Committed to serving Jesus Christ December 21, 2014 Caring about each other and the needs 11:00 a.m. of a broken world 4th Sunday of Advent Community exploring faith, joyfully sustained by the love of God WORSHIP NOTES - Please silence all cell phones, pagers, and other devices. - Hearing assistance devices and pew cushions are available at the back of the sanctuary. For more information on these items please see a greeter in the narthex. - Bold italicized words are to be said by the congregation. Asterisk indicates please stand if able. - Unless indicated, Bible readings are from the New Revised Standard Version. - Hymnal inserts are found in the front of the hymnals. Please return after use. - An audio file of sermons can be obtained at our church website: PODCASTS are available on ITUNES - Capitol Hill Sermons”. Scan bulletin to your mobile device: Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church Washington, DC GATHERING Our worship begins with the lighting of the chancel candles and the Prelude. Please respect our shared need for silence during this time. PRELUDE Mild Jesus, du som sagde, Norwegian Carol Arr. A. Sandvold WELCOME *HYMN OF CALLING “Gentle Mary Laid Her Child” #27 THE ADVENT WREATH On the four Sundays leading up to Christmas, we rejoice in the great gift that is ours in Jesus Christ. To help us celebrate, we light the candles of the Advent wreath. The candles signify that Jesus is the Light of the World. The evergreens remind us that Jesus is life and brings life to us. All these are arranged in a circle because life in Christ has no end. Each Sunday we light an additional candle. Then on Christmas Eve, we light all the candles, including the center one, the Christ candle. As we do, we will rejoice that Christ has come to us – Immanuel…God with us. On this fourth Sunday of Advent, as we think about the coming of Jesus Christ, we light the candle of joy. Christ comes into our lives bringing the fullness of joy. His coming is good news of great joy for all people. Because Christ has come to us, we can live every day in the joy of the Lord. *RESPONSE Prepare Ye The Way Of The Lord please join in singing *PASSING THE PEACE OF CHRIST Edward Eicker SHARING IN THE COMMUNITY OF FAITH SILENT PREPARATION (beginning and ending with a bell tone) PROCLAIMING A CHRISTMAS PAGEANT – CHPC Children and Youth The congregation will please remain seated as you sing the indicated verses of each carol. O Little Town of Bethlehem (1st verse only) #44 In the days of Caesar Augustus a decree went out that all the world should be taxed, and Joseph went into Bethlehem with Mary his wife, who was great with child. And while they were there she brought forth her first-born son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manager because there was no room for them in the inn. Away in a Manager (1st verse only) #25 And in that region there were shepherds in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night. The First Nowell (1st verse only) #56 And an angel of the Lord appeared to them. The glory of the Lord shone round about them and they were sore afraid when the angel of the Lord appeared to them and said, “Be not afraid….for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord Angels We Have Heard on High (1st verse only) #23 When Jesus was born, there came Wise Men from the East to worship him, bringing gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh. We Three Kings of Orient Are (1st verse only) #66 Being warned in a dream that they should not return to their own country, the Wise Men departed another way. The shepherds also departed, praising God for all that they had seen and heard. But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. Silent Night, Holy Night (entire hymn) #60 PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION SCRIPTURE READING Luke 1:39-56 For the Word of God in scripture, for the Word of God in Creation, for the Word of God within us. Thanks be to God! SERMON RESPONDING SHARING OF JOYS AND CONCERNS/PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE After each joy/concern is voiced, let us pray for it together, saying: Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer. or Lord, for your goodness, we give you thanks. (Silent Prayer) (NT p.53) THE LORD’S PRAYER In Unison Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; *HYMN OF THANKS and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. “Still, Still, Still” #47 GIVING OF OURSELVES AND RESOURCES LEADER: God has abundantly blessed us and called us to be a community of generosity that blesses others through the sharing of our love, our talents, and our material possessions. Unison: Let us rejoice now in what we have been given and in what is ours to give as we bring our offerings. Music Meditation O Little Town of Bethlehem Tune St. Louis L. H. Redner Arr. J. Raney *Response *PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING AND DEDICATION Unison: Holy One, receive our offerings as you receive our lives. Enliven us with your breath that our lives might show forth your glory, for