The Ripples

May 2-3
Lake View Estates Venture Homeowners Assn.
3150 Lakeside Dr. #101
Grand Junction, CO 81506-2836
Telephone: 970-243-8910
Email address:
May 4
May 7
May 8
April 2015
The Board of Directors approved three
Architectural Requests: one for handrails on
exterior steps in the yard at 1046 Lakeside Dr;
removal of trumpet vine and fence installation at
1035 Lakeside Drive, hot tub replacement and
awning installation above deck at 1033 Lakeside
LEVHA thanks the following for volunteering to
serve on committees: Dorothy Hahn for Grounds
Committee, Tommy Coffey for the Architectural
Control Committee, and Bonnie Null for the Social
and Welcoming Committee. Both Architectural
and Social committees could use one more
Please use the tennis courts! It was resurfaced
and pickleball lines were added last year. We
invite you to learn pickleball rules at:
There is a utility tub fastened to the fence with
pickleball equipment for you to borrow as you
learn. Please note on the calendar that there is a
Pickleball Tournament in Grand Junction this
weekend! Go watch and get excited! You may
get a key to the courts at LEVHA office for $10,
which is refundable when you return the key.
Help us keep Lakeside
beautiful! Do your part
in picking up after your
pets and smoking litter.
May 10
May 19
May 20
May 24-30
Pickle Ball Tournament 10 AM
Lincoln Park Courts & Pineridge
Courts, 359 Ridges Blvd
Pool closed all day
LEVHA Board Meeting 9 AM
Community Room
Open House for retired mailman,
Bob Mayer, 10 AM - Community
Mother’s Day
Appleridge Board Meeting
6:00 PM – Community room
Terrace Board Meeting 5:30 PM
ElDorado, #109
Farewell Bob
May 1 is our mail
carrier, Bob Mayer’s
last day on the job!
Join us in wishing him
well on Friday, May 8,
for refreshments and a
Retirement Reception
in the Community
Room, 10 AM - noon!
There is a card to sign
if you wish, in the
LEVHA office.
February 2015 approved financials
4000 Income
5000 Office Expense
$ 689.81
6000 Pool
$ 6,464.09
7000 RV Park, Art/Comm. Rm
$ 914.99
8000 Grounds
$ 5,515.42
9000 Administrative
$ 9,755.75
9530 Reserve Contribution
$ 2,445.08
Total Expense
There are still some 25’ spaces and 16’ spaces
available. Preference goes to RVs of Lakeside
Residents, but when space is available we may
allow other vehicles, but all need current plates.
Cost is $60 annually.
As there have been transitions in ownership and
occupancy over the past year, Topline Management
will be sending out a new Resident Registration Form
….Please complete the form and return to their office
as soon as possible. This is to help us monitor both
safety and contact information for our residents.
At the last board meeting, it was decided to transfer
our trash service to Waste Management with a
savings of over $100 per month.
As it soon will be time to get your swamp coolers up
and running, please be sure to have your serviceman
check for leaks. We have been struggling with high
water bills for the past year and are looking at possible
leaking coolers as yet another cause for concern.
Remember, you as an owner are responsible for your
swamp cooler maintenance. The HOA Board is
reviewing a number of options to control our water
We can expect lawns to be mowed on Thursday and
we will be irrigating four days a week; please contact
Brent at Topline Management if you see a sprinkler
not working or are having difficulties in any way with
the lawn service…he can be reached at 970 549 1076.
Topline Management will be setting up a bulletin
board at the dumpster fence that will have contact
information, for management, maintenance, grounds
or building issues. This should be up and running next
week so check for any new information
The next Homeowners Meeting will be held May 19th
at 6pm in the community room….. if you have any
concerns or items that you wish to discuss, please
contact a board member for inclusion in the agenda.
Lois Hybarger
Appleridge HOA
Thank you to all who attended the Annual Meeting. It
was satisfying to recap all the improvements which
have been made in the past year. At the Directors'
Meeting Bev Thompson volunteered to accept the
office of president and Marj Eggers to become
secretary/treasurer. Nan McNees and Jim Daniels
remain members. Two Board members are moving.
The governing situation is about to become desperate.
Swamp coolers will be turned on shortly. All unit
coolers were examined by Diversity Engineering and
given a grade of A-F. 12 got an F. Systematic
replacement of all the swamp coolers must be
considered. Until then there are steps we can take to
maintain and better operate our individual coolers.
Look for very specific operating instructions to be
posted in the lobbies of our buildings. Failure to
operate correctly could result in repair charges being
imposed on the owner.
The Board knows we have a BIG problem with big
dogs. The Rules & Regulations state that there is a 25
pound maximum weight. We realize that some
owners have not apprised renters of the rule and
some renters have been deceptive about the size of
their dog. We have decided that big dogs can be good
tenants just as small dogs can be plenty of trouble.
We will be instituting a PET REGISTRATION FORM.
Failure to clean up after any dog will result in an
immediate fine. Barking dogs and dogs at large should
be referred to City of GJ Code Enforcement, 244-1593,
because they are in defiance of city ordinances.
The May meeting has been cancelled: too few board
members. The next meeting (subject to change) is
June 17, 2015 6:30 in the Community Room.
Marj Eggers
Christianna HOA
The evaporative coolers are serviced and ready for
each residence's use!!! The principle of evaporative
cooling is relatively simple. Air moving past water will
cause the water to evaporate. The heat necessary to
cause evaporation is drawn out of the passing
airstream and hence the air is cooled. The human
body uses this same principle to control body
temperature by varying perspiration.
The modern evaporative cooler (ours are only five
years old) uses a fan to draw outside air through wet
filter pads. This filters the air and lowers the air
temperature due to evaporation of water within the
pad. The cooled air is then directed into your unit. By
controlling the air flow (fan speed) the temperature
may be controlled. Since the supply air is not recirculated, provision must be made to allow the air to
escape from your unit once the air has finished
cooling. This may be done by simply opening doors
or windows slightly.
Your use of your cooler hopefully will be more
pleasant the more you understand about the
operation of your cooling unit. Don't forget to open a
window or door slightly for best results. If you have
any difficulty with your unit, don't hesitate to call Bob
Weaver at 970-234-5133, so he can direct our master
plumber to your unit!
The next Board of Director's meeting will be held May
21 at 5:30p.m. in the Lakeview Terrace Office #109.
Bob Weaver, Manager
Lakeview Terrace, 234-5133