Stability Initiative Eligibility and Referral Information DJS Referrals The Stability Initiative makes CME services available in all Maryland jurisdictions and will be open to referrals from both the Department of Human Resources (DHR) and Department of Juvenile Services (DJS) on a first-come, first-served basis. If eligible, the child/youth may be served by the Stability Initiative for up to 15 months in accordance with the Contract. Eligibility Criteria for DJS Referrals for the Stability Initiative (up to 250 slots shared with DHR referrals) DJS children/youth referred to the CME for the Stability Initiative must meet all of the following criteria: 1. Child/youth has a Serious Emotional Disability (SED) diagnosis as documented in a psycho-social assessment, psychological evaluation or psychiatric evaluation. a. Diagnosis i. Emotional, socio-emotional, behavioral, or mental disorder diagnosable under the DSM IV (excluding V codes, substance use disorders and developmental disorders unless they co-occur with another serious diagnosable disorder). b. Disability i. Child/youth is unable to function in the family, school or community, or in a combination of these settings. ii. Or, the level of functioning is such that the child/youth requires multiagency intervention involving two (2) or more community service agencies providing service in the areas of mental health, education, child welfare, juvenile justice, substance abuse, or primary health care. iii. For youth ages 18-21, community service agencies include those providing services in the area of adult mental health, social services, vocational counseling and rehabilitation, higher education, criminal justice, and housing and health. c. Duration i. The identified disability must have been present for at least one (1) year or, on the basis of the diagnosis, severity or multiagency intervention, is expected to last more than one (1) year. 2. The child/youth is at risk of (based on MCASP and interdisciplinary assessment and staffing) or is currently in out-of-home placement in a group home, therapeutic group home, treatment foster care, or Transition Age Youth (TAY) program. DJS children/youth who are committed to DJS are eligible. Children/youth who are not committed to DJS but who are adjudicated and, based MCASP and interdisciplinary assessment and staffing, at risk of or currently in out-of-home placement in a group home, therapeutic group home, treatment foster care, TAY program are also eligible. 3. The child/youth has a mental health diagnosis (SED) that needs attention by a mental health professional based on results of clinical assessment, including children/youth recommended for residential treatment center (RTC) placement (by a clinician) who do not meet the Administrative Service Organization’s (ASO) criteria for medical necessity (e.g., due to lack of attempts to provide intensive community-based services) as documented in the ASO’s determination; Or; The child/youth is re-entering the community after an out-of-home placement (inState and out-of-State); Or; The child/youth has been identified by a DJS-appointed gatekeeper to be at-risk for an out-of-home community residential placement (group home). This population will include children/youth who have been through adjudication and may be in pendingplacement status in a detention facility or in the community. DJS Referral Protocol and Gatekeeper: a. The child/youth must be referred through the DJS Regional Resource Office and staffed, per DJS policy, either through the Mental Health and Schools Together (MAST) process if the child/youth is detained or through a local office Resource staffing if the child/youth is not detained. The Gatekeepers will be identified by DJS. b. The Regional Resource Specialist Supervisor will receive all DJS internal referrals and forward referrals to the CME, using the identified referral process and form. c. The CME will enroll eligible children/youth and their families into the Stability Initiative under the Contract as slots permit. The CME shall maintain documentation that supports the eligibility/ineligibility of referrals received. d. Once a child/youth is referred and determined to be eligible for the Stability Initiative, services will be provided in accordance with the CME Contract upon enrollment. e. DJS will not refer youth to the CME who are unable to be served in the community for safety reasons or who do not have any viable family living arrangements.
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