D. Nancy Stamm’s Galleria (717) 697-8222 Bob Schmidt 805-0232 • Specializing in Knee and Hip Arthritis with modern computer aided procedures and custom made implants • Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Surgery, Fracture Care Functional Medicine Autism Spectrum Disorders Medical Acupuncture 717-243-2626 101-199 G Street, Carlisle, PA Katarzyna K. Ferraro M.D. 9 Brookwood Avenue, Carlisle, PA 17015 Ph: 717-243-0616 | Fax: 717-245-2351 501 North Baltimore Avenue Hollinger Hollinger Funeral Home Mt. Holly Springs, PA 17065 Pet Crematory, & Crematory, Telephone: (717) 486-3433 • FAX: (717) 486-3215 Eric L. Hollinger, Supervisor • A Name You Can Trust Inc. Inc. Jeff Walsh 243-8814 Brian Walsh 249-7728 Carlisle • PA Lic. No. 060146 Established 1980 Residential and Commercial CARPET & FLOORING “We Know Floors” Since 1946 Carlisle 249-2904 • Mechanicsburg 766-0288 !"#$%&'(")#*+,*+'--./01*230)#45#)%$6)0& 7$88$/.*9,*+'--./01*:$;)*5#)%$6)0& <'=)#&*>,*?$8=@#01*AAA1*B@()#C$%'#1*D5/#$%"$'0)#E >6/.*F,*B"/--)#1*?@0)#/8*G$#);&'# G/C$6*9,*?);HI'1*?@0)#/8*G$#);&'# !'.(/%%$'0/&) ◆ 5#'-)%%$'0/8 On-Site Crematory 219 N. Hanover Street ◆ 717-243-4511 ◆ 72 West Pomf Pomfret St Street • Carlisle, PA 17013 Ph: 717.243.9555 • 717-258-1313 • Fax: 717-776-4728 Vinny Scalavino, Parishioner The Italian Taxi Fundraising! Carlisle We help you raise the Dough you need! Auto Body & Collision Inc. 2275 Ritner Highway, Shippensburg, PA Peck’s Septic Service (Behind Red Brick House with White Fence) • Septic Tanks Cleaned & Inspected Specializing in auto body & collision repairs. We work with all collision insurance claims. Restoration of stock, modified & custom vehicles. • Sewage Pump Repair/Replacement Phone: 486-5548 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 717-486-8513 • DEP Approved Treatment & Disposal © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. JANUARY 23, 2015 12:51 PM CARLISLE PEDIATRIC ASSOCIATES 84 Belvedere St., Carlisle, Pa 17013 243-1943 Specializing in the care of infants, children and adolescents Stephen J. Krebs, M.D. Eliseo Rosario, M.D. Stephanie R. Waters, M.D. J. Lynn Hoffman, M.D. Deborah Raubenstine, M.D. Teresa J. Frank, M.D. Holly C. Hoffman, M.D. Elena Man, M.D. Dianna Rudy, P.A. ST. PATRICK, CARLISLE, PA 04-0437
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