Christian Life School Newsletter 8923 112 Ave. Fort St. John, BC V1J 5H8 Ph. 250-785-1437 Fax: 250- 785-4852 May 11, 2015 E-mail: Website: Facebook: Administration News As many people are aware, I intend to retire at the end of this school year and looking back over my 32 years at CLA/CLS I realize that much of the knowledge of our history will leave with me. Contents Note to Parents 1 Notice from the School Board 1 Grade Level News 2/3 Philippine Project 3 Badminton 3 P.A.T. News 3 Dress Code Reminder 3 Class Pictures 3 Pitch-In Day 3 2015/16 Registrations 3 Upcoming Events May 13 – Class Pictures May 18 – No School Gr. K – 12 for Victoria Day May 19 – High School Final Interim Reports Issued May 28 – Pitch-In Day May 28-29 – Junior High Retreat (Gr.8/9) June 12 – Last day of classes June 15 – 25 – High School Exams (Gr. 8 – 12) June 26 – Awards Day & Report Cards Christian Life Academy, as it was named at the beginning, came about when God led a group of like- minded parents to join together so that their children could have an education that was not only academic but also in line with the Christian beliefs of their families. Our family became involved when we enrolled our three children in the third year of the school’s existence. At that time the school was organized as a Parent Society school and was completely independent. All the parents were deeply involved with the operations: every parent had a vote at the Annual General Meeting, only parents sat on the school board, parents taught in the classrooms, parents did the janitor duties with student help, and all parents participated in a lot of fundraising. One year, when my family was missing the homemade bread and baking that I had done prior to becoming a teaching mom, one of the other parents volunteered to bake for me each week so I could stay in the classroom. One year I babysat for another parent so that she could teach her specialty. I remember a real spirit of “we are all in this together” and active support for the school. Over the years the school has gone through many changes: location, families, and a change of structure to a class one independent school under the sponsorship of Christian Life Center. The size of the school has varied and the parent body has sometimes been more committed, sometimes less. As I look back over the years there is a correlation between the struggling times and less parent involvement. When parents are involved in many ways the school culture is blessed and a blessing. There will be a Parent / Board Meeting coming up in the near future and I encourage all of you to come and be involved in your school. Paraphrasing the famous John Kennedy speech, “Ask not what your school can do for you, but what you can do for your school.” Parents who desire a Christian education for their children are still called by God to band together to accomplish great things. In Christ alone, it can be done. In His Service, Mrs. D. Greer Note to Parents Please be aware of the importance of students arriving for school on time. We have seen an increasing amount of late students the last while. When students straggle into classrooms at various times, it makes it difficult for the teacher to get the whole class started for the day. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Notice from the School Board On Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 7: p.m. the School Board of Christian Life School would like to have a meeting for the parents and board only. The meeting is to share your ideas for the 2015/2016 school year. Beverages and dessert will be available. We look forward to hearing your inspiring ideas for our school. School Board Christian Life School Page 2 of 3 School Newsletter Kindergarten News – Mrs. Stephens This week we will learn that "z" is zig-zag. Bible memory: Luke 6:31 is due this Friday, May 15. "Do to others as you would have them do to you." Student birth dates: Soon we will check in each morning using our date of birth. Please help your child to be able to recognize the month and day of that special occasion in his/ her life! Kindergarten Graduation: We will be celebrating Kinder Grad on Friday evening, June 5. If you would be interested in helping to plan this evening, we will meet after school this Friday, May 15. We are looking forward to a great time together with the children! Grade One News – Miss Riediger Bible Memory: John 3:16 is due on Thursday, May 14: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Spelling: Spelling test will be on Tuesday, May 19. The spelling words will be colour words: blue, black, green, pink, red, yellow, and gray. Grade Two News – Miss Mackay “Christian Life School is a caring and safe haven that strives to disciple and educate students in a Christian worldview.” – CLS Mission Statement Jeremiah 29:11-12 is due on Wednesday, May 13th For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. Jeremiah 29:13 is due on Wednesday, May 20th You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. We are going to Kin Park on Wednesday, May 13th. Students wishing to ride their bikes need to have a helmet. Information was sent home on Friday. If you need additional information, please email me at We are participating in a fun math competition online called Number Rumble. Until June 27th, students have free access to 10monkeys Math World learning program between 7am-3:30pm on weekdays. If your child is away from school but would like to play at home, they can log on at Their username is first letter of first and last name followed by 002. (Example am002) Their password is "spring" Congratulations to Andreas Schneider and James Walter for memorizing 30 verse! Keep up the great work! Grade Three News – Ms. South No news this week. Grade Four News – Mr. Hoult No news this week. Grade Five News – Ms. Lawson 1. Homework Book - Friday 2. Bible Memory - Thursday (Jeremiah 29:10) 3. Social Studies Test (government) - Tuesday 4. Science Test (musculoskeletal system) - Friday No new spelling list this week. Grade Six News – Mrs. Madill No news this week. School Newsletter Page 3 of 3 Grade Seven News – Ms. Boyd No news this week. High School News No news this week. Philippine Project Friday, May 29 is the last day for donations for Pag Asa school, Philippine project. Thanks to all who have donated books and materials. They are greatly appreciated. Badminton Grade 4-6: Practice on Tuesday from 3-4 PM Grade 7-9: Practice on Wednesday from 3-4 PM Intra-School Tournament: Grade 4-6 on Tuesday, May 19 Grades 7-9 on Wednesday, May 20 P.A.T. (Parent Advisory Team) No news this week. Dress Code Reminder Now that warmer weather is here, we want to remind you of the Dress Code. All shorts (K – 12) must be long (at least mid-thigh), all skirts/skorts must be near the knee, all tops must have a full shoulder and a T-shirt sleeve, and tops are to show no cleavage or mid-section. Class Pictures th Class pictures will be on Wednesday, May 13 at 1:00 PM. Pitch-In Day The kindergartens to grade sevens will be participating in the Pitch-In week coordinated by the City of Fort St. John on Thursday, May 28, at 1:20 PM. The students will be assigned areas near the school to pick up garbage that was left behind from winter. For this event we encourage parents to come along and volunteer their time to help us out. 2015 – 2016 Registrations Registration packages were sent home March 13. Please note that registration for new families has opened and spots will be filling up fast! Complete the forms and return them to the office ASAP st st as registration is now on a 1 come, 1 serve basis. If you have a Kindergarten child that will be attending school in September, let the office know ASAP so that the right paperwork can be sent to you. Please complete the forms and return them to the office ASAP. The speed at which registrations are returned helps determine next year’s staffing and whether classes will be combined, as well as early budgeting by the school board. Also note that the registration fee increases to $400 on May 15. There has been an extension for this date.
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