Childhood Obesity Definition—Obesity results when a child consumes more calories than the child uses. It is a serious health concern for children and adolescents.1 Trends in Childhood1 Over the past three decades, childhood obesity rate has: more than doubled for preschool children aged 2-5 years and adolescents aged 12-19 years more than tripled for children aged 6-11 years Children & Diabetes (Type 2) Most often occurs in the 2nd decade of life– mean age ~35 yrs2 Who it affects:2 Black African Descent, Native North American, Hispanic (especially Mexican-American), Asian, Native Pacific Islanders Today, approximately nine million children over 6 years of age are considered obese2 BMI (Body Mass Index– can be calculated using height and weight) is above the 85th percentile for age and sex2 Incidence of obesity among children between 6 to 11 years of age increased from 65% in 1980 to 196% in 2008 In greater than 75% of cases diagnosed in the USA, there is a 1st or 2nd degree relative with Type 2 Diabetes2 Incidence of obesity among adolescents between 12 to 19 years of age increased from 50% to 181% In 2000, about 30% of boys and 40% of girls born in the US are at risk for being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes at some point in their lives2 They are more likely than children of normal weight to become overweight or obese adults In newly diagnosed diabetic children, 8% to 50% have Type 2 Diabetes 3 Consequences of Childhood Obesity1 The population of children with Type 2 Diabetes is expected to grow and to mirror the current obesity epidemic3 Contributing Factors to Obesity1 Behavioral Factors Energy Intake - excessive consumption of food, frequent snacking, and consuming sugar beverages contributes to excess energy intake Physical Activity - affects body weight, blood pressure and bone strength Sedentary Behavior - Studies have found viewing television has increased prevalence of obesity in children Media, specifically television viewing, may: displace time children spend in physical activities contribute to increased energy consumption through excessive snacking and eating meals in front of the TV Physical complications: Type 2 diabetes influence children to make unhealthy food choices through exposure to food advertisements Heart Disease High cholesterol and high blood pressure Genetic Factors Asthma and other breathing problems Does not contribute unless environmental and behavioral factors also exist Sleep disorders Degeneration of cartilage and bone of joints Early puberty or menstruation Environmental Factors Children are likely to develop habits similar to their parents Social and emotional complications: Low self-esteem and bullying Behavior and learning problems Retrieved from Microsoft Word Clip Art Schools provide an ideal setting to adapt healthy eating and physical activity behaviors Revised on 12/1/2010 Exercise Recommendations for Children1 Children and adolescents should do 1 hour or more of physical activity that includes aerobic activity, muscle and bone strengthening everyday Aerobic activity Brisk walking Running, swimming Muscle Strengthening Gymnastics Push-ups Hiking Bone Strengthening Jumping rope Running Prevention of Childhood Obesity5 Infants: Childhood obesity begins in infancy: A positive feeding relationship between the parents and the baby is important Breast fed infants have more control and will stop feeding when they feel are full7 You can over feed with bottle feeding Toddlers: Limit bottle use Offer 2% milk at meals After the age of 2 offer juice as a snack, and water for thirst6 Parents must model what they expect their child to eat Serve small portions of nutritious foods as healthy snacks When the child refuses to eat what is served, do not provide an alternative Preschool: Role model healthy food choices Do not use food as a reward Do not severely restrict sweets Encourage physical activity using activities that the child enjoys Limit television to 2 hours a day School Age: Nutrition Recommendations5 Prepare healthy balanced meals Use child-sized portions not adult-sized portions Limit going back for seconds after meals Choose healthy snacks: fruits, yogurt, granola, baby carrots Limit unhealthy snacking: chips, candy, cookies, pastries Retrieved from Microsoft Word Clip Art Treatment9 Most intervention programs should focus on self-management of eating habits and weight loss Bariatric Surgery as a treatment option for children who are morbidly obese Adolescents with a BMI of 35 and associated health problems should be considered for treatment Limit high calorie foods and provide plenty of fruits and vegetables Avoid high fat fast food Eat meals together at home Limit television, video games, and computer time to a total no more than 2 hours a day Encourage physical activity that increases the interaction between parents and children like bike riding Give choices of different physical activities 7 Do not eat meals and snacks in front of the television By: Stephanie Marmolejo SPT, Magnolia Dela Cruz SPT, Desiree Munoz SPT. University of Texas at El Paso Physical Therapy Program References: 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Retrieved at: http://wwwcdcgov/HealthyYouth/obesity/indexhtm Accessed August 31, 2010 2 Ebbeling CB, Pawlak DB, Ludwig DS Childhood obesity: public health crisis, common sense cure Lancet 2002;360: 473-482 Retrieved at http://wwwmjacomau/public/issues/182_03_070205/bat10421_fmhtml Accessed August 31, 2010 3 Rosenbloom AL,Silverstein JH, Amemiya S, Zeitler P and Klingensmith GJ Type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents Pediatr Diabetes2009;10: 17–32 Accessed September 1, 2010 at wwwispadorg 4 Must A and Anderson SE Effects of Obesity on Morbidity in Children and AdolescentsNutr Clin Care 2003;6:4-12 Accessed September 1,2010 at UTEP library online 5 MacKenzie N Childhood obesity: strategies for prevention Pediatric Nursing 2000;26(5):527-530cc 6 Satter E How to get your child to eat…but not too much Palo Alto, CA: Bull Publishing Company 1987 7 Strauss R Childhood obesity Current Problems in Pediatrics1999;29(3):4-29 8 Birch L, Fisher J Development of eating behaviors among children and adolescents Pediatrics 1998;101:539-549 9 Henry L Childhood obesity: what can be done to help today’s youth? Pediatric Nursing 2005;31(1):13-25 http://opayaleedu/news/articleaspx?id=6395 Revised on 12/1/2010
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