THE ORGANISERS OF IFS BRING YOU… THE 2015 BIG ONE SATURDAY 5TH SEPTEMBER THE ENGLISH INSTITUTE OF SPORT, COLERIDGE ROAD, SHEFFIELD. A full day of world class sessions from our world class presenters and sponsors! BOOK NOW FOR ONLY £30 Book online at… Only £30 if you book before Friday 28th August 2015 and £40 thereafter. CHRYSALIS STEP HALL 09.00 UNTIL 10.00 10.30 UNTIL 11.30 12.00 UNTIL 13.00 14.00 UNTIL 15.00 15.30 UNTIL 16.30 17.00 UNTIL 18.00 REF 100 THE MASTER OF STEP STEVE WATSON CHOICE The Master of step is back again and is expecting you! Join Steve for his Master class taught with logical progressions and then broken down into layered insertions to challenge and amaze you. REF 106 STEP INSPIRATION PAWEL ORACZ CHOICE CHRYSALIS DANCE AEROBICS HALL CHRYSALIS BODY CONDITIONING HALL REF 101 REF 102 AEROBIC FREESTYLE FRENZY RACHEL TUNSTALL CHOICE PLAYFUL MOVEMENT CERI HANNAN CHRYSALIS DANCE STUDIO TEAM ICG® MYRIDE STUDIO REF 103 CHOICE GETFUNKD NIKKIE RIOZZI CHRYSALIS PILATES & MIND/BODY LOUNGE REF 104 CHOICE MYRIDE®+ WORLD TOUR DOYLE ARMSTRONG REF 105 CHOICE Join Rachel for a fast paced freestyle Hi Lo class with logical learning curves and exciting choreography. Be transported through the roads and trails of the world. Tour the globe with Myride®+, the world’s best cycling-specific forward-motion video combined with great music, in an all we have to offer ride around Planet Earth. The ball can make exercises both harder and easier. We will use different techniques to switch on stabilising muscles throughout. Let the ball give you feedback in your movement patterns. Is one side stronger than the other? Ideal for an early morning class packed with ideas and exercises both old and new. REF 107 REF 108 REF 109 REF 110 REF 111 CHOICE KETTLEBELL XTREME STEVE PAYNE CHOICE STREET JAZZ ANASTASIA ALEXANDRIDI CHOICE HIT THE PEAKS JEN WILSON CHOICE BurleX Fitness is the programme that aims to sculpt, tone and fill your participants to the brim with confidence. With the use of props such as chairs, hats and boas you and your participants can shimmy your way through our sexy routines. It’s not just a fitness class; it’s a girl’s night out! Join Steve the master of the Kettlebells in this fun and fast paced cardio kettlebell workout. See how this class can push you and allow you to achieve that three dimensional workout. Love Jazz, love Street dance? This is the session for you! Join Anastasia for a 60 minute dance extravaganza! Are you ready to conquer the hills? Then it’s time to take on this hill interval session to challenge your muscular and mental determination. Be fearless. Be stubborn. Be powerful. Never give up. It’s time to hit the peaks! How hard can it be? REF 112 REF 113 REF 114 REF 115 REF 116 CHOICE HI LO TO GO PETER DRAGOVIC CHOICE P90X - BEACHBODY LIVE RACHEL TUNSTALL CHOICE OLD SKOOL GARAGE JAMZ JO PARRY-ALI CHOICE Brand new styles delivered to you on the magic platform! Beautiful transitions, original methodology and an hour of FUN with Anastasia. Basic Hi Lo elements are combined with smooth dance choreography to bring you an unforgettable experience. Transform your body with P90X LIVE utilising the advance truing technique known as muscle confusion. There is an endless variety of routines to keep you motivated and challenged. If you are an Old Skool Garage music lover then this Garage dance class is for you. We are kicking it with the old skool dance moves and taking a trip down memory lane. Relive the best garage anthems with Jo and get your dancing shoes on! REF 119 REF 120 REF 121 REF 122 STEP FRESH KEITH COLEMAN CHOICE Step fresh is a super fun choreographed step session created by Ireland’s step and aerobics specialist Keith Coleman. Using easy to follow logical progressions and super cool dance moves. If you love freestyle step and dance this session is a must! REF 126 STEP TO THE BEAT PETER DRAGOVIC Join Peter and combine all the classic elements of step into a dynamic breath taking finale! REF 132 STEP INFERNO KEITH COLEMAN HI LO TRIO CERI HANNAN, RACHEL HOLMES & STEVE WATSON CHOICE They’re Back! Join Steve with his legendary choreography mixed with the poise prowess and power of Rachel and the creative genius that is Ceri Hannan! A Hi Lo session you can’t afford to miss! REF 127 CHOICE CLUBBERCISE-HEALTHY CLUBBING EXPERIENCE CLUBBERCISE PRO TEAM CHOICE Dim the lights, slip into something neon and pump up the volume… Clubbercise is a fusion of old skool aerobics and club/street dance moves using flashing glow sticks set to uplifting club anthems from 90’s classics to the latest floorfillers. REF 133 CHOICE Step inferno is the perfect class for all you freestyle step lovers who love to be challenged. Keith creates all his choreography using easy to follow logical progressions, playing with your mind and feet from start to finish. Step Inferno is a little crazy but a whole lot of fun making use of many elements of methodologies from around the world. CHOICE 80s & 90s old skool hip hop vibe class! Jam packed with energy and funky flava! Time to turn up the heat and burn up the dance floor! Join Pawel for a mix of symmetric and asymmetric combinations that will leave you inspired and amazed. STEP IN STYLE ANASTASIA ALEXANDRIDI SMALL BALLS CHERRY BAKER A Primal Movement based class created for Virgin Active SA. The principles are not moving more, faster or stronger – but rather moving better…once we become better we can then move better, faster and stronger. BURLEX FITNESS CLAIRE MCGARRY AERO DANCE PAWEL ORACZ CHOICE An Aerobic