current newsletter - Mountain Glen Terrace, Sylmar, CA

Mountain Glen Terrace Times
An Official Publication of Mountain Glen Terrace HOA
Board of Directors
Meeting Agenda
Thursday, January 15, 2015
at 7:30 p.m.
Valencia Management Group
P.O. Box 802920, Santa Clarita,
CA 91380-2920
Phone (661) 295-9474
Fax (661) 295-9476
Emergency: 661-705-8347
(For immediate threat to
property only)
Office Hours
Mon—Thurs, 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Fri—Sat, 8:30 a.m.-12:00 noon
Send overnight payments to
27644 Newhall Ranch Rd, #45
Valencia, CA 91355
Homeowners Services
Cinnamon Valdiviezo
(661) 964-1527
Accounting Specialist
Scott Moore
(661) 964-1542
Association Manager
James A. Beard, CMCA, AMS
(661) 964-1537
Los Angeles Police Department
Emergency: 911
Terrorist attack: 877-A-THREAT
Nearest police station:
11121 N. Sepulveda Blvd. Mission
Hills (818) 838-9800
Maxwell Security
Josh Scruggs
(661) 775-0383
Sylmar Hospital
Olive View – UCLA Medical Center
14445 Olive View Dr.
(818) 364-1555
Meters are read on approximately
the 14th of each month.
January 2015
The Presidents Corner
by Ruth Perry
“There are risks and costs to a program of
action, but they are far less than the longrange risks of comfortable inaction.”
~ John F. Kennedy
As Board members we serve as fiduciaries
to the community. This requires thinking
and deciding issues on behalf of what is
best for the entire association, although
this may conflict with our personal preferences at times. Our involvement with the
community entails almost daily involvement, yet we serve as volunteers, working
as a team to make the difficult decisions.
We are responsible for the finances, management, insurance, enforcement of rules,
etc. The current Board has been able to
handle significant challenges, save two:
delinquencies and vandalism. We have already been making progress but will continue to meet those challenges head on in
the coming year by making all the community’s members aware of the seriousness
of these issues. We will be moving forward
quite significantly in the placing of liens and
foreclosing on the properties of the worst
offenders. In addition, we will pursue all
acts of vandalism to the fullest extent of
the law, to include full reparation. Please
know that we intend on keeping our community financially secure during our tenure.
Further, all components in managing an association have increased,. As such, the
Board will be considering an increase in
HOA dues in the next few meetings. Residents will be informed of the effective date
of the increase as soon as possible.
Mountain Glen Terrace
Board of Directors
Mountain Glen II
Board of Directors
Ruth Perry - President
Leticia Vidal - Vice President
Casey Bennett - Treasurer
Lizette Adkisson - Secretary
Diane Valencia - Member-at-Large
Please note new Board email:
The meetings are held at the
Poor Clare Missionary Sisters
Convent located at: 13026 Angeles Trail Way, Sylmar, CA 91342.
1. Call to Order
2. Landscape Report
3. Homeowner Forum
4. Consent Calendar
a. Meeting Minutes
b. Security Reports
c. Miscellaneous Reports
5. Financial Report
a. Financial Statements
b. Liens for Delinquent
c. Bad Debt
d. Foreclosure(s)
6. Maintenance Report
a. Work Order Report
7. Committee Reports
a. Executive
b. Architectural
1. Applications
c. Utility and Landscaping
d. Finance
e. Ad Hoc Sediment Removal
f. Neighborhood Watch
8. Unfinished Business
a. RFP - Security Service
b. Review of IEG Contract
c. Proposed Water Collection
d. Reserve Study
e. Financial Review
f. 2015 Budget
g. Board Member Code of
h. Harding Street Traffic
9. New Business
a. Gate Operator Proposal
b. Pole Repair Proposal
c. Harding Street Signage
d. Redwoods (Park)
10. February Board Meeting
a. February 19, 2015
Mountain Glen Terrace
Homeowners Association
P.O. Box 802920
Santa Clarita, CA 91380-2920
CC&R Article 8 Please note that Article 8 of the Association’s
CC&Rs prohibits the lease of any residential unit for
transient or hotel purposes. Further, no owner may
lease less than the entire residential unit. All leases
are required to be in writing and copies submitted
to the property manager. The Board has been made
aware of recent Craig’s list advertisements offering
the renting of single rooms in the community.
Action will be taken against those found to be in
violation of the CC&Rs. Thank you for your cooperation.
Holiday Decorations - Temporary installation of holiday
decorations is allowed. Installation may begin four (4) weeks
prior to the holiday. Holiday decorations, including but not limited to lights, statues, garlands, etc., shall be removed from
the residences no later than two (2) weeks following the date
of the holiday.
Real Estate Corner
Board of Directors
Executive Meeting Agenda
Thursday, January 15, 2015 at
6:30 p.m.
The meetings are held at Poor Clare Missionary Sisters Convent located 13026
Angeles Trail Way, Sylmar, CA 91342.
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Member Discipline
4. Legal
5. Contracts/Proposals
6. Other Matters
7. Adjourn to Open Session
Full Agendas are Posted on
HOA Bulletin Boards
Please read and comply with all
the HOA’s Rules and Regulations.
by Vicki Smith
Happy New Year! Good News Update from Economists 2015 Housing Outlook shows the U.S. Economy is picking up steam as exhibited by
the first-time buyer millennial age group, particularly the 25-29 year olds. The lower-end home price category is growing faster than the higher
priced, reflecting tight supply, shortage of new construction, & an affordability crunch. With low inventory for some time, in 2015, numbers of
sales are expected to increase & home prices are expected to moderate. Economic fundamentals in 2014 (employment, price stability & low
inflation) became stronger as oil prices began a 45% downslide since June. This downdraft will provide even more economic growth into the
New Year & demand for housing is expected to increase. The drop in oil prices has significantly reduced driving-related expenses & home energy costs. Employment grew an average of 2.0% based on 3 months ending November 2014. In December, mortgage rates dipped below 3.9
for the first time since May 2013. As of 01-02-15, lenders are offering rates at 4.0%-4.125% with zero discount points & credit score of 740 or
better. While rates are still very low, home prices are not. The low rate environment has benefited home prices; however, price-to-income and
price-to-rent ratios are high, which is why home price growth going forward will be fairly muted. Mortgage rates should not increase very
much, because inflation is low, with minimal upside risk given the deceleration in home & oil prices, the two largest segments of consumer inflation. 5 years of post-crisis expansion after the recession has shown steady improvement. MGII yearend sales data shows an average sale price
of $483,429 for the year. There were no sales in December 2014. Currently, there are 3 active & available listings with asking prices of $479K
(1,850sf), $489K (2,615sf) & $569K (2,118sf); 2 listings are pending in escrow but taking backup offers at $489,900 (3,606sf) & $499K
(2,885sf). Sales reported in 2014 will be posted at your mail box bulletin boards. If you have any questions about this article or real estate in
general, feel free to call me. For any questions regarding this article, please contact: Vicki Smith, Broker/Realtor, Victorian Associates—BRE
#01034287, 818-833-4530, fax 818-833-0790