Read News Release - The Larrey Society

The Larrey Society
News Release
Larrey Society names ambulance research partner
The Larrey Society, the first cross sector “think tank”, today (10th March 2015) announced the
appointment of a leading research company to help develop strategic projects and campaigns
designed to seek the views and ideas of its members and the wider healthcare community on a fit
for purpose 21st century ambulance service.
The company selected is DJS Research Ltd of Stockport, Cheshire. A family owned business which
was set-up in 2001 and has grown every year since, it currently employs more than 40 people,
including specialist researchers in the public and healthcare sectors.
David Davis, the Society’s Founder, said: “The Larrey Society will rely heavily on information and
opinions which have been professionally researched and interpreted when it engages with
legislators and regulators and we needed a partner which fully understood our needs and the issues
and also had the matching skills and innovative commitment. DJS ticked all these boxes” said David
Davis, the Society’s Founder.
Daniel Sims, Founder & Managing Director, and DJS Research said: “We’re very pleased to be
working with the Larrey Society to deliver research and insight which will lead to improvements in
healthcare in this country. We are truly hopeful that our partnership with the Larrey Society will lead
to positive change for the ambulance service, and we look forward to being involved in that process
for the considerable future.”
The Larrey Society provides for the first time an opportunity for senior executives from all three
ambulance sectors – NHS trusts, private companies and voluntary organisations - as well as medical
and academic thought leaders, to work together to pool ideas, conduct research and campaign for a
patient transport system which meets the needs of the young and the elderly.
Every member will be given the opportunity to personally contribute their views and ideas. To
encourage open debate they will meet under The Chatham House Rule, the protocol on
confidentiality which enables politicians and diplomats to have what they describe as ‘full and frank
discussions’ without disclosing who said what to whom and when. Final reports will be preapproved by members before being published in the Society’s name.
“Getting decision makers and influencers to talk openly with one another is designed to remove one
of the most important barriers to genuine collaboration between all providers of the nation’s
ambulance services…..supporting their views with credible research underscores their
credibility…and this can only be in all patients’ best interests” said Davis
The “think tank” is named The Larrey Society after Dominique Jean Larrey (7th July 1766 – 25th July
1842), the French surgeon in Napoleon’s army and an innovator in battlefield medicine. To many he
was the “father” of the modern day ambulance service.
David Davis
M: 07831 558 745
Elliot Simmonds
T: 01663 767 857