we pray in the Spirit of Christ. Amen. SENDING *HYMN OF COMMITMENT “Once in Royal David’s City” #49 *CHARGE *BENEDICTION Please join in singing – “People, Look East” POSTLUDE A Christmas Rondel from A Christmas Suite verse 4 #12 Arr. C. Callahan +We invite you to stay and listen to the postlude. The Advent Wreath , Adapted - Reprinted by permission of the publisher from Touch Holiness ed. Ruth C. Duck and Maren C. Tirabassi © 1990 by Pilgrim Press. “Give Thanks” (Henry Smith, 1978 Integrity’s Hosanna! Music/ASCAP. All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.) Used by permission CCLI License #2613107. POINSETTEIAS IN MEMORY OF GIVEN BY Gary & Leslie Barbour The Barry Family Sally, Fred, and Carolyn The Boyettes C. Dudley Brown Shirley Brown Byron Buck and Vicki Glass Lee Cliburn & Ron Berger The Center Peil Family Alex & Emily Counts Doug Delano & Beth Hannold Brenda Dunlap Marilyn, Ken, and Liz Hammond Brandon, Annie & Elliott Hunt Jim, & Mary Kidney Dave Levy Bob and Ida May Mantel Jane McGregor Mrs. Carolyn H. Muir Jennifer Newton Chip, Vanessa and Will Sinders Chris, Lisa, Sarah and Edward Smith Christa Speekmann GIVEN BY Emilie and Jake Sommer Sally Stoecker Muriel & Jim Wein Lisa Wilson Samuel F. Wright IN MEMORY OF Larry Parks Loy Barbour Jean Barbour Our Grandparents Susan Lee Holmberg Bruce and Nancy Hickernell Loved Ones Forbes and Margaret Brown Carmel Buck and Margaret Glass Zoe Davis Louis W.J. Berger Norman A. Peil, Jr. Mary Wainwright Nancy and Marion Delano Alice and William Suber Bob Forcey Alan Harris Cleoria and Earl Dunlap Robert G. Hammond Verlyn Scantlebury Alice Fondse Ella Marie Hunt Sara Fritz Daniel Kidney II Dorothy Levy, Betty Levy Doris and Donald Mantel Ruth & Carl Heinz My parents Ross Lyle Muir, Sr. Bryce Leigh Muir Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Newton Our Grandparents Duncan and Dorothy Smith Judi & Walter Speekmann Liane Walser IN MEMORY OF James M. Hemminger, Jr. Sarah Schrimpf George Liška Richie Staron Alice Hengst James Ryan Wright Elizabeth J. Wright POINSETTEIAS IN HONOR OF GIVEN BY Gary & Leslie Barbour Lena Ellison Dave Levy The Menorca Family David & Jennifer Roschke Daughter Diane Shages Emilie and Jake Sommer Andy Walton Andy and Peg Walton Your Faithful Choir IN HONOR OF Joan Gillespie In Suk and Rowland Ellison Joe Levy Grandpa and Grandma Menorca Grandpy and Grammy Leo Caitriona & Timothy McEniry-Roschke Geneva Prince Maisie & Hugh Sommer Mabel Hemminger Peg Walton Jayme and Alison Walton Caitriona McEniry-Roschke ANNOUNCEMENTS WELCOME TO THE CHILDREN AND YOUTH PAGEANT TODAY, DECEMBER 21ST We welcome extra shepherds, wise people and animals, if you’d like to participate. This is a great way to celebrate the season, and we give special thanks to Sue Van Slyke, Martha Larkin, and Mary Anne Sroufe for making costumes and for Sally Stoecker for coordinating this event. IF YOU PURCHASED A POINSETTIA AND WOULD LIKE TO TAKE IT HOME, you may do so this Sunday following worship. CHRISTMAS JOY OFFERING is being received through today, December 21st. Please see your bulletin insert for more information and consider making a contribution by placing your envelope in the offering plate. More information is available at CHOIR REHEARSAL CHPC’s choir will rehearse following worship from 12:30- 1:30 p.m. in preparation for the Christmas Eve and Epiphany services. There will be no choir rehearsal on Sunday, December 28th. Please contact our Music Director Caitriona McEniry-Roschke if you would like to participate ( ALTERNATIVE CHRISTMAS GIVING - FINAL SUNDAY! Honor family and friends with a gift that helps those in need. This year two alternative giving options are available for your consideration in the Fellowship Hall on the stage. Fonkoze supports a variety of micro-lending projects in Haiti ( and PCUSA's World Mission supports mission efforts focused on aiding women, children and community leaders in dozens of countries throughout the world ( TAKE A FREE GIFT FROM THE CHPC ACTIVITIES TABLE IN FELLOWSHIP HALL! Please take a collectable Sesquicentennial gift in honor of CHPC 150 years on Capitol Hill. This week take a coaster and/or ornament. Next week plan to come to church to snag one of the remaining tote bags. WE WILL NOT BE DOING BURRITO SUNDAY THIS WEEK. UPCOMING SUNDAY SEMINARS On Sunday, December 28, the Seminar will take a brief break. On January 4, a new series on Jesus' parables will begin, based on New Testament scholar Amy-Jill Levine's book, Short Stories by Jesus. More information will be forthcoming on this series soon. CHPC IS HOSTING A HOLIDAY PARTY TODAY AT SOME’S SENIOR HOME, KUEHNER HOUSE, IN SOUTH EAST DC, 1-4 p.m. The Kuehner House in SE DC provides permanent housing for low income seniors. Contact Sally Stoecker today if you want to participate. REMAINING ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE Christmas Eve 2 Candlelight Communion Services 6:00 & 11:00 p.m. December 28 - 1st Sunday after Christmas Christmas Stories and Songs - an old-fashioned carol sing and storytelling, 11 a.m. PLEASE CONSIDER YOUR 2014 