Brave Church - Multiplying - College Hill Presbyterian Church

Children and Youth
The Well – at Vineyard Church Northwest Tuesday,
June 9th, 7:00 to 9:00 pm. The church is located at 9165
Round Top Road. The Well is a place to encounter God
through worship, testimony, communion and healing
prayer. Invite your friends and family for a refreshing
time with God.
Summer CRASH kicks off this week at the Clippard’s
The next Writers’ Meeting will be Wednesday, 6/10 at
7pm, in the Fireside Room. As always, all are invited.
Grief Group Tuesday, June 16 at 4:30pm in the White
House. Do you find yourself needing support as you
grieve the loss of a loved one? This group meets monthly
to support one another. Contact Jeanne Schneider 513541-5676, 1160 or
Young Adult Leadership Team We are looking for
ministry partners to build relationships with Young
Adults, for more information contact Chris Knueven: 513207-2603;
Food Help needed for Young Adult Ministry Stop
pool. We will meet from 7-9pm for swimming, games,
pizza, and Bible Study. If you need a ride, meet at church
at 6:30pm, and if you need directions, email Andrew
The Local Local is our week long in town summer service
trip, and starts next Sunday. This year we are going to
be working with Christ’s Community in College Hill. This
trip is open for all 7-12th grade students, contact Andrew
if you are still interested.
3C’s will be hostng a Summer Day Camp There will
be great ocean-themed crafts, games, snacks, and so
much more! Ages: 3-8 Dates July 20-24th Time 9:30am12:00pm Cost $60 a child (ask about sibling discount)
Teachers and helpers are needed for the nursery and
3-4 year old classes this summer. Please contact Robyn
Hubbuch ( or 513-541-5676 ext 1112)
if you are able to serve May 31-August 30.
Scholarship applications are available for all Children,
by the table in the atrium today to sign up to provide
dinner for the Young Adult Bible Study on Monday nights
at the Johnson’s. If you are able to help contact Jeanne
Schneider at 541-5676, x1160 or
Youth and Family summer trips at or at
the summer ministries table by the Fellowship Hall. If
you’d like to provide a scholarship for a child to go to
camp, please contact Robyn: or
513-541-5676 ext 1112.
MULCH MADNESS 2015 Help needed to finish well!
Serving the community
The CHPC Youth Ministry ordered 965 bags of mulch.
Many thanks to all CHPC, the College Hill Gardener’s
Plant Sale 5/2 and the College Hill Gardener’s first
Farmer’s Market 5/21 who bought mulch. All 590 bags of
premium black shredded much were sold. Only 20 bags
of the 3 cu ft dark brown pine bark nuggets to sell. We’ll
deliver! Call Sam at 542-2442.
Deacon Summer Picnic The CHPC Deacons are making
plans for their Summer Potluck Picnic on Friday, June 19th
5:30 - 10:00pm at Twin Towers in their Parkview Reception
Room. We are inviting all “Former Deacons” (once a Deacon always a Deacon) to join us. Please bring something
to share for 10-12 people. Appetizers/Hors d’oeuvres: A-F
Main Dish: G-L Salad/Vegetables/Fruit: N-Sp Desserts:
Sq-Z For more information or to RSVP contact Mariena
Koize at 513-317-4353 or Kathy Spelman at 513-853-2950.
The College Hill Early Literacy Team has some exciting
opportunities over the summer. Please be praying about
how God might be calling you to be involved and contact
Janet Dumford (541-8281 or
• Story Time for kids at the College Hill Farmer’s
Market. CHPC’s parking lot, this summer, Thursday
• Contact Early Literacy families to remind/ invite to
FX Nights. Meet and greet at FX Nights, Wednesday,
July 1, 6 - 7:30pm.
• Staff a table at the annual CommUnity Block Party,
Tuesday, August 4, 6-9
Email Prayer List If you would like to receive the Prayer
Requests and Updates via email, please go to
In the main section you will see a small box that says,
“Subscribe to our email prayer list:” Enter your email
address in the box. Be sure to click on the link in your
confirmation email to verify your subscription.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to everyone who
donated supplies for Camp S’More. Your generosity was
amazing! Also, a BIG THANK YOU to all our volunteers …
you all are such a blessing!
A big THANK YOU to all those involved in another
successful IHN hosting week. Kitchen hosts, overnight
hosts, those who made dinner for Sunday evening,
provided supplies for the week, the room setup and
tear down teams and especially the staff that makes
allowances for 4 families in the building. The week would
not have been a success without everyones assistance.
The families that stayed gave us all high marks for being
welcoming and accommodating! Mark your calendars
our next hosting week begins Sunday August 9.
SONSHINE HOUSE (a Christian non-profit children’s
consignment store across the street) is looking for a few
special people to join our team of volunteers. If you are
interested in reaching out to the community by providing
affording clothing & toys and sharing the love of Christ to
our neighbors, come to our VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION
MEETING, Monday June 8, 1-3 p.m. at the store (1607
Llanfair). You can help once a month or every week,
or even seasonally. For more information: call 5415095, email or go to our website
Serving the WORLD
American Heritage girls is extending “Soles for
Souls”, the shoe campaign. Please help us make our goal
of 2500 shoes by donating your used shoes. These shoes
will be sent to Haiti to help create jobs not otherwise
there. Please place shoes in the white bins in the Barnabas Lobby by June 14.
Prayer Page
“. . . without ceasing I remember you
always in my prayers,”
Romans 1:9
CHPC Community
Jenny Key
David Key
Beth Killian
Mark Killian
Janet Kling
Alison Kling-Hauck
Ann Klusmeier
Mark Klusmeier
John Stifel - Custodian
John Fulton - Deacon
Home Bound/Health Center
Marjory Klusmeier
June 7, 2015
Brave Church - Multiplying
Preaching: Mark Evans
Welcome to College Hill Presbyterian Church
Chirst’s Community in College Hill Camp
Global Workers
In the Military
Adam Steveley
US Army
Chris Jaeger
Cary Jaeger
Kirk Kalmbacher
US Coast Guard
Zach Scharf
Army National Guard
Nyjoel Baker
Eielson AFB, AK
Danny Holian
US Navy Pilot
Will Connor
US Army
Joey Nieberding
US Army
Peter & Amanda Leugers
US Navy
College/Career Students
Rebecca Snyder
Clara Smtih
Hamilton County JFS Featured Child for Adoption
Keira, Age 13 - Contact Sonya Lary - 513-946-1099
Children and Youth
Love: “Grant, Lord, that my children may learn
to live a life of love, through the Spirit
who dwells in them.” (Gal. 5:25, Eph. 5:2)
Funeral Arrangements for Bob Parker:
Visitation will be at 10 am and funeral service at 11 am
on Saturday, June 20 at Lawrenceburg
First Baptist Church, Greendale, IN
Condolences may be sent to:
Mrs. Lois Parker
5011 South Ridge Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45224.
college hill presbyterian church
connecting . serving . celebrating
5742 Hamilton Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45224
(513)541-5676 .
Thank you for worshiping with us today. Single, married,
with children or not, there are many opportunities
for knowing Christ, worshiping, personal growth and
discipleship, service and ministry within the church and
beyond the walls.
Visitors - Stop by the welcome table or the desk in the
Atrium to find out more about College Hill Presbyterian.
Return and become part of this dynamic Church Family.
Upcoming Services
June 14
June 21
June 28
Brave Church - Missional
Brave Church - Multi-cultural
Brave Church - Maturing
Today’s Order of Worship
Call To Worship
Opening Prayer
Songs of Praise
Welcome Guests
Passing the Peace
Dismiss Children
Scripture & Sermon
Healing Stations
Pastoral Prayer
Charge and Blessing
Available Help
Ushers have copies of the song lyrics for the 9am service.
Ushers can also provide help with wheelchairs and equipment for hearing assistance. Handicapped accessible restrooms are located off the exit hallway to the right side
of the main platform. This exit also leads to handicapped
parking spaces.
Committed to growing and
planting flourishing churches that
make disciples of Jesus Christ
a covenant order of evangelical presbyterians