dance session for all. See how simple elements of dance can make a difference to your aerobics class. SHREDDED TAKE 2 KELLY REED-BANKS CHOICE JACK YE BODY NIKKIE RIOZZI RIDE POSITION MASTER CLASS DOYLE ARMSTRONG Team ICG® use 9 riding positions derived from the full variety of cycling disciplines. We’ll demonstrate the transfer of these positions from road, mountain, trail, and track into an exciting group cycling environment. RHYTHM RIDER DOYLE ARMSTRONG Get your funk feet ready for this house dance session! Dance with your heart not your head! If you’re looking for a comfort zone this is not the place for you. Every cyclist pedals to a preferred rhythm, whether you’re training for performance or riding to your favourite song. We will ride a variety of stunning terrains using Myride®+, combined with a selection of musical rhythms to test your tempo. Can you keep up? REF 128 REF 129 REF 130 CHOICE LYRICAL DANCE JO PARRY-ALI CHOICE CARNIVAL OF CYCLING JEN WILSON The lyrical lady is back in town with brand new music and amazing new choreography. If you love Jazz then you will love this session! Jo is expecting you! We’re going to recreate the electric atmosphere of the summer festival. Using big beats, heavy baselines, awesome breakdowns, and epic drops from a variety of musical styles we’ll take you on a ride through the sounds of your summer. Be ready for something a little… different. REF 134 REF 135 REF 136 CHOICE A full on extravaganza of hard core training utilising Tri sets, Giant Sets & Pyramid Training protocols which will shape & sculpt the whole mid-section, core, back and glutes in a functional capacity. It’s easy to book online but you can also use this form: For each time slot enter your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices in the white boxes above then complete this form and post to: Chrysalis Promotions Limited, Chrysalis House, 58 Longroyd Grove, Leeds LS11 5HQ COMMERCIAL STREET DANCE HELEN MARTIN CHOICE The commercial dance scene is packed full of sass and attitude, and this class is bursting with both. In this session you will feel ready to take on any stage and work it! It’s fun, fierce and naughty! R ‘N’ R DOYLE ARMSTRONG Experience total body release and alignment with Lydia Campbell’s Trigger Point Pilates workout. THE PPP WORKOUT CHERRY BAKER REF 118 CHOICE This session will give you confirmation of how your classes will help both pelvic and pelvic floor health and function, using a mixture of pelvic floor isolation, pelvic stability and flexibility in compound activities to help both men and women with pelvic floor issues. FREESTYLE FITNESS YOGA STYLING PERFECT POSTURES JAYNE NICHOLLS In FFY “anything is possible”. Jayne will teach you how to perform the perfect Yoga Postures, encouraging you to achieve massive gains in strength, and allowing you to transition with seamless style and elegance. FITNESS PILATES EVOLUTION RACHEL HOLMES CHOICE Join Rachel as she evolves the Fitness Pilates concept, mixing traditional Pilates moves with functional and progressive sequences. This session is aimed at your regular Pilates attendee looking for more challenges and intensity. REF 137 CHOICE What better way to end the day than with a beautiful scenic recovery ride? The session will ease you down, refresh you and start the recovery process actively and early. Using a playlist that will inspire, relax and make you smile. All you need to do is arrive, enjoy, relax and recover. MINDFULNESS CHI WORKOUT LYDIA CAMPBELL CREATING OPTIMAL WELLBEING EMMA LANE CHOICE An introduction to the unique mapping approach Emma has developed that enables you to identify the areas of imbalance in your clients’ lifestyle choices that affect health, wellbeing and happiness. REF 125 CHOICE REF 131 CHOICE PiYo LIVE combines the muscle-sculpting benefits of Pilates with the strength and flexibility advantages of Yoga using just your own body weight. No weights. No jumps. Just hard-core Results! ABDOMINAL REVOLUTION KELLY REED-BANKS CHOICE REF 124 CHOICE This session is designed to make you SHRED body fat! It uses the principals of interval training using parts of the body against each other. It’s Hard but it works! PIYO LIVE - BEACHBODY LIVE RACHEL TUNSTALL BE KIND TO YOUR BODY - DISCOVER FASCIA FOR FITNESS LYDIA CAMPBELL REF 117 CHOICE REF 123 CHOICE INTEGRATIVE HEALTH EDUCATION LECTURE ROOM CHOICE End the day with Lydia Campbell in a total relaxing, fascia stretching and releasing session that will balance your body and mind entering into the meditative alpha state leaving you refreshed and lighter. HOLISTIC APPROACHES TO A FULLY FUNCTIONAL GUT EMMA LANE CHOICE An introduction to common gastrointestinal issues and how they can affect a client’s training response and lead to other health issues. You will gain diagnostic knowledge and learn holistic solutions. THIS YEARS PRESENTERS ARE… A. Alexandridi Doyle Armstrong Cherry Baker Lydia Campbell Keith Coleman Peter Dragovic Ceri Hannan Rachel Holmes Emma Lane Helen Martin Claire McGarry Jayne Nicholls Pawel Oracz Jo Parry-Ali Steve Payne Kelly Reed Banks Nikkie Riozzi Sonique Smith Rachel Tunstall Steve Watson Jen Wilson Date: Name: Address: Post Code: Telephone: Email: Amount Paid By Cheque / Card: Card Type: Card No: Name On Card: Valid From Date: Valid Till Date: Issue No: Security Code: For more info call 0113 277 3885 or 07969 729836 or e-mail: Book online at… Only £30 if you book before Friday 28th August 2015 and £40 thereafter.
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