Tackling Childhood Obesity in Europe through Prevention and Partnership Thursday 16st April 2015 Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre, Brussels Tackling Childhood Obesity in Europe through Prevention and Partnership Overview Why Attend? The rise in childhood obesity has become a major public health concern in Europe, reaching the proportions of an epidemic. According to the World Health Organisation, one in three 6 to 9 year-olds is overweight or obese across Europe, while each year around 7% of national health budgets across the EU are spent on diseases linked to obesity. 99 D iscuss current EU policy initiatives and priorities, and the need for a continent-wide framework for breaking the cycle of obesity in Europe Mainly caused by poor diets and lack of physical activity, childhood obesity is likewise linked to several interrelated factors ranging from affordability and availability of healthy/unhealthy foods, media and marketing messages to children, as well as the lack of safe play spaces and the appeal of digital entertainment. Thus, community-based prevention approaches, which take into account every aspect of the environment in which children are born and raised, can contribute to reducing the risk of becoming overweight or obese. In turn, children would have less chance of facing health and psychological problems later in life. The EU has an important role to play in dealing with these challenges through its public health, education and consumer policies. As part of its strategy on nutrition and physical activity, the European Commission launched a new EU Action Plan on Childhood Obesity in 2014. During the same year, the World Health Organisation adopted the new European Food and Nutrition Action Plan 2015-2020, signalling a renewed effort to promote good nutrition among infants and children. This timely international symposium aims to reignite the debate about an EU-wide strategy to tackle the issue of childhood obesity, evaluate current frameworks for action, assess the latest institutional developments and review the most relevant evidence-based interventions to promote healthy diets and physical activity aimed at preventing obesity. The symposium will provide a platform to discuss a better European regulatory framework, support the exchange of ideas and encourage delegates to engage in thought-provoking topical debate whilst sharing best practices and lessons learnt. Being overweight in childhood increases the risk of developing chronic diseases later in life, including type 2 diabetes. The upward trend of childhood obesity threatens to overwhelm our healthcare systems in the decades to come. (…) The reduction of obesity can only be achieved if we all continue working together.” - Tonio Borg, Former European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy, June 2013 Childhood obesity is not just the result of lifestyle choices. It is driven by trans generational, biological and environmental issues beyond the child’s control. For environmental issues, efforts need to focus on factors that influence the dietary and physical activity patterns of children and their parents. (…) Ending childhood obesity is one of the most complex health challenges facing the international community during this century. If we get the answers right, and get governments to do the right things, we will likely be better placed to tackle other risk factors and their health consequences. “ - Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of the World Health Organization, January 2015 Venue and Accommodation Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre Avenue du Boulevard 17 1210 Brussels Belgium 99 E xamine the progress, challenges and next steps in tackling obesity and explore ways to encourage healthy lifestyle habits in every child 99 H ighlight the importance of physical activity and community-based approaches in combating obesity 99 A nalyse and learn from examples of best practice in different Member States and establish recommendations for future actions Who Should Attend? • P ublic Health Practitioners • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Health Promotion Practitioners Child Health Visitors Family Nurse Partnerships General Practitioners Local Authority Officers and Councillors Central Government Departments and Agencies Heads of Children’s Services and Teams Pre-School, Infant School, Primary and Secondary School Head Teachers and Staff School Nurses Health Service Professionals Youth Services Leisure Services Food and Drinks Industry Professionals Midwives Maternity Care and Midwifery Organisations Maternity Support Workers NHS Training Departments Parent Participation Teams Parental Engagement Teams Paediatricians Teenage Pregnancy Coordinators and Advisors Local Pregnancy Advisory Services Heads of Early Years Play Groups Social Workers and Social Services Officers Family Planning Clinics Integrated Disabled Services Local Education Authorities Safeguarding Children Teams and Local Safeguarding Boards Voluntary and Community Organisations Third Sector Practitioners and Organisations Trade Unions Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Practitioners Academics and Researchers Enquiries: 0845 606 1535 www.publicpolicyexchange.co.uk @PublicPolicyEx Tackling Childhood Obesity in Europe through Prevention and Partnership Programme Event Details 09:15 Registration and Morning Refreshments 10:00 Chair’s Welcome and Opening Remarks Date: Thursday 16st April 2015 Time: 10:00am – 4:30pm Venue: Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre, Brussels 10:10 Actions on Childhood Obesity at EU Level: Towards Healthier Lifestyles through Integrated Policy-Making • Current trends in Diet and Physical Activity: Collecting and Analysing Data Across Europe • Understanding the EU Action Plan on Childhood Obesity (2014-2020) • Good Practices and Actions in Nutrition and Physical Activity: Insights from WHO European Food and Nutrition Action Plan 2015-2020 • Future Challenges and Solutions in Tackling Childhood Obesity 10:40 First Round of Discussions 11:10 Morning Coffee Break 11:30Supporting a Healthy Start in Life: Prevention in the Early Years • Promoting Healthier Environments in School: Learning Healthy Diets and Lifestyle Habits Early On • Understanding the Link between Obesity and Psychological Health • Increasing Health Literacy in the Early Years: Reaching Disadvantaged Groups • Sharing Best Practice 12:00 Second Round of Discussions 12:30 Networking Lunch 13:30Encouraging Physical Activity as a Means to Combat Obesity • Increasing the Attractiveness of Sports and Healthy Lifestyles: Using Innovative Solutions and Digital Technologies • Adapting the Design and Layout of Urban Areas to Physical Activity Needs • Promoting Physical Activity at Local Level • Example of Best Practice 14:00 Third Round of Discussions 14:30 Afternoon Coffee Break 14:50Cross-Border and Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships across the EU • Discussing the Role of Civil Society, the Media and Industry • Providing Better Information on Food Products: Promoting Responsible Marketing and Advertising • Encouraging the Healthy Choice. Understanding the Impact of Food Advertising on Children’s Food Choices • Conclusions and Recommendations 15:20 Fourth Round of Discussions 15:50 Chair’s Summary and Closing Comments 16:00 Networking Reception 16:30 Close Marketing and Exhibition Opportunities We offer a range of opportunities to enable your organisation to raise its profile and communicate with key decision makers in the public sector. Speakers Include: 99 Dr Roberto Bertollini, Chief Scientist and WHO Representative to the EU, World Health Organization Forthcoming Events 99 S upporting Cultural and Creative Industries in Europe: Towards Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth 18th February 2015 99 O ccupational Health and Safety in Europe: Fostering Healthy Workplaces for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth 24th February 2015 99 E liminating Domestic Violence in Europe: Implementing Strategies for Protection and Prevention 25th February 2015 99 T he World’s Top Destination: Driving Sustainable and Competitive Tourism Across Europe 17th March 2015 99 P lugging the Sustainability Gap: Boosting the Electric Vehicle Market in Europe 18th March 2015 99 E mployment and Social Inclusion in Europe: Ways Forward for the Young Jobless Generation 24th March 2015 99 A ctive, Healthy Ageing in the EU: Transforming Care, Growing the Silver Economy 21st April 2015 For further information please contact us on +44 (0) 20 3137 8630 or email info@publicpolicyexchange.co.uk Enquiries: 0845 606 1535 www.publicpolicyexchange.co.uk @PublicPolicyEx
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