CHPC CONTRIBUTIONS AND 2015 CHPC PLEDGES. • Final 2014 contributions need to be in the collection plate by December 28th or postmarked by December 31st in order to be honored as a 2014 contribution. Thank you! • If you have not turned in your 2015 pledge, please do so today. Please contact Olivia in the church office, or go to the CHPC website for stewardship letter and forms. PLEASE JOIN THE WASHINGTON SEMINAR CENTER FOR ITS FIRST EVER YOUTH WORKER WEEKEND, FEBRUARY 2022, 2015. The purpose of the Youth Worker Weekend is to offer a unique look at a mission trip to Washington, DC. It is a weekend for youth workers to relax and enjoy a break. There will be a chance for individuals to do hands on mission and attend DC mission oriented seminars. If you know anyone who is interested in exploring DC mission or who is a youth leader please encourage them to join us for this exciting and informative weekend. The weekend costs $30 dollars, this includes three meals and lodging. For registration and questions please contact Doris Warrell at Online registration can be done here: CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY SCHEDULE FOR THE CHURCH OFFICE On December 24th the church office is closed but Pastor Walton will be available if needed. Staff will be out December 25th-January 2nd. During this time Pastor Walton is in town and available if needed. LIFELINKS AND BULLETIN DEADLINES DURING THE HOLIDAYS --This Monday, December 22nd, at 9 a.m. is the deadline for the December 25th Lifelinks, and for bulletins on December 28th and January 4th. There will be no Lifelinks on January 1st. The regular schedule will resume the week of January 4th, with submissions due by 9 a.m. on Thursday, January 8th, for that day’s Lifelinks. A MESSAGE FROM CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN NUTRITION PROGRAM (SOUP KITCHEN) Lunch for the Holidays event -- We Need Your Help with Lunch this Christmas. With the holidays soon upon us, the Brethren Nutrition Program is looking to host a large lunch for our guests on Christmas Day. Due to unexpected troubles with our facilities we have had to tighten our budget when it comes to extra spending. With our unexpected expenses, we are unable to afford all of the items we would need to produce a festive meal. Most of our guests will likely not be able to partake in a holiday meal if BNP is closed that day. With your help through a financial donation or providing groceries, we will be able to host a Christmas Day lunch for our neighbors in need. You can help by donating to BNP on Razoo by following this link;, or sending checks to BNP c/o Washington City Church of the Brethren 337 North Carolina Ave. SE Washington, DC 20003. If you have any questions regarding this fundraiser or BNP please email me, Carolyn Nestman ( Thank you for all you have done to help support BNP and our goal to end food insecurity in Washington DC. Thank you for your continued support of our program! SATURDAY MORNING MINDFULNESS CHPC and the Kagyu DC Tibetan Community on Capitol Hill are co-sponsoring a time of mindfulness instruction and practice each Saturday from 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon in the chapel / annex. Contact Pastor Walton for more information. GREETERS SIGN UP -- The Hospitality Ministry is trying out a new Greeter signup system. Now, instead of being arbitrarily assigned a Sunday, anyone can sign up for a Sunday(s) of your choice. We need additional greeters for December 28th, and dates in January. Please contact Kathy Wills ( if you can assist, or sign up using the SignUp Genius link in your weekly Lifelinks email. After the holidays you can also contact Olivia in the church office and she can put you on the list. DECEMBER FACT OF GRATITUDE Framed and hanging in the Fellowship Hall is a copy of the article that started it all! Some ladies who lived on Capitol Hill were tired of walking or riding in a carriage through dusty or muddy streets to attend the closest Presbyterian church -- New York Avenue Presbyterian Church. They longed for a church on Capitol Hill. They read the article "The Church under a Tree" in the January 2, 1864 issue of Presbyterian magazine. It told how 2 young pastors, John Chester and Louis Fox, had started a church under a tree in Bustleton, New Jersey. They wrote to the author of the article, the Rev. John Chester, and remarked that "as God had used him to build a church under a tree, perhaps He would use him to build a church on a Hill". Dr. Chester took this as a direct call from God and immediately came to DC to survey the scene and hold a worship service. Consequently, the Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church was organized on April 11, 1864 with 34 members and, as they say, the rest is history! DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS Silvana Rubino-Hallman: 2, Macon Mann: 5, Jane McGregor: 10, Helen Rush: 11, Diana Enzi: 12, Sally Stoecker: 15, Tiffany Gerard: 16, Randall Gerard: 17, Paul Dunn: 19, Isabella Hallman: 19, Lisa Wilson: 28. TODAY’S VOLUNTEER STAFF LITURGIST .......................................................................................................John Kuykendall GREETERS .............................................................................. Beth Hannold and Doug Delano ADVENT CANDLE LIGHTERS .......................................................... Bob and Ida May Mantel OFFERING ............................................................................ Diane Shages and Rebecca Mann COFFEE HOUR ............................................................................. Lee Cliburn and Ron Berger THIS WEEK @ CHPC Sunday 12-21 Wednesday Thursday Saturday Sunday 12-24 12-25 12-27 12-28 4th Sunday of Advent Choir Rehearsal 9:00 a.m. Church School and Sunday Seminar 9:30 a.m. Worship with Children and Youth Pageant 11:00 a.m. Coffee Hour & Alternative Christmas Giving 12:15 p.m. Choir Rehearsal following worship CHPC hosting SOME’s Holiday Party at Kuehner House 4:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Services 6:00 and 11:00 p.m. Merry Christmas! Saturday Morning Mindfulness 10:30 a.m. 1st Sunday after Christmas No Church School Worship – Christmas Stories and Songs 11:00 a.m. Coffee Hour 12:15 p.m. THIS WEEK @ The Washington Seminar Center 12-27 to 1-3 Amizade PA 25 participants educational visit PRAYER CONCERNS Prayer Concerns: Shane Karr (Barrett Karr’s husband), Byron Buck, Joe Levy (Dave Levy's father) and Dave and his family on the loss of Dave’s stepmother Dot Levy, Earlene Thompson (sister of Brenda Dunlap), the family of Steve Cymrot, Dudley Brown, John Farr (Peg and Andy Walton's brother-in-law), Adrian Birney and his family, Billy Gormley, Charlotte Heiligenstein and family (friends of Claudia Nadig), Jeanie Mamo (friend of Chris Smith), Anne Nickel, Shirley Pecore, Christy Birdsong, Sue Van Slyke, Jack Carter (Brenda Carter's brother), Vicki Glass, Suzanne and family (friend of Diane Shages), Joni Bell, Rowena Nadig (mother of Claudia Nadig), Ken Hammond (brother of Liz Hammond), Sue Scott (friend and colleague of Diane Shages), Terry Lewis of Washington City Church of the Brethren, Shirley Brown, Jorge Garcez-Rocha (Chantal Dalton's husband), Chantal Dalton, Dariana Verdi, Bill Wheeler (Alyson's friend), Barbara Whitford (former member of CHPC), Milton Bell, Tom Walton (Andy Walton's brother). WELCOME! We’re glad you are worshiping with us this morning. Please take a moment to leave some information on the attendance register (small black folder) at the end of each pew. There are also nametags available in the pew racks. We invite you to join us for Coffee Hour immediately following worship, for fellowship and refreshments in Fellowship Hall, which is located on the entry level of the building. As an urban congregation we are blessed by the opportunity to worship with and minister to people from all walks of life. Our congregation meets the immediate needs of people who are homeless through several ministries supported by your offering dollars. If you are approached by an individual worshiper for money, please direct them to the pastor for assistance. CHILDREN WELCOME IN WORSHIP Parents are encouraged to bring children to worship. We have an enclosed worship room available in the balcony for parents to stay with your children during worship. Childcare for infants through pre-school is available in the Nursery (on the entry level) from 9:45 a.m. until 12:15 p.m. You can use the Nursery for the entire time, or you are encouraged to bring your children with you to worship at the beginning of the service for the Time with the Younger Church, and then take them down to the Nursery to be picked up following the service. Children’s Activity bags are available in the narthex. CURRENT ELDERS OF SESSION (noting the chair of each ministry) Class of 2015 Emily Counts (Finance) Hannah Ford (Education) Bucky Holmes (Clerk of Session) Mary Beth Weaver (Worship) Kathryn Wills (Hospitality) Class of 2016 Paul Dunn (Hospitality) Beth Hannold (Service) Barrett Karr (Stewardship) Diane La Voy (Personnel & Admin) Jonathan Sager (Facilities) THE CHURCH STAFF Pastor .................................................................................................................... Andrew Walton Parish Associates……………………………………Rev. Alice Ogden Bellis, Rev. Byron Buck Church Administrator ................................................................................................ Olivia James Facilities Manager ...............................................................................................Robert Haywood Washington Seminar Center Coordinator ................................................................. Doris Warrell Music Director ................................................................................... Caitriona McEniry-Roschke Child Care........................................................................ Christina Kostuk and Kathleen Harford 201 Fourth Street SE Washington, DC 20003 (202) 547-8676 TEL (202) 547-2182 FAX (church website) (Grateful Hearts celebration